Providing additional resources for The Narrow Path Ministries | "Showing how to think, not what to think - about the Bible."

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Date Topic Audio
2020-5-07 God Seems Evil in the Old Testament: Some Old Testament passages make God sound really evil, particularly when he has people massacred or annihilated. How come God just doesn't do it himself?
2020-5-07 God Sends Evil Spirit: When the Bible says that God sent an evil spirit, how do you understand that and harmonize that with a good God? [I Kings 22:22, Job 1, I Samuel 16, Judges 6-9, Judges 9:23].
2020-5-07 Quenching and Grieving the Holy Spirit: Would you talk about the meaning of quenching and grieving the spirit?[Ephesians 4:30, I Thessalonians 5:19, Isaiah 63:10]
2020-5-07 Seared Conscience: When scripture speaks of people who are seared, are they believers? [I Timothy 4:2].
2020-5-06 Revelation-Trumpets & Bowls of Wrath: Could you help me sort out the 7th Trumpet and the bowls of wrath and how it relates to the Second Coming? [Revelation 11, Revelation 16].
2020-5-06 Penal Substitution, Required Payment, Parable of Unjust Servant: Would you comment on Penal Substitution-the idea of God requiring payment for the forgiving of sins and its relationship to the parable of the unjust servant? Why could He have just not forgiven without requiring payment? [2 Corinthians 5:19, Luke 16:1-13, Titus 1:2, Romans 3:25f].
2020-5-06 Hearing the Holy Spirit & His Direction: Do you have any suggestion as to how know or recognize the leading of the spirit of God? [Romans 8, Psalm 23, Colossians 3:15, John 10:27].
2020-5-06 Take up Your Cross: How do we know what our cross is? Does the cross we are to take up, stay the same each day, or does it change each day? [Luke 9:23].
2020-5-06 Fulfillment of the Coming Kingdom: Jesus said he would not take of the vine before the fulfillment of the Kingdom, but Peter says they ate and drank together. Is this proving the fulfillment that the Kingdom had come? [Luke 22:18, Acts 2:41].
2020-5-06 Moses a Jew or Hebrew: Moses didn't call himself a Jew, but called himself a Hebrew, right? [Genesis 14:13].
2020-5-06 The Chosen People: Were the chosen people the Hebrews or the Jews?
2020-5-06 Christians Facing Difficult & Challenging Times: What should Christians, who are facing difficult times and low prospects for employment, be thinking and doing according to scripture? [2 Thessalonians 3:10].
2020-5-06 Using Social Media: Should Christians use social media to respond to political and social issues?
2020-5-06 Fig Tree Illustration & Meaning in Scripture: What does the story mean about the fig tree that is cursed to never produce fruit again? [Luke 13, Mark 11:12-14].
2020-5-06 Path of Maturing in the Lord: As you grow and mature in your walk with God and knowledge of the Bible, does the path naturally take you to different denominations and fellowships? [Matthew 11:29-30].
2020-5-06 Steve Gregg & His Leaving Baptist Denomination: What caused you to switch from being a Baptist? And what denomination did you shift to afterward?
2020-5-06 Jesus' Murder as an Offering & Salvation: The idea that Jesus had to be murdered in order to make salvation a way for us, doesn't make sense. Can you defend that?
2020-5-05 King James Only Response: What would you suggest as being the best source for responding to the King James Only group?
2020-5-05 Unicorns in the Bible: Could you tell me what the Hebrew word translated as unicorn for the animal is that is being referred to in the Bible as a unicorn?
2020-5-05 Joab & David's Strained Relationship: Can you shed light on why it seems that Joab, David's friend, isn't treated as well by David, and is ultimately cursed? [Hebrews 11, 2 Samuel 3].
2020-5-05 Law Regarding Calling Oneself the "Son of God": Did the Jews have a law against anyone saying they are "the son of God" [John 19:7].
2020-5-05 Millennium in Revelation: Doesn't Revelation talk about the millennium pretty clearly? If so, how do you see that? [Revelation 20, Luke 10].
2020-5-05 Steve Gregg's Shift to Amillennialism: Could you give me a couple of scriptures that helped to shift your thinking to Amillennialism?
2020-5-05 No One Has Ascended to Heaven: Could you explain John 3:13 when it says that no one has ascended into heaven? [John 3:13, I Thessalonians 4].
2020-5-05 Modern Day Israel Judged in 70AD: If God's judgment of Israel was in 70AD, how is it that they are back in the land without repentance?
2020-5-05 Job Knew of Heaven: Since Job said he was going to his long home? [Job 7:10]
2020-5-05 Kingdom of Heaven & Birds in the Trees: You are mistaken about the definition of the birds in the trees and the kingdom of heaven? [Matthew 25:34, Matthew 19:23-24]
2020-5-05 Defining the meaning of "Last Days" by Scripture: Can you help me how the scriptures be understood differently than relative to the end times? [Isaiah 2:2, Isaiah 11, Isaiah 35, Isaiah 42, Isaiah 54, Micah 4:1-4, Ezekiel 39, Joel 2:28, Hebrews l:1, I John 2:18, James 5:3, I Peter 1:20, Hebrews 12:22, I Corinthians 10:11].
2020-5-05 The Lord's Prayer & The Kingdom: Could you talk about praying that "thy kingdom come" in the Lord's prayer, in the light of the concept that the kingdom has already come? [Mark 4:26-29].
2020-5-04 Bible Restrictions in the Future: Do you think that one day we will need to know the scripture by heart, as we may no longer have access?
2020-5-04 Memorizing the Bible: Should I re-memorize books of the Bible in a newer translation?
2020-5-04 Teaching the Book of James to Children: Is James a good book to start with when teaching children the Bible?
2020-5-04 Verses of Comfort for Those with PTSD: Could you share some verses of comfort that might help with PTSD? Would Jeremiah 29:11 be helpful? [Jeremiah 29:11, Joshua 1:7, Hebrews 12, Psalm 34, Psalm 37, Psalm 103:1-15].
2020-5-04 Memorizing the Bible: Comment; Should Christians find 65 friends and each memorize a book of the Bible, then we would have it when in prison together.
2020-5-04 The Imagination: What do you think about one using their imagination?
2020-5-04 Hell-Conditional Immortality & Universal Reconciliation (Restoration): How does the view of Conditional Immortality align or differ from the Universal Reconciliation (Restoration} view in regard to the punishment?
2020-5-04 Hell-Conditional Immortality: Does your understanding of the Conditional Immortality allow for only a brief period of suffering?
2020-5-04 Using Eastern Influenced Tai Chi Practice for Health: Having just recovered from COVID-19, I need to gain some strength back. Is it outside biblical guidelines to use Tai Chi?
2020-5-04 Tongues as a Known Language: Is tongues in the book of Acts at Pentecost a known language? [Acts 2, Acts 10, Acts 19, I Corinthians 14, Jude 1:20].
2020-5-04 Tongues as an Unknown Language: Where in scripture can you make a case for speaking in tongues being an unknown language, pehaps that of angels? [I Corinthians 14:2 & 13].
2020-5-04 Judging Selves & Others: Is there a contradiction about judging oneself and others in I Corinthians? [I Corinthians 4:1-5, I Corinthians 2:15, I Corinthians 5:3-12, I Corinthians 6:2-5, I Corinthians 10:15, I Corinthians 11:13, I Corinthians 13:31, I Corinthians 14:29, John 7:24].
2020-5-04 Cherubim in Ezekiel Compared to Revelation: The Cherubim in Ezekiel that have four faces seems to reflect Jesus as Messiah and the four gospels - is that intentional? [Ezekiel 10, Revelation 4].
2020-5-04 Baptism Required: The book of Mark seems to suggest that believers must be baptized, so is it required for salvation? [Mark 46:9-20].
2020-5-01 Good Fruit From False Teachers & Prophets: If good fruit can't come from a bad tree, then how can good things come from false religions, teachers, and prophets, like Joseph Smith? [Matthew 7:15-18, I John 1:3, Deuteronomy 13:2, 2 Peter 2, James 3:2].
2020-5-01 Elementary Principles of the Faith & Going On to Perfection : What is meant by the word "perfection" in the discussion in Hebrews 6 (about the priesthood, maturity, and the elementary principles of the faith)? [Hebrews 6:1, Hebrews 5:12-6, Colossians 3:14, 1 Corinthians 3:1-10].
2020-5-01 Pandemic COVID-19 a Judgment: Is the pandemic of COVID-19 a judgment on America for all the outrageous sin in the recent decades?
2020-5-01 Everlasting Meaning Forever-or Not: If the term "everlasting" is the same word used in the verse about everlasting life and everlasting punishment, how can the meaning be different in one case, and not the other? [Matthew 25:46].
2020-5-01 The Meaning of Everlasting: Does it not detract from the meaning of our insight into eternity to have the meaning questioned? [Matthew 25:46, Ezekiel 18:4, Ecclesiastes 12:7].
2020-5-01 Old Covenant Israelites Restoration to God: How do the Israelites who were cut-off in the Old Covenant, come back to be restored to God in the last days, especially if they don't know they are Jewish? [Hebrews 8:13, John 8:37-40].
2020-5-01 Prayer Required for Fulfillment of God's Promises: Would you comment on whether we have to pray for God's promises to be fulfilled? [Jeremiah 18:8, Daniel 9, Acts 4, Psalm 2].