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Topic: Bad (Things, Behavior, People)

Showing 1 to 47 of 47.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-05-07 Mental Illness: Regarding both your comments and MacArthur's about mental illness, do you think that a Christian shouldn't have anxiety and depression?
2024-04-05 Someone Who is Hostile: What should I do if someone is really hostile to me and now I am avoiding him? I feel as though it is harming my prayer and spiritual life. [Luke 6:20, Matthew 5:44-45, John 15:18-27].
2024-03-19 Christians Behaving Badly: Do you think that sometimes Christians use the "we don't really know their hearts" as a way to excuse their behavior? [Matthew 12:34, Luke 6:45, Mark 7:21, Matthew 7:17-18, Romans 7:23, Matthew 18:17].
2024-02-06 God's Wrath: How is God's wrath revealed? [Romans 1:18-24, 2 Thessaloninas 2:10].
2024-01-16 Matthew 24 "Days of Noah": Clarification of Matthew 24's "as in the days of Noah" referring to the normal activities of life, rather than the more common suggestion that would be paralleled to the evil activities in that culture at that time. [1 Thessalonians 5:3, Matthew 24:37-39].
2023-12-22 God of this World: Who is the "God of this World?"[2 Corinthians 4:4]
Mean Christian Preaching: What about Christians who go around telling people they are going to hell?
2023-12-19 Wicked Nation of Israel: Doesn't your description of the wicked nation of Israel fit right in with Dispensationalism?
2023-11-15 Disciplining the Mentally Ill: How do we discipline those who are mentally ill in church? [Titus 3:10].
2023-09-29 "Acts" or "Works" of the Flesh: Why is the word used "acts" or "works" in the flesh, whereas when speaking of the spirit, the word used is "fruit?" [Galatians 5:19-26, Ephesians 2:8-10].
2023-09-29 Righteous Hatred: Could you elaborate on "righteous hatred?" [Psalm 139:22].
2023-09-12 Great White Throne Judgment: Does the "Great White Throne Judgment" happen for all people? [Revelation 20:11ff, Matthew 25:31].
Amilliennial View of the Future: Which events are still to come in the Amillennial view of end times? [Revelation 11:1-14, Revelation 20, Revelation 21].
Mental Illness & Scripture: What do you think about mental illness relative to scripture? Rec topical lectures; "Biblical Counsel for a Change."
2023-08-07 Working Out Our Own Salvation: Could you help me understand what seems like a contradiction between "working out your own salvation" and "justified by faith" or the "gift" of salvation? [Philippians 2:12, 2 Corinthians 3:18, Titus 2:13-14, 2 Peter 1:4].
Smoking Cigarettes (and Other Bad Habits): Is a believer who still smokes cigarettes working out their salvation?
2023-05-16 "The Sin" & "the Sinner": Are "sins" separate from "the sinner" as in the phrase "Love the sinner, hate the sin." [Romans 5:8].
God Loves & Hates: Can God love and hate at the same time? [John 15:13].
2023-05-03 Evil Roots of All: Doesn't scripture imply that we have to do something evil to be evil and not that we are naturally evil from the beginning? [Psalm 51:4, 1 John 3:7, John 8:44, Genesis 6:5, Jeremiah 17:9-10].
2023-04-25 Spiritual Adultery: Does "spiritual adultery" occur when a married couple separate emotionally-no longer engaging one another? [1 Corinthians 7:12-15].
2023-01-31 Overcoming General Revulsion at Any Religion: How does one let go of the revulsion at all religion once you have had bad experiences in a Christian group? [1 Thessalonians 5:21].
2023-01-27 Webpages with Nude Photos of One's Wife: Is it grounds for divorce if a woman opened a webpage that has nude photos of herself on it as a money-making project?
Bad Friends, Bad Influence: Should a husband require his wife get rid of bad friends who are influencing his wife to do bad behaviors (pornographic images)? [1 Corinthians 15:33].
2023-01-25 Marriage (Scriptural Direction): Could you help me figure out how to confront difficulties in marriage scripturally? Should we use Galatians 6 and Matthew 18? [Galatians 6, Matthew 18:16-17].
Church Counseling for Marriage: How should the church be helping and counseling us in our marriage, according to scripture, regardless of whether we are official members of the church? [Matthew 18].
2023-01-23 Difficulty with Forgiveness: Could you advise me on how to forgive a really terrible and violent family member, as I seem to no longer be able to do it? [Matthew 6:15, Mark 11:25, Luke 17:3].
2023-01-18 Origin of Demons: Are there two options for the origin of demons-fallen angels or a Pre-Adamic race?
2022-12-30 Human Sacrifices in the Bible: Could you help me answer questions about human sacrifices in the Old Testament? Recommended topical lectures; "Authority of Scripture." and Steve's books-2 vol set, "Empire of the Risen Son." [Jude 1:4, Romans 15:4].
2022-12-15 Describing Demons & Monsters: How would you describe demons to a child? How do we recognize them? Recommended topical lecture; "Spiritual Warfare"-lecture; "Demom Possession." [1 Timothy 4:1, John 8:44].
2022-09-20 Bad Government Officials: If everyone in government is place by God how can we reconcile bad government officials like now and Hitler, unless it is a judgment of God? [Romans 13:1, Hosea 8:4, I Peter 2:12-13, Daniel 2:21].
2022-09-06 Seven Commands of Jesus: Have you heard of the "Seven Commands of Jesus" and the necessity of obedience?
The Gospel: Would the "Seven Commands of Jesus" be the gospel?
Steve Gregg Teaching Certain Doctrines: Caller comments that he appreciates the way Steve doesn't teach specific doctrines . Steve corrects and clarifies his position about denominational doctrines, etc. [TItus 2:1, I Timothy 1:9].
2022-08-30 Toxic Relationship with Parents: How do I deal with a toxic and hostile relationship with my parents (with whom I live)? [Ephesians 6:1, I Peter 2:18].
2022-06-30 Dogs Outside the City: Who are the "dogs" outside the city? If they are bad people, then why are they outside the city, instead of in the Lake of Fire? [Revelation 22:18].
2022-06-08 Atheist; Appalling Christian Behavior: Atheist; What do you think is the responsibility of real Christians to speak about about appalling behaviors of those that call themselves Christians? [John 8:31, I Corinthians 6:20].
2022-04-08 Submission to Government Authority: How can it be that someone like Adolph Hitler could be a government official ordained by God? [Romans 13:1-4, Romans 1:25, 2 Corinthians 10:13, 1 Peter 2:13-14].
2022-04-05 Imprecatory Prayers-Against Evil Doers: Is there scripture that talks about God's pain when things like war and other evils take place,, and how we should be praying? [Psalm 109:8].
2022-03-21 Demon Possession of those Trying to Kill Jesus: How did the evil people trying to kill the Lord avoid being demon possessed?
2022-03-04 Warning Against Adultery: Is the warning against adultery about committing adultery in one's heart specifically directed only to men, and does that still apply today? [Matthew 5:28].
Warning Against Lust in the Heart: Is there an overall principle against malevolence in the teaching of looking upon a woman with lust in the Sermon on the Mount? [Matthew 5:28, I John 3:15].
2022-03-02 God's Intervention to Prevent Evil: Why did not God prevent such a tragic event in the news?
2022-02-11 After the Demon Leaves: What does it mean when scriptures says the house is clean and swept, following the departure of a demon? [Luke 11:25, Matthew 12:44-45].
2022-02-09 Name Calling in Politics: Would you agree that it is inappropriate to call Democrats and Nancy Pelosi names? [Luke 6:28, Matthew 5:44].
2022-01-26 Christians Who Do Bad Things: Can we really separate our actions from who we really are? Can Christians be evil? [Jeremiah 24:8-10, Luke 18:19, Mark 10:18, James 3:2, 1 John 3:6-7].
2021-09-28 Christian Counseling & Mental Health Issues: As a person who suffers from O.C.D., I am going through your lecture "Biblical Counsel for a Change", what can I do to avoid taking medications, etc.?
2021-01-20 New & Old Testament Comment: Caller comments on Bible study and relates the New to the Old Testament, and how one helps each to understand the other.
Handling Thoughtless People: How would Jesus handle really thoughtless people with whom you have to continually interact?
2020-06-09 Rude & Opinionated Bible Teacher: If a Bible teacher is being rude, and not allowing alternate views to be considered, what would the Bible instruct?
2020-05-12 Born Again & Sinlessness: I don't seem to understand what it means to be born again, because the Bible says you won't sin. Can you help me know how to accomplish this? [I John 3:9].
Confessing Your Sins to One Another: Every time we sin we are supposed to confess to our brother, so so I have to go do that all that time? [James 5:16].
Christ in Me Should not Allow Sin in Me: If I have Christ in me, how can I still sin? Am I not to overcome the devil? It is really hard! [Galatians 5:17, Philippians 3, I John 1:9, Ephesians 1:7, Matthew 23, Matthew 11:29, Matthew 26:41].
2017-07-05 God Bringing Good & Bad: Does God create good & bad, create terrible things & cause them to happen? [Jeremiah 29:11-12]
Knowing God's Ways: We can't know God ways, is that true?
2015-03-13 King Solomon: Would you say King Solomon died saved or unsaved? [1 Kings 1-12, Ecclesiastes 12]
God allowing bad things to occur: God doesn't do bad things to us, but does He allow bad things to happen to us? [Hebrews 12]
2013-05-31 Calling Someone "Fool": Could you talk about the apparent contradiction of using the word "fool" when addressing another? [Matthew 5:22, Matthew 23:19, Matthew 7:12, Matthew 5:42, Luke 6:30].
2013-04-25 Discipline of a Parent: How would one bring church discipline against a parent according to Matthew 18? [Matthew 18].
Jesus as God: Is Jesus God? If so, what is the connection between Him and God? Was He praying to Himself? [Genesis 1:1].
2013-03-18 Satan's Attacks & Mental Illness: Since Satan is not omnipresent, isn't it a mistake to claim you are being attacked by him, personally, especially in light of the fact mental illness can often be explained? [James 1:15, Matthew 12:26, I Timothy 4:1].
2013-02-28 What is Sinful (Good & Bad)?:: What is it in my own being that is good or sinful? [Romans 3:23, Luke 10:27, Mark 12:30].
2013-02-04 Women Having Authority over a Man: What do you think about women having authority over men? [1 Timothy 2:12]
Women Silent in Church: What does it mean when scripture says women shouldn't talk at church? [1 Corinthians 14:34-35].
2012-01-10 Martin Luther's Horrible Views: What about Martin Luther's horrible views against the peasant revolt and Romans 13? [Romans 13:1-4].
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