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<< June 2013 View all months August 2013 >>

July 01, 2013

   Amillennial View of the 70 Weeks: Does an Amillennialist take the 70 weeks in Daniel literally or symbolically? [Daniel 9, Jeremiah 31, Romans 11]

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   Finding Lectures at The Narrow Path website: Where is the verse-by-verse for the Gospel of Luke? (At, under the tab, "verse-by-verse" and also under the topical tab; "Life of Christ").

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   Demonic Pagan gods: Are the pagan gods just idols or is there real demonic power behind them? [1 Corinthians 10:20, Deuteronomy 32:17]
Hindu Gods: Do the Hindu gods have demonic forces behind them?

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   Unity of Beliefs: Why is there so little unity on difficult biblical scriptures and doctrines? Doesn't it cause people to be skeptical of Christianity. [Daniel 9:27]

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   Bursts of Anger: Is it possible that a lady who just erupts in bursts of anger swearing at Jesus could be demon-possessed?
Exorcizing Demons: Is there an effective way to get rid of demons if someone is possessed?

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   God's Foreknowledge, Sovereignty & Free Will: How do we have free will if God knows everything that's going to be happening in the future? [Psalms 139:14, Revelation 13:8]

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July 02, 2013

   The Rechabites' Obedience: What is going on with the Rechabites' refusal to drink wine in Jeremiah 35? [Jeremiah 35:6]

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   Jesus' Glorified Body: Why didn't Jesus appear in His glorified body after His resurrection as He had appeared glorified during the Transfiguration?
Jesus' Post-Resurrection 40 Days: Why were there no records of Jesus' teachings during the 40 days after His resurrection?

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   Mental Adultery: When is a person guilty of adultery? Is in it thought or does it require an action? What is considered stepping over the line? [Matthew 5:28, James 1:12-15]

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   Gay Marriage: When did we, as a country, lose the battle to the point where gay marriage is acceptable?
Judicial Rulings: It seems we are no longer a democracy or a republic because laws are being legislated from the bench.
Tower of Babel & America: Do you think we are becoming like the Tower of Babel (Sodom & Gomorrah)?

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   Business & Debt: Caller is concerned about commerce and being in debt.

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   Homosexuality-Truth vs.Lies: Caller is concerned about people becoming homosexuals.

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July 03, 2013

   Women Prophesying & Preaching: Why the apparent contradiction about what women can do in ministry? [1 Corinthians 11, 1 Timothy 2]

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   "One Taken, One Left Behind": Does the passage about "one taken, one left behind" have anything to do with the "secret" rapture? [Matthew 24:36-41, Luke 17:31-37, Psalm 91:7]

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   Literature from the Narrow Path: Caller wanted to know if The Narrow Path ministry sends literature out to people who don't have computers.
"Plain Truth" Magazine: Are you familiar with the "Plain Truth" magazine?
Make & Create: Is there a difference between "make" & "create"?

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   Forgiveness: Caller gives definition of Forgiveness, "I give up my right to punish you". How does that square up with Jesus forgiving us? Aren't even the righteous going to be punished?

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   Christian without the Discipleship: Can you be a Christian without being a disciple?

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   "All Thing Are Lawful To Me": When Paul said, "All things are lawful to me", what does he mean? [1 Corinthians 6:9-12, 1 Corinthians 10:23]

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   "Mountain, Be Thou Removed": What does this verse mean about being able to move mountains? [Matthew 17:20, Matthew 21:21, Mark 11:22-24]

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July 05, 2013

   Hell-Universal Reconciliation: Does the view of "Universal Reconciliation" mean that one is virtually saved by one works, or by how they pay for their sins?
Parable of the 10 Virgins & Hell: Does the "Parable of the 10 Virgins" disprove "Universal Reconciliation?" [Matthew 25].
Sheep & the Goats & Hell: Does the parable of the "Sheep & Goats" disprove "Universal Reconciliation"? [Matthew 25:31-46].

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   Ethnic Israel & Eternal Security: Is the reason Dispensationalists are so adamant about God never giving up on ethnic Israel because they are fearful of Eternal Security (Once Saved, Always Saved) not being true?
Meaning of "Jew": Does "Jew" mean "praise of God"?

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   Shepherd's Chapel & Serpernt-Seed Doctrine: Can you tell me about Arnold Murray of Shepherd's Chapel & the Serpent-Seed doctrine?
Secret Rapture: Is there a (secret) rapture?

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   Persecutions in the Book of James: Do we have any idea what trials or persecutions the Book of James was specifically talking about? [James 1:1]
Eating Unclean Animals: When did Peter's Vision about the sheet involving unclean animals relate to the council about avoiding blood, strangled animals & meats sacrificed to idols? [Acts 15:23-29]
Prophets-Judas & Silas: John the Baptist was the last of the Old Testament prophets, but two new prophets follow; Judas & Silas. Are there more prophets? [Acts 15:22]

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   Judas Iscariot Saved: Is there any chance Judas Iscariot is saved? [Matthew 26:24]

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July 08, 2013

   "Perish": In some Bible dictionaries, the word "perish" can mean "ruin" & "loss". What do you think? [John 3:16]
"Eternal" Since the word for "eternal" doesn't necessarily mean "forever", thereby implying that torment in hell might not be actually forever, couldn't that change how we then see "eternal" life as not "forever"? [Matthew 25:46]
Eternal Punishment in Hell: Doesn't the idea of eternal torment in hell cause many not to believe in God?

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   Gay Marriage: We can't call this a Christian country anymore because of people calling Gay unions "marriages."

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   Bible Format; Chapters & Verses: Who was first responsible for putting chapters & verses in the Bible?

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   Chapters & Verse Numbers in the Bible: Caller comments on previous caller about chapters & verse numbers.
Gay Marriage: We shouldn't let the state define marriage.

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   Original Sin: A discussion about the doctrine of "Original Sin". [Romans 5:12-21]

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   Gay Marriage & Counterculture: Should Christians isolate into a corner because of a counterCulture mentality?
Jesus Movement Counterculture: Wasn't the "Jesus Movement" the closest thing that we have seen for a counterculture for our youth?

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July 09, 2013

   Christianity & Wealth: Do you have to be poor in order to be a good Christian?

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   Sexual Activity of Married Couple: What sexual acts are allowed within marriage?

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   3.5 Years in Revelation: Can you explain the 3.5 years described in Revelation?
God taking the Jews out of Jerusalem: Why did God take the Jews out of Jerusalem and Israel?

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   Only Christianity Allowed: Shouldn't our country only allow Christianity?

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   Statutes & Relics from Eastern Religions: What should I do wth my statutes & relics from the eastern religions to which I belonged? [Acts 19]

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   666 in the Old Testament: Caller asks about the number "666" in the Old Testament. [1 Kings 10:14]

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   Saul & Obeying the Government: Would you comment on the fact that David refused to harm Saul because he was God's annointed, and how that relates to God putting government leadership in power and our response?

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   Christianity & Citizenship: How can we be a good Christian and good citizen at the same time? [Romans 13:1-7, 2 Peter 3:13-15]

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July 10, 2013

   Gentiles as Second Best: How come God chose the Jews over the Gentiles? Are gentiles second best to God. [Romans 1:16, Romans 2:9-10]

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   "Sermon on the Mount" not Applicable: Is it true that the "Sermon on the Mount" is not applicable to us? [Matthew 5-7].

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   Egypt Becoming Uninhabitable: When did Egypt become uninhabitable? [Ezekiel 9:29-30]

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   America Prohibiting Buddhism: Buddhist caller voiced his opinion about a previous call suggesting that only Christianity being allowed in America.
Destroying Buddhist Relics: Buddhist shares his disappointment to hear that a Christian ought destroy Buddhist relics.

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   Final Judgment: When does the final judgment take place? [John 6].

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   Fasting: Would you talk about fasting? [Matthew 6:16-18, Matthew 9:15]

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   Mark of the Beast & Commerce: Can you explain the "Mark of the Beast" and not being abe to buy or sell? [Revelation 13:17]

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July 11, 2013

   Christians Excluded from Wrath: Caller believes Christians are exempt from experiencing wrath, and that the "secret" rapture will remove believers from the tribulation. [1 Thessalonians 5:9]

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   Exorcisms on Politicians: Strange story about exorcisms on politicians.

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   Young or Old Earth: Is the age of the earth young or old?

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   Daniel's 70 Weeks: Caller thinks there's an interval, a 2,000 year gap, between the 69th & 70th Week described in Daniel. [Daniel 9].

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   Current Persecution : Dispesationaliists don't think we will be going through the wrath of God, but what about the fact that there are people suffering horribly right now?

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   Rewards: What rewards are we going to receive in the final judgment?

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   Promises & Prophecies Not Yet Fulfilled: Are thre any promises or prophecies that haven't yet been fulfilled yet?

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July 15, 2013

   Christians believing in UFOs: Atheist: Do Christians believe in UFOs?
Christianity beyond Earth: Atheist; Would Christianity still be necessary if a colony were started on another planet?

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   Hebrew Roots: Does the Hebrew Roots Movement fall under the pale of orthodoxy?
Debunking Hebrew Roots: Is the anything that Jesus specifically said that would refute the Hebrew Roots mentality? [Mark 7:19]

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   666 in the Old Testament: Is there any significance of 666 in the Old Testament, as with the number in Revelation? [1 Kings 10:14, Revelation 13:18]
Propitiation: Can you talk about the word, "Propitiation"? [Romans 3:25, 1 John 2:2, 1 John 4:10]
God Hates the Sin, but Loves the Sinner: Caller's pastor thinks God's hates the sin and the sinner who's doing the sin? [Romans 5:6]

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   Papal Title=666: Does the Latin title (for the earliest Pope), "Vicarius Filii Dei" add up to 666?
Symbolism of "666": What do you think is the real symbolic meaning of the number "666"?

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   "Blessed is the name of the Lord": When declared, "Blessed is the name of the Lord", was it also talking about Jesus' Second Coming? [Mark 11:9, Matthew 21:9, Matthew 23:39]

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   Mental Adultery: Is mental adultery sin?

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July 16, 2013

   Dietrich Bonhoeffer: What about Dietrich Bonhoeffer's attempt to get rid of evil?
Defending the Defenseless: What about self-defense or helping somebody you see being attacked on the street?
Walking in the Spirit: Caller believes we need to be walking in the Spirit all the time so we know when to resist or lie. Recommends; A.W. Tozer's book, "Pursuit of God."

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   God not Accepting Cain's Offering: Why didn't God accept Cain's offering? [Genesis 4:5]

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   Three Views of Hell: What the right view of Hell, of the three options you often survey?
Fear of Hell & Evangelism: Don't we need to use the fear of hell as an evangelistic tool? [2 Corinthians 5:9-11]

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   Militarized Christian: Was Jesus telling us to become equipped to fight. [Luke 22:35-38]

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   No Killing: Caller continues talking about restrictions on any kind of killing.

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July 17, 2013

   Being Sinful: Buddhist caller doesn't think he is inherently sinful. What does Steve think? [Deuteronomy 6:5]

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   Vineyard, Calvary Chapel & the Charimastic Movement of th 1970s: Please tell your experiences with the Vineyard Movement & Calvary Chapel?

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   Unable to Forgive Ex-Husband: I can't forgive my husband, but I want to. If I don't, I won't go to heaven. But isn't that a selfish motive?
Unpardonable Sin: What is the Unpardonable Sin?

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   Losing the Fight: Caller is concerned she just has no more fight in her.

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   Church Membership: Is Church Membership Biblical?
Consciousness in Hell: If the traditional view of hell, eternal torment, is true, is it possible that you'd drift in & out of consciousness to be able to alleviate some of the pain?

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July 18, 2013

   Dietrich Bonhoeffer-a Prophetic Voice: Is there a chance Dietrich Bonhoeffer & others are "prophetic voices" for the church today?

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   Mike Warnke-The Satan Seller: Has Steve ever heard of Mike Warnke & the book, "The Satan Seller"?
Mike Warnke-False Teacher: So even if Mike Warnke was a false teacher, could God still have used him to bring people to Christ?

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   Everything Not Black & White: Is everything black & white to God or are there gray areas?
Doctrine of Hell: Isn't the doctrine of hell a good example that not everything is so black & white?

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   "First Fruits" Offering & Tithing: What is the difference between "First Fruits" offering & tithing?
Homosexuality Acceptable: Will practicing homosexuals be warmly welcomed in heaven? [1 Corinthians 6:9-11]

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   Calvinism: Does Calvinism really teach that God chooses who will be in Heaven or not?

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July 19, 2013

   Keeping the Festivals: Is it okay to observe the Jewish festivals? [Galatians 4:8-10]

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   Doing the Will of God: What is the will of God besides accepting Jesus as our Lord & Saviour? [Matthew 7:21-23]
Being Saved: What exactly does "being saved" mean?

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   Science of Mind Control: A pastor thinks the antichrist is going to use mind control over people.

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   Cremation: Is Cremation acceptable?

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   Holy Spirit Leads: We should know what God knows wants us to do because of the Holy Spirit?

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   Fasting for Control of the Mind: Has the guy who thinks mind control is happening ever tried fasting?

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July 22, 2013

   Prophets Knowledge: How did the Prophets know they were actually getting a genuine Word from God?

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   Revival in America: Can we claim the verse in 2 Chronicles for a revival in America? [Chronicles 7:14]

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   Forth-telling vs Foretelling: Caller thinks forth-telling is just as important as foretelling when it comes to prophets.

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   Bound in Heaven & on Earth: What does "binding & loosing" in heaven & on earth mean? [Matthew 16:19, Matthew 18:18]

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   Christians in the Military: Is it okay for Christians to join the military?

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   Joel Osteen: What do you think of Joel Osteen?

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   Martha & Mary: Did Martha have a point at all when she was complaining to Jesus about Mary not helping in serving? [Luke 10:38-42]

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July 23, 2013

   Assurance of Salvation, Perseverance & Calvinism: How can I know I have assurance of my salvation? I'm trying to persevere and am looking into Calvinism. [Matthew 7:21-23, Philippians 1:6]

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   Spirit of the Lord "Caught Away" Philip: What does "the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip" mean? Was he supernaturally moved or was he just led by the Spirit of God to walk somewhere else? [Acts 8:38-40]
Nephilim & Sex with Fallen Angels: What do you think of the Nephilim being created as a result of women having sex with fallen angels? [Genesis 6]

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   "Earnest Expectation of the Creature": Can you explain the passage in Romans 8 regarding the creature expecting a new body in light of 2 Peter & Revelation? [Romans 8:18-25, 2 Peter 3:13, Revelation 20]

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   Demon Possession: Is there anything in your lectures that can help a guy who might be demon possessed? (Recommended: "Spiritual Warfare, Lectures 9-11 in that series.)

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   Philip-Snatched Away: Do you know of any other sources that suggest that Philip was just snatched away, instead of just going somehere else in a hurry? [Acts 8:38-40]

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   The Staff that Shepherds Use: Where did the first staff come from that Moses used, that Abraham used & so on? Where is the original one?

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   Robe of Righteousness=Eternal Security: Does having a "robe of righteousness" means one has "eternal Security? [Isaiah 61:10]

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   Salvation Birthdate: How should I answer people when they ask me when my conversion date was since i was raised as Christian? When I was baptized?

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   "I Make All Things New": What is the reference for the verse you cited earlier about, "See, i make all things new"? [Revelation 21:5]

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July 24, 2013

   The Torah & The Talmud: When did the Talmud come into being?

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   The 1000 year Millennium: What is your view of the 1000 millennium?
Child Shall Die One Hundred Years Old: What about "a child shall die 100 hundred years old"? [Isaiah 65:20]
Perry Stone: What do you think of Perry Stone?

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   Polygamy: Why didn't God forbid polygamy?

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   The term "Jew": What is the meaning of the term "Jew" in the New Testament? It seems to have a negative connotation for a group separate from the writers and audience. Would this be affected by the majority of the audience being Jewish? [John 1:20, John 18:39, Acts 14:2].
Sensitivty Regarding "The Jews Killed Jesus": It seems extreme, negative and potentially harmful to say that "the Jews killed Jesus" when it was actually only some of the bad leadership that encouraged it. [1 Thessalonians 2:14-15, Galatians 3:28].

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   Eternal Security & Holy Spirit Control: I thought we were controlled by the Holy Spirit once we were saved so how could we ever become lost again?

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July 25, 2013

   "Impossible to Renew to Repentance": What does it mean in Hebrews that it's impossible to renew somebody to repentance? [Hebrew 6:4-6]

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   Dietrich Bonhoeffer, David & Saul: The other day you had a caller talking about Bonhoeffer, but you never pointed out that David refused to kill Saul even though he was an evil leader. [1 Samuel 24:6]

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   Buddhism & Christianity: Buddhist; Attempts to show the similarities between Buddhism & Christianity.

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   "Dog" in Scripture: In addition to referencing gentiles, can you give other meanings of the word "dog" when used symbolically in scripture? [Philippians 3:2, Revelation 22:15, Deuteronomy 23:18, Matthew 15:22-28, Matthew 7:6]

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   Ronald L. Dart: What do you know about Ronald L. Dart?

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   Eternal Security: Caller wanted to continue his defense of Eternal Security (Once saved, always saved) discussion from the day before.

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July 26, 2013

   Tree of the Knowledge: Did Adam & Eve receive knowledge of Good & Evil? Why were they ashamed that they were naked?

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   Not Really 12 Disciples: Why does it say there's 12 disciples when in reality, there was only 11, since Thomas & Judas Iscariot were not there? [Luke 24:9]
David Wilkerson: What do you think of David Wilkerson as a prophet?

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   Crushing Satan: Was Paul just giving his opinion when he said that God would crush satan under our feet soon? What does "soon" mean? [Romans 16:20]
Revival to Reverse Culture Trend: Revivals change things for the better, so can we get one started by intercessory prayer & sharing the gospel?

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   Church Membership: Is Church Membership-being forced to sign a piece of paper-biblical? [1 Corinthians 1]

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   Church Membership: Is it for tax reasons (501c3)that they want you to join the church?
"Our Father in Heaven": For some people, praying to the Father is emotionally awkard and can't relate to it.

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   Preaching to the Dead: Was Jesus preaching to the dead when He was dead? [1 Peter 3:18-19, 1 Peter 4:6]

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   Tree of Life before Tree of Knowledge: Why didn't Adam & Eve eat from the Tree of Life, before eating the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil?

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July 29, 2013

   Connecting with God: How do you "connect" with God?

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   Worship God in Truth & Spirit: What does it mean to worship God in Truth and spirit? Bad call connection. [John 4:23-24]

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   Baptism of the Holy Spirit & Speaking in Tongues: Are you supposed to be able to speak in Tongues as soon as you are filled with the Holy Spirit?

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   Wrestling with Doubt: Caller is having doubts about his faith after debating with a Muslim.

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   Teaching Revelation: Church doesn't teach from the book of Revelation & caller is concerned about that.

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   Christianity Borrowed from Ancient Religions: A friend of the caller said that Christianity is just originating from Ancient Religions that also had the same things like a Virgin Birth. (Steve recommended a video called, "Zeitgeist" on YouTube, 2 parts.)

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July 30, 2013

   "Spirit being given in Measure": What does Steve know about a verse in the Gospel of John where it says the Spirit will be given in measure, & who was even saying it, John the Baptist or Jesus? [John 3:34]

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   Number of Time Jesus Comes to Earth: How many times has Jesus been here? How many "second comings" is He going to have?

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   Childlikeness to Enter the Kingdom of God: Jesus says to be childlike in order to enter the Kingdom & yet Paul says that he put away his childishness. Why the contradiction? [Luke 18:16-17, 1 Corinthians 13:11]

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   The Form by Which Jesus Returns: Are the angels saying Jesus is going to come through a womb again? [Acts 1:9-11]

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   Blotting Out Names-"Book of Life": Because scripture says only that names are blotted out of the "Book of Life", are our names in there before we are born? [Revelation 3:5].
Ezekiel's Temple Still Future: Caller's pastor thinks there's no way Ezekiel is not talking about a future temple.

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   Truth about the Catholic Church: What is a really good source on Roman Catholicism? Are Catholics Christians? Rec: "The Gospel according to Rome" by James G. McCarthy.

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   God Before Time: Where is the verse that talks about God being before time? [1 Timothy 1:9]

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July 31, 2013

   Millennial Reign: Why don't you believe in a literal 1000 years? [Revelation 20]
Defending Dispensationalism: Discussion Defending Dispensationalism.[Daniel 9:24]

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   Buddhist Closer to Jesus: Buddhist caller feels he's getting closer to Jesus.

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   Rich Christians: Is it okay to be a rich Christian?

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   Choosing the Jewish Race: Why did God choose the Jews? Why did He choose Abraham?

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   Buddhist Caller May be Near Conversion: Caller repents what he thought about Michael the Buddhist because it almost sounds like he's coming around. He thought Steve was wasting his time talking to him.

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   Wrath of God Did Jesus drink the cup of wrath? Is He going to spew it out when He comes back? [Isaiah 21-23]

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