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February 03, 2014

   Mental Illness & Drugs: Caller comments & discusses that you can't just put a band-aid on mental illness or emotional problems w/ drugs all the time.

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   Non-Calvinism & Amillennial: Do you know of any scholars with good books who take both a Non-Calvinistic approach & is also an Amillennialist?
Dating of the Book of Revelation: Do you have strong evidence for an early date of the writing of the book of Revelation? Can you be an amillennialist & still believe in the LATE date?

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   Mental Illness: Caller wanted to comment about the previous call he heard about Mental Illness & clarify a few things.

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   Loaning & not being Paid Back: So we should just consider loans given to family as a gift, & if we get paid back, it's considered a bonus? [Luke 6:34-35]

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   Persecution: What would the first century church or the apostles do if a group of people, such as Muslims, came to a town & said either convert or die?

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   Pornography & other Addictions: Fighting pornography & other addictions, and the one main common theme among people w/ addictions is trying to keep it a secret. Once your addiction is out in the open, it's much easier to have victory over. Caller also wanted to apologize for calling under a presumed name. (1 Corinthians 13:10-11)

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   Dying to Self: We just need to die to self daily, like it says to do in the Bible. [Romans 7, Galatians 2:20]

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February 04, 2014

   Receiving the Holy Spirit before Baptism: Is this the only passage of Scripture where it says people received the Holy Spirit before Baptism? [Acts 10:44]
Cessation of the Gifts of the Spirit: Do the Spiritual Gifts still exist for today or not?

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   Luke: Luke was not one of the original apostles?
Concordances: What kind've Concordance would you recommend to help me find stuff that is not directly in the Bible?

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   Sermon Format: How would you suggest I approach my pastor about the way he performs his sermons, instead of just highlighting 1 or 2 verses per sermon? [2 Timothy 4:2]

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   Prayer of a Righteous Man Availeth Much: Who is considered a "righteous" man when it says in James that the prayer of a righteous man availeth much? [James 5:16], 1 John 3:7]

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   Good books to help understand the Bible: Followup to the gentleman who called about a good resource or concordance to help supplement understanding the Bible.

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   Sermon Format: Followup to a caller concerned about the format of sermons.

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   Melchizedek & the Priesthood: Is Melchizedek completely different than the Levitical Priesthood? [Hebrew 5-7]

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   Falling Away: How many times can you Fall Away & still be able to come back? [Hebrews 6:4-6, Hebrews 10:26]

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February 05, 2014

   Illegal Immigration: What are your thoughts on Illegal Immigration, undocumented workers?
Open Borders: Should be have Open Borders?

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   Atheism: I'm trying to figure out how to deal w/ an enormous amount of Atheists or Agnostics.
Ken Ham - Bill Nye Debate: What were thoughts on the Ken Ham - Bill Nye debate?

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   Hell: What is your view of Hell? Don't you believe it's "eternal"? [Luke 16]
Regeneration: Is there any Scripture that teaches we are regenerated BEFORE we put our faith in Christ?

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   Light before Sun: How could there be Light before the Sun was made? [Genesis 1:3-5, 1:15-18]
Old Testament closely resembling Hammurabi: Why is the OT so similar to Hammurabi?

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   Being able to Speak in Tongues: If the caller could still speak in tongues even though he fell away from Christianity would that prove God gives the gifts no matter what, "w/ out repentance"? [Romans 11:29]

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February 06, 2014

   Circumcision: Why the apparent conflict, Paul saying don't worry about circumcision, but then proceeds to let Timothy to be circumcised? [1 Corinthians 7:18, Acts 16:3]

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   Apostles for Today: You said you've never seen Apostles for today, but also don't believe in the cessation of Spiritual gifts, so what are your thoughts on this passage of Scripture? [Ephesians 4:11-13]

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   Light before Sun: Followup to the question about Light before Sun, & caller wants Steve's take on it again, & then wants to give his own opinion.

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   Faith & Healing: Is it the same faith when you believe by faith that you are saved as when you have faith that God will heal you?
Mental Illness: Did you say that Mental Illness is associated with guilt? (Caller believes his mental illness has made him more sensitive to other people w/ similar problems.)

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   Roman Catholics: What do Catholics believe & why do they believe it? Their belief about the 2nd coming of Christ, the confession booth, the Eucharist, & so on. (convoluted question a little bit.)

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   Gnostic Gospels: Caller has people telling him that he needs to believe in the gnostic gospels. What does Steve think about them?

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February 07, 2014

   Gnostic Gospels - Gospel of Thomas: A lengthy discussion about the Gnostics gospels, inspired by a previous call.
Dead Sea Scrolls: What about the Dead Sea Scrolls?

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   "He judgeth among the gods": What is this referring to, "gods" plural? [Psalm 82]

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   Jeremiah 31 & the Qumran texts (Dead Sea Scrolls): I've heard that the chapter in Jeremiah about the new covenant is not found in the Qumran texts, is this true? [Jeremiah 31]

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   Eternal Hell: So you'll never embrace the Traditional Hell view of Eternal Torment again? It seems very clear to me that the "historical, Orthodox view" of eternal hell torment is the only biblical view. Just the fact that God is so holy proves there has to be an eternal hell.

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   Most Accurate Translation of the Bible: What do you think are the best Bible Translations out there?
The Amplified BIble What is your opinion about the Amplified Bible?
Best Source for Origin of Words (or word usage): Can you tell me a good source to use such as a concordance or lexicon that will give me the best origin of the word?

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February 10, 2014

   Meditation: What does it mean to, "Meditate on God's Word"? [Psalm 1:2]

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   Heaven & Earth & Angels shouting for Joy: What does it mean that when God finished created the Heaven & the Earth, the Angels shouted for joy? [Genesis 1-2, Job 38:7]

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   Leper that was cleansed: The reason Jesus wanted the leper cleansed was just to show the Priest that Jesus healed him, but he didn't have to go through the rituals. [Mark 1:40-45]
Soaking Rooms: Have you heard about the Soaking Rooms for prayer?

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   Evolutionists: How do go about giving a strong witness to, or get a conversation going w/, Evolutionists?

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   Society in the OT times verses now: Can Steve please explain the society in the Old Testament times verses how society is now? [Daniel 1-12]

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   Dealing with Evolutionists (followup): People are often very lonely & divulge their story, even if they are evolutionists or atheists, that being the last thing on their mind, they just want a listening ear, & you then have the perfect opportunity to talk to them about your faith, because ultimately it's all God's doing anyway. [1 Peter 3:15]
Dealing with Dry Spells: How do you deal with "dry spells" that you encounter in your Christian walk, not feeling close to God sometimes? [Isaiah 50:10-11]

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   Forgot First Love or Repent: How do you know if we have left our first love & just need to come back to Christ or if you are Lukewarm, indifferent? [Revelation 3, 1 John 5:2]

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February 11, 2014

   Paying for our sins NOW by Suffering: Even though Jesus paid the penalty on the cross for our sins, is it possible that sometimes we have to pay our own debt w/ suffering in the present time before the other side of glory? [1 Corinthians 3:10, 2 Corinthians 1:8-9]

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   Praying for People after Death: Is it beneficial or abominable to be praying for people who have passed on?

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   Cremation: Is it disrespectful to burn a dead body? Will it inhibit the resurrection?

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   Healing & Benny Hinn's healing ministry: Even though my wife & I have personally experienced healing, I don't believe in a formula to be healed. Will God heal you whether a Christian or not? Is it possible you could be being healing from something other than God? What do you think of Benny Hinn?

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   God sending people to Hell: Comments about why God can send people to hell. We need to hate evil.

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   The Narrow Path Radio Show: The caller appreciates the Narrow Path Radio Show.

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February 13, 2014

   Infant Baptism: Discussion about Infant Baptism being "common sense".

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   Usury & Money: How does the Bible define usury & money?

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   Women's Role in Church: Are women allowed to teach & preach in church? [1 Corinthians 14:34-35, 1 Timothy 2:11-15, 1 Timothy 3]
Women Preaching: But if a woman is preaching, isn't that just a form of teaching?

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   Elevated Ranks & the Cherubim & Seraphim: So doesn't it stand to reason that when there are elevated people such as kings & priests, that the Cherubim and Seraphim are just more highly ranked angels, but still angels?

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   David cutting Saul's skirt: Was Saul sleeping or using the bathroom when David managed to cut part of the Saul's skirt off?
Federal Reserve Money: Our Federal Government can & does print money without having gold or silver to back it up, & it's legit to do that.

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   Capital Punishment: What does the Bible say about the death penalty? [Romans 13:1-4]

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February 17, 2014

   Calling people Father or Rabbi: How are we supposed to address caltholic priests who are called "Father" then, in light of this passage of Scripture in Matthew? [Matthew 23:8-9]

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   Dispensationalism & Premillennialism: I enjoyed your book about the 4 views of Revelation as I was making my transition to Partial Preterism.
Views of Hell, Traditional View, Eternal Torment: I want to talk about your views of hell now. What would you call Hell if you didn't call it the "traditional view"?
Bible stories resembling Babylonian Mythology: People have said that Christianity & the Bible have just copied stories from Babylonian Mythology. Do you have thoughts about this, especially regarding the Rich Man & Lazarus? [Luke 19:19-31]

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   Steve being Pastor: Has Steve ever been a Pastor?
Angel, Stars & Spirits: Who is the angel, what are the 7 stars & who are the 7 Spirits? [Revelation 3:1]

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   Children's status before age of accountability: Conversation about children before the age of accountability, & was Adam's sin passed down to us just by the transmission of Blood & we needed Jesus' pure blood to die for us?

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   Understanding Romans 7: Can you please help understand Romans 7? Is Paul talking about himself, after his conversion? [Romans 6-8, Galatians 5:16]

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February 18, 2014

   JW's & the Trinity: Do you have any good Scripture I can share with Jehovah's Witnesses about the Trinity? [John 1:1, Revelation 1:8,11,17-18]
False Prophecies: What about showing Jehovah's Witnesses false prophecies they have made, would that be beneficial?

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   Corporate Punishment (Spanking): What do you think about spanking your child? [Proverbs 13:24, Psalms 24:4]

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   Life after Divorce: There is hope even after a divorce that is inspired by your (former) spouse for no fault of your own. [Matthew 6:33]

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   Books on Prayer: Do you know of any good books on Prayer?

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   The Parable of the Tenants: Can you explain the meaning of the Parable about the tenants or the householder's vineyard where they kill the servant & then his son? [Matthew 21:33-46]

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   Waiting on the Lord or your own Desire: How do you know if you are following God's will or just actually following your own wishes? [Psalms 27:14, Isaiah 40:31, 1 Peter 3:1]

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February 19, 2014

   Masturbation: What is your opinion on masturbation? is it a sin?

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   Printing of U.S. Money: The U.S. Constitution did NOT grant the Federal Government to authorize the printing of paper money. Yes, it did the coinage, but not paper money.

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   A Good Bible Translation: Caller wants an excellent modern translation of the Bible that's easy to understand,
Concordances: He also wants to know about Concordances.
NKJV: Is the New King James Version translated from a good Greek text?

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   Pets in the Bible: What does the Bible say about pets being in heaven?

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   Thankful for finding Peace & Power of Prayer: Mike is following up w/ a call he had made the previous week about suffering, saying how thankful he was for the prayer of the listeners because he had a deep peace that very night he had called like never before.

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   Printing U.S. Money (follow up): Coinage refers to paper currency also, according to the caller.

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   Slain in the Spirit: Being Slain in the Spirit, what are your thoughts on that?

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   The Tribulation & Dispensationalism: With all these completely opposing views about eschatology, doesn't this prove that no one REALLY knows what's going to take place? is it for certainty that a tribulation period will happen & that a rapture will happen?

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February 20, 2014

   Hard knocks of Life: Lengthy discussion (half of the show) about the hard knocks of life, & it seems to be happening even when he's seeking righteousness. [Matthew 6:33, Hebrews 11:1]

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   Holy Spirit - Like a Dove: When it says that the Holy Spirit came upon Jesus LIKE a dove, does that mean in the manner in which He did it & not so much it being an actual dove? [Matthew 3:16-17, Luke 3:22]

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   Jesus & the seed of David: What does it mean, Jesus being "seed of David", & then give Joseph's genealogy in Matthew but since He wasn't even related to Joseph, how does that make sense? [2 Samuel 7:12, Romans 1:3, Matthew 1, Luke 3]

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February 21, 2014

   Innocence Restored: Michael the Buddhist discusses about humanity going back to innocence/restoration after the Fall.
Bible Translated many Times: The Bible has been translated so many times it might've lost its accuracy, caller surmises.
Jesus' physical presence: It must've been wonderful being able to be around Jesus when He was here, but now all we have is the Bible to rely on, so it makes it a little hard to believe. [John 20:24-31]

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   Patience: You seem to have a gift in Patience. Can you give me some advice on how to be patient?

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   Fasting & Textus Receptus or Alexadrian text: Did Jesus say to only pray, or fast & pray? Do we use the Textus Receptus or Alexandrian Text? [Matthew 17:20-22, Mark 9:29]

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   Two Immanuel's: Are there 2 different Immanuel's in the book of Isaiah that it is talking about? [Isaiah 7:14, 8:8]

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   "Earthly things": "If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?", what does Jesus mean when He says "earthly things"? [John 3:12]
Being led by the Holy Spirit: Caller believes the Holy Spirit has been leading her to study things she then hears immediately on the radio show.

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   Fasting: Caller wanted to comment on something she heard about fasting earlier,

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   Notes from Lectures: In your topical lectures, you mention notes that you pass out to your students. Do you have a place you can go to access them?
Copyrighted Material: Your material isn't copyrighted, is it?

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   2 Global Floods: There of course was Noah's Flood, but I heard from 2 preachers recently that there was a global flood before Noah's, somewhere at the very beginning of Genesis, but I can't find it. Can you tell me where it is? [Genesis 1:1-2, 6:1-9]

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February 24, 2014

   Ancient Israel & Gentiles: Jesus would've still had to come die on the cross even if the Jews had obeyed the Old Covenant to the letter, is that true, & how would the gospel been affected towards the Gentiles had the Jews not rejected Jesus? Would it still have gone out to them as well?

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   Study Bibles: Caller wants to recommend some good study Bibles.

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   New Covenant for the Future: I was told that we are not actually under the New Covenant right now, but it's for the future. Have you ever heard this before? [Hebrews 8:13]

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   4 Blood Moons: What are your thoughts on the 4 Blood Moons?

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   Ananias and Sapphira: Are Ananias and Sapphira going to be in Heaven? [Acts 5:1-11]

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   3 John & Catholic Church: How can you have a system like say the Catholic church in light of what happens in the 3rd Epistle of John? [3 John 1:9-10]

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   Christian Evolution: Is Christian Evolution biblical, a possible Christian scenario, us ascending from Apes, & Genesis 1 is just an allegory?

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February 25, 2014

   Canonicity of Scripture & Peter: Do you believe Peter wrote the 2nd epistle of Peter?
The Nag Hammadi Library - Chenoboskion Manuscripts: Was this just a collection gnostic books or books of the Bible also?
James & Jude & Hebrews: Authorship of James, Jude & Hebrews, & how do we know to accept those books?

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   Solomon's Story in Ecclesiastes 9: What is the point Solomon is trying to make in the story or parable that he mentions in the latter part of Ecclesiastes 9? [Ecclesiastes 9:13-15, Luke 14:11-14]
Ecclesiastes & Wisdom: Is the Book of Ecclesiastes (& Proverbs) just conventional wisdom, but not necessarily to rely on in reality?

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   Dramatic Change in Christianity: Christianity changed a lot after the first century from Hebrew Roots to be influenced by pagan roots like the greeks & Romans, is that true? and if it IS true, are we going to possibly transition back into more of the Hebrews Roots?

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   Age of the Earth, Dinosaurs & Man: If the earth is only 6,000 years old, & we supposedly lived alongside the Dinosaurs, how come they didn't devour us? When were they killed off, during the Flood?

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February 26, 2014

   Commentaries: How come you didn't like a certain commentary a previous caller mentioned?
Sunday Worship: Following what you just said about not being influenced by outside sources other than the BIble itself, where do people get the idea that Sunday Worship is mandated?

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   Apostles, Marriage & Children: Were any of the apostles married & did they have children? [1 Corinthians 9:5]

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   Judging Brother & the Law: What does it mean not to Judge your Brother otherwise you are speaking evil of the law & judging it? [James 4:11-12, 2:8, 1 John 4:20-21]

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   Christian Contemporary (Rock) Music: I have a friend who is vehemently against Christian Contemporary Music, & I asked him why he was so against it. He says it does havoc on onee's emotions, dancing music is wrong, makes you think of drugs & sex & so on. What are your thoughts on loud, Christian type rock music, (& music w/ a beat to it)?

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   Legalism: What can you tell me about being legalistic?

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   Bible throwing curve balls: I really believe in the fundamental essentials of Christianity, such as Jesus Christ &, the main & plain things, but then the Bible just throws weird things out there that we have to believe like literal creation, people burning in hell, & God creating Satan. Can you help me with the weird things that it seems to teach?

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   Music (follow-up): Spiritual music should appeal to our spiritual nature & not our fleshly nature, according to the caller.
Rich Man & Lazarus: Jesus wouldn't use a story that would introduce false or deceptive delusion that would cause us major confusion. [Luke 16:19-31]

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February 27, 2014

   Paul Being whipped: Paul being whipped the first time, but when he said the second time that he was a Roman Citizen he saved himself from being whipped, and they were in great trouble for whipping. [Acts 22:22-29]
Financial & Marriage difficulties: How do you take care of yourself in order to help someone else, namely my wife, since we are both having financial difficulties right now, & I don't know what to do.

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   (Secret) Rapture: What is your opinion on the (Secret) Rapture? [1 Thessalonians 4:13-18]

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   Soul going to Heaven: Does a soul of a Christian go directly to Heaven after death?
Soul going to Hell: So then where does the soul of a wicked person go? [Luke 16:19-31]

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   One Resurrection for both wicked & righteous: I disagree that there is only one resurrection, the wicked and the righteous being resurrected at the same time. My Bible tells ME that first the righteous & then the wicked a 1000 years later. What say you? [Revelation 20:5-6]

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February 28, 2014

   Homosexuality: I've always known homosexuality is wrong, but some people try to say that's only talking about male pedophilia. What are your thoughts on this? [Romans 1:26-28, Genesis 2:24, Malachi 2:15]
Long Hair: What is it about nature that teaches us that long hair for men is wrong? [1 Corinthians 11:14]

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   Death: What happens after we die? There seems to be conflicting verses. Are people in the grave or heaven? [John 5:28-29, 2 Corithians 5:8, Luke 16:26]

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   Amillennialism: The problem with being an amillennialist is that Revelation wasn't canonized until at the Council of Trent in 1545. Do you have information on that?

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   They overcame him by the blood: Who the "they" in [Revelation 12:11]?

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   Trinity: I don't believe in Trinity, but i'm not heretical for not believing that, am I?

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