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<< June 2014 View all months August 2014 >>

July 01, 2014

   Divinity of Jesus & 2nd Godhead of Trinity: Don't you believe in the Divinity of Jesus & that He's the 2nd part of the Godhead?
Self-interpretation of the Bible: Isn't it sort've scary to have self-interpretation of the Bible since you can be learning about the wrong Jesus? Isn't the Church a pillar of the truth? [2 Peter 1:20]
Being anathematized & not using Study Bibles: Martin Luther was anathematized because he left the church, & you say we shouldn't be using Study Guide Bibles.

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   Amillennialism & End time events: As an Partial Preterist, 5Amillennialist, do you know of any signs that are to happen right before Christ comes back?
The state of Israel being formed in 1948: What do you say about the miraculous events of Israel being able to become a country again?
Unbelievers & the Bema & White Throne Judgment: What happens to unbelievers at the end? What is the difference between the Bema & White Throne Judgment?

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   Modern-Day Apostles: Caller claims he is ordained by God as an Apostle, & explains his story & explains what he thinks is the difference between Apostles & the other offices in the church or spiritual gifts. The one main difference being able to retain or remit sins.

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   Roman Catholic Church & the Bible: It's true that the RCC claims they believe in the Bible, but they need to READ the Bible & learn & do what it says.

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   Traditions of the Catholic Church: How to make people see beyond the Veil of the Roman Catholic Church, that is the problem.

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   Witnessing to Jehovah's Witnesses: I've engaged in conversation w/ JW's....they seem to have a lot of knowledge even though misguided.
Being a Disciple of Christ: You are only a Disciple of Christ if you have LOVE for one another, isn't that right? What are you if you are NOT truly a disciple of Christ?

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   Disowning Christ or Remaining Faithful: Christ might not deny us even though we deny Him, so we can't really lose our salvation, can we? [2 Timothy 2:11-13]

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   Refuting the Bible was just written by men: Do you have anything that I could have people who say that the Bible is just a common book, just written by men, listen to?

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July 03, 2014

   Sun going dark & moon turning to blood: In Revelation, what is your opinion of the Sun going dark & the sun turning to blood? [Revelation 6:9, Isaiah 13:9. Ezekiel 32:7]
Meteorology: So it has nothing to do w/ real Meteorology then?
Earth being Fired w/ a fervent heat: So is the earth literally going to be burned up or just restored? [2 peter 3:10]

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   Glory Invasion by David Herzog: Do you know anything about the book called, "Glory Invasion" by a David Herzog?

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   Witnessing to Hostile People: People are so hostile out when witnessing to them out in the streets, i'm beginning to think Jesus only died for His people, His church, His bride.

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   Edom: Where do you get your information that Edom was taken out before Jesus' time?

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   Future Temple: Is there a Future Temple to be built? [Ezekiel 40-48]

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   Finding a Church & the Music played in them: How do you go about finding a good church at an older age, or, what if the church you used to go to has radically changed since you last attended there in your youth?
Evangelical & Charismatic: Are Evangelicalism & Charismatic in harmony w/ each other?
Wesleyan Church: What can you tell me about the Wesleyan Church?

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   Finding a good Church [Steve lost internet connection right as she was invited to start speaking] Caller just wanted to comment about finding a good church. She feels the Lord's recovery founded by witness lee and watchman nee is that perfect church. [that was very wise of her to just continue talking!] [& then he lost connection again at the end of the conversation.]

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   Elements Melting w/ Fervent Heat: How's the world going to be different than it is today? [2 Peter 3:10, Revelation 22:3]

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   Grass-Roots Churches: You said something about setting up a list of churches in areas of like-minded believers. What were you saying about how to coordinate that?

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July 07, 2014

   Calvinism & 1 Family Member Saved: So is it complete orthodox Calvinism to think God only selected ONE member of a family & no one else?

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   The Mother God: Not the Mother OF God (Mary), but God being called Mother God.
The (Secret) Rapture: How did this idea of a Secret Rapture all of sudden become a major doctrine?

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   Shem, Ham & Japheth: Who was the youngest son of Noah, Shem, Ham or Japheth? (Genesis 9)

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   Pre-Tribulation Rapture: Jesus wasn't talking about His church when He was talking to His Apostles, & quite a lengthy discussion on why he's a dispensationalist. [Matthew 10:5, Ephesians 2:11-12, Acts 2, Acts 9, Romans 9-11, Matthew 28:18-20, Romans 16:25]

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   Pre-tribulation Rapture & a Great Deception: Caller disagrees w/ a Secret Rapture, & discloses w/ his ideas.

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   Pre-tribulation Rapture: We shouldn't divide over eschatological differences, but it's the love of Christ that is the really important, essential thing!
Open Theism: Did God dispense w/ SOME of His omniscience so He could truly give people Free Will?

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July 09, 2014

   Dispensationalism: Is this a fair definition of Dispensationalism: Is their belief that when the Lord of glory returns, He's going to rule for 1000 years out of Jerusalem, & there's going to be a rebuilt temple & animal sacrifices?

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   The Millennial Reign: You don't believe in the a literal millennial reign, but how do you then explain [Zechariah 14:16]?

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   Taking the Lord's name in Vain in the NT: Where does it say not to take the Lord's name in Vain in the New Testament?
Sabbath Commandment in the NT: So you just admitted that the taking the Lord's name in vain commandment is not found in the NT, but that we still have to obey it, but then say the Sabbath commandment isn't found in the NT, but we still have to keep it, just like not taking the Lord's name in vain isn't, but still obey that. [Matthew 24:20]

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   Sabbath Obligation: Caller believes we still need to keep the Sabbath, & goes into a discourse as to why. [Colossians 2:14-18]

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July 11, 2014

   Book of Daniel being Fulfilled: Do you believe pretty much everything in the book of Daniel fulfilled? The Daniel 8:14 prophecy of evenings & mornings was actually fulfilled by things that happened in the books of the Maccabees, which talked about celebrating the Hanukkah.

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   Ark of the Covenant & Mary, the Mother of Jesus: Is there any evidence for the Ark of the Covenant being a pre-figuration of Mary, the mother of Jesus?

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   The Branch of the Lord: Can you please explain the "Branch of the Lord"? Is it predicting Jesus? Not the remnant of Israel? are the proceeding or early chapters about judgments talking about Babylon or 70 AD? [Isaiah 4, 2:12, Jeremiah]

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   Keith Green: What kind've guy was he, & can you talk about his music?

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   Mansions of God: Wondering if you could tell me more about us being Mansions of God? [John 14:1-4]

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   Church History - Eusebius: There's a story that Eusebius tells about King Abgarus writing a letter to Jesus about his sick son, wanting Him to come heal him, & Jesus replying that He'd send one of His disciples to heal him. Do you know anything about that?
Sanctification - Protestantism vs Eastern Orthodox: Do you know the difference between the Protestants concept of Sanctification verses the Eastern Orthodox perception?

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   The Blinding of Paul: is it safe to say that Jesus was the one that blinded Paul on the way to Damascus? [Acts 9:3-9]

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   Olivet Discourse & the 3 Questions: The 3 questions the disciples asked Jesus, "When will the signs be? What shall be the signs of your coming? When will the end of the age be?", weren't the last 2 talking about the end of the world? [Matthew 24:3]

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   Calvinism & Dispensationalism: What is the difference between Calvinism & Dispensationalism? You used to be a Calvinist or a Dispensationalist but not anymore? [Editor's Note: I think she obviously meant Calvinism & Arminianism.]
Cyrus rebuilding the temple: 400 year gap, so the temple was still standing during King Herod's time?

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   Interpreting the Book of Revelation based on the date it was written: So it's pretty important the Date of the writing of Revelation for partial preterists then?

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July 14, 2014

   Dispensationalists: What do Dispensationalists believe?
Adding or taking from the prophecy of this book: Would Dispensationalists be guilty of the curse at the end of the book of Revelation? [Revelation 22:18-19]
Mormons & JWs: Would you say Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses are guilty of adding & subtracting Scripture? [Revelation 22:18-19]

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   God Creating Humans: Why did God make the human race? What is the point of making us?
God & Man: Why did God create us on a less level than Him, a lesser tier?
Flawed Humans: Why did God make us flawed? [Psalms 139:14]

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   Asian Art: Caller heard a conservation between Michael the Buddhist & Steve once & decided to get rid of his questionable "Asian Art" as a result, & immediately had never had such a restful, peaceful sleep than he had had in a very long time that night!

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   Narrow Path Website, page about Churches in local areas: Whatever happened to your page you'd said would be put on the website about contacting people of like-minded people in the same area for church?

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   Baptism necessary for Salvation: Would you say it's not necessary to get baptized for Salvation?

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   Perfect Love & Spiritual Gifts: Doesn't a "perfect love" for your brethren in Christ trump any spiritual gift you might receive, or, is it saying in order to be able to perform a spiritual gift you have to have a perfect love? [1 Corinthians 12-14]

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   Spiritual Gifts & love followup: So the gifts will just be perfected in love then, & so it's not the gifts that will disappear, but the immaturity of not having love in them? [1 Corinthians 12-14]
Jesus Broke the Sabbath: So you think Jesus actually broke the Sabbath? [John 5:17, Matthew 5:17-19, Colossians 2:14-18]

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July 15, 2014

   Christians & Disciples: So in order to be a Christian, you also have to be a disciple, isn't that true? So we have to die daily as a disciple, yes? [Matthew 16:24, Luke 14, Acts 11:26]

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   Lying Spirit: Who is this Lying Spirit that is mentioned in 1 Kings 21? [1 kings 21:19-21, Job 1-2]

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   High Sabbath: So the High Sabbath is a Feast Day? [Colossians 2:14-18]
"Shadow of things to come": Do you think there are still feasts days to come? [Colossians 2:17]
Did not come to destroy but to fulfill: How do you interpret that Passage of Scripture, that Jesus did not come to destroy but to fulfill the law? [Matthew 5:17-19]

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   Seal the book until the end: What does it mean when it says in Daniel to shut the book & seal it until the end? [Daniel 12:4]
Understanding Daniel: So do you understand everything in Daniel? [1 Peter 1:10-12, Romans 16, 1 Corinthians 2, Colossians 1, Ephesians 3]
History of the church throughout the centuries: What do you consider as "the church" throughout the history of time?

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   Sin Nature & Calvinism: Do babies go to hell when they die? [Psalms 51:5]
Presuppositional Evidence & Calvinism: Some Calvinists think having evidence to prove there is a God is heretical.

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July 16, 2014

   Visiting Iniquity to the 3rd & 4th generations: I was talking to an ex-Jehovah's Witness, & we were talking about the 10 commandments & the part of the God visiting the iniquity of the 3rd & 4th generations, & I thought he was misinterpreting it, saying He'd be PUNISHING until the 3rd & 4th generations. Was he wrong or right?

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   Walk according to this rule: What is this "rule" that Paul was talking about? Was it talking about being a New Creature in Christ? [Galatians 6:14-16]
Perfect in Christ Jesus: What does it mean to be "perfect in Christ"? [Colossians 1:28]

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   First shall be last, Last shall be first: What did Jesus mean by "the first shall be last, & the last shall be last"? [Matthew 19:30]

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   Baptism & The Church of Christ: Isn't it wrong to believe that someone isn't born again until they are baptized, that it's a matter of faith before they are baptized, but getting baptized is just a public announcement that you are a follower of Christ?

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   Sabbath: Wasn't Jesus oppressed for following the things in Isaiah 58, including the Sabbath? [Isaiah 58]

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   Baptism: I can't understand baptism, if I need to do it again or not, if I met the conditions when I was baptized when I was 12 years old.

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   (1) Jesus Crucifying Animals in the Millennium: There won't be future animal sacrifices like Dispensationalists purport, right? [Ezekiel 25:22, Ezekiel 40-48]
(2) Jesus as Lord & God (His dual nature): So what do you think about Paul & Thomas calling Jesus Lord & God?
(3) Replacement Theology & (4) The Body of Christ (Church): (3) We are to have nothing to do w/ the Old Covenant, isn't that right? (4) Do you think of the Body of Christ - His Church - going to ultimately prosper?

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   Becoming Active in the church (LDS): Caller was wondering how to become more involved in his church, which is the Mormon/LDS church.

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July 17, 2014

   Ezekiel's tongue & other Prophets: Why did God make Ezekiel's mouth stuck to the roof of his mouth, & made prophets do other things, Jeremiah & Isaiah, but seemed tougher on Ezekiel? [Ezekiel 3:26]

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   "thy land shall be married": What did God mean by "thy land shall be married"? [Isaiah 62:4]

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   Song of Solomon: What exactly is book of Song of Songs or Song of Solomon? Love letters, a love poem, just what exactly is it? [Songs of Solomon]
The Book of Hebrews: Who wrote the Book of Hebrews?

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   Knowing Good & Evil: How can humans know good & God did? So there was evil before Adam & Eve sinned? [Genesis 3]
Sons of God, Nephilim: Who were the Sons of God who went to the daughters of the land? [Genesis 6:1-4]

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   Jewish & Gentile Reckoning of the Age of the Earth: Why the gap or difference of 200 years of the age of the earth between what the Jews think the age is & what most other people think?

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   Jews being chosen & Heathen Nations: What happened to the nations, the people, who were NOT Jews, who were not God's chosen people, just because they happened to not be of the "chosen" people?

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   Age of the Earth starting at the Flood: Perhaps the Jewish reckoning from the 2nd to last call started during the Flood?

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   Light before the Sun: How could there be light before Sun? [Genesis 1:3-5, 1:14-19]

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July 18, 2014

   Lack of Emotion/Love: Listener is not sure if it's a result of a brain defect or personal trauma, but he has no emotion for people, no love for people. [1 Corinthians 13]

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   Witness Lee & Watchman Nee What do you think of the teachings of Witness Less & Watchman Nee? They use a Bible called, "The Recovery Bible".

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   Disagreement: Caller disagrees that Steve only has a radio face!
Animals/Pets: Do animals/pets go to heaven? Will there be animals there?

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   Gift of Discernment: Caller would like to know about the Gift of Discernment.
Praying to Jesus or the Holy Spirit: Can we pray directly to Jesus or the Holy Spirit instead of just God the Father?

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   People after the Flood: Was Noah & his family the only people that made it after the Flood? If it IS the case, why so many primitive people?
Mosquitos & Plagues: Did God create things like Mosquitos, Flies & plagues/diseases?
6,000 years being enough time: It just doesn't seem like 6,000 years is enough time for everything to have happened that happened, millions & millions of people being killed & so on?

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   Thankful: Caller is thankful.

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   John Macarthur & reign of Domitian: John Macarthur says the book of Revelation probably wasn't written until the end of the reign of Domitian. What do you think? [Revelation]

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July 21, 2014

   Pranic Healing - Energy Medicine: What do you think of a practice called, "Pranic Healing", Engergy Medicine?

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   Letters of Paul: How did the early Christians receive the instruction from Paul before the New Testament was put into the Bible & grow from it before it was?
Wrath of God revealed from Heaven: How can we make the leap from Paul addressing people in the 1st century church to it applying to us now? [Romans 1]

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   Jesus Preaching to the Souls in Hell: Can you explain the Scripture where it talks about Jesus preaching to the souls in prison when He supposedly went to Hades? [1 Peter 3:19-20]
Baptizing for the Dead: I was talking to a couple Mormons the other day, & we were talking about baptizing for the dead, & they brought up these Scriptures. My curiosity got the best of me. Can you explain them? [1 peter 3:19, 1 Corinthians 15:29]

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   Sins of our Fathers: Compare the potential in-laws to your spouse to determine what your spouse is going to be like, the way they treat their family & so on.
Steve being married 4 times: Has Steve noticed this, his wives resembling their mother & family traits?

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   God or gods: Is this verse talking about the Jehovah God or gods? [Daniel 11:37]

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   Fits of Rage: My friend just seems to have these fits of rage, anger, & wondering if he's possibly demon-possessed & wondering if there's a way to determine if he is or not? [Galatians 5:19-21]

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   Apostolic Church & the Trinity: So what does the Apostolic Church believe about the Trinity, & how would you share the Trinity w/ them? [1 John 5:7]

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July 22, 2014

   Submitting to the Higher Powers: Do Christians have to participate in an illegal war? [Romans 13]

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   Sovereign of the World: Who is Sovereign of this world? Is it God or Satan?

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   Lazarus being raised: Could Lazarus have refused being raised from the dead? [John 11]

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   Satan being created: Why did God create Satan if He knew he was going to turn out the way he turned out?

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   Character Test: God tests us, & we need to pass the tests & Fear the Lord. [1 Corinthians 10:13]

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   Carcasses & Eagles Gathering: What did Jesus mean by, "Where the carcasses are the Eagles will gather"? [Matthew 24:28]

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   Gift of Healing: If someone really has the "Gift of Healing", you'd think they'd go to hospitals & sanitariums & be able to actually heal people.
Kingdom of God lectures: I think your 8 serie lectures on the Kingdom of God is excellent.

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   Date of the book of Revelation: What is the evidence that the book of Revelation was written before 70 AD?
Elijah - John the Baptist: Elijah's spirit will be implemented in someone again right before the Rapture to announce Jesus' imminent arrival. [Malachi 4:5-6]

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   Elijah coming again just like Jesus coming "again": What if Elijah was supposed to come again in the sense that Jesus came or is coming twice, came in the 70 AD & coming yet again?

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   Great Tribulation: When did the great tribulation which what never be, like never happened or will happen again, fall into the place of history or future? [Matthew 24:21]
Revelation not for us: By you suggesting Revelation was fulfilled in the first century, he seems to be diminishing its value for us.

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July 23, 2014

   Sabbath: If Jesus had broken the law, His mission as Saviour would've failed so He only broke man's added laws to it, according to this listener. [Matthew 12:1-8, John 5:18]

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   Spirit & Truth: What if you are listening to good, sound teachers that don't have ALL the truth? [John 4:24]

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   Holy Spirit: When does the Holy Spirit come to live inside you? [1 John 4:13, Romans 8:9]

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   Disobeying God & Severe Punishment: I've been reading in the Book of Numbers that for sins of ignorance no big deal, but if you defiantly disobey & sin, you get in big, big trouble. Can you help me w/ the punishment you receive for doing certain sins? [Numbers 15:32-36]

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   Evil for Good: How far does God allow evil to be done so sometimes good come out of it like what happened to Joseph being sold into slavery by his brothers? [Genesis 45:4-8, Romans 8:28]

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July 24, 2014

   God being Angry, Vindictive in OT: Does God seem to be a little bit angry, vindictive or even hateful in the Old Testament? Killing just for breaking the Sabbath?

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   Prayers an Abomination: I heard a preacher recently say that if we have any sin in our heart, God will not answer us. Is that true? [Psalms 66:18, Proverbs 28:9]
The Perfect Christian: Some people seem to have a wrong idea of what being a Christian is. It doesn't mean you are PERFECT at all times.
Satan tempting: Does Satan try to get us to think we are the only ones going through a sin/temptation & that it's okay to succumb to it? [1 Peter 5:8-9]

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   Evangelical Covenant church: Do you know anything about the Evangelical Covenant church?
Doctrinal Differences: How do learn to be edified from a teacher who you disagree with doctrinally?

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   Two Witnesses of Revelation: Who are the Two Witnesses of Revelation? Moses & Elijah? Enoch & Elijah? [Revelation 11:3-13]

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   Law of Sin: According to Watchman Nee, dealing w/ "law of sin" is like the law of gravity, but we can defy it. [Romans 8]

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   Swearing by anything: Listener was surprised to learn that it says it's evil to swear by anything. [Matthew 5:36]

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July 25, 2014

   The land of Israel: Even though Israel owns the land right now, they haven't always owned it, but God promised them that they'd own it foever, & God promised Abraham that his seed would be as the dust of the earth, the stars of the sky. [Genesis 28:14, Genesis 13:16, Galatians 3:16, Romans 4: , Psalm 2:8]
The Jews Flourishing: If Satan could stop the flourishing of Israel, would he be making God out to be a liar?
Killing the Jews: There is no rhyme or reason as to why people would want to kill the Jews, including the Muslims.

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   Disclosing a known crime: I heard that even if you confess a heinous crime such as murder, that the priest can not tell the state. Isn't it more important that they share w/ them about bad crimes instead of keeping them a secret?
Priest telling State: If a priest or pastor DOES learn of a crime, should he pretend he's not going to say anything & say something or tell the person up front that's he's going to tell the authorities if they don't?

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   Women's attire: I was going to a denomination that made me only wear dresses, wear no make up & no cutting of my hair. Is there any biblical basis for that?
Going against your Conscience: I sort've feel like i'm sinning if I do these things I shouldn't do, even though i'm no longer going to that church.

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   Eternal Punishment: If Eternal Life means eternity, you'd stand to reason think that Eternal Punishment also means eternal suffering, wouldn't you? [Matthew 25:41, 46, John 3:16]

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   Salvation is of the Jews: What did Jesus mean when He told the Samaritan woman that "Salvation is of the Jews"? [John 4:22]

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July 28, 2014

   Sovereignty of God (disagreement): You said that your wife being killed was perhaps the Sovereignty of God. That's stupid. You say many other false teachings on your show as well. What did Jesus & Paul say about false teachers?

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   Disagreeing w/ the Disagreement: Caller disagrees w/ the previous disagreement that Steve just got done reading.
Rodney Howard-Browne & Kenneth Copeland Speaking in Tongues: What do you think of Rodney Howard-Browne & Kenneth Copeland speaking in tongues to each other?

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   The Church & the Tribulation: Will the Church go through the Great Tribulation or not? [1 Thessalonians 4:16-18, 3:4]

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   Confessing your sins to another: Isn't it true that a priest/pasor is consenting to sin, that they've become a part of it, if they don't do anything about a crime he hears about?
People already in heaven: Are there people in heaven right now or not until the resurrection?

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   Steve's answer to the disagreement: Caller agrees that God is Sovereign, but He does allow calamity happen. [Romans 1]

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   Bodies of the wicked: What will the bodies of the wicked resemble? [1 Corinthians 15:42]

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   Hedge of Protection: Has God possibly gotten rid of Hedge of Protection for the United States like He did for Israel because we as a nation are turning more & more from Him? [Job 1:10, Psalm 34:7]

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   The book & movie, America by Dinesh D'souza: Caller wanted to know if Steve ever heard of a book & the movie called, "America" by Dinesh D'Souza?

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   Replacement Theology: Have you had a chance to read an article by John Piper on "Replacement Theology"? Israel rejecting Jesus the Messiah, they've broken their covenant w/ God, & because the Gentiles share the inheritance of Abraham, we share in the inheritance of the Jews.

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July 29, 2014

   Non-judgmental Association w/ Christians: Michael the Buddhist was hoping he wouldn't be being judged or cutoff for not embracing Christianity.

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   Christmas & Easter: What do you think about Christianity pagan holidays such as Christmas & Easter? [Jeremiah 10:2-5]
Tetragrammaton - YHWH - Yeshua: Don't you think we have to call God & Jesus by the right name?

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   Trinity & Sound Doctrine: Believing Sound Doctrine is important such as the Trinity, but it isn't dependent upon salvation. [2 Peter 3:15-16]
Perseverance of the saints: Caller believes once-saved-always-saved, eternal security, once we belong to Christ, otherwise he thinks it's a salvation by works.
Intercessory Prayer: Doesn't it say somewhere like in Romans that Jesus is always making intercessory prayer for us so we are always abiding in Him? [Romans 8:26-27]

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   Saturday verses Sabbath: God named the 4th commandment Sabbath, not Saturday, so it doesn't matter what day the Pagans named the days of the week!

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   Going off on tangents: People get caught up in weird tangents all the time, but the main, plain thing is believing in Jesus [John 3:16]

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   Lord's Supper (Communion): How often should we take the Lord's Supper, & should it be a full meal (like it appeared to be in Biblical times)? [1 Corinthians 11]

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   Jehoiachin's age: What was the age of Jehoiachin when his reign began, 8 or 18? [2 Kings 24:8 2, Chronicles 36:9]

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July 30, 2014

   Turning to Christianity: Can Steve explain why should a person turn to Christianity in a couple/few sentences?

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   Speaking in Tongues: I was told once that if I can't speak in tongues that i'm not really filled w/ the Holy Spirit. Is that true?

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   Descending to the lower parts of the Earth: What did Paul mean in Ephesians that Jesus went to the lower parts of the earth? [Ephesians 4:8-9, Psalm 139:15, 1 Peter 3:18-22]

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   Mental Illness: How can you tell if someone is Mentally Ill or if someone really is demon-possessed?

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   Justification by Faith: Did Jesus teach Justification by Faith alone also, or did He teach other things as well?

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   Iron & Clay of Nebuchadnezzar's Statue: Who are the "they" when it says, "... they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay"? [Daniel 2:41-43]

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   Atheist Caller: An Atheist caller just wanted to thank Steve for his Christianity because some don't have much evidence that they are.

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   Lost Books of the Bible: Why would some books that are mentioned in the Bible be lost if God wanted them to be in the canon of Scripture? [Psalm 12:6-7]

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   Bad Experiences on this side of Glory: Are we going to remember bad, horrible experiences that we experienced while here on earth?

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July 31, 2014

   Strange Doctrine & Deception: What can we do to make sure people don't become deceived & accept strange doctrine?

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   Parable of the Sower: It almost seems like the Devil has power to prevent us from learning about God. Is that true? [Luke 8:12]

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   The Narrow Path Forum: Some very good, thought-provoking questions on that forum!
Calvinism: Caller thinks Calvinism is getting stronger & stronger in churches, & we need to be aware of it.

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   Love God, Love Neighbor & Love Yourself: How do we know that are not loving ourselves?

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   Wives submitting to your husbands: How far does a wife need to "submit" to her husband as far as questionable sexual acts? [Colossians 3:18-19, Ephesians 5:21-25, 1 Peter 3:1 1, Ephesians 5:33, Hebrews 13:4]
Lord Mithras Some people think that the anti-Christ is going to be somebody who is hiding in London who's Lord Mithras.

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   Laodicean Church: It has been said that the hot & cold were believers & non-believers, & it's also been said that the hot represents hot springs & the cold represents cold, crystal springs, & God wants us to be one or the other but NOT lukewarm. How does Steve interpret His admonition to the Laodicean church? [Revelation 3:14-16]

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   Ritual laws - Sabbath: Why in Matthew 12 did Jesus seem to endorse breaking "ritual laws", the shew bread & the Sabbath, but in Numbers, someone got killed for breaking the Sabbath by picking up sticks? [Matthew 12:1-4, Numbers 15:32-36]

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   Hot or Cold Laodicea: Cold could represent something good as well as when its hot, like passionate for Christ?

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   Satan an Angel: Where does it say in the Bible that Satan was originally an angel? a Cherub?

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   Fear of Moses parents & Moses: Why does it say in Hebrews that Moses' parents & Moses himself were not fearful when we know they actually were? [Hebrews 11:23, 27]
Abraham's body being "dead": It says in the Bible that when Abraham had Isaac, that his body was dead, yet he had more children AFTER Isaac? [Romans 4:16-22, Hebrews 11:11-19]

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