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<< August 2014 View all months October 2014 >>

September 02, 2014

   Hyper-Grace, the Gospel & the Kingdom of God: What is the gospel as we are in the Kingdom of God? [[Matthew 5, 1 Corinthians 15:1-3, Romans 10:9, Acts 20:23-25]

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   Jesus Breaking the Law & Uncleanness: How come Jesus was allowed to break the law by touching people who were unclean? How come it didn't make Him unclean? What are the ramifications for us as believers now that we've been made clean?

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   Wicked staying or going: i know you think that wicked are the ones that are "taken away" & the righteous are the ones that remain on the earth, but then in Revelation, when talking about the 2 witnesses, it says that the wicked remain as they are watching the righteous go up. How do you harmonize these? [Luke 17:34-37, Revelation 11]
Full Preterists & the Last Day: What do full Preterists say the "Last Day" was?

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   Parable of the Soils We need to implement this, & figure out our spiritual gifts, but what do the rock & seeds mean, growing deeper & deeper in your Christian walk? [Luke 8:4-21]

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   Races coming from Noah's family: How is possible for all the races to come from Noah's family (or Adam & Eve for that matter)?

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September 03, 2014

   Catholic Church as opposed to real Cults: The Catholic church or Catholic Christians are not that different than other Christians. They aren't cultic like say Mormons, JWs, Christian Scientists.

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   Paul's suffering & glorying over it: What is Paul saying when he said people would be able to glory in suffering? [Ephesians 3:13]
Descending to Hell: Did Jesus go to hell during His death? [Ephesians 4:8-10, 1 Peter 3:18-20]
Sign of Jonah: [Matthew 16:4, 12:39-40]

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   Being Charismatic: What are Steve Gregg's personal experiences in genuine Charismatic Gifts?
Charisma: Is God just not performing as many as He did in the early church?
Non-Charismatic Churches: Is it possible that a lot of Churches aren't seeing some of the Charismatic Gifts that happened in the early church simply because churches aren't looking for them anymore?

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   Home Church as Opposed to Organized Church: Is there a Scripture that says it's wrong to leave organized church to go back to a grass-roots home church?

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   Jesus' Feet touching the Mt. of Olives: We were having a discussion in out Bible Study about whether Jesus' feet actually touched the Mount of Olives or not. Can you shed some light on this? [Zachariah 14, Ezekiel 11:23]

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   Institutional Churches Caller believes isolation is one Satan's greatest tools, so leaving the Institutional church might not be a good idea. [Hebrews 10:25]

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September 04, 2014

   Phil Robertson & the Kingdom of God & the God of Man: Caller is concerned about Phil Robertson's theology, not understanding that the Kingdom of God & the Kingdom of Man are 2 different things.

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   The Land of Israel: When did the Jews actually possess all this land that is mentioned in Joshua? Is it their land right now? Will they ever own it again? [Joshua 1:4]
Worm dies not: Can you tell me about the Worm that never dies? [Mark 9:47, Isaiah 66:24]

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   Gospel into all the world: The gospel was just about to have been fully preached in the world in 15 years, but then there's things that might stop us, such as people backsliding, plagues, & so on.
Calvinism verses Arminianism: Was Jacobus Arminius just out of lunch or an evil person?

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   Christianity came from Africa: A professor at a college said where some relatives went to said that the Christian story was just a bogus story from Africa. What are your thoughts?

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   Melissa Scott: Do you know anything about Melissa Scott?

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   Discipling Others: What if we just simply don't have the Gift of Discipling others?

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   Universal Reconciliationism: The caller's dad thinks there's no such thing as hell. What does Steve say?

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September 05, 2014

   God changing Laws: Can God change His own laws? Can He all of a sudden say stealing is good & not evil? Do you believe in a personal God?

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   Contentment & Responsibility: Where do we balance contentment w/ responsibility?[1 Corinthians 7:32]

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   Disembodied Souls: Caller shares a paranormal ghost type story.
Self-Defense: What if an invader entered your house, & wanted to do harm, would you try to stop them?

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   Michael the Buddhist: Caller wants to tell Michael the Buddhist to ask God to reveal Himself know to Michael the Buddhist? People should pray for him.

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   Non-Christian Associates: I'm in a band, & most of the people that are in it or around me are not Christians & are sort've hostile towards Christianity, & i don't know how to respond to some of their comments.

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   Trivial Callers: Caller is concerned about trivial calls, people who just want to voice their platform, such as Michael the Buddhist.

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September 08, 2014

   Conversing w/ Demons & Multiple Personalities: What do you think of preachers conversing w/ demons as they try to cast them out of people & are people w/ multiple personalities demon-possessed?
A Prophetic Word: Could familiar spirits have a prophetic word for someone? The familiar spirit told the pastor that was trying to cast them out that he needed to tell somebody's husband that he needed to have forgiveness in his heart or he was going to fall for the woman of his dreams.

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   Forgiveness: The Pastor of the caller told him that you can't hastily forgive someone, that your emotions have to be in check. What does Steve think? [Mark 11:25]

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   Jehovah's Witnesses: How do we explain certain key verses JW's like to twist? I was having a discussion with one about what a cult was.

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   Creation: What is Steve's view of creation, the young earth & old earth? They've found dinosaurs bones.

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   Forgiving a Debt: So following up on your answer about forgiving a loan, say you forgave them, & they came a week later & wanted to borrow another $1,000, if you don't let them, does that mean you're still holding the other debt against them & haven't really forgiven them or just being cautious?

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   Eating & Drinking Jesus: People were "eating & drinking" Jesus body & blood before He was even crucified, so how can people think they are actually NOW eating His body & blood in the Eucharist? [John 6:50-58]
Adam & Eve & the Tree of Life: If the Tree of Life is a representative of Jesus, how come they weren't permitted to eat of it anymore? The Jews before the cross were allowed to partake of His body & blood, weren't they?

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September 09, 2014

   Firstborn: Not necessarily the Firstborn in chronological order, but in status, a follow up from a discussion about JW's from the day before. [Colossians 1:15]
Calvinist & Arminianism - God's Sovereignty & Free Will: You were talking several shows back about you only writing books that fill a void in an area, so is there any books that you'd recommend on Calvinism & Arminianism & God's Sovereignty & Free will, etc?

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   Eternal Security - Once Saved, Always Saved: What is the position on Eternal Security? Can you lose you salvation or not?

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   Molinism Middle Knowledge analogy: Have you ever seen the movie, Next? It seems to be an easy example of Molinism.
6th Hour or 3rd Hour: Why the differing times of when Jesus was crucified, the 6th hour or the 3rd hour? [John 19:14, Mark 15:25]
Shane Wood: Do you know anything about Shane Wood? He seems to hold the same view as you in Revelation.

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   Pilate's Wife, Claudia: Claudia told Pilate to have nothing to do w/ Jesus' trial because of a troubling dream. Was she a secret follower of Jesus?

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   Eternal Security & Dispensationalism: Where do you get the idea that all Dispensationalists believe in "once saved, always saved"?
License to Sin: No one in any denomination really says that you have a license to sin as much as you want even though they believe in once saved always saved.
Once Saved, Always Saved & Calvinism: Is once saved, always saved a Calvinist position or is it a doctrine unto itself? Is it an actual doctrinal position of church creeds?

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   Peter & Rome: Was Peter ever physically in Rome because I've heard that he was neve actually there.
Visiting Sites Paul Traveled: Can we still visit places where Paul was?
Jesus' Locations: When you go to Israel, Jerusalem, can you still see physical places Jesus actually was at?

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   Martin Luther: Like John Calvin did, did Martin Luther write out a systematic system to what he believed?

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September 10, 2014

   Pilate's Wife dream: When Pilate's had a dream about warning Pilate not to have anything to do in the role of Jesus' death/trial, why would God be the one trying to warn her since He's the one who wanted it done, since that is why Jesus cane down here?

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   Steve's Wonderments: Do you have any questions you need answered to? Where do you go for your answers?
Studying the Bible: What are some good resources for the studying the Bible?
Starting point: Where's a good point to start studying the Bible?

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   Miracles in the Catholic Church: What do Protestants think the miracles that have supposedly happened in the Catholic Church, such as the Miracle of Fatima, Marian Apparitions? Does the Stigmata ever happen in the Protestant church? Do any Catholics speak in tongues like some Protestants?
Martin Luther, Predestination, Calvinism & Augustine: So if Martin Luther believed in Predestination under the influence of Augustine, does that mean Augustine believed the Calvinism doctrine?

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   Races: How is possible for all these races to come from a single family of the same race? Caller thinks it's possible God created people of different races after the Flood, or during the Tower of Babel.
Kangaroos & Dingos: How did the Kangaroos & Dingos get separated from all the other animals?
Ron Wyatt: Caller feels Ron Wyatt discovered from pretty important, amazing, discoveries, such as Noah's Ark, Moses' Mountain.

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   Male & Female God: We had some visitors the other day that claimed to be born-again Christians that said God was 2, male & female. [Isaiah 45:5, Genesis 1:26-27]
Chronological Order of Creation: Is my chronological order askew of creation? [Genesis 1-4]

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September 11, 2014

   Homosexuality - Recompence of their Error : What does that a certain verse in Romans 1 about homosexuality mean? [Romans 1;27]
Church reaction to Homosexuals: What should the church reaction be of people who are homosexual? Some have hatred for them.

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   Jesus' Course of Action (not following the expected program): Mary, the Mother of Jesus, knew immediately that it was God telling her that she got to have the privilege of having the Son of God & it must've been quite a miraculous experience, but during His ministry, she questioned if He was okay or not, wanting to take Him home. Why would she wonder that after she knew what knew? John the Baptist also wondered if He was the One or not during his suffering, even though he also had known. [Mark 3:20-33, Matthew 12:43-50, Luke 7:20]

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   Word equals Law: Caller has a friend who thinks the word, "Word" in John 1 is actually supposed to be referring to the "Law". What do you think? [John 1:1]
Pagan Days in contrast to Jewish Feast Days: Caller's friend is really against pagan holidays but thinks we need to keep the Jewish Feast days.

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   Salvation by Grace: What if you forget one or two or a hundred or hundreds of sins that you didn't ask God to forgive you for? Is this talking about Justification or Sanctification? What about legalism, dotting every I, crossing every T? [1 John 1:9]

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   Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage: Isn't Divorce breaking a contract you made with God, & isn't that a sin?

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September 12, 2014

   Two Witnesses & Dating of Revelation: Would you say the 2 Witnesses are literal or figurative? They seem to be more literal than figurative when you read it, & i'm going back & forth on the date of when the book of Revelation was written. [Revelation 11:3-19]
List of Cities in Revelation: If the book of Revelation is indeed about the Destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, why is the prophecy of Revelation sent to cities in Asia, so far away from Jerusalem?
Temple of God: Why are we going back to the Temple of 70 AD when Paul says that we are now the Temple, & that the Holy Spirit dwells in us? [Revelation 11:1-2, 1 Corinthians 3:16]

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   Judgment: Are the world AND the people going to be judged? [Hebrews 9:27, 2 Peter 3:10]

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   1st & 2nd Resurrection: What are we doing the 1000 years if we weren't beheaded for the faith? [Revelation 20]

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   YHWH, Yahweh, Tetragrammaton: Was God's name, which is the Tetragrammaton, YHWH, was in a specific verse in Exodus. Is this true? The pronouns that refer to God are capitalized. [Exodus 23:21]
The Angel leading the Israelites: Who was the Angel that was leading Israel out of Egypt? Was it Christ, a Christophany?
YUDHAYVAVHHAY, added to the Tetragrammaton: Do you have any idea what these letters, YUDHAYVAVHHAY, which was added to the Tetragrammaton?

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   Granting Repentance & Arminian: How would an Arminian address the idea that God might Grant Repentance, which seems so go hand & glove w/ what Calvinists believe? [2 timothy 2:24-25]

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   Don't Tell Anybody: Why did Jesus tell people that He healed not to tell anybody?

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   Old Pastor Friend: An old pastor friend calls to reminisce for a minute, to say hi.

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September 15, 2014

   Water Baptism: Is Water Baptism necessary for Salvation? Some people use the thief on the cross as why you don't have to be.

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   "Even things that are not": What does Paul mean in 1 Corinthians when he says, "Even things that are not"? [1 Corinthians 1:28]

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   7th Trumpet: So you think the 7th Trumpet is talking about the end judgment, Jesus coming, after the Millennium? [Revelation 11:15-19, Romans 16:25-27]
Paul's Last Trumpet: So would you say that Paul talking about the 7th Trumpet when he said Jesus would come at the Last Trump? [1 Corinthians 15]

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   "Even things that are" follow-up: Could be possible that Paul is talking about people that no longer alive?

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   Homosexual Laws: Is the Old Testament no longer valid? Did Paul only look at Sodomy in light of the Temple prostitution? [1 Corinthians 6:9-20]

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   Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost: What was Jesus saying in Luke when He said people who Blasphemed the Holy Spirit could not be forgiven? [Luke 12:10]

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   One Flesh: Does getting married & becoming "one flesh" mean that we have to put all our money in the pot together or can we have separate financial responsibilities, separate bank acounts?
Formal Education: Does Steve Gregg have any formal education in the study of the Bible since he seems so well-versed in it?

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   Marriage: Can you be married w/ out a marriage license?

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September 17, 2014

   Following Jesus Easy or Hard: Is following Jesus easy or hard? In some places Jesus says it's hard, like taking the Narrow Path, taking up the cross, but then He says His Yoke is easy & the Burden light? Matthew 7:13-14,11:29-30, 1 John 5]

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   Delay in Punishment: What verses would you use to show you shouldn't sin even though you seem to be getting away with it right now? [Ecclesiastes 8:11-12]

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   Seventh Day Adventism: Is there anything that SDAs teach in their eschatological scheme that you agree with or see value in?
Think to Change Times & Laws: But what about their belief that the Papacy changed "times & laws" in Daniel, that the Catholic Church changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday? [Daniel 7:25]
Annihilationism & EGW: One of the appealing things about SDA's is their belief about what happens to the wicked. Holding up Ellen G. White to a prophetic status. If she had just been declared a teacher.....

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   Polygamy: Wasn't there a commandment/rule about only having one wife in the Law of Moses? [Deuteronomy 17:17]

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   Homelessness: Becoming homelessness to evangelize. What if you become homeless not of your own choice?

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   Tradition & Legalism: When do you think the traditions some of us have all of a sudden become legalistic? When are we officially crossing the line? Is there anything that we do that would be deemed legalistic?

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   Having Children: Are we supposed to have children?

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September 18, 2014

   Being in touch w/ your Heart: Isn't Christianity to just be in touch w/ your heart, to come back to that innocence that a child possesses?

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   Canon of Scripture & its 66 Books: How would defend the Canon of Scripture as it stands today?
Apocrypha Books: What do you think of Apocrypha Books of the Bible, such as the Epistle of Barnabas?

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   Mary the Mother & Trinity: You had a call about the Pope making the Mother of Mary as part of the Trinity. I did some research on that, & he does say that indirectly.

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   Condemned Already if no belief: Where does it say that someone is condemned if they don't believe on Christ? [John 3:18]
Confessing Jesus before Men: Is it part of the judgment that if you don't confess Jesus before men He won't confess you before His Father? [ Mark 8:38, Luke 9:26]

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   Sabbath: Are we supposed to keep the Sabbath Day from Friday Sundown to Saturday Sundown or is Sunday okay, or Wednesday? I don't want to feel guilty for going to church on Sunday. [Hebrews 7:12, 4:12]

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   Sabbath follow-up: Didn't Jesus say to keep His commandments, & doesn't it say to "Remember the Sabbath", so isn't that one of the commandments that we are supposed to keep, keeping the Sabbath?

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   Unbeliever's Prayer: A friend was telling that God will not answer an unbeliever who is calling out for help unless it's repentance & asking for Salvation. Is that true?
Answering a Believer's Prayer for an Unbeliever: Is it true that God won't answer a Christian's prayer on an unbeliever's behalf for healing, or a financial crisis they are in, but only for their salvation & repentance? [James 5:16]

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September 19, 2014

   Protestants Saved or not Saved: In our last discussion you said Vatican 1 Protestants were condemned to hell, & that in Vatican 2 they were only separated brethren, but wasn't it the Council of Trent that said it & not Vatican 1?
Apocrypha books - Epistle of the Barnabas: Where does it say that an apostle can be the only ones that write a book of the Bible, & if it doesn't say that, why can't people like Mary Baker Eddy or Joseph write a book for the Bible?

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   Time Lapse Between Jesus Birth & the end of Acts: How can the time between Jesus' birth & the end of Acts only be 30 years?

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   Understanding the Bible in a new lens: I appreciate you teaching me how to study the Bible in a different lens than Evangelical Traditionalism.
Polygamy & the Mormon Church: Polygamy in the Old Testament, why did God permit it? There was polygamy in the Mormon Church, & they don't like having it in their history.

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   Inerrancy of the Bible - Mustard Seed: Jesus said that the Mustard Seed was the smallest seed, but in reality, it's not. So was He mistaken? The NLT version of the Bible sort've helped Him out by saying, "one of the smallest seeds".

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   Homeless Ministry: Do you remember a homeless guy by the (nick)name of John 3:16 from the Jesus Movement?

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   God in Unbeliever's Life: How involved is God in an unbeliever's life?

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   Mustard Seed follow up: Caller says some information about a mustard seed.

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   Bread & Wine: Why is Bread & Wine so important for Communion?

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September 22, 2014

   Love is Inclusive: Love is inclusive, you'd think, so why all this criticalness of one group bashing another group because of their beliefs?

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   Wicked for a Day of Disaster: What does this verse mean, that God made the wicked for a day of disaster? [Proverbs 16:4]
Not Judging your Neighbor Are we allowed to judge someone's behavior? [James 4:12]

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   Not Peace but a sword: Doesn't it say that Jesus came to bring a sword & not peace? [Matthew 10:34]
Importance of Man: Just how important is man?

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   No Dispensationalism, no 1948 Israel: Didn't some of the church fathers believe in a restoration of the land of Israel?
A future war of surrounding Israel: Caller has his Scripture ideas as to why there is going to be a future onslaught of Israel: "Redemption draweth nigh", there's no redemption in 70 AD; "There shall be a tribulation such as has never been before", & he feels 70 AD pales in comparison to the Holocaust. And then Satan makes war w/ the woman, caller correctly point out that the woman is remnant Israel. [Luke 21:20, Matthew 24:15, Revelation 12:17]

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   Nephilim, Giants, Daughters of Men: This compromised the human makeup, the angels having sex w/ women. And so then God had the Flood to destroy them. [Genesis 6]

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   God's Love for us: Why does God love us?

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September 23, 2014

   In Jesus' name: Is it necessary to say, "In Jesus name", when ending every prayer?

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   Christian Science & the Interpreter's Bible: Do you know anything about the Interpreter's Bible?

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   Studying Prophetic Scriptures: Did you say there is no value in studying Prophetic Scripture? What if the futurist paradigm was correct, would there be value in studying them? Why isn't there any value in what the Church Fathers believed about a future antichrist, a future temple.

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   Taking Words out of Prophecy & Alpha & Omega: "I am Alpha & Omega, the beginning & the end." Modern Bibles have taken those words out of Revelation. Is there a good reason why this can be done? [Revelation 22:18-19, 1:10-11]

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   Slavery - Servitude: If Jesus & the Apostles had perhaps been more opposed to slavery, there wouldn't have been such a problem in our own country. What say you?

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   Witnessing To Christian Scientist: A follow up call about how to witness to Christian Science.

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   Slavery follow up: We are all slaves.

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September 24, 2014

   Mary the 2nd Eve: What do you think about Eve being the Second Eve as the Pope declares?

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   Purification of Mary follow up - "There" or "Her": Caller does a follow-up on a caller who was concerned about the word "there" or "her", & giving his insights he gleaned. [Luke 2:22] {Editor's note: Just for the record, I don't remember the question that he's talking about, & I spent over an hour looking for it. If anyone finds the call he's talking about, let me know!}

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   Theology (Apologetics) verses Christian Living: Discussion about Christian living over knowing Theology, Apologetics.
Institutional Church, Chaos & Early Church: Caller thinks institutional is sort've on its way out but doesn't want chaos but should go back to early church ways.

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   Son of Man: Why did Jesus refer to Himself as the, "Son of Man"? [Daniel 7:13]

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   Devil & his Minions: What is the Biblical reason that God allows the Devil & Minions to scourge us in addition to what we already have to deal with in our own evil desires & carnal nature? So many things stacked against us, in addition to him & his associates! Why? {James 4:7]

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September 25, 2014

   Early Church & Breaking Bread: How often the early church is supposed to breaks bread has come up. We need sacrifice to the Lord, not a bloody sacrifice, but a sacrifice. [Malachi 1:11]
Paradise or Heaven: Jesus didn't really go to paradise on the same day He promised the thief that he'd be Him in Paradise? [Luke 23:43]
Baptism: Have you said that Baptism isn't necessary based on the Thief on the cross?

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   Amillennialism & the Kingdom of God: Forever & a 1,000 years, how can it go from forever to 1,000 years or for however long it is?

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   Conflicting Dreams: I'm having dreams that seem to contradict each other, dreams that contradict the Bible. Can you tell me about dreams? [Deuteronomy 13:1-5]

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   "Perfectly Joined together": Why so many denominations? Why can't we all be united? [1 Corinthians 1:10-14]

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   Narrow Path is Hard but Yoke is Easy: Which is it, is being a Christian hard or easy? [Matthew 7:13-14,11:29-30, 1 John 5]

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   Church Teacher: What is the legitimacy of being a Bible teacher even though I don't attend a church right now?

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   Water Baptism: A new Member didn't want be baptized because his previous church did require it either, so even though the church required it, they gave him an exception. What do you think?

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September 29, 2014

   Homestuck Webcomics by Andrew Hussie: How do I be a gentle father & tell my daughter that she probably shouldn't be doing this Homestruck?

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   Gift of Prophecy: Preaching the Goodness of God, is that Prophesying? [1 Corinthians 12:28]
Miracles: What about Miracles & other gifts? [1 Corinthians 12:28-29]

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   Pentecost: The Pentecostal Church has two baptism, one in Water & one in Fire (by the Holy Spirit). What do you think about that, them always emphasizing speaking talking in tongues?

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   Praying in Tongues & Gift interpretation: What about being able to interpret when speaking in tongues? [1 Corinthians 14:5-6]

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September 30, 2014

   Forgiveness: Is it God the Father that we come to when we ask for forgiveness & Jesus is just there as our Advocate? [1 John 2:1-2, John 14:16
God's Chastising: How do we know if it's God punishing us or if it's just our own sin catching up w/ us when something bad happens? [Hebrews 12:5]

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   Sam Harris: Sam Harris is looking into Buddhism.
Sanctification: Sanctification is change of the heart.

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   Appreciates the Narrow Path Radio Show: Caller really appreciates Steve Gregg's show. He has his own radio show, but he just wanted to chime in & say how much he appreciates his.
Current Events of Israel: What does Steve think about the current events happening in the Nation of Israel right now?

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   Love One Another & the Good Samaritan: What is the balance of giving to the poor & having enough for yourself, & doing it w/ the motivation of love? [Galatians 6:10, Luke 3:11]

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   Septuagint & Masoretic Texts: In your honest opinion, what is your opinion on the Septuagint & Masoretic Texts, which one is more useful?

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   Contemporary Christian Artists: If a Contemporary Christian Artist has awesome music, such as Steve Camp, but way off on their theology, does that mean we shouldn't listen to their music?

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   Olivet Discourse: I've heard you say most of Matthew 24 has been fulfilled. Christ hasn't come yet, so how can you say all these have already happened, but not going to happen again? [Matthew 24]

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