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<< October 2014 View all months December 2014 >>

November 03, 2014

   Waters of Shiloah: Who refused the waters of Shiloah, & who's rejoicing over what will happen to the kings? [Isaiah 8:1-6]
Curds & Honey: What does this mean, that the Messiah would eat Curds & Honey? He was also talking to Judah right then & there, but who is this talking about? [Isaiah 7:13-25]

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   Generational Curses/Sin: Word of Faith people seem to believe in Generational Curses, but is there any other places that talk about Generational Sin/Curses besides in the 10 Commandments? [Exodus 20:5, Ezekiel 18:20]

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   God's Favoritism: Does God show Favoritism? [1 Samuel 2:30, Proverbs 3:34, James 4:6,1 Peter 5:5]

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   Mormonism: What is your opinion about Mormonism? Are they a cult? Are they not going to make it to Heaven? What do you think about Joseph Smith's writings?

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   Praying in Jesus' name: What does it mean to pray in Jesus' name, and, do we have to say that phrase every time we end a prayer? [Colossian 3:17]

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November 04, 2014

   John Noe: Do you know anything about John Noe? He's a Full Preterist. He almost sounds like you. Do you & him believe the same?
Calvinism's 5 points: I think you can blend the two, it doesn't have to be a either-or proposition, does it?

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   Replacement Theology (Superssetionism): What is Replacement Theology? What are your views about it? Is it a defensible position?

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   God's Love & Hell: How can someone so loving & forgiving torture someone for eternity?

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   Calvinism: A date rape Drug?
Being Gay: A James Cook likes being Gay & is proud of it, boasts about it.

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   Heaping Coals on their Head: What does that phrase mean, "heaping coals on their head"? [Romans 12:20, Proverbs 25:22]
Dispensationalism: Caller thinks Dispensationalism is unfolding to the letter right before her eyes.

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November 05, 2014

   Calvinism & a Date Rape Drug: Steve compared Calvinism to something like a date rape drug, & back peddles a little bit.

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   Glory of God: What is God's glory? Moses asks God to see His "glory", & said He'll let His glory pass in front of him, & we fall short of His "glory", & we are to do everything for His "glory", How do all these compare with each other? Are there different kinds of glory? [Exodus 33, Isaiah 43, 1 Corinthians 10:31]

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   Rich Man & Lazarus: If you are transitioning your belief of Eternal Torment in Hell to Annihilationism, what do you do with the story of the Rich Man & Lazarus? [Luke 16:19-31]

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   Remember Lot's Wife: Lot's wife was "taken" but she wasn't really taken, but remained, even though she eventually turned into a pillar of salt, so isn't there basically 3 categories of what happens to people, one to the righteous, & 2 for the wicked? [Luke 17:32-37, Genesis 19:17,26]

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   Universal Reconciliationism: Who do you think the people are that we are going to reign over? Is it possible that this doctrine about hell is not so well know because God didn't want people to think they could do it?

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   Free Mason: Can a Free Mason be a Christian at the same time?
Paul's Conversion: Was Paul converted against his will? [Acts 16]

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November 06, 2014

    Jesus' Suffering: Did Jesus Suffer so we don't have to?

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   Remarriage: If you get remarried (for any reason), are you going to hell?

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   Adam & Eve to Mt Siani: How was life before the law was given to Moses? How did the people live from Adam to Moses w/out the 10 commandments?
Clean Slate in Marriage: What if I got married & divorced before I became a Christian? Is it like having a clean slate then? [1 Corinthians 7]

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   Jews & Jesus: Will Jews ever believe Jesus to be the Savior the way He's purported to save people, will they ever believe that? (Asked by Michael the Buddhist...hence the word, "purported".)
Old Testament Predictions of Jesus: What are some of the verses in the Old Testament that were fulfilled by Jesus of the New Testament?
Why hast thou forsaken Me: Was this Jesus' human side, crying out, "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken Me?" [Matthew 27:46]

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   666 & the Mark of the Beast: What does 666 mean? What is the Mark of the Beast?
Arnold Murray & Shepherd's Chapel: Caller thinks the previous caller needs to listen to Arnold Murray from a ministry called Shepherd's Chapel.

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   Rejoicing in Temptation/Tests: Should we be embracing what we are struggling w/ life, having temptations? We should just be rejoicing in them? [James 1]

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   Declaration of the Messiah: (Disagreement call) Jesus said that He was Messiah.

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November 07, 2014

   The Bible: Who wrote the Bible? How do we know it's not just a story?

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   12 Disciples Baptisms': Who baptized Jesus' 12 disciples?
John the Baptist's Baptisms: Was John the Baptist's baptisms the same as the Christians' version of what baptisms are today?

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   God Lifting you up if you are called: What were you saying about being lifted up by God after offering your services to Him after He calls you?
Getting Re-Baptized: Should I get re-baptized?

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   Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: if both parties who got a divorce both go into adultery, are they both eligible to remarry?
Believing that you Receive: What does it mean to believe that you have received what you have asked for in prayer? [Matthew 21:22, Mark 11:24]

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   Adulterers & David: if Adulterers can't make it into heaven, what about David & all his concubines? Wasn't he committing adultery?

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   Mirror Bible Translation: Do you know anything about the Mirror Bible?
Santa Cruz School of Ministry: Do you know anything about the Santa Cruz School of Ministry?

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   Chosen & Calling: God choosing people because He knows they'll answer the call.

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November 10, 2014

   Predestination: What are your thoughts on this passage of Scripture regarding Predestination? [Acts 13:48]

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   Lucifer as Satan: Who started first teaching that Lucifer was Satan? [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28]

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   Chosen because Predestined: People were chosen because they were predestined to eternal life (They talk about the Debate between Steve Gregg & James White had about Calvinism & Arminianism which had been re-aired in the last month.)
Kingdom of God taken w/ Violence: What would James White say about the Kingdom of God being take by violence in the paradigm of Calvinism?

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   Calvinism - Total Depravity: A Discussion about Calvinism, Total Depravity & Election.

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   Sound Doctrine: What does Paul mean by "sound doctrine"? [Titus 2:1, Matthew 28:19-20]

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   Calvinist & Arminian Debate comments: Discussion about the Calvinist debate Steve recently re-aired w/ James White & that the caller thinks that Calvinism works for him.

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   JW's & the Word was A God: Can you explain the Jehovah's Witness NWT's Bible saying the Word was "a" God in the gospel of John? [John 1]

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November 11, 2014

   Ananias & Sapphira: Why were Ananias & Sapphira struck down dead so suddenly? Was it because they lied to the Holy Spirit, which translates into blaspheming the Holy Spirit? [Acts 5:1-11]

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   Augustine & Free Will: Caller contends that Augustine believed in Free Will even though Steve said he didn't.
Origen & Free Will: Origen also believed in Free Will.

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   Nadab & Abihu In your answer about ananias & sapphira, you mentioned Aaron's sons, Nadab & Abihu & I want to enhance that story. [Leviticus 10:1-3]

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   Reward for Obedience: Should we expect a reward for Obedience?
Partaking of Divine Nature: What does it mean to be a partaker of the Divine Nature? [2 Peter 1:4]

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   Absent from the Body, Present with the Lord: A lively debate with an Adventist caller about the whether we go to heaven immediately upon death or not.

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   Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit: Is there a difference between the terms, Holy Ghost & Holy Spirit?

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   Preconversion or postconversion: Is Romans 7 talking about Paul's Pre-conversion or post-conversion experiences? [Romans 7:13-25]

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November 12, 2014

   Dispensationalism: According to what Dispensationalists believe, what is supposed to happen to the Jews between the coming of Christ & the Rapture of the Church because don't they think the Jews will be hardened? [2 Corinthians 3:13]

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   Body & Spirit: Is the spirit of a person who is dead, w/ out the body, still alive? Isn't by saying the soul survives after death suggesting that it has immortality? Caller is concerned about Spiritualism being prevalent in the Church in these last days. [Luke 16:19-31, Genesis 3:4]

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   God's Punishment to Eve: Why would God extend the pain of child-birth to all women since it was only Eve that sinned? Did He choose that punishment for a reason? Is it okay to use drugs to dull the pain during childbirth? [Genesis 3:16]

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   God's Judgment - David, the Shewbread & Ahimelech: David deceived Ahimelech, so did Ahimelech & the city of Mob get destroyed because of Ahimelech giving David shewbread even though he was more guilty than Ahimelech for deceiving him? [1 Samuel 22]

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   Affection for Others: If there's love in the Christian Church, why is there so much division? [1 Corinthian 3:1-3]

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   Eternal Security: Like Steve, caller doesn't believe in Once Saved, Always Saved, & wanted to comment about that.
Time & Annihilationism: Since there is no "time" in the spiritual world, doesn't it make sense that God is just going to poof the bad people out of existence?

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   By Faith or Through Faith: In the end of Romans 3, what is the significance of "by" faith or "through" faith, if there is any? [Romans 3:30-31]

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November 13, 2014

   Satan's (Lucifer's) Pride: If Satan wasn't originally Lucifer like the traditional thought is, why did Paul warn about new converts becoming elders, lest they get pride in their heart & fall like Satan did? (1 Timothy 3:6) [1 Timothy 3:6-7, Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28]

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   New Thought - Metaphysical: (Call is very garbled) Have you ever heard of Emmit Fox & his book on the Olivet Discourse, which is about New Thought, Metaphysical?

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   Jesus' Brothers & Sisters: When there was reference to Jesus' brothers & sisters, it could refer to anyone in the town, not just His flesh relatives. Is that true? Where did this idea come from?

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   Man & Angels: Are we higher or lower than Angels? [Psalm 8:4-9, Hebrews 1:14, 2:6-9]

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   Revelation 11 & Daniel 12: Trampling of the courts, the outside court, & caller thinks there's going to be a restoration of the temple. [Revelation 11, Daniel 12, Isaiah 1] [Editor's note: I have NO idea what the caller is saying.]

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   Styles of Preachers: Some Pastors seem to have a different demeanor, temperament, attitude than others, some more positive than others. Your thoughts?

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   Feeding of the 4,000 & the 5,000: What was the purpose of having 2 events of feeding the multitudes?
One Bride for Seven Brothers: Sadducees were trying to set up Jesus & tell him how flawed the Resurrection was, asking Him what they thought was a complicated question about a bride having 7 husbands.

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   Soul Mate for Each Person: Does the Bible teach that there's supposed to be someone to marry for each person? [1 Corinthians 7:8]

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November 14, 2014

   Parable of the 10 Virgins & Universal Reconciliationism: Doesn't the Parable of the 10 Virgins do away w/ the notion of the possibility of Universal Reconciliationism?

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   501c3's: People w/ 501c3's seem to become a corporation & listen to whatever the state tells them to say or not say. Why do people need a receipt to be able write off the taxes you paid to God? Isn't a 501c3 another gospel? What about homosexuals that come into your church & want to get "married", & you say no, aren't you violating the conditions of the 501c3 that the government gave you?

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   Extend Your Mantle over me: What was Ruth saying or doing to Boaz when she was asking Boaz to extend his mantle over her? [Ruth 3:7-18]
Person Caught up in the 3rd Heaven: Who was the person caught up on the 3rd Heaven? [2 Corinthians 12:2-4]

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   Other Fallen Worlds: There's mention of worlds in the Bible, so are there other worlds, & are we the only Fallen world?

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   Last Trump of God: You don't find anything about the "last trump" & the resurrection in Revelation. Why not?
Prophecies in the Book of Revelation: I just don't understand the book, but as far as what I believe, things just seem to be falling in place. (A lengthy discussion about things in Revelation, especially of the Millennium.)
Watching for Signs: Don't we need to watch for signs, especially after the gospel has been preached around the world?

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November 17, 2014

   Free Will & Sovereignty of God: A lengthy discussion about Free will & Sovereignty, using Samuel & Saul as an example in the beginning, but they go all over place. The discussion is 25 minutes long! [1 Samuel 9:1-27, Ephesians 2:1-2]

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   Stoned for breaking the Law: How come the people in the Old Testament were stoned to death & didn't have a chance for forgiveness like we do under the New Covenant?

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   Coming means Believing (Irresistible Grace): Caller thinks the word for coming means believing...Irresistible grace. (The whole call is so convoluted!)

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   Spiritually Dead: Does it say anywhere that the spirit dies? People actually think their spirit is dead. Isn't that metaphor wrong? Paul say that we are "dead in trespasses & sins". [James 2;28, Ephesians 1:1-2, Romans 7:9]
Regeneration & Reconciliation: Does Regeneration mean that we are being Reconciled?

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November 18, 2014

   Eternal Life: What is God's basis for showing grace to someone to bring them to eternal life? Everyone who is weak, humble, meek & needy, does God automatically give them that grace & saves them? (the same caller that was on for a half hour from the day before.) [Luke 8:4-21]

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   Sabbath: Is Saturday still the Sabbath? How come we don't keep it anymore?

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   Jesus Christ the Only Way: Only people who have accepted Jesus Christ can make it into the New Jerusalem, isn't that right?
Tithing: Do we have to still tithe?

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   Life of David: Is there a good book on the life of David, especially when he wrote the book of Psalms? [1 & 2 Samuel, 1 Kings 1]

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   Newly Published Bibles (KJV only Advocate): How can we compare new Bibles to the Greek when most people can't read Greek?

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   Basic by Francis Chan: Have you heard of a book called, "Basic" by Francis Chan? What are some of the things you disagree with him about?

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November 19, 2014

   Strategies for Unity - Babylon & True Church: It's sort've hard to have unity in a church that claims all the other churches except theirs is "Babylon". The Seventh Day Adventist church even says this! We need to stay in such groups & try to tell show them why they are wrong.

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   Peter's Vision of Unclean Animals: The vision the that Peter had about the sheet coming down from Heaven, is that metaphorical or was that God saying that all the unclean animals were clean too? [Acts 10, 11:1-18]

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   KJV-Only Rebuttal: We don't have to depend on the scholars to translate the Greek & Hebrew correctly. For one thing, Augustine never knew Greek or Hebrew. For another, you can read a variety of Translations & get a pretty good idea of what is being said, are the opinions of the caller.

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   Incarnation: If the Logos had not been conceived in Mary, would Jesus had just been a Man, being able to function like you & me? [1 Timothy 2:5, John 1:1-3, 1 Peter 3:18]

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   Teaching by the Anointing: We don't need man to teach us, but to rely on the Holy Spirit for discernment, although we might be helped by a good teacher. What do you think? [1 John 26-27, 1 Corinthians 12:8-10, Romans 12:6-8}

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   Being Jewish: I have a Jewish friend that says that because the mother is Jewish, the children are automatically Jewish. Is there anywhere in the Old Testament where it says that?

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November 20, 2014

   Infant Baptism: What can you tell me about Infant Baptism?
Baptized w/ Fire (Baptism of the Holy Spirit): What can you tell me about the Baptism of the Holy Sprit, or being baptized by Fire?

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   All Saved & Hardening of the Heart: There seems to be a contradiction that God wants everyone to be saved, but that He's also hardened people on purpose, such as Pharaoh. Why? Is this a contradiction?

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   Sinners or Sins: Did Jesus die for our sins or did He die for us? [1 Corinthians 15:3]

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   Dreams & Visions of Jesus to Muslims: I've heard that Muslims have been having visions & dreams about Jesus & have been accepting Him, but someone told me that God only sends dreams to believers. Is this true?

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   God's Love & Power: It's hard to see God's love when you see all this evil around you.

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   Marriage, No license (Spiritual Marriage): When did Marriage Certificates become a thing? Do you have to get one to get married or can you just get married spiritually? Were Joseph & Mary married before she became pregnant w/ Jesus?

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   KJV Translators: So the KJV Translators said the King James Bible might not be perfect?

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   Marriage & Divorce & False Accusations: Caller can't believe what is happening to her at the moment, her husband abandoning her, but not that, but falsely accusing her. What should she do?

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November 21, 2014

   Serpent-Seed Doctrine: What do you think about the doctrine that Eve had a physical relationship the serpent in the Garden, having Cain?

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   All one in Christ Jesus: People think there's a contradiction between all being one in Christ Jesus, but in Corinthians it says there is a certain order of authority. Can you shed some light on that? [Galatians 3:28, 1 Corinthians 11]

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   Parishioner Living in Sin: A Church Member is committing Adultery but still has a leadership position or has church membership. The church, however, refuses to practice church discipline. [Matthew 18:15-20]
Infant Baptism: The church were the caller attends think that infant baptism is acceptable to become a member there. Isn't that an obedience problem, not obeying Jesus, doing baptism for the real reason?

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   Traditions: Did the Pharisees, Sadducees & the Scribes have their own version of the law that wasn't part of the Mosaic Law?

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   Courting a Church: How long should you go to a church before decide if it's a good fit for you or not?

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   Pharisees, Scribes & Sadducees: The Pharisees were the Orthodox Rabbis during Jesus' times? Was Jesus basically just trying uproot Judaism while He was down here? [Luke 9:28-36]
Jews Activities During Jesus' Time: Was there things Jesus didn't like that the Jews were doing when He was down here? [Matthew 5:17-19, Luke 18:10=14]

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   Technical Issues: There is skipping going on in your shows, it's cutting out, can't hear everything you are saying.

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November 24, 2014

   Kingdom of God: Can we get kicked out of it once we belong to it or not? If we don't forgive others, Jesus said He won't forgive us. What does that mean?

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   Saved by Faith & Not Works: We are saved by faith, but not works, but I've always struggled w/ that because then a person thinks they can live a life of sin, & just have faith. What do you say? [James 2:14-15]
Death-bed Conversion: So if we repent right before we die, no matter if it's a deathbed confession or not, we are saved. What about someone like Adolph Hitler?

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   Feeling God's Presence: What does the Bible say about "feeling good" at a church service, like a tingling, goosebumps type feeling?
Anointing of God: What does the Bible say about the Anointing, that you have to pay price to receive an anointing?

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   Satan - Lucifer: Bright & Morning Star & Day Star, is there a difference between the 2? [Revelation 22:16, Isaiah 14:12]

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November 25, 2014

   Assurance of Salvation: I keep having a besetting then that I keep falling into, & so wonder if i'm saved or not.

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   Muslims & Christians: Why do Christians hate Muslims?

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   Act Like Men & Step up & Be Courageous: Have you ever heard of these meetings/video about being courageous men?

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   Feeling Saved: You don't always feel saved, you have ups & downs, but you still might be saved!
3 Views of Hell: What is your view of Hell, Traditional, Annihilationism, & Universal Reconciliationism?

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   Knowing God: How do you really get to know God?

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   Lady Ate her Child & King was going to kill Elijah:: Why did the King during the Famine want to kill Elijah after a lady confessed that she ate her son?

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November 26, 2014

   KJV Translation of the Bible: My brother stands by the KJV only, that it's the most perfect Bible out there. What do you think about that?

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   Being Healed God: What does the Bible say about God healing us? Do we have any part in it?

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   Rapture & the Second Coming: Can you please explain the Second Coming of Jesus & the Rapture?

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   Unitarians & the Nazarene Church: What do Unitarians believe? What about the Nazarene Church?

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   New World Translation (JW's): Can you tell me about the New World Translation?

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   Faith & Belief: Caller wanted to comment about Faith.

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   Being Grafted: What was Paul saying in Romans 11 about being grafted in or out? [Romans 11:17-24

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   Jobs because of Sin: What are all the occupations going to be in the New World since a lot of the jobs rely on things that are a result of sin?

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   Bible Translations: I bought a Catholic Bible, & wondering the different translations between a Protestant Bible & a Catholic Bible of what King Agag's attitude was on his way up to meet seems to be quite different: cautiously, delicately, full of hope, cheerfully, trembling. [1 Samuel 15:32]

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