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January 02, 2015

   2 Differing Beatitudes: Why are the Beatitudes that are found in the Bible different? Are they the same beatitudes & Luke just added to some? Were they different sermons? [Matthew 5:2-12, Luke 6:20-26]

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   Christians Dating non-Christians: Should Christians date unbelievers? [2 Corinthians 6:14]

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   The Bible Mini-series: Caller didn't really think the Bible mini-series by Downey and Burnett was biblical & wondered if Steve thought the same way.

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   The Number of the Beast: Is 666 the number of "man" or "a" man?

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   Jesus dying for the Angels: Jesus died for us humans beings, but what about the angels? Could they repent as a result of Him dying on the cross?

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   Prophecy fulfilled by Hitler in 1945: 487 BC, 1945, Hitler, Stalin & Roosevelt died, all 3 of them, does Steve think that was fulfilling a verse in Zechariah [Zechariah 11:8]?

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   Apostasy has to happen first: Caller thinks there has to be a great apostasy before Christ comes so how could it happen in 1st century?

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January 05, 2015

   Inanimate objects having demons: Can curses or spirits be attached to inanimate objects?

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   Holy Spirit in the OT: Was the Holy Spirit not active in people's lives before the cross? What about David, when he said, "Take not the Holy Spirit from me?" [Psalm 51:11]

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   Disagreement - Eternal Hell: Caller concerned Steve is wrong about not believing in the traditional view of hell of eternal torment.

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   Followup about Hell: Steve does a followup regarding the call he just had about hell.

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   Taking the Lord's Name in Vain: What does it mean to be taking the Lord's name in vain? Does it mean swearing His name as a curse word or, professing to be a Christian & not being a very good representative?

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   Without excuse: The Bible says people are without excuse because of nature/creation itself, so what about people before Jesus?

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   Seeking Truth: The most important thing is being in a relationship with Jesus, & eventually truth will reveal itself.

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   Sound Doctrine: Church takes a strong stand on Sound Doctrine, but how much doctrinal purity is important over just a relationship w/ Jesus?

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   Sound Doctrine: There are some doctrines that are VERY important, & this caller goes to a church where they can discuss doctrine they don't agree with

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   Calvinist-Regeneration: How can a person who is dead in trespasses & sins repent to God, if God didn't call them?

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   Free Will & Eternal Security: Aren't we sealed by the Holy Spirit, so how can we lose our salvation?

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January 06, 2015

   Strong Delusion & Satan Loosed: God says He's going to send a strong delusion. Are the Scriptures in both 2 Thessalonians & Revelation talking about the same time period? A delusion & Satan being loosed? [2 Thessalonians 2, Revelation 20]

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   Discussion about a previous call about Hell: Caller wanted to chime in & talk about the discussion he heard a previous caller talking about hell, & give his take.
Jehovah, Yahweh, YHWH, JHVH: How do we get "Yahweh" or even "Jehovah" out of YHWH?

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   Church of God (cultic variety): There's a Church of God that says Jesus was in Korea.

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   Lucifer is a queer demon: We have a prophet amongst us with new revelation about Lucifer/Satan.

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   Perspective's Program: Announcement about a ministry program

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   Jesus is already here: Jesus is already here in America & so when are people going to start acknowledging that?

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   Street Preachers: Is there any Scriptural support of presenting the gospel the way Street Preachers do? What is the best way to share the gospel?

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   Having the Mind of Christ: What does it mean to have the "Mind of Christ"? [1 Corinthians 2:16]

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   Grace/Legalism: There seems to be a lot of legalism in our churches nowadays.

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January 07, 2015

   Rewards (to the Pharisees): What did Jesus mean when He said, "...they have their reward"? [Matthew 6:5]
God of the OT vs the NT: The God of the Old Testament seems to be different than the God of the New Testament, is this true?

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   Role of a Pastor/Preacher: A Pastor is supposed to feed the flock, but what should they specifically be doing? [1 Thessalonians 5:12-16]

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   Finances - NT/OT version: There seems to be a completely different role of the importance of finances in the Old Testament vs the New Testament.

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   Melchizedek: Who is Melchizedek?

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January 08, 2015

   Daniel (70th week): Jesus can't come yet because the 70th week hasn't happened yet. What does Steve say about that?

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   People coming out of Graves: Caller is impressed with the resurrection that took place of a whole bunch people during Jesus' resurrection & wants to know why it isn't mentioned more, somewhere else. [Matthew 27:52-54]

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   Jesus & Eastern Religions: Wouldn't Jesus have been aware of all the Eastern Religions during His day?

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   Responding to 70th week: Caller called to rebut the 70th week in Daniel & the anti-Christ.

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   Easton's Bible Dictionary: Does Steve know where you can find an Easton's Bible Dictionay?

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January 09, 2015

   The 3 Views of Hell-Universal Reconciliation: Regarding the Universal Reconciliation view, does God want to just restore us with His consuming fire?

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   A 4th View of Hell: Caller wants to introduce a 4th view of hell.

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   The Book of Revelation: Is it true Steve doesn't believe that the book of Revelation is written for us today? What about the 1000 years? What about the Second Coming?

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   "Everlasting Contempt": How could the Universal Reconciliation view be possible in the light of these verses? [Daniel 12:2, Matthew 25:46]

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   Dating: Does Steve have anything on the subject of dating (relationships, courting, romance)?

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   Purgatory: What's even some slight biblical support for the purgatory doctrine, if there is any?

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   Hell: All these verses talk about hell, so don't they all mean the same thing? [Revelation 20:14, Mark 3:29, Matthew 18:9]

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January 12, 2015

   Never Hearing the Gospel: Will people go to hell who have never heard the gospel?

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   God's Glory, Shekinah Glory: Is john referring to the glory of Jesus in relation to what happened in the Transfiguration? [Matthew 17:1-9, John 1:14]

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   Sunday the Sabbath: A friend of the caller won't go to a restaurant or go shopping on Sunday because she thinks it's the Sabbath & we can't work or make others work. [Romans 14:5-6, Colossians 2:14-17]

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   Followup to working on Sunday: Don't go to restaurants not because of it being the Sabbath but because it might prevent people from going to church.

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   The Bride of the Lamb: Who is the Bride of the Lamb? I heard that it was something different than the church.

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   Once Saved Always Saved: Caller trying to figure out what is right, once saved always saved or not, especially in light of a passage of scripture in Matthew. [Matthew 7:21-23].

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   Public Schools: It's a sin to put children in public schools, some think. What are Steve's thoughts?

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January 13, 2015

   Exegesis, Eisegesis & Existentialism: Michael the Buddhist starts a discussion about Exegesis verses Eisegesis & then asks about Existentialism.

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   Kingdom of God: When is the Kingdom of God going to be established? during millennial reign that we are in now? Caller is also concerned with how Jesus answered them. [Act 1:6-9].

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   Jesus giving up Deity: Jesus was 100% God & 100% man, but didn't He divest Himself of His Deity?

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   People Never hearing the Gospel: Caller wanted to followup on if people are saved who had never heard the gospel & wants to cite a passage of Scripture in Romans. [Romans 2:11-15]

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   Children going to Heaven: Do children go to Heaven if they die?

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   Paul Offering Animal Sacrifice: Did Paul really offer an animal sacrifice? [Acts 21:23-26]

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   Attacked from the Enemy (Satan): How would you describe being attacked by the enemy (the devil)?

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January 14, 2015

   3rd & 4th Generational Curse: Why do my great-great grandchildren have to pay for my sins? [Exodus 20:5, 34:7, Deuteronomy 5:9-10, Ezekiel 18:20]

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   Fasting - Negative connotation: God didn't want fasting or it wasn't always effective, is that what He was saying in Isaiah? [Isaiah 58]

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   God Hates the Sin, Loves the Sinner: We've heard the saying, "God hates the sin, but loves the sinner", but there are places where it says in the Bible that God hates the wicked person.

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   Ethnic Israel having a future role: Does Steve believe ethnic Israel plays a role in the end-times? What about all these passages of Scripture then? [Luke 21:24, Romans 11:25-32]

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   No Bibles Available in Church: Caller forgot Bible one time & asked if she could borrow one & the church didn't have one.
Prayer in Church: How much prayer should be happening in church?

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   Spouse being very problematic: What do you do when your spouse goes out of their way to be problematic, refusing to pray with you, go to church with you?

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January 15, 2015

   Denying the Lord: Can we Deny the Lord by our lack of works? Will He say He never knew us if He at one time DID know us? [Titus 1:16, Matthew 7:23]

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   Eastern Orthodoxy (about Hell): Heaven & Hell are actually thought to be the same place. Has Steve ever heard of something like that?

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   "Greater Works": What greater works was Jesus talking about that we would do? [John 14:12]

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   False Teacher Accusation: Caller is saying Steve said that Jesus said in Matthew 7:23, "I knew you, but not anymore", but that's a false gospel. [Matthew 7:23]

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   Bible Thumping as opposed to Gently Correcting: How can you not come across as Bible thumping as opposed to be gently admonishing someone who's doing wrong? [2 Timothy 2:24, Galatians 6:1]

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   Tithing: Caller has a friend who has told him he is wrong for not tithing. How does he share with him that he might not be right?

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January 16, 2015

   Perseverance of the Saints: Caller disagrees w/ Steve's stance of not having Eternal Security, not being once saved always saved & they have a long discussion about it.

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   Michael the Archangel & Moses: What exactly was the dispute over Moses' body anyway? [Jude 9]

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   Marriage & Divorce (Adultery): Are spouses allowed to go back to each other once they divorce each other, both getting remarried & divorced from those marriages? [Deuteronomy 24]

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   Perseverance of the Saints: Caller doesn't understand why Steve doesn't camp on the words of Jesus, "All that the Father gave Me, I will not lose one" from a previous call. [John 6:37-39, John 18:9]

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   Marriage & Divorce (Adultery): Caller wants to followup what was discussed in a previous question about husband forgiving & repenting.

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January 19, 2015

   Jesus' Name is Yeshua: A Messianic Jew minister told the caller that the name "Jesus" is useless, that He needs to be called "Yeshua".
Jesus being Allah in Africa: Jesus not being the Son of God in African countries but is just called, "Allah", has Steve heard anything about this?

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   A couple of jokes are exchanged: Michael the Buddhist shares a joke & Steve shares one.
Karma: What does Steve think of Karma just being the hand of God?

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   Eternal Security: What is meant by Eternal Security? What about someone who appears saved but dies in grave sin? [John 10:28, 1 Corinthians 4:5]

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   Cults not believing Gifts of the Spirit: Is it true that cults don't believe in the Gifts of the Spirit, don't get messages from God? Do Muslims ever hear from God?

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   Eternal Security: Caller absolutely believes in Eternal Security. (Healthy Discussion)

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   Eternal Security: Caller has been listening to Vernon McGee about "Falling Away" & would like Steve's thoughts. [Hebrews 6:4-6]

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January 20, 2015

   Apostasy (vs Eternal Security): Caller has a friend who at one point really loved Jesus with her whole heart, mind & soul, but has completely turned against Christianity.

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   Branches Bearing Fruit: Are there 3 different groups of Christians, Christians who bear fruit, Christians who don't, & Christians who break off, is that right? [john 15:1-5]
Falling Away (for Buddhism): If Steve were to fall for Buddhism, does that means that he fell from grace?

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   Eternal Security: Jesus' sheep follow Him, He gives them eternal life, they shall never perish, is very clear to the caller. [John 10:27-28] (argument for once saved, always saved.)

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   Book of Enoch: It appears Jude quoted from Enoch, & so did he really quote from it or did it just happen that they were both talking about a similar topic? [Jude 1:14]

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   Once Saved Always Saved refuted: You can lose your contrast to a previous call in the show. [Proverbs 3:1-7]

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   Loss of Salvation: Can a person come back to faith after they have apostatized? (Hebrews 6:4-6]

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January 21, 2015

   Book of Enoch similar to Narnia: Did Steve say the book of Enoch was similar to the Chronicles of Narnia? What was the motive of the writers quoting from it?
Calvinism: How do Calvinists determine who are of the elect or not?

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   Illumination of Light: Once you are illuminated by the Light, why would you want to go back to darkness?, Michael the Buddhist says Rusty seems to be saying (a caller who has been calling frequently about eternal security).

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   God's Foreknowledge: God knows the end from the beginning, but doesn't determine the outcome, & caller as a result of this call learns that she actually is an Arminianist.

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   Tertullian & Lucifer being a Fallen Angel: Did Tertullian believe & come up with Lucifer Falling from Heaven?
Zeal, even if misguided, is good: Even though caller thinks Rusty, who's been calling in a lot lately regarding the perseverance of the saints, is wrong, but that at least he has enthusiasm for what he believes.

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January 22, 2015

   Obeying Righteousness: Looking for verses in the Bible about doing what God wants you to do, & not deviating from it, aside from the general ones of following the wicked.

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   Marijuana: What do you think of people using Marijuana as an alternative for the conventional medicine such as Prozac in treating depression?

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   Millennials: Caller read an article about not worrying about what the Millennials do.

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   Marijuana: Taking Marijuana for Depression, that can make you more depressed!
Spiritual Discernment: Objecting to the way a friend is raising her kids, is that Spiritual Discernment?

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   Jehovah's Witnesses: Have you had any dealings with the Jehovah's Witnessess, & how do you witness to them?

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   Power of God: How can or does a person rely on the Power of God?

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   Anti-Depressants: Fighting depression with Vitamins & Diet is the best way to go, this caller thinks.

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January 23, 2015

   Eternal Security: Once Saved, Always Saved, went to Calvinism for awhile, but has been learning in Revelation about overcoming, conquering, fighting the good fight.

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   Jesus & His Marital Status: Would it have been wrong for Jesus to take a wife & have children, & if it wouldn't have been, why did He chose not to?

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   The Book of Psalms: Does the book of Psalms have any rhyme or reason to the way it was put together?

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   "The Story": Does Steve know anything about "The Story"?

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   Turning away from Righteousness: Caller thinks these verses in Ezekiel seems to be saying that those who were once righteous & turn away, their righteousness will no longer be remembered. [Ezekiel 3:20, Ezekiel 18:24]

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   Nutrition & Depression: A handful of Cashews is just as effective as a dose of Prozac.

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   Prophecy fulfilled: Is Ezekiel 12:11 talking about something that is going to happen in the future or has already been fulfilled? [Ezekiel 12:11]
The Two Witnesses: Who are the 2 Witness in Revelation 11?

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   Evangelism: Do people have the free will to how they will receive the gospel?
Jesus Tarrying: Why is Jesus tarrying for so long in coming? Does anything else need to happen?

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   God being Cryptic: Why was God so cryptic in the Bible instead of just spelling it out?

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January 26, 2015

   Pre-Wrath/Mid-Trib: Is it a strong view that Jesus will come back right before the wrath, or right in the middle of the Tribulation?

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   Souls: When does the soul enter & leave the body? Grandfather is near death & just wondering what happens to the soul of aborted babies.

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   Irony about the Middle East: Shouldn't the Middle Eastern countries be rejoicing since they won't have to go through the tribulation?

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   Age of Accountability: Does the Bible talk about the Age of Accountability anywhere? [Isaiah 7:16]

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   Disagreement Callers: Caller thinks Steve does a good job debating with people who disagree with him, handling it with grace.
Baptism: Caller wants to get re-baptized even though he was baptized as an infant. He wants to ever since he repented. Should he?

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   Being baptized privately: Pastor of a church said that 2 kids were going to be baptized, but baptized privately because they were too embarrassed to do it publicly.

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   Generational Curses: A believer could be a carrier for the next generation of curses. Caller would like information that helps refute this.

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January 27, 2015

   Continually Repenting: Some say you don't have to repent from sins, but from unbelief & that we don't have to keep repenting once you are saved.

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   Same-Sex Marriages: Caller wonders if there is a movement out there about only obeying the red letters of the Bible, that we only have to do what Jesus said, so we don't have to worry about homosexuality since He didn't talk about it?

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   Rebaptism: Is it important to be re-baptized if I was baptized as an infant?
Belief You Can Move Mountain: If we have enough belief, we can move mountains?

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   Divorce: There is the exception clause to get divorced (adultery & fornication). What about unlawful marriages? [Matthew 5:31-32]
Jacob blessing grandchildren: How was Jacob able to leave the birthright blessing/inheritance to Joseph's 2 sons?

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   Witchcraft vs Spiritual Gifts: An ex-witchcraft, Occult person who is now a Christian claims she has the spiritual gift to stop the wind. Caller didn't know how to tell her that was crazy.

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January 28, 2015

   Jesus' lineage being of David: Joseph lineage was full of sinners, & he wasn't really Jesus' biological father, so Jesus is just the seed of David by faith? [Matthew 1, Luke 3:23-38]

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   Addicted to Narcotics: How do I break the addiction of prescription drugs? I've tried everything!

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   Eternal Security: What about verses in John that seem to endorse eternal security? [John 10:28, 6:37]

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   Sanctification & Age of Accountability: How does a person who dies young who gets to go heaven not have to go through the process of sanctification?

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   Gifts with Attachments: I gave money as an incentive for grandchildren to read a book, & the parents didn't think I should add attachments to a gift.

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   Mary's Conception: Was Jesus any part of Mary? Did God just use Mary's womb as an incubator?
Jesus as a Child: Was Jesus aware of who He was when He was a kid (younger than 12)?
Becoming Sinless: Can we become sinless?

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   Jesus was conceived with immortality: Jesus was immortal, no death in Him. He wasn't capable of sinning, apparently. A caller has all kinds of ideas about Jesus while a Man.

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   World Events: The world seems to be getting worse & worse, & prophecy seems to be fulfilling itself, doesn't Steve agree?

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January 29, 2015

   Gospel of the Kingdom vs Grace: Is the gospel of the Kingdom of God the same as the gospel of Grace?
Kingdom of God & the Millennium: Is the Kingdom of God & the Millennium Related?

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   Eternal Security: People could become complacent with eternal security, but caller has been studying the Bible in that prism, & don't you get credit by not believing it?

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   Falling Away: Steve & others don't understand how people can fall away, BUT the caller wants to explain how it's possible.

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   The Soul being Eternal: What does it mean the soul is eternal/immortal?
Great White Throne Judgment: Are Christians going to be in the Great White Throne Judgment also?

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   The Parousia (Full Preterism): Caller has been reading the book, "Parousia" by J Stuart Russell, & that there was a "dead zone" after 70 AD, & people were resurrected/raptured then.

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   Judge not: People at church tell me, who I am to judge, citing a verse in Matthew? What do you say? [Matthew 7:1, John 7:24]

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January 30, 2015

   Overcome with Doubt: Sometimes I have doubts about God really existing, Jesus existing. How do I overcome that?

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   "And this Word": What does "this word" mean in Hebrews? Isn't this book talking about Jesus, & don't forget about Moses & the Law, but that Jesus is SO much better? Why is he referring to Haggai? [Hebrews 12:27, Haggai 2:6]

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   The Law of the Atonement: The 2 Goats, one for Lord, one was as the Scapegoat. But what is "Azazel" (in the Hebrew)? [Leviticus 16:6-10]

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   Peter & Vision of Unclean Animals: Caller thought the vision of the unclean animals Peter had was just talking about animals & diet, but it was talking about people. [Acts 10, 11]

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   Faith in America: Caller thinks has a theory on why so many people are having trouble with their faith in America & thinks he has the remedy for it.

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   The Book of Revelation: I have a friend I debate with, sharing with him partial preterism, but he's suggesting I'm adding or taking from the book of Revelation. [Revelation 22:19]

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   Recognizing Relatives in Heaven: Will we know our relatives in Heaven? What age will be appear there? Will we be speaking the same language?

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   Rick Warren & Islam: Has Steve heard anything about Rick Warren trying to merge Islam with Christianity?

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   Rick Warren: Caller wanted to say that he personally knows Rick Warren, & knows that he is a very reputable man, & isn't trying to merge Islam with Christianity.

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