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<< August 2015 View all months October 2015 >>

September 01, 2015

   Playing Cards: What is your view about playing cards? (that's the original Q, but Steve talks about Alcohol & Gambling more than the actual playing of cards.)

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   The person Job Getting a New Wife: Did Job get a new wife at the end of his latter days?
Chastised by the Lord or Being Attacked by Enemy: How can we know if we are being chastening by the Lord or being attacked by the Devil? [Hebrews 12]

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   Sin Unto Death: What is the Sin unto Death? [1 john 5:16-17]

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   Missions Work: Is modern-day Mission Work Biblical? It seems a little bit different than what happened in the 1st century church.

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   Forgiving & Loving Your Brothers & Sisters: It's sort've hard to go to church if they are having a hard time forgiving & loving a particular member of the church.

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   "Revelation, Four Views, A Parallel Commentary": Do you have any ideas on the best way to read your book on the 4 views of Revelation?

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   God's War on Terror: Islam...: Would the view that Islam being the antichrist make more sense to you that it coming from a European Country?

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September 02, 2015

   Men & Women Equality: There's a lot of talk of Men & Women having equality, but Paul says Man was made for the glory of God, & that women were made for the glory of man, What does Steve think about that? [1 Corinthians 11:7, Genesis 1:26-27; 2]

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   Long-Term Missionary Work vs Short-Term Missions: Caller wants to make a distinction between short terms Missions & long-term Missionary Work. He wants to recommend 2 good books on the subject: "Giving Wisely- Killing with Kindness or Empowering Lasting Transformation?" by Jonathan Martin, & "When Helping Hurts" by Steve Corbett & Brian Fikkert.

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   Worship Songs in Church: Caller thinks there's too much vain repetition in worship songs we sing in church nowadays & it's too loud.

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   God Killing Innocent People: Caller has some friends who went from Christian to Atheist & want to know why did God kill innocent life when Israel came out of Egypt to take over the land of Canaan if He doesn't want people to go to hell?

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   Dispensationalism vs Partial Preterism: Why is there such a newfound interest in partial preterism nowadays? Couldn't there be a balance of Dispensationalism & Partial Preterism, a middle ground?

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September 03, 2015

   Bible Translation Corruption: Discussion about the best to worse Translations of the Bible.

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   Light before Sun & Moon: There was light for the earth for 3 days before God made the Sun, so if He would've taken the sun away again after the 3rd day, would there still be light, what there was before God made the sun? [Genesis 1:3-5, 14-18]

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   Steve makes an interjectory announcement about getting together w/ like-minded people: Steve's offers his effort/availability to try to get people of like-minded who are in the same area in touch w/ each other so they can fellowship with each other.

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   Spirit & Truth: We have to worship God in Spirit & in Truth, so what does that mean? Was He changing how it was done right then because how could they do that up to that point since there were no regenerated Christians yet? [John 14:23-24]
Moving in & out of the Spirit: Is it possible to have the Spirit in you one day & then out the next, in & out, in & out, in & out?

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   Eternal Security: Some people believe in conditional security & some believe in once saved, always saved. What does Steve believe & what scripture evidence does he use?

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   Satan a Fallen Angel or the Tempter: If Satan was created at the Tempter, we'd have to attribute evil to God because Satan would have no culpability? Why would God judge Satan? You couldn't really say Satan was evil then.

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September 04, 2015

   Revelation 20 & Partial Preterism: Caller agrees w/ Partial Preterism, but has a hard time understanding [Revelation 20] & Satan being loosed for a 1000 years. Can Steve help?

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   General Assembly: Does Steve know anything about the General Assembly church? Is it a cult? [Hebrews 12:13]

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   Prayer Labyrinth: Do you know anything about Prayer Labyrinth?

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   Sons of God - Angels - Nephilim: Did the "Sons of God" (angels) come down from Heaven & have sex w/ women? [Genesis 6:4]

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   Adam & Eve & Sons of God: Is it possible Adam & Eve had children before the Fall, before they had Cain, & that's what it meant by the Sons of God had sex w/ women? [Genesis 6:4]

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   Adam's & Eve Fall & Altering of the Human Spirit: Adam & Eve's decision to eat the forbidden fruit alter the Human Spirit forever, is that right? [Genesis 3:1-7]

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September 08, 2015

   Knowing the Will of God: How do we know God's will for us? Even micro-managing in day to day decisions can He reveal to us?

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   Chronological Order the Books of the NT: What would Steve say about the chronological order of the books of the New Testament?

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   Church of God & praying to Mother God: Caller was invited to the Church of God, & was told that they needed to pray to the Mother God because Jerusalem is the mother of us all & it faces the east.

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   End Times - Man Child: Who is the "Man-child" in Revelation 12 talking about? [Revelation 12:5, 13]
"Short Time": So if Jesus ascended to heaven 2,000 years ago, the devil/dragon has been doing his thing for that long, & THAT'S not a short time, is it? [Revelation 12:12]
Little Horn & Times & Times & Half of Times: Again, how can it be a short time if Satan has been doing his work since Jesus ascended to Heaven? [Daniel 7:8, 8:9, 12:7]

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   Voting: Would voting for 3rd party candidate who agrees w/ most of my beliefs, even though it'd be a throw-away vote, should I still vote my conscience & vote for them?

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   Works as a Result of Faith, Enduring to the End: Our good works are a result of our strong faith, is that right? What does "Enduring to the End" mean? [Matthew 24:12-13, Matthew 10:22 22]
Taking the Bible literally or figuratively, Idioms: Does Steve take the Bible more literally or figuratively?

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September 09, 2015

   Past Life Regression: The caller's father SORT'VE believes the Bible, but he's also heard about people in their past lives where they are pretty accurate w/ stuff that happened to them, can describe stuff that really happened in history.
Judaism: Judaism believes in reincarnation also, the caller's father believes.
Reincarnation: Is there a place where the caller can find more Christian resources on the reincarnation?

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   Universal Reconciliationism: Does Philippians 2:10-11 give evidence of universal reconciliationism, because if it's coerced, it won't really be a confession & bringing glory to God? [Philippians 2:10-11, Romans 14:11]

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   Dating of the Book of Revelation: Have you ever heard that 50% of the Bible scholars of today believe that Revelation was written before 70 AD?
Revelation Written in 95 AD: What would Steve do/believe if it WAS proven that the Book of Revelation was written in 95 AD?

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   God Creating Us: How long was God waiting in Heaven before He created us?

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   Socialism & Slavery: How can Steve be against socialism but be in favor of slavery?
Old Covenant debt relief laws vs Modern day Redistribution of the wealth: Weren't the old covenant laws for debt relief similar to redistribution of the wealth in modern days?

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   Partial Preterism: Is there any documentation that the early church fathers actually believed 70 AD WAS indeed the fulfillment of Revelation since you think it was?

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   An Israelite marrying a Moabite: I was just reading in the Deuteronomy that if a Jew married an Moabite that they could not enter the temple & were unclean for 10 generations. So how did David get away w/ being able to enter the temple since it hadn't been 10 generations yet....or Solomon for that matter? [Deuteronomy 23:3]

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September 10, 2015

   Premillennialism vs Amillennialism: Can you please educate me on the difference between Premillennialism & Amillennialism?
Davidic Covenant How does Israel's rejection of Jesus affect the Davidic Covenant, whether you're a Premillennialist or an Amillennialist? [2 Samuel 7:12]

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   Baptism Should baptism be done in only the name of Jesus or the Trinity, God the Father, God the Son & God the Holy Spirit? [Acts 2:38, Matthew 28:19]

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   Purgatory: People use a particular Scripture in 1 Corinthians 3 about purgatory, but I had never heard it being used as such. Can you comment on it? [1 Corinthians 3:13]
Blood Moons: What do you know about Blood Moons?

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   Eastern Philosophy infiltrating the church: What is Steve's opinion about incorporating Christianity with Buddhism, Hinduism, Metaphysics, Transcendental meditation and so on?

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September 11, 2015

   Free Will: Caller shared a story involving Lisa Cook & her grandfather who didn't accept Jesus even on his deathbed.

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   Teaching Steve's book on the 4 views of Revelation: Caller is about to teach a class using Steve's book & wants some pointers on how to do it, Revelation, Dispensationalism, Replacement theology, Supersessionism.

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   Map to Heaven: The Bible is the only way to Heaven. cute comments by a 9 yr old who had called 2 days prior about God creating us.

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   Request for Prayer: Request for prayer for 9/11/01 victim's families.

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   Tree of "Wisdom" (Knowledge of Good & Evil): Why did God put the Tree of "Wisdom" (he meant knowledge of good & evil) if He didn't want them to partake of it? For tempting? Testing? Was Adam an atheist?

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   Disagreement about Canon of Bible: Little convoluted in what his actual disagreement w/ Steve was on the Canon of Scripture....slavery, & other stuff.

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   Wealth & The Ministry: What is wrong w/ ministries getting a lot of money?

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   Transgression vs Sin: What is the difference between "Transgression" & "Sin"? [Genesis 6:1-13, Romans 4:15]

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September 14, 2015

   Souls & Spirits: What exactly happened during the resurrection of people rising the same time Jesus did? Were there spirits & souls in the them? What does this have to do w/ soul sleep, a conscience existence, etc.? [Matthew 27:52-53]

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   End Time Events, Obama, Establishment of Israel: Caller was listening to a lady who had some pretty specific scripture for stuff that has been happening in the last days & wants Steve's thoughts on it.

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   Gospel being Preached to all the World: Is Jesus here talking about just the nation of the Israel here or the whole literal world? {Matthew 24:14]
Being Aware of the Gospel: Everyone seems to have at least a somewhat knowledge of the gospel, but what are going to happen to the people who had never heard the gospel, people from 3rd world countries?

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   Calvinism: Did God preordain people to be saved no matter what, sovereignty verses free will?

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   Graven Images & wearing a cross on a necklace: Is wearing a cross on a necklace considered worshipping a "graven image"?
Prepping or Storing Food: Are you a believer in storing/prepping of food, etc. for a time of trouble?

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   God "trying" to kill Moses: what was happening w/ God trying to "kill" Moses in [Exodus 4:24]?

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September 15, 2015

   Church Buildings & Organization: Caller has just read, "Pagan Christianity" & was wondering about Church buildings & organizations, & fundraising for it. What does Steve think about that?

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   Jewish ancestry: Caller wanted to discuss the religion or culture of the Jewish nation, especially Judah.

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   The Dating of the Book of Revelation: What is the ONE thing that makes Steve think the book of Revelation was written before 70 AD?

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   Jews being still being God's Chosen People: Is Israel still God's chosen people?

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   Sabbath or Sunday: Are we supposed to worship on Sabbath (Saturday) or Sunday?

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September 16, 2015

   Jehovah's Witness & only calling God Jehovah: Why the insistence of only calling God "Jehovah", translating it as such, by the Jehovah's Witnesses?
JW's & Jesus NOT being God: Just because people bowed down to Jesus does not mean that He's God, a JW claims.

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   Blood Moons: Can Steve please talk about the Blood Moons, even though he may have already talked about them?

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   Roman Catholic Church & the Vatican: Why does the church pray to Mary, among other things?

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   Communion: What is Communion for, what are we supposed to do with it, how important is it? Why has it become so ritualistic?

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   Steve Gregg makes a comment Re: Question about Communion: Re: the last Q, Steve makes an announcement that a lot of people might disagree w/ him about what he just said about Communion (or might disagree on something for that matter), & wants people to call in & say what their disagreement is on that or ANYTHING & is not saying it w/ any bravado.

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   The Modern Nation of Israel: Can Steve please expound on Ezekiel 37 & Romans 11, if Israel is not going to be a major player, have a nation again, in the end time? {Ezekiel 37, Romans 11:22-32]

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   The Church as a Moral Authority: What does Steve think about the church as being a moral authority for society today?

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September 17, 2015

   Zechariah Study: Did Steve finish the Zechariah study that he had been working on?

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   Israel & the Church: Isn't Israel still God's special people?

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   The Nation of Israel: Isn't it a miracle the nation of Israel forming into a country in 1948?

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   Passover & the Lord's Supper: Are the Passover & the Lord's Supper the same thing? [Matthew 26:26]
Lord's Supper in the New Covenant: Where can I find out about the Lord's Supper & the New Covenant involving it? [Matthew 26:17-26, Mark 14:12, Luke 22:7-22, 1 Corinthians 11:17-34]

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   John Paul Jackson: Is John Paul Jackson a good preacher to listen to?

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   Revelation & Slaves: This is about the 3rd time this caller called to talk about Revelation & Slaves. [Revelation 22:18-19]

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   God of the OT & NT: Why did God seem so much harsh in the OT more than Jesus, also God, was in the NT?
Christianity & the LGBT community: Why are Christians so harsh to other people, including to the LGBT community?

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   Roman Catholics & the Eucharist: How can people think they are literally eating & drinking Jesus when they participate in the Eucharist? [John 6:40-65]

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September 21, 2015

   The Cloud, The Pillar of Fire, & the Tabernacle: Can you please describe the Cloud & Pillar of Fire that led the Israelites? [Exodus 40:38, Numbers 9:15-23]

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   Calvinism: How can someone who is God-hating & dead in their sins choose Christ?

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   Atheists: Are most Atheists former Christians?

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   Same-sex marriage & Homosexuality: Caller likes Steve's lectures on the biblical reasons why homosexuality & same-sex marriage are wrong.
Teaching, traveling, lectures: Caller appreciates Steve's ministry, his ability to be able to teach across the country, have lectures that are the perfect length, etc.

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   Amillennialism: Caller thinks that the reason people USED to believe in Amillennialism is because they couldn't see Revelation being fulfilled like it is 1,800 yrs later, but thinks Dispensationalism is unfolding before her eyes.

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   Ronald Dart - Soul Sleep: What does Steve think about Soul Sleep? (Caller revealed later that Dart was part of the World Wide Church of God, not SDA)

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   The 10 Virgins Parable: Since the Virgins all "rose" at the same time, isn't that proof that they were all believers? [1 Thessalonians 4:16, Matthew 25:1-13]

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   Revelation being fulfilled in present time: Are we in the period of time of?, the caller would like to know. [Revelation 3:9]

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September 22, 2015

   Holy Spirit Using an Individual: Could God decide to use somebody because they thought God would never use him, & wanted to prove them wrong, as it were?

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   Nation of Israel: Does God still have a purpose for the nation of Israel being a major witness for Him in the closing days of the world? [Romans 11]

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   Sodom: Is Ezekiel, in chapter 16, verse 49, referring to literal Sodom that had been destroyed a long time ago, or figuratively for something else in Ezekiel's time? [Ezekiel 16:49]
Sodom: And then in [Ezekiel 16:53] God says He's going to restore the fortunes of Sodom (and Samiria), is He talking about the literal Sodom that was destroyed or something else?

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   "According to the power that worketh in you": The caller loves a particular verse in Ephesians, but doesn't understand the phrase, "...according to the power that worketh in you" which is in the verse. [Ephesians 3:20]

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   Balaam's Donkey: Does Steve think God just opened the mouth of the donkey & his OWN thoughts came out, or was it God speaking, sort've using the donkey as a ventriloquist? [Numbers 22:28]
Witch of Endor & Samuel speaking to Saul: Could that be the exact same situation, not really Samuel speaking? [1 Samuel 1:15-28]

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   Pope visiting the US: What does Steve think about the Pope visiting the United States?
Jesus' 2nd Coming: Could Jesus' second coming be imminent, could He come back VERY soon?

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   "Eat the Little Book": Is the little book in Revelation that John is asked to eat, is it the book he is dictating to him? [Revelation 10]

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   SDAism: Caller who had called about Balaam called back to explain why he didn't want to admit he had been raised an SDA, that he just wants to learn the truth.

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September 23, 2015

   Calvinism - Predestination: So did God predestinate the king (Hezekiah) to live an extra 15 years, showing off all his valuables, my personal sins, the Flood, the demons laying w/ women, or did He just have foreknowledge of it? [2 Kings 20:1-6, Isaiah 38, Genesis 6]

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   The Deity of Christ: A person said that Jesus did NOT have to depend on His Father because of His own Deity, that He had His own power of performing miracles, healing & resurrections, while He was here on earth, is that true? Jesus was a 100% God & 100% man at the same time, but didn't rely on His Father. [John 14:10, 5:19, Matthew 12:28, Acts 1:2]
Jesus' 2 Natures: So WAS Jesus 100% God & 100% Man like most people think?

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   Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: Can a Christian remarry once they are divorced?

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   Unfulfilled Prophecy (2nd Coming): Caller wants to just understand amillennialism, preterism, & understand prophecies that haven't been fulfilled yet, especially of the second coming. [Revelation 20]

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   Ethnicity of Jews: What was the Ethnicity of Jews, or Jesus?

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   Blood Moons: Caller likes documentary, "The Star of Bethlehem" by a Frederick A. Larson. What does Steve think about it?

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   The Lordship of Jesus: Since Jesus was all about healing, will He heal me?

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September 24, 2015

   Good Book recommendations Can Steve please recommend some good Christian books, as the caller has appreciated his recommendations in the past.

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   Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage Situation: Caller has anxiety, worry about the new situation he has found himself in as he's about to get a divorce, it sometimes getting the best of him & wants some Scripture to lean on, or some advice listen to.

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   Partial preterist & Full Preterism: What are the differences between Partial Preterism & Full Preterism?
Dispensationalism/Premillennialism & Historical Premillennialism: What is the difference between Dispensationalism & HISTORICAL Premillennialism?

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   Melchizedek: If Melchizedek was the pre-incarnate Jesus, & was the King/Priest of Salem, what exactly was He the King/Priest of while He was here?

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   Replacement Theology - Supersessionism: Did Steve say he believes in Replacement Theology (Supersessionism)? What is that?

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   KJV of the Bible: Are there errors in the KJV of the Bible?
Women Preachers: What is your position on women preachers/ordination? (never gets a chance to answer this Q however)

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September 25, 2015

   The Jack Hibbs video on Replacement Theology: Comment on Jack Hibbs response about partial Preterism & replacement theology.
Mark Hitchcock gloating over Debate Victory: At the end of the Hibbs replacement video, Mark Hitchcock gloated about the victory he had over Hank Hanegraaff on the debate about the Date of the Book of Revelation.

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   Sowing & Reaping: Caller is having financial hardship which is having an effect upon giving. [2 Corinthians 9, Luke 6:38]

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   Women Preachers: At the end of the program yesterday, a caller had asked about women preachers, but Steve never had a chance to answer it, & another caller was interested in it herself. [1 Timothy 2:12-14]
BSF (Bible Study Fellowship): What does Steve think of that group? Would they be Dispensationalists?
Dispensationalism: Can Steve please give a brief summary of Dispensationalism.

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   Israel Being God's Chosen People: Caller thinks the Nation of Israel is still God's chosen, special people.

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   Ruling w/ an Iron Scepter: When does that take place, Ruling w/ an iron scepter? [Revelation 2:27]

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   Animal Immortality before the Fall: Did animal & plants die before the Fall? [Genesis 1:30]

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September 28, 2015

   In Danger of Hell fire: We'll actually get in trouble, or be in danger of hell-fire, for calling people a fool? It also says that the fool will be in danger because he doesn't believe though!

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   JW's & Satan: What has Steve heard about Jehovah's Witnesses thinking that Satan is almighty?

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   Messianic Judaism/Hebrew Roots: Can Steve please expound on Messianic Judaism, any good books, etc.?

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   JW's - Charles Taze Russell: It's interesting that the founder of Jehovah's Witnesses was only 20 yrs old & had infidelity problems.
The Pope of the Catholic Church: Pope John Paul II said at the UN the other day, "I come in my own name." Isn't that exactly what it says in the gospel of John? [John 5:43]

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   Intercession: Caller had been praying the Rosary & then all of a sudden a lot of bad stuff started happening, but then a guy told him to continue & him about miraculous metal. What does Steve think of this "miraculous metal"?

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   Communal Churches: What does Steve think about comunal churches? Where would you find such a church? Do they still exist?

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   Blood Moons, Flat Earth, Earth Center of Universe: Is the earth the center of the Universe?

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September 29, 2015

   Paul's writings hard to understand: Peter said that some of Paul's writings were very hard to understand. What things was Peter talking about? [2 Peter 3:15-16]
The Fish & the Coin: Why did Jesus have Peter do it this way? Why didn't they just take the money out of the treasury, the purse Judas was always carrying around? [Matthew 17]

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   Baptism: Baptize in the name of the Father, Son & the Holy Spirit or Baptize in the name of Jesus only? [Matthew 28:19,Acts 2:38]

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   Healing: God gave us the power of healing.

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   Full Preterism: Caller believes in Full Preterism & wants to dialogue w/ Steve about it.

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   "Until ALL has been fulfilled": Caller disagrees w/ Steve that not ALL has been fulfilled by what Jesus did on the cross, like especially, what about the Prophets? [Matthew 5:17-19]

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September 30, 2015

   Harmonizing 2 Bible verses: Caller wants Steve to reconcile 2 particular Scriptures, one that seems rather comforting, & one that's a little hard. [Luke 13:24, Romans 8:31]

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   "Mind of Christ": Isn't it true that if we have the "Mind of Christ" it we won't be sinning? [Romans 7, 1 Corinthians 2:16]

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   Apostles: What about modern day "Apostles"?

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   Seventh Day Adventists: I follow politics & really like Ben Carson but found out he was SDA. What can you tell me about them?
Evangelical Catholics: And what can you tell me about "Evangelical" Catholics because I also like Rick Santorum.

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   Understanding Scripture: Caller wants helps interpreting a particular Scripture correctly. It is [Hebrews 11:35].

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   Unequally Yoked: Does Steve see a difference between someone who was NEVER a believer w/ a believer vs a person who turns into an unbeliever or goes into a cult, are you all of a sudden still unequally yoked as well? [1 Corinthians 7:12-15, 2 Corinthians 6:14]

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