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<< September 2015 View all months November 2015 >>

October 01, 2015

   Meditation Techniques - Science of Spirituality - Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj Caller has really been enjoying the meditation experience he has been having in these classes, but they say that God doesn't really want anything from us & has been very concerned about that.
Meditation producing Psychological Problems: He has also read a study that upwards of 50-60% of the people who practice Meditation actually have a lot of psychological problems. Has Steve ever heard such a thing?

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   Spiritual Strength through the Holy Spirit: What is the promise Paul is referring to regarding Spiritual Strength through the Holy Spirit in [Ephesians 3:14-20]

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   Covenant Theology: What is Covenant Theology?
Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB): Caller gives his insights re: the Holman Christian Standard Bible - HCSB.

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   Christian Music at a Business Establishment: Christian Music in a Business Setting offending others & the caller is worried about it.

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   Zechariah 12-14 Unfulfilled: Caller thinks the last 3 chapters of Zechariah have not been fulfilled yet.

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   Follow-up to playing Christian Music: Caller wanted to encourage the caller who called about playing Christian music at his business to continue doing it.

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   Partial-Rapture Theory - Man-child Comapany God pulls some people faster than others, but the part of the gleaning is now considered wrong & caller thinks that another caller needs to take that into account. [Revelation 12]

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   Violence taught in the Quran: Caller is concerned about violence that is instructed in the Quran.

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October 02, 2015

   Desires of the Flesh: The usage of the word "flesh" seems to be a little contradictory in the way it's used in certain parts of the Bible, such as in Galatians it says the flesh & the Spirit are opposed to each other, in Ezekiel it says God will give us a fleshly heart, & in Ephesians it says we aren't even at war w/ our flesh. Can you explain these apparent contradictions? [Galatians 5:17, Ezekiel 26:36, Ephesians 6:12, Romans 7]
KJV-Only People: Can you please talk about the KJV-only people, that only the KJV should be used, that if you are not reading the KJV you aren't really reading the Bible at all?

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   Desiring to Control your Husband, a Nagging Wife: What does the Bible have to say about a wife nagging her husband, what IS nagging in a marriage, & what you consider nagging & not nagging? [Genesis, 3:16, Proverbs 19, 21, 27]

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   KJV Translation: Is the King James translation the best to use for the simple reason that it's not copyrighted?
Dynamic Equivaltents: With Dynamic Translations, they can just translate it into what they THINK it means.

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   Neil Anderson Ministry: What do you just generally think of Neil Anderson's Ministry, & his going about the country casting out demons?

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   Inconsistency in American laws: The conundrum of some of the laws is, do we obey man or Christ?

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   Buying & Selling: I'd like to clarify the what you were saying on yesterday's show involving the Mark of the Beast & not being able to buy or sell.

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October 05, 2015

   Demon-possession: Can Christians become demon-possessed since they are supposed to have the Holy Spirit in them? How can they have both? [Matthew 12:43-45]
Occult Practices: Is it possible that people who supposedly experience Alien phenomenon are really just experiencing demon phenomenon?

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   Sacrifices during the time of Jesus & after: Leave to your house desolate, being w/ out sacrifice, but the Jews were doing it right at the time, according to what Jesus told the Samaritan woman. So the Jews were doing right between the transition period between when Jesus died & the destruction of Jeruslaem in 70 AD. Hosea 3:4, John 4:21-23]

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   Hugging & Kissing: Is it normal to hug & kiss church members, especially in the Calvary Chapel? [2 Corinthians 13:12, 1 Thessalonians 5:26]

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   Covenant Theology - Covenants: Does the New Covenant cover all the other covenants that ever existed in the Old Testament?

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   A Muslim Friend: Caller is trying to explain Christianity to a Muslim co-worker, & would like some advice on what to share to him, especially about the Trinity.
Pre-incarnate Christ: What about when Nebuchadnezzar thought he was seeing the Son of God in the fiery furnace? {Daniel 3:25]

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   Socialism: What objections should Christians have to Socialism?

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October 06, 2015

   Understanding Scripture - The World is Yours: What does Paul mean by "the World is Yours". [1 Corinthians 3:21-23]

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   Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage Situation: Should the caller consider marrying someone or not?

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   12 Apostles & Paul: If Jesus had the "12" apostles, why did Paul need to be one?
Peter's & Paul's Gospel: So the gospel of Paul is completely different than the gospel of Peter's, Paul's being about grace?

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   Paul cutting his hair & the Nazarite vow: Why did Paul cut his hair? Why did he take the Nazarite vow? [Acts 18:18, 1 Corinthians 9:20-22]
A test for Adultery: Can you expound on the Adultery test in [Numbers 5:11-31]?

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   Trinity: Can you expound on the Trinity, & the Son of God being talked about in the OT? [Isaiah 9:6]

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   False Teachers: The Bible says there are false teachers, so Is this referring to the Word of Faith people like Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer, & so on?

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October 07, 2015

   Promises of God: Are the promises only applicable to the Israel or are do they apply to us Gentiles also?

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   Sheep & Goats: The caller doesn't take this a completely literal, that the sheep & the goats are separated at the regeneration point. [Matthew 25:31-46]

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   Thief on the Cross & Soul Sleep: An evangelist said that there is no way the thief on the cross could've gone w/ Christ to paradise THAT day because there is no conscious existence after death & Jesus didn't even go to Paradise that day. [Luke 23:40-43, John 20:14-17, Matthew 28:9]

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   "I NEVER knew you": Who are these people that Jesus never knew? [Matthew 7:21]
"They will make merchandise of you": What does the phrase mean, "they will make merchandise of you"? [2 Peter 2:3]

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   Yahweh, the Father, the Son, & the Trinity: Discussion about the Name Yahweh for God.
KJV Translators & Colossians: Why did the KJV translators translate Colossians 1:16 incorrectly?

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   Assisted Suicide: Is Assisted Suicide okay, especially since the state legalizes it?

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   One Lord, one Faith, one Baptism: Being baptized in just Jesus' name or being baptized in the Father, Son & Holy Ghost is acceptable? [Ephesians 4:5-6, Matthew 28:19, Acts 2:38]

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October 08, 2015

   Mormonism - Spirit Prison: Everyone that dies will go to one of 3 Heavens, & they believe in a somewhat Spirit Prison, & that they can get baptized out by living people. What do you think about this? [1 Peter 3:18-20, 1 Corinthians 15:29-30]

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   Praying directly to Jesus: Can we talk directly to Jesus when we pray? [1 John 5:14-15, Matthew 6:9-13, John 16:16]

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   Church Leadership Authority: Pastor sole-run church, elder run church, & you find both examples in the the NT, but which is correct?
Pastor w/ Sole Authority: Caller says church was having problems w/ a pastor where there was a major upheaval.

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   Peace Apostolic Ministries - John Alley: Does Steve know anything about this person or ministry?

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   A Heavenly Mother (goddess): What does Steve think about a Heavenly Mother?

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October 09, 2015

   The Parable of the Rich Man & Lazarus: Is the parable about the Rich Man & Lazarus really about the after life? [Luke 16:19-31]

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   10 horns in Daniel: Caller was wondering what the 10 horns of Daniel were or are? [Daniel 7:24]
Roman emperors: So the 10 horns have nothing to do w/ the Caesars of Rome?

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   Manifested Sons of God: What do you think about the Manifestation of the Sons of God because there used to be someone who taught on that & he passed away, & I've never heard anyone teach on that since then. [Romans 8:19]
Bob Larson - Demon Deliverance Ministry: Where does Steve stand on demon deliverances?

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   2 resurrections: I'm a little confused here because in Revelation it says that there'll be 2 resurrections, the righteous first, & then a 1000 yrs later the resurrection of the wicked. [Revelation 20:4-6, john 5:24, 12:38, Ephesians 2:21]

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   Premillennialism & the anti Christ: So if you think everything has been fulfilled except for the actual coming of Jesus, in your paradigm when does the Millennium & the anti-Christ come? [Revelation 20, 2 Thessalonians 2]

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   Manifestation of the Sons of God: Caller just wanted to opine on the manifestation of the Sons of God from a few calls back.

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   Resurrection of people at the time Jesus rose: What can you tell me about the people who were resurrected at the same time Jesus was? [Matthew 27:51-53]

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October 12, 2015

   Steve's Mom, A. Wetherell Johnson & Bible Study Fellowship (BSF): So Steve's mom learned under A Wetherell Johnson's teaching in BSF?
Preterism, Church Fathers & John at Patmos: Eusebius says that John the Revelator was exiled at Patmos in 95 AD, so wouldn't that put a damper in the book of Revelation being written before 70 AD? [Revelation 1:9]
Dating of the Book of Revelation: So you use both external & internal evidence, & one of those categories gives more evidence for a late date, but the other one gives more evidence for an early date, is that right?

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   Previous Eschatological Views: When you believed your former positions in Eschatology, did you actually teach them or just believe them at that point?
Full Preterism: Do you consider Full Preterism to be heretical?
Dispensationalism: If Dispensationalism is false, doesn't that give people false hope for a 2nd chance where there is none?

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   New (Spiritual) Israel: Is there any Scripture in the Bible where it talks about the New Israel & not Ethnic Israel? [Romans 11:25-28, 2:28, Philippians 3:3, Galatians 3:28, 6:16]

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   Ekklesia - Calling out of or Congregation: Abraham was called out of his country, Israel being called out of Egypt, we are supposed to be as the new spiritual Israel called out of the world.
Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil: Is there another place in the Bible that references the Tree of the knowledge of good & evil? [Genesis 2:17, 3:1-24]

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   Zechariah Lectures: Where are they?

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   Predestination & an Omnipotent, Omniscient God: How does God's Omniscience go because if He knew someone was going to go to Hell, why did He create him, because doesn't that make Him responsible for them going to hell?

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October 13, 2015

   Follow-up to Zechariah Lectures: Steve comments on the Zechariah lectures they had talked about the day before, that they are up on the website.

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   Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage Situation: A preacher told the caller that he can't remarry unless his ex-wife is dead. Is this true? [Caller shares his story.]
Porneia - Fornication: Pastor sent him an article that the greek word, "Porneia", is only talking about the betrothing period or of a harlot.
Street Preacher: The preacher telling the caller all this is actually railing on him because he had been in this situation himself.

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   Street Preachers Follow-up: Paul didn't hold anything back when he was publicly speaking. [Acts 20:20]
Strong-holds & Foot-holds: What is the difference between a strong-hold & a foot-hold? (Steve, however, gets interrupted in his answer.)s

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   Strong-hold & Foot-hold follow-up:: What are they again, since Steve didn't get a chance to answer the first time?
Jacob's Trouble: How is it that the children of Israel experienced Jacob's trouble & are saved out of it, but how were they experiencing distress of it if they left before 70 AD? [Jeremiah 37]

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   Chosen People: Who ARE the chosen people now, Christians?

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October 14, 2015

   Chronicles of Narnia: What do you think of the C.S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia, fantasy & fiction, verses reality, especially since they have witches in them & such?
Leviathan: How literal should we take Leviathan?

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   Mental Illness: Caller is concerned about what Steve teaches about Mental Illness on his website.

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   The Existence of the Devil & Evil: If Christ is all knowing, why did He create the Devil & evil?

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   Four-headed Beast in Ezekiel: Four Faces of the Cherubim in Ezekiel is briefly talked about it. [Ezekiel 10:14]

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   Drugs & Mental Illness: Caller is concerned about what Steve just said about drugs involving mental illness.

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October 15, 2015

   The Olivet Discourse & the Book of Revelation: Why would the Holy Spirit need to give John a very cryptic, apocalyptic book about the Fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD if Jesus had already explained it to Jews in Jerusalem while He was still here? It'd just seem to be counterintuitive. [Matthew 24 & 25, Mark 13, Luke 21, Revelation 1-20]

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   Mark of the Beast: What is the Mark of the Beast & 666, & so on?

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   Obadiah & House of Esau:: It says in Obadiah that no survivors were in the House of Esau. Who's the modern day Esau & what time period are we talking about? [Obadiah 1:18]

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   Son of Perdition & Judas: What do you think about Jesus calling Judas Iscariot the Son of Perdition? [john 6:70, Acts 1:25, 2 Thessalonians 2:3]

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   Microchips: So what if you were required to get a microchip? Would you get one?
Holy Spirit: How do you know if you really have the Holy Spirit or not? [Romans 5:5, Galatians 5:22, John 13:34-35]

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   Anti-Christ: Does it say anywhere in the Bible where the anti-Christ is going to come from?
Lucifer & the Cherubim: Lucifer was the anointed cherubim? [Ezekiel 28]
Lucifer being a Fallen Angel: Was he the most powerful angel, even more powerful than Gabriel & Michael, or were they all on the same plane? [Ezekiel 28:12-19, Isaiah 14:12]

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   Christians, Sinner or Saint: Even though we are Christians, should we still be considered sinners or saints?

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October 16, 2015

   7 Dispensations of Time: Can you please talk about the "7 Dispensations of Time" that the Dispensationalists believe in?

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   Temple Institute - Rebuilding the Temple: Would it be a sin or offense against Christ to financially support the building of the 3rd Temple in Israel?

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   Impending Armageddon: A woman was at work & was crippled w/ fear about an Impending Armageddon. What would you say to her?

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   Lucifer Not Being Satan: Why does everyone think Lucifer is the name for the Devil? [Isaiah 14]

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   Son of God: How would you explain the "Son of God" to a Muslim?

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   Fire Meaning in the Bible: What is the meaning of "fire" is, especially in the book of Acts? Fire is a form of judgment, but it also says fire came on the people at Pentecost. [Matthew 3:10-12, 1 Peter 1:7, Acts 2:3, Isaiah 4:5]

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   Zechariah 13: "striking the shepard the sheep will scatter." Caller wants to dialogue w/ Steve for about the 5th time about Zechariah & the Shepard being stricken, that it is talking about the end times. [Zechariah 13:7-9, Mark 14:27 27 Matthew 26:31 31]

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   Prayer: Are we allowed to pray directly to Jesus or the Holy Spirit? [Luke 11:1-4]

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   Reading & Understanding the Bible: What is the best way to read the Bible?

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October 19, 2015

   Rapture: When Christ returns, the UNgodly will be taken out, Godly will be left, but all the evil will just be taken out, & the earth will be dissolved. What do you think about this? [Luke 17:34, Matthew 24:40]

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   Allah: Does the name "Allah" mean, "submission"?

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   Single Pastor Structure: What does Steve about the sole Pastor model of the church structure?

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   God Being for Us: If God is for us, who can be against us? What does that mean? We seem to be up against a lot of foes. [Romans 8:31-36]

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   Matthew Henry & the Nation of Israel: Matthew Henry believed that Israel would come back to God as a country even before Dispensationalists started teaching it, going by [Romans 11:25-27]

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   The Remnant: Only a Remnant will be saved, not an ethnic group, including Israel.
Allah: Caller comments on the name "Allah", that it applied to God. For a long time Allah was a name for God, Theos, but now it is used as the Arabic name for God. But the English word for God is pagan, which means, "pouring out libations".
Taking up your Cross daily: Trying to explain the analogy of plucking out your eye & cutting off your arm, taking up your cross daily just means the spiritual issues are the most important to do, to follow the narrow path daily. But doesn't "entering into life" mean entering into it now? [Matthew 16:24, 18:8-9]

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   Jesus verses Paul - Calling Somebody a Fool: Should we ignore Paul & his letters since he seems to be going against what Jesus said about calling people fools? [Matthew 5:21-22, 1 Corinthians 3:18, 15:36 2 Corinthians 11:16, 11:23, 12:6, 11, Galatians 3:1-3, Titus 3:3]

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October 20, 2015

   Calvary Chapel: 1) What would be the top 3 things you'd change about Calvary Chapel? 2) Why would you change those things? 3) How would it help?

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   Arab Christians: Who is the Christian God of Arabs? Then who is the Muslim God? What do the Arabs call God in English?

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   Catholicism influencing Islam: Is there any truth to the Roman Catholic church influencing Islam?

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   Going to Church on the Sabbath: How come we don't go to church on the Sabbath (Saturday) like the Seventh Day Adventists do? (Romans 14:5-6]

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   Yeast (leaven) of the Pharisees: What was the meaning of the phrase, "yeast of the Pharisees"? [Luke 12:1, Matthew 16:6-12, Mark 8:15, 1 Corinthians 5:6-8, Galatians 5:9 (good leaven, Matthew 13:33, Luke 13:21)]

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   Islam, Allah, & Muhammed: Knowing how to respond to Islam & calling God Allah, & Muhammed picking that one because of the worship of "moon gods". What is Steve's take on that comment?

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   Arabic God Allah (followup): Caller wanted to followup w/ what he had just heard about Allah.

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   Live-in Fornication: Grandchildren are practicing fornication, & have no qualms about it, but i'm very concerned about it. Do you have any thoughts?

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   Tithing: What is the practice of tithing is supposed to be? To only the local church or other ministries? [Malachi 3:9:-10, 2 Corinthians 8]

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October 21, 2015

   God Manifesting Himself: Why does God hide Himself & make it hard to know who He is? [Romans 1:19-20, 16:25-26]

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   Church History & Church Fathers: Who is the first Church father that you attribute spiritualizing Scripture to, especially eschatology? [Romans 2:28-29, Romans 9 - 11]

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   John & the Island of Patmos: When was John on the island of Patmos?
Mark of the Beast: I don't think the Mark of the Beast has ever happened yet, & I was wondering how you accounted for that part?

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   Nathanael & Jacob's Ladder: Jesus told Nathanael that he'd see greater things, seeing the heavens open & angels ascending up & down on the Son of God. What does that mean? [John 1:49-51, Genesis 28:10-13]

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   Mark of the Beast: You'd have to be a willing participant to get the Mark of the Beast, you couldn't be deceived into it, isn't that right? [Revelation 13:11-18]
Span between Adam (Noah) & Abraham: Is there something missing there between the Fall of Adam & Eve until Abraham of how men lost sight of God?

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   Buying & Selling: Not being able to buy or sell is proof that you haven't taken upon you the Mark of the Beast.
Eternal Security: Do you think someone can actually lose their salvation once they have genuinely saved?

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October 22, 2015

   All Land to Israel: God gave Israel ALL the land, but people have been telling me that this is just hyperbole, didn't mean ALL the actual land. What do you think? [Joshua 21:43]

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   Don't Pray for the People: Do not pray for this people, God told Jeremiah. Why was that? It seems to be in direct contrast to what we are taught in the NT. [Jeremiah 19-22, 7:16, 11:14, 14:7-10,]

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   The Golden Rule: What is the origin of the Golden Rule? Did Jesus actually say that? Did He say it on the Sermon on the Mount? [Matthew 7:12]
Reincarnation: If reincarnation isn't real, why is there such disparity in humans, even among family members? We don't really know why from a Bibilical perspective? [Matthew 25:14-30]

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   Death: What happens to you after you die, your soul & spirit? [Philippians 1:21-23]
Kingdom of Heaven: What does this verse mean, that the kingdom of Heaven has been suffering violence & they take it by force? [Matthew 11:12]

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   "He will save HIS people": Was the exclusive reason Jesus came here to save the Jews, but because they rejected Him, it transitioned over the rest of the world? [Matthew 1:21, John 11:51-52, Acts 18:9-11, Matthew 15:21-28, Romans 15]

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   12 tribes of Israel: Are the Tribes of Israel of different colors? [Obadiah 1:1,3]

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October 23, 2015

   Church Government: Is your position of how a church should be run is a multitude of elders, no one particular person in charge of making decisions? [Acts 14:23]

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   Zechariah, Judgments & Partial Preterism: Caller wants a good explanation of Zechariah 14, & has given several points of the contrast between judgments immediately back then to end time events (telescoping). [Zechariah 13 - 14, Matthew 24:15-51, Isaiah 15-24]

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   Genealogy of Jesus: How many monarchs were left out of the genealogy list? Do you know anything about the significance of 76? [Matthew 1, Luke 3]

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   Charismatic Churches: What are your feelings about all this craziness happening in the Charismatic church, such as laughing, barking, gold dust? After all, doesn't it resemble "drunkenness" at Pentecost? [Acts 2:1-31]
Healing: They are into all this healing also. Does God genuinely manifest Himself doing that? Should we stay clear of it or what?

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   Joshua's time & our time: The Jews not marrying Pagans back in the their time, but does this carry over to our time as well? [Joshua 23:12, 2 Corinthians 6:14-18]

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   Grace & Law: Can we live under Grace without defining the aspects of the law?

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October 26, 2015

   Character of God: Was wondering if you could sum of the Character of God?

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   Jesus Setting up His Kingdom in Israel: Can you please explain Jesus coming back for the Jews? I thought the Jews didn't believe in Christ?
Tribulation & anti-Christ: Jews will be converted during the Tribulation?

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   Biblical Counsel: Psychiatry verses Biblical Counsel.

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   Parable of the Talents: Are the people in the parable of the talents saved? [Matthew 25:14-30]

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   Encouraging Scripture: i'd like some Scripture to encourage a niece who is a very weak Christian who's going to be alone.

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   The Inspiration of Scripture: Paul was only talking about the OT Scriptures when he said 1 Timothy 3:16, about all the Scripture is given by inspiration, but did he have foresight & knew that the NT would be Scripture too? [2 Timothy 3:16]

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   Satan being bound: Why is he released once he is bound? [Revelation 20:2, 7-10]

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   State of the Dead: You said you don't think "sleep" is a good analogy of death because it's not really like a sleep because sleep in not an unconscious state, so then what WOULD be a good one?

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October 27, 2015

   Mormonism: I appreciate the Mormons zeal to share their gospel, even though it's in error. You should have a debate w/ Mormonism because the contrast of the debate comes out on both sides, & it would with all these other religions. [Galatians 1:8-9]

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   Annihilationism & Universal Reconciliationism: I was told there is no way i'm honoring the word of God if you even entertain the idea of universal reconciliation & don't believe in the traditional view of hell. What do you think about that? How does he know i'm being unfaithful to the Word of God just because I might disagree w/ the traditional view of hell?

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   Dating of the Book of Revelation: The church of Sardis/Smyrna wasn't even established until well after 70 AD, so there is no way Revelation could be written before then.
Sons of the Kingdom: Who are the people that come from the east & the west & sit down w/ Abraham, Isaac & Jacob & who are the Sons of the kingdom who will be cast out into outer darkness? [Matthew 8:11-12]

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   Assyrians & Israel: Why did God use Assyrians to judge Israel, but then punish Assyria for doing what He wanted? [Isaiah 10]

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   Eunuchs: Jesus said that some should become Eunuchs if they can receive it, what did He mean by this? [Matthew 19:12]

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   Calvinism: God provided the red heifer & the ashes to get ceremonial clean, but THEY had to actually do something to get clean. Isn't that the right way to think of our salvation, that God does provide everything for us to be able to receive Him, but it's ultimately up to us? [Numbers 19:9,13,10,21; 31:23]
Two or three gathered together: Is this passage of Scripture taken out of context, most thnking that where 2 or 3 people are gathered together, Jesus is there, but isn't this actually talking about church discipline? [Matthew 18:20]

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   Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage Question: Do I have to become a eunuch for the rest of my life even though my wife is the one who divorced me...twice?

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October 28, 2015

   Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage Situation: (On these marriages Q's I'll just let the caller say their situation....except to say he wasn't a Christian when he got a divorce.)

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   Last Days: Are we in the last days?

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   Discipleship: What is a good way to encourage discipleship in the church? [Matthew 28:20]
Church Community: The typical church service is all about the service, not connecting w/ one another, & people need to be taught how to go about doing life together.

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   Baptism: Does God accept both types of Baptisms, sprinkling & immersion?

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   Women Pastors: What do you think about women in leadership roles, especially of "executive pastor"? Was Paul just talking about it culturally?
Pastor vs Preaching: What do you think about women preaching the gospel then?

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   Forgiveness: Is the main reason we forgive is so we don't be so toxic, bitter, or do you need to forgive to be unified? [Mark 11:25]

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   Jesus & Horus: Are you familiar with the supposed similarities between Jesus & the Egyptian god Horus, such as the Virgin Birth?

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October 29, 2015

   Reformers, Calvinism & the Church Fathers: What was the reason for Reformation to get back to correct doctrine or get the church back from wherever the Catholic Church took it?

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   JW's: What do Jehovah's Witnesses believe regarding the Millennium. Where religions that raised up in the 19th century as a result of Jesus coming back soon?
Peace when going to Christian groups: I have a wonderful peace whenever I go to Calvary Chapel. (Steve then asks him what holds him back from accepting Jesus.)

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   Women Pastors: What about the verse which says, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus." [Galatians 3:28]
Devil: Is he literal, a real individual?

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   Cremation: What does the Bible say about cremation? or what do Christians thinks about it?

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   Jephthan & his Daughter: Did Jephthah Sacrifice his Daughter because of the vow he had to keep? [Judges 11:30-39]

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   Halloween: What are your views about celebrating Halloween?

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   Holy Spirit & Unborn Children: Do unborn children have the Holy Spirit? [Luke 1:15]

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October 30, 2015

   Reading the Gospels: Young Christians probably shouldn't start w/ the Gospel of John.
Agape, Agape, Phileo Me: Jesus asked Peter 3 times if He loved Him, 2 times agape love, the 3rd time, do you phileo Me? [John 21:15-19, John 18:15-27]
Caller's Illness: Prayer because of a mysterious illness.

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   Jesus' Death: The Death that Jesus had to die, was it both physical, spiritual & eternal?

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   Polygamy: Under the Banner of Heaven, by John Krakauer. How did Abraham, David & Solomon & others not see that this was adultery & degrading of women? Why did God permit it?

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   Muslims & their belief about Jesus: Why do Muslims think that Jesus never died & was actually lifted up? [Isaiah 53, Proverbs ]

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   Peter loving Jesus: Did Peter actually have the ability to love Jesus as much as he did AFTER the Pentecost since he got filled w/ the Holy Spirit then?

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   Marriage Difficulties: What is Jesus' point of view of divorce, separation & marriage, & especially of a wife who denies her husband? [1 Corinthians 7:3-5]

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   Intimate Relations at Husband's beckoning: That's very interesting that the previous Q was asked because mine is related: What if the husband is being unreasonable when he wants to have sex?

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   Proverbs: My husband was quoting from Proverbs, & I have a problem reading it. What are your thoughts? [proverbs 22:6]

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