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February 03, 2016

   "Son of God" & "Son of Man": Why does Jesus refer to Himself as "Son of God", "Son of Man" & what do those titles mean? (calls later in show)

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   A Show Dedicated to Unbelievers: Whatever happened to one day per week for just non-Christians & atheists calling into your show?
God Testing Abraham with Isaac: Unbelievers want to know how God telling Abraham to sacrifice Isaac was a moral test? (Steve's connection gets interrupted but he is able to finish answer.)
Doing things wrong ignorantly: Will God judge us if we are doing things ignorantly?

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   The Love Chapter: Caller trying to find the chapter that talks about love in the Bible but can't find it. [1 Corinthians 13]

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   "I am that I am": (same person as first caller) "I am that I am", can Steve please explain that expression? [Isaiah 43:10, Isaiah 43:13, Isaiah 46:4] (The verse Steve Couldn't find during the live show was Isaiah 43:13]

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   Tithing: Can you shed some light on tithing? Do we need to tithe?

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   Ananias & Sapphira: How does Ananias die without Sapphira knowing about it? [Acts 5:1-11]

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   Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: After reading the Bible about marriage, adultery & divorce, caller is wondering if she's allowed to be remarried. [Matthew 5:38]

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   Taking the Mark of the Beast Literally: Caller takes Mark of the Beast literally & wants to know what Steve Thinks about that idea. [Revelation 13:16-17]

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February 04, 2016

   Commentary that Agrees with Steve's Views: What commentary would recommend that aligns w/ your views?
Bethel of Church in Redding: What are your thoughts about the Bethel church in Redding?

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   Abuse of Children: Authorities in Norway think children are being radicalized to Christianity & taken to foster care where they really are abused.

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   Tithing Controversy: What did the early church look like as far as tithing?

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   Presbyterianism: Should I be a Presbyterian? What good or bad about it?

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   Apocrypha Books: Why are the apocrypha books that are mentioned in the Bible not included in the Bible?

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   Greg Boyd: Are you familiar with Greg Boyd on open theism? Have you his book about the Sovereignty of God & our free will, called, "Is God to Blame?"?

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   Satan a Fallen Angel: I have a friend telling me that Satan was Lucifer & is a fallen angel, but I can't find it anywhere in the Bible. Can you tell me where I might find it? [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28, Revelation 12:3-4]

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February 05, 2016

   Order of Appearances of Jesus after His Resurrection: can you tell me the order of the events of the resurrection appearances of Jesus?
Jesus' Glorified Body: Was Jesus' resurrected body the same as His other body?

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   Open Theism: Open Theism, free will, God's omniscience & caller tries to link john 19:11 with free will. [John 19:11]

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   Calling Evil Good & Good Evil: Is there a verse that says they'll call evil good & good evil? [Isaiah 5:20]

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   Memorizing Scripture: How do memorize Scripture or is most of your knowledge just as a result of you reading the Bible so many times?

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   The White Horse: Who do you think the white horse actually is? Jesus? The roman armies when they first start the onslaught of Jerusalem? You don't seem hard enough on people who believe dispensationalism. [Revelation 6:1-8]

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   Joining Freemasonry: Is joining the freemasonry a good idea or bad idea as a Christian?

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   Steve Not Agreeing with Current Events as a Sign of the End: Caller can't understand how Steve can't see how the end time events are matching up with what the Bible says is going to happen & wants Steve to comment. (Newspaper Eschatology)

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February 09, 2016

   Abrahamic Covenant & the Land of Israel: Since there types & anti-types couldn't the land of Israel could still be fulfilled physically, even if it was already fulfilled spiritually under the Abrahamic Covenant?

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   God's Forgiveness: Is there any sin that God won't forgive?
Blaspheming the Holy Spirit: How do I know if I've blasphemed the Holy Spirit or not?

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   A Physical Burning of the Earth: Regarding the New Heaven & Earth, literal physical burning? [2 Peter 3:10-13]

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   Premillennialist view New Heaven & Earth: Caller comments on previous call about the earth burning on Jesus second arrival.
All Israel Shall be Saved: A remnant of Israel will be saved discussion, & caller feels Steve needs to mention the premillennialist view more often. [Romans 11]

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   Old Testament Prophecy to still be Fulfilled: Can you list the things that still need to be fulfilled in the Old Testament?
Steve's Experience with Speaking in Tongues: The caller's wife wanted a brief testimony of Steve speaking in tongues & being filled with the Holy Spirit.

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February 10, 2016

   Paul & Wrath: Paul uses the word "wrath" 3 times. what is this wrath he is talking about & is it still future? {1 Thessalonians 1:10, 1 Thessalonians 2:16, 1 Thessalonians 5:9]

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   Names being Blotted out of Book of Life: People think names in the Book of Life would never be removed, but it says that people would be. Can you explain this? [Exodus 32:32-33]

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   Tribe of Dan: Why is Tribe of Dan missing from the 12 tribes listed Revelation regarding the 144,000 [Revelation 7]

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   Reunited with Loved Ones: Is there any biblical evidence that we may be reunited with loved ones when we die or not until the other side of glory?

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   Stoning Disobedient Children: Michael the Buddhist calling, asking about duet, a rebellious child being stoned to death? That seems too harsh for him. [Deuteronomy 21:18-21]

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   "What are we to Make of Israel?": Caller comments on lecture series “What are we to Make of Israel?”, saying how good they are, & that he's on his second time of listening to them.
Missing Tribe of Dan: Caller has a theory responding to a previous call about why Dan was not included in the list of Revelation 7. [Revelation 7:4-8]
Contradictory Numbers in Scripture: Was it 20 years or 40 years that the Ark remained in Kirjathjearim because the math doesn't seem to be working out in light of what it says in [1 Samuel 7:2, Acts 13:22]

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   Unpardonable Sin: Can you give all the commentary you can about the unforgiveable sin & did Jesus do away with all of that at the cross?

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February 11, 2016

   Fasting & Wine Use: When they were fasting, were they still mixing the wine with water, & what about the people who took the Nazarite vow? Were they exceptions?

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   The Importance & Expediency of Baptism: Why isn't baptism emphasized as much as it should be? Why such tarrying in getting baptized verses immediately?
Probation Period before Baptism: In some churches you have to go through a 30-day program before you can be baptized.
Baptism for Church Membership: Most churches seem to think you are getting baptized into their church & becoming a member, learning & accepting their doctrines, rather than just being a disciple of Christ.

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   Christian Having Joy, Peace & Love: They say you are supposed to have joy, peace & love all the time as a Christian, so I'm beginning to question my faith now.

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   Grace Movement What do you think about the "hyper-grace" movement that says we only need to repent once & we are good to go? [1 John 1:9]

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   Good Churches in the Sacramento Area: Believe it or not there are a lot of churches that DO teach biblical teachings in the Sacramento area.

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February 12, 2016

   The Promised Land: What is the promised land & did the Israelites ever obtain it all?
Covenant with Abraham Involving the Land: Was Israel given the land forever?

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   Hyper-Grace & Dispensationalism: Have you found it to be true that hyper grace SEEMS to run along the beliefs people who believe in dispensationalism? Do you find this to be true?

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   Taking the Lord's name in Vain: What does it mean to take the Lord's name in vain?

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   "Be ye Perfect": What does Jesus mean by being as perfect as our Father in heaven is perfect? [Matthew 5:48, Luke 6:34-36]
God Speaking or the Devil Speaking: How would you discern if it's the devil or God talking to you?

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   God Creating Evil: Did God create evil?
Calvinism-Predestination: Can you talk about Predestination?

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   Conversing with JWs: I want you to please tell me how i can answer Jehovah's Witnesses & their questions, such as we need to go back to using Jehovah.

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February 15, 2016

   Increasing Crisis Indicating Jesus Imminent Return: Do you think certain crisis that seem to be increasing & getting worse are evidences that the end is near & that Jesus is coming back soon?

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   Sin Unto Death: What are your thoughts on this? [1 John 5:16-17]

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   Minor Prophets: Do you have anything you'd recommend about the minor prophets & how & when they existed wit everything else?

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   Baptizing in only Jesus' Name: It says in Acts that people who were baptized only in the name of Jesus didn't receive the Spirit. Why not? ; why didn't they receive the Holy Spirit at conversion/water baptism then?
Receiving Holy Spirit: why didn't they receive the Holy Spirit at conversion or water baptism then?
Receiving the Holy Spirit & Being Completely Filled: How do you become completely filled by the Holy Spirit?

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   Jesus Coming by Water & Blood: What is your take on this verse? [1 John 5:6-8]
John the Baptist-The Last & Greatest Prophet: What made John the Baptist the last & greatest prophet of the Old Testament? [Luke 7:28]

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February 16, 2016

   Church Being an Apprenticeship Program: Shouldn't the church basically be of an apprenticeship program mindset? If I go to a church & encourage elders to do this, should I wait on the Lord for that or what?

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   The Sheet & Unclean Animals becoming Clean: God showed 3 times about being all animals now being clean, showing that everything was clean, but I have a Messianic friend who insists that it has nothing to do with being able to eat pork, but still no pork some say [acts 10:9-16]

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   Gay Child: How do you deal with a child who is gay? What about they had a nervous breakdown & all of a sudden started going back to church? I'm also afraid though that once they are well, they will go right back into the lifestyle again.

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   Good Works but without Christ: Some people in the church seem to think you can go to Heaven by just doing good works, living in Obedience & don't necessarily have to have a relationship with Christ.

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   Marriage after Divorce for Adultery: Is it okay for a guy to get remarried even though he got divorced because he was guilty of adultery?

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   Steve's Wrong about Preterism: Caller thinks Steve is wrong about preterism, & the 7 churches are Dispensations of time in light of read 2 Timothy 3:1-7. [2 Timothy 3:1-7]

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February 17, 2016

   God Knowing Everything: Does God really know EVERYTHING (open theism) because what about instances like God testing Abraham & saying, "Now i know that you fear Me"? [Genesis 22:12]

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   400 Years of Silence: Between the Old Testament & the New Testament there are 400 years of silence, an Intertestamental period, & are we now living in such a silent period again?

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   End Times: Caller wants to talk about all this weird stuff or signs that make it seem appear that the end is really upon us.

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   The Revelation of Jesus: Can you explain the Revelation that was given to Jesus, which was then given to the angels, which was then given to John, & the 7 churches?
Women Apostles or Bishops: What is your take woman apostles in the Bible & are there any in modern times, apostles or bishops?

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February 19, 2016

   First Fruits into the Storehouse (Tithing): Involving tithing, who was responsible to bring the first fruits into the storehouse?
Giving over entire Check: Pastors say that people's first check of the month has to be given over to them. Is that true?
Mount of Transfiguration Experience: Was the Mount of Transfiguration a vision or an actual appearance of Elijah & Moses?

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   Sons Bearing the Sins of the Father: Do the sons bear the sins of the father or not? [Ezekiel 18:20]
Generational Curses: If that isn't the case that the child is not responsible for the father's sins, what about "generational curses"? [Exodus 20:5]

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   Calvary Chapel: Have you ever heard of Mark Knudsen or Terry McNabb who belong to the Calvary Chapel?
Calvary Chapel & Calvinism: How long did it take you to get out of the Calvary Church & Calvinism? (the Church doesn't subscribe to Calvinism but Dispensationalism.)
Churches that do believe in Calvinism: What are some churches that DO believe in Calvinism?

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   No More Repentance Required: since we are under grace, once we accept Jesus we no longer have to pray for forgiveness? Is that true?
Shedding of Blood: Why was the shedding of blood necessary?

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   Brian McLaren & the Emergent Church: Have you ever heard of Brian D. McLaren & what do you think of him & his teachings? He belongs to the Emergent Church Movement.

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   God Ordaining Governments: God ordaining government authority [Hosea 8:4, Romans 13]
Water & the Blood: Caller tosses out a theory about a previous call about Jesus coming in water & blood, when the veil was ripped in twain. [1 John 5:6-8]

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February 22, 2016

   Witnessing to Mormons: Caller thought he presented a pretty good presentation on Christianity to some Mormons, but the Mormons presented why their church was right.

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   Great & Terrible Day of the Lord: What is the great & terrible of Day of the Lord? I thought it was the destruction of the 70 ad of Jerusalem, but apparently it's not? [Acts 2:19-20, Joel 2:31]

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   William Branham: I have someone who is interested William Branham & the Emerald Tablet, a healer prophet, but do you have anything about him that I can give them?

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   Testing the Spirits: Can you explain what John meant by "testing the spirits"? [1 John 4:1, 1 Corinthians 14:29, 1 Thessalonians 5:20-21, Deuteronomy 13:1-4]

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   The Eucharist: The bread & wine turning into the body & blood of Jesus, the only way you can tell is by the way of a bell.
Nero being the Anti-Christ or Beast: Would you consider Nero to be the antichrist? [1 John 2:18-22, 1 John 4:3, 2 John 1:7]

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   Differing Groups of Saints: There isn't going to be different groups of saints, is there?

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   Mormons: Something about Mormons, connecting it to Jim Jones.

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February 23, 2016

   Scholars: I thought scholars were to just be able to translate Scripture in from the language they are interpreting from & not present their own theology. Is that right?

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   Witnessing to Mormons: It says in the Bible that no one can become gods, & the caller gives Scripture to counter the Mormon claim that we can. [Isaiah 43:10, Isaiah 44:8, Deuteronomy 4:39-40, Jeremiah 10:11]
Testing a Prophet-Especially Joseph Smith: How do you test a prophet?

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   Birds Eating Carcasses: The birds coming to eat the carcasses in Luke, is it related to Revelation 19? [Luke 17:37, Luke 24, Revelation 19, 1 Thessalonians 1:9]
"Blessed is He that cometh": How would you as a Partial Preterist & how would a Dispensationalist interpret Matthew 23:37-38? [Matthew 23:3-39]

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   24 Elders in Revelation: The Dispensationalist view is that the 24 elders represents the church, & if the 12 disciples are part of these, wouldn't John be including himself in them? Can you comment on this? [Revelation 4:4]

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   Modern Day Idolatry: What constitutes an idol for the modern-day Christian? [1 John 5:21, Ephesians 5:5]

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   Receiving Christ: Is there a proper way to receive Christ?

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   Comments about 24 Elders & Preterism: Caller has a convoluted way of saying Revelation is mostly talking about 70 AD & not the future, talking about 24 elders & so on.

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   Biblical Inerrancy: Caller doesn't believe in Biblical inerrancy & wondering if Steve can comment on it. [1 Corinthians 1:10-17, Titus 1:12]

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February 24, 2016

   Greg Boyd & Women in the Ministry: Greg Boyd talking about women in ministry, being in leadership positions, that it was just a cultural issue during Paul's time which is why he seemed against it. [2 Timothy 2, Romans 16:7]

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   Man at Pool of Bethesda: The miracle at pool of Bethesda, was the man saved or did he just get healed? did he know that he was turning Jesus in to the authorities? [John 5]

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   Authority to Forgive Sins: Asking a priest for forgiveness, When WE forgive, or the priests forgive & the sins are forgiven, what authority does the priest have to forgive sins? [John 20:21-23]

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   Powers of the Age to Come-New Heaven & Earth: In the Dispensational view, the coming of new heavens and new earth, is this during the new covenant order happening or is it talking about the Millennium in Revelation 20? New Testament writers always seemed to apply Isaiah’s poetry to their own current church age, poetic language, God’s people will have eternal life. [Isaiah 65:18-25, Revelation 20]

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   Trinity & Jesus being the Son of God: esus, the Son of God, distinction between being the Son & being God, how is God in the flesh?

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February 25, 2016

   The Narrow Path going off the Radio: Is there a danger of you going off a certain radio station?
Conrad Mbewe: Have you ever heard of Conrad Mbewe out of Africa? I thought he was pretty good.

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   The Narrow Path going off the Radio: Is there a danger of you going off a certain radio station?
Conrad Mbewe: Have you ever heard of Conrad Mbewe out of Africa? I thought he was pretty good.

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   Old Man or Old Self: Why do some Bible translations change it from "old man & the new man" to "old self & new self"? [Colossians 3:10]
Concepts of Faith & Charles Capps: Are you familiar with the radio show, "Concepts of Faith" with Charles Capps?

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   Retreat Supports Abortion & Homosexuality: My church goes to a retreat that is pro-abortion & pro-gay, so should I participate?

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   Church Membership for Church Discipline: A church requires church membership because of church discipline so they don't get sued for slander.

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   Preterism: What is preterism? What does it mean?
More & More Evil: What about Jesus said it will become more & more evil & prosecution will happen. Gender-neutral Bathrooms.

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   Women in Ministry: Caller enjoyed the previous day's show about Women in ministry.
Charismatic: In the book of Acts, when they had the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, there was something where they knew they had received it, & why & when has it changed?

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   Sea Cow (Manity): what is a sea cow? (A Manity) [Exodus 35:21-23]

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   Church Wants Its Members to Comply with New Theology: my church was arminianism for over 35 yrs but have switched over to a more Calvinistic approach & they are passing out membership cards you have to sign that says you will submit to how the elders interpret the Bible

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February 26, 2016

   Psychiatric Medication: Psychiatric medications for Mental Illness, but some of these mental illnesses can be physical so require medication.

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   Tell No Man I'm Christ: Why didn't He want people to know He was Christ? [Matthew 16:20, Matthew 26:41]
Binding & Loosing: What was the Binding & Loosing that Jesus was talking about? [Matthew 16:19]

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   Alcohol & Street Drugs not a Moral Issue: A lot of social workers try to say that alcohol & street drugs are not a moral issue but a disease issue, what do you think?

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   Perfection: What does Jesus mean to be "perfect"? [Matthew 5:38]
People Chastised for Good Works: Why are the people who say, "Lord, Lord" being chastised for doing good works? [Luke 6:46, Matthew 7:21-22]

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   Steve's Position on Hell: What is your position on hell?
Speaking in Tongues: Was wondering what you could tell me about Speaking in Tongues? It didn't really jive with what Scripture is talking about it.

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   Son of Perdition & Man of Lawlessness: Son of Perdition & Man of Lawlessness, are these the same or 2 different people? [2 Thessalonians 2, John 17:12]
Man of Lawlessness the anti-Christ: Is this "Man of Lawlessness" the anti-Christ? [1 John, 2 John]

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   Spiritual Attacks or God's Testing: I'm trying to differentiate between having spiritual attacks from the devil or is God orchestrating testing?

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February 29, 2016

   Christians Sinning: Why do believers choose to sin after they are saved?
Free Will & No Sin in Eternity: How will we have no sin on the other side of glory, but yet still have free will?

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   Forgiving People: So if we forgive others & their sins, even Hitler, God will forgive them? [John 20:23]

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   Psychology: Why do so many Christians even have trouble with calling sin sin & call it mental health issues?

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   Dealing with JW's friends: What is the best way to deal with friends who are Jehovah's Witnesses?

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   Jewish Sacrificial System: How often did the Jewish people have to animal sacrifices?

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   Forgiving People who don't Repent: In order to receive forgiveness we have to repent, but what about people who don't repent, but I still have to forgive them, doesn’t that make me more merciful than God?

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