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<< August 2016 View all months October 2016 >>

September 01, 2016

   7 Years of Tribulation: Where do the Dispensationalists get the idea about a 7-year tribulation?
Cremation: What are your thoughts on cremation?

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   Marriage Supper: Since the marriage supper is in heaven, does that mean that the church is "raptured" up (seretly) first? [Revelation 19]

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   Amen-Let It Be: Is the correct translation of "Amen" "let it be"?

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   Augustine's gnosticism & total depravity: Have been listening to lectures on Total depravity, wondering if you have ever made a connection of Augustine's gnosticism & total depravity?

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   Taking the Lord's Name in Vain: Taking God's name in vain discussion, what does it mean to take God's name in vain?

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   Carmichael Lecture on CD: Caller wondering if steve was going to put the lecture he's going to have in Carmichael on CD's.

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   Annoyed at Disagreement Calls: Why don't you ever get irritated with people who disagree with you?

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September 02, 2016

   All of Us Killed Christ: Did we really ultimately kill Christ ourselves because of our sins?

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   The Spiritual Armor of God: I was wondering what each armor in the spiritual armor of God in Ephesians rrepresent? [Ephesians 6:10-17]

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   Desiring to be an Elder: Caller thinks just having a desire to be an elder is a very important qualification, as well the other qualifications listed in 1 Timothy, that that element has to be there of the desire to be one. [1 Timothy 3]

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   Swearing Oaths: Is it a sin to swear oaths?

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   Dispensationalism & Amillennialism & the 2 sticks: Amillennianism & Dispensationalism, wondering about the metaphor about the 2 sticks being rubbed together [Isaiah 11:12, John 11:52, Ezekiel 34, Ezekiel 37:15-17]

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   Sanctified by the Spouse: What does it mean that an unbeliever is sanctified by their spouse & what does "sanctified" mean anyway? [1 Corinthians 7:14]

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   Eli's & Samuel's Evil Sons: Caller called to say that he disagreed to say that it was Eli's sons that were evil, not Samuel's but then conceded he was wrong, shortly thereafter agreeing with Steve.

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September 06, 2016

   10 Missing tribes of Israel: Whatever happened to the other 10 tribes, since Benjamin & Judah came bacck?

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   Allocation of Medical Eesources: So what do you think about spending more in the last month than your entire life in medical expense to stay alive? Is there something better i should spend my money on?

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   The ESV Translation of the Bible: What do you think about the reliability of the ESV translation of the Bible?

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   Being Baptized In the Name of the Father, Son & Holy Ghost: I was baptized in the name of the Father, Son & Holy Ghost & someone told the they needed to be rebaptized in Jesus name only.

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   IDMR Movement: Is Steve familiar with the IDMR (Institute of Divine Metaphysical Research) group?
Mennonites & Anabaptists: What do you know of the Mennonites & Anabaptists?

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   gods in the World: Are there really gods w itha lower "g" in the world?

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September 07, 2016

   Parallels of Calvinism & Reincarnation: Caller (Michael the Buddhist) thinks Calvinism, God saving some & not saving others, is very similar to reincarnation, better conditions sometimes for the people born again.

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   Psalm 44, Suffering even though Righteous: Why is the Psalmist lamenting the suffering of Israel & himself, & why is it happening in the first place since they were being faithful? [Psalm 44]

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   Full Preterists Vilified: Why are Full Preterists believers so demonized? Or, having humility in the church even though differing views.

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   Jesus Can Call 12 Legions Angels: Caller is converned that preachers misquote the verse about Jesus calling Legions of Angels or having His father doing it. [Matthew 26:53]
Jesus the Son of God: Jesus had to have been fully human (& not the Son of God) because otherwise how could He fully rely on the Father and expect us to?

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   Aaron Budjen & Living God Ministries: Caller wonders if Steve is familiar with "Living God Ministries" with an Aaron Budjen?
Budjen & the Mosaic Law: Budjen talking about the 2 covenants, the Mosiac Law. It was there to prove it couldn't be kept perfectly. What does Steve think about that?

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September 08, 2016

   Two Kinds of Salvation: Caller heard a speaker say there are two variations of salvation, one for getting out of hell & the other for your sins.
Carnal Christians: Some use 1 Corinthians 3:15 to prove that carnal sinners will be in Heaven. What does Steve think?

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   Torah: In the Torah is there a distinction between the Sinaic & Horab?

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   "None of These Diseases": None of These Diseases by a S. I. Mcmillen, do you consider that a good book?
Blasphemy Against the Hoiy Spirit & Univerasalism: How do Universal Reconcilliations/Restorationists deal with Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit & that passage? [Matthew 12:31-32]

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September 09, 2016

   Kingdom of God Visible & not Visible: Steve says Matt 24 puts Luke 17 & 21 together, So if the Kingdom of God is w/ out observation & yet His Kingdom is supposed to be visible, so how do you put the 2 together? (caller is a full preterist)

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   The 2 Witnesses of Revelation 11: The 2 witnesses, 3 1/2 days, Spirit of life entering into them, but especially verse 15, can Steve explain this? [Revelation 11]

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   Lack of Calls-Android Announcement: Because there is a lack of calls at the moment, Steve makes important announcements involving the Narrow Path Minsistries, features, etc.

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   John Piper's Writings: Has Steve ever been influenced by John Piper's writings?

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   Churches an Incubator: Some of the Churches in America are just incubators for infant Christians but not really making Disciples of Christ.
Church as an Evangelistic Mission Tool: When did the Church become exclusively all about evangelism instead of church discipleship? Is it exclusively an American phenomenon or around the entire world?

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   Pre-existence of Jesus: Didn't Jesus exist before His incarnation?

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September 12, 2016

   Charging for Leadership Classes: What does Steve think of people charging for leadership courses just to teach the Bible?
Identifying Speaker in Isaiah: It says in the Isaiah that the "...Lord GOD, and His Spirit, hath sent Me.", who is the me?/Me? Is this referring to Jesus? Is it in relation to the Godhead/Trinity? [Isaiah 48:16b]

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   Kingdom of God is at Hand: At what point did or does the Kingdom of God come into existence? Because it says in places that it's near & in other places it says it's in our midst & yet in other places it says it's still to come. [Luke 17:21, Matthew 12:28, Matthew 23:36, Matthew 24:34]
Denominationalism: Can carnally-natured people be true Christians? The very beginning of denominationalim seems to start right then. [1 Corinthians 3:1-4, Romans12:1-2]

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   Double-fulfillment Prophecy: So this is a double fulfillment in Matthew, both applying to Israel & Christ? [Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:14-15]
The Second Coming in the OT: Are these verses the first time the Second Coming is mentioned or was it mentioned in the Old Testament as well? [Acts 1:9-11]

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   Besetting Sins: Why is it hard to break some sins more than others, or why some people can't seem to overcome certain besetting sins? [Galatians 5:19-26, Romans 7:14]

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September 13, 2016

   Eternal Security & Life: Is it okay for a Christian to die once they have the Holy Spirit & Christ?

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   Election, Free Will, Predestination: What does ALL this mean, Election, Free Will, Predestination? (Calvinism verses Arminianism)

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   Tithing & Giving: A church has this idea that each member has to give at least $7 because it represents completeness, but being pressured to give. Is that right?
Lectures/Articles on Tithing: Do you have anything on your website about tithing & giving?

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   Book of Jasher & Hagar: Do we know when or where Abraham got Hagar from? Was she the daughter of the Pharaoh? The Book of Jasher says that she was. [Joshua 10:12-13]

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   Tithing in the Old Testament: Caller makes a few insights about tithing from the Old Testament that he's learned & is relaying them to see if Steve agrees.

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   Spiritual Warfare, Demonic Territories & Inanimate Objects: Do demons only possess human or real estate & inanimate objects as well?

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September 14, 2016

   Different Stages of Growth: People start from different places in growth in their faith or view of God (Lengthy Discussion w/ Michael the Buddhist)

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   Demonic Presence: Could Steve please share the specific cases of demonic activity in houses he lived in, asked because of an answer he gave the day before.

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   Restorarion of All Things: What is Steve's understanding of "Restoration of all things"? [Acts 3:18-24]

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   Witness Lee & Watchman Lee & Cultic leaders, groups: Do you have any info about Witness Lee & Watchman Nee?
Recovery Bible: Do you know anything about the Recovery Bible?
Fool & Raca (worthless): Why does Jesus seem more upset about calling someone "fool" over "Raca"? [Matthew 5:22]

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September 15, 2016

   Andrew Murray: Do you know anything about Andrew Murray's theology?

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   Demonic activity, Spiritual Warfare & Power of Suggestion: Demonic activity/Spiritual warfare: Can Steve please critique the caller's about how the power of suggestion? [Hebrew 4:12, 2 Timothy 2:6]

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   Anti-Nomianism What is Anti-nomianism? Can Steve please explain it?

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   God the Father's Looks: What does God the Father look like? Moses got to see Him. [Exodus 33:18-34:35, John 4:24]

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   Woman of Revelation 12: What does the Woman & the 12 stars of Revelation 12 represent? Mary? [Revelation 12:1-17]

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   Interpreting OT in light of NT: Why is the best interpretative way to understand the OT in light of the NT?

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September 16, 2016

   Arguing People into Truth: Can you debate/argue people into the faith? What about loving/fellowshipping with people who are not Christian but other religions?
Church, Ecclesia & English Definition: What is the English definition of "church"? Isn't it in contrast to the Ecclesia derfinition which means "assembly", "a gathering" of people?

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   Eastern Orthodox: What are your main doctrinal objections to Eastern Orthodoxy?

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   Abba, our Father: God is our Father, our parent, when we become believers? (Abba, Father.) [Malachi 1:6, Galatians 4:4-6]

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   The Prophet in Deuteronomy: Who is the prophet being referred to at the end of Deuteronomy? Could it have been Paul? [Deuteronomy 18:15]

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   The Word being Jesus: Did Steve say the Word being referred to as Jesus only in 3 places, all by the apostle John, & IF so, John probably got it from the vision in Revelation 19, implying that it was written before the gospels? [John 1:1-3, Revelation 19:13]

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   Fasting: Are we still supposed to fast today, & if we are, how are we supposed to do it?

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September 19, 2016

   Michael the Archangel & Satan Disputing: Is it POSSIBLE that instead of disputing over Moses specifically they are disputing over Israel? [Jude 9, 1 Corinthians 10:2]
Sin Unto Death: What does this verse mean, "sinning unto death"? [1 John 5:16]

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   Promise Keepers Men's Movement: There was a men's movement that just seemed to disappear, what it was called? (Promise Keepers)

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   God Creating Suffering: How can any thinking & compassionate person think God is good if He created a world full of suffering?

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   Transgenderism: Transgenderism issues today.

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   Satan's Fall: Caller can't seem to find any real reference to it. [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28, Revelation 12, Luke 10:18, 1 Timoty 3:4]

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   Josiah's Fire: Josiah's Fire: Autism Stole His Words, God Gave Him a Voice by Tahni Cullen & Cheryl Ricker, has Steve heard of it?

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   God Repented Making Man, Grieved Him: Someone gave me a book called, "The Story", & I read what God was saying right before the flood & how does that compare with how He loved us while we were yet sinners. [Genesis 6:6, Romans 5:8]

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September 20, 2016

   Kingdom of God "at this time": "…at this time...", when did that mean? He didn't directly answer them, so it seems He didn't necessarily agree w/ what they were asking. [Acts 1:6]

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   Resurrection & Adan & Jesus' Atonement:: the 1st Adam & the last Adam, was Adam created in flesh & blood & was the coming of Christ THE plan or was it Plan B? [1 Corinthians 15]

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   The 4 Hebrews of Daniel: what caused Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego to be in captivity in the first place? Is it related to Nehemiah when he was restoring the wall? Who was the remnant he was talking about?

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   Qualified to Baptize: Is there way to determine/know who can baptize?
Taking Communion, Lord's Supper: Can you take communion before you are baptized or not?

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   Jesus only Sinless Person Born: Was Jesus the only sinless Person born? What about infants who don't know they are sinning even though they are? What about "age of accountability"? [Romans 3:23, Hebrews 4:15]

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   Restoration of Israel: Caller disagrees with Steve about the Kingdom of God being restored right now, but that it's talking about ethnic Israel in the future. [Acts 1:6]

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September 21, 2016

   Besetting Sin of Homosexuality & Masturbation: Listener struggles with the homosexuality & masturbation temptation.

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   Doing Greater Works than Jesus: How can we do greater "works" than Jesus like He said here? [John 14:12]

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   Never Hearing the Gospel: What about all the people who have not heard about Jesus or ever read a Bible?

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   Baptism: A friend of the caller has become a Christian after having been baptized as an infant, but doesn't believe baptism is necessary for salvation.
Glorifying God: You didn't become a Christian to save yourself but to glorify God.
Streets preachers: Aren't Street Preachers shouting to repent or receive hell fire hurting their own cause in sharing the gospel?

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   Spiritual Warfare: Caller has friends dealing with anxiety, depression & other mental issues. Does Gregg have any lectures that deals with this kind've thing?

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   Holy Spirit: How do we know if the Holy Spirit is really telling someone to do or not do something?
Miracles: Caller thinks eople are too loose with the word "miracle" in contrast to "providence".

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September 22, 2016

   Age of the Earth: What direction does Steve lean about the age of the earth, & do we have to be dogmatic about it?

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   A Season for Everything: There's a time & season for everything that happens. Caller is concerned about murder. [Ecclesiastes 3] (Caller is all over the map of what he's trying to say, but anyway.)

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   Grace & Restitution: A pastor told the caller that all they have to do is just accept Jesus, & just get up & start walking again. What about restitution?

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   Fallen Angels, No Sin in Heaven & God Creating Us: How were the angels able to Fall when they were in heaven, & how do we know we aren't going to sin when we get to heaven & why didn't God make us like we are going to be in heaven, never sinning again? [Jude 1:6, 2 Peter 2:4]

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   Politics: How do Christians know who to vote for & who would Jesus vote for?

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   The New Earth & Leaves for the Healing of Nations: Why will we need the leaves for the healing of the nations if everything is going to be perfect? [Revelation 22:2]

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   Mark on Cain: If there was only 3 people on the planet after Abel was killed, who was Cain afraid of that would kill him? [Genesus 4:9:15]
Impossible Things for God: Could God do things that are impossible for Him to do, such as making a rock that is too heavy to move?

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   Homosexuality & Abraham Lincoln: Abraham had a witness on the stand, & he asked him, "If we say that a cow's tail is leg, how many legs does he have?" & the witness says, "5", & he says, "He has 4 legs & a tail. Calling a tail a leg does not make it a leg!"

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September 23, 2016

   Choosing only good Leaders: Should we avoid evil by only electing good leaders? [James 4:7]

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   Material Contentment: We seem pretty blessed in the USA, so are we supposed to give help 3rd world countries? [2 Corinthians 8:14]

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   Stoning in the OT: Stoning in OT law compared to ISIS, what's the difference? Isn’t it the same thing?

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   Satan's Reason for Being: What was Satan's purpose of? What was his role? His origins? Did God create evil? [John 8:44]

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   Making our Society Moral: A moral society in an amoral culture? political and cultural morality in modern society

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September 26, 2016

   Authorities & Church Leadership: What is the Biblical foundation for obeying the authorities? {Romans 13, 1 Peter 2}

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   Sanctification & Justification: What is the difference between sanctification & justification? What aboaut temptation or falling to temptation?

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   70 Weeks of Daniel: Is the 70th week over, & did the sacrificial system end in the middle of the 70th week, & is the Prince Jesus Christ? [Daniel 9:20-27]

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   Seventh Day Adventism: Can you tell me what all this means, 1844 judgment, EGW (Ellen G. White)? Are they a cult? I'm asking all these questions because i was listening to a Steve Bohr.

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   Apostasy: Caller never really had a chance to learn about Christ in his childhood being raised a Catholic, & he lived a past life of sin & was wondering if he can return to Christ? [Hebrews 6:4-6]

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September 27, 2016

   Calling on the Name of the Lord: Confessing that the Lord is God, Adonai, Lord, Yahweh, so when it says calling upon the name of the Lord, that just means ackowleding that Jesus is Lord. What does Steve think? [Romans 10:9 & 13; Joel 2]

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   Aliens being Demonic: Have you ever heard of aliens being demonic beings?

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   Political disagreement about Birther Issue: Caller has an issue w/ Steve’s comments regarding the birther issue.

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   Steve Gregg Donations: How does a person denote to Steve Gregg's personal needs?

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   Crying out to Jesus in simple Prayer: Where's the scriptural foundation that you can just make a simple prayer such as, "Jesus, help me?" [Joel 3:32, Romans 10:13]

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   The "Birther" Issue: The caller, as an African American himself, agrees with Steve's answers of a previous caller about the birther issue, that it has nothing to do with race.
Cursing the Fig tree: What did Jesus mean by cursing the fig tree, & that you can move mountains with a strong faith? {Matthew 21:18-22}

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   Political disagreement about Birther Issue: Caller calls to opine on why she thinks it's racist for Trump to be questioning where Obama was born.

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September 28, 2016

   Free Will not really being Free: How do we have free will if we had no choice if we were born or not?

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   Lord's Prayer: Why did Jesus say, "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven"? [Matthew 6:10, Daniel 2:35, Revelation 21:2]
Kingdom of God here & now: Is it right for us to imagine the Kingdom of God being on earth right now?

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   The 4 Different Views of Eschatology: What are all the views of end times, besides amillennialism & partial preterism?

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   Disagreement with Steve about how he handled Alien Encounter Call: Caller thinks Steve should have let him talk longer.

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   Numerology: Calculating numbers, such as the number of the beast in Revelation 13? How did the wise men calculate where & when Jesus would be born? [Revelation 13:18, Matthew 2:1-2]

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September 29, 2016

   Making Judgment Calls: Caller has a whole bunch of specific questions re: Settling conflicts: Who should settle judgments? Who to you go to when there is a conflict? [Matthew 18:15-19, 1 Corinthians 6:1]

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   Kent Hovind's Divorce: Caller commented on Kent Hovind's wife filing for divorce, & Kent Hovind (young earth creationist advocate) decided to remarry.
The Book of Romans: Who was the Book of Romans written for, people who are already Christians or unbelievers? [Romans 6:8-14]

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   Grieving Loss: If all things are possible, then why do you still lose your loved ones [Matthew 9:16]

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   Cremation: Is there anything in the Bible that says we shouldn't get cremated? Is it still possible to be resurrected?

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   Rapture: Can you not believe in the rapture & still be a Christian?

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September 30, 2016

   Noah: Why didn't God just strike everybody down & spare the animals? [Genesis 6]
Pharaoh & the Plagues: Why did God kill the first born of all the families when they had little to do why the Jews weren't able to leave?

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   Promises to Abraham: The promises of Abraham were fulfilled in Christ…to which promises was Paul referring to? {Galatians 3:16, Genesis 12:1-3}
Two-fold Prophecies: Some prophecies have a two-fold meaning, is that true?

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