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<< February 2017 View all months April 2017 >>

March 01, 2017

   Steve Gregg & the Post Office: Steve shares an interesting experience he recently had at the post office.

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   Uniformity in Doctrines: Is uniformity of thought critical in certain doctrines regardless of scripture, as in Romans 14? [Romans 14, Matthew 28:20]

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   Ordaining Elders: How & who should people become elders?

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   Prophets without Honor in Their Own Country: Prophets not respected in their own country, why did Jesus say that? [Mark 6:4-6]
Evangelizing Your Own Family: How do you evangelize your own family? [Matthew 10:14]

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   Spirit of Elijah being Fulfilled in John the Baptist: The spirit of Elijah coming, being fulfilled by john the Baptist, but dispensationalists don't REALLY believe it was fulfilled. [Malachi 4]

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   Elders only Men: Elders should ONLY be male, right?

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March 02, 2017

   The Shack, Movie & Book: Discussion about "the shack", the movie & the book, it deviating from the Bible, does the end justify the means?

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   Not Seeing Death Til These Things Happen: This generation not seeing death until He came back, what did Jesus mean here? [Matthew 16:28]
One Taken, One Left: One taken & one left scenario, what did He mean here? [Matthew 24:40-42]

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   Dispensationalists Before 1948: What did Dispensationalists do with themselves before Israel officially became a nation in 1948?
Speaking in Tongues: Speaking in Tongues (carries on after the break).

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   Eternal Security: Can you really lose your salvation? Isn't it once saved, always saved?

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   Jesus as Michael the Archangel: Is Jesus Christ michael the archangel or not?

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   Kingdom is Yet to Come: Disagreement w/ answer to caller #2 re: dispensationalist [Matthew 16:28, Acts 9]

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March 03, 2017

   Kingdom is Yet to Come - Part II: Disagreement about eschatological events about the immediacy of them.[Matthew 16:28, Acts 9] (Last call of previous show)

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   Blue Letter Bible Website: Blue Letter Bible Website Endorsement.
Slapping on the right cheek: Slapping on the right cheek. [Matthew 5:39]

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   Two Witnesses of Revelation: Can you explain the 2 witnesses of revelation 11? [Revelation 11]

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   Turning Over the Tables of the Money Changers: During the moneychangers turning of tables, did Jesus exhibit physical violence?

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   Forgiveness Towards the Devil: Should we forgive the devil? What about being angry at the devil?

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   Forever Not Meaning Forever: the word forever not being "forever" & the land of israel, conditional promises, Jerusalem no longer the center of the world/worship

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   Calvinism Faith & God's Will: Calvinism discussion, God being the one who grants faith, does He give more faith than others, God's will vs our will

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   Remembering Loved Ones who didn't make it: Will we be grieved on the other side of glory for people who didn't make it?

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March 06, 2017

   Calvinism: Calvinism & being drawn by God. [John 6:65, Romans 9]

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   2 Natures of Christ: 2 natures of Christ, Him being fully Man & fully God, how can they co-mingle?
Christ's Omnipresence: Was Christ omnipresent while He was here earth?

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   Calvinism, Predestination & Election: Calvinism, the chosen, the elect, a category of people or individuals? [2thess 2:13, 1thess 1:4-5]

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   Seed of Men: What is the meaning of "seed of men" [Daniel 2:42-44]

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   Trinity: (followup) Trinity discussion

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March 07, 2017

   Bible Interpretation of a Verse in Romans: Can you explain this Romans 8:10? [Romans 8:10]
Lucifer Becoming Satan: I don't see how Lucifer is correlated w/ Satan. [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28, Revelation 12]

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   Cain & Abel's Sacrifice Being Accepted or Not: I would just like to explain why i think Abel's sacrifice was accepted, but Cain's wasn't.
Soon, the Time is at Hand: Seal up the book of Daniel because it pertains to the time of the end , Revelation, the time is now at hand, but was soon & time is at hand referring to soon in the beginning of the Book, but not the last part of the book?

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   Eternal Life: What will we be doing in eternity, & what will it be like?

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   Calendar Change: I've heard that BCE & CE is in place of A.D. & B.C., what's up w/ that?

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   Jesus Coming up with a New Commandment: Why did Jesus come up w/ this "new" commandment about loving your neighbour as yourself? [Matthew 22:39, John 13:34, Romans 12:10, Philippians 2:1]

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   Bridling Your Tongue, No Anger & having a Perfect Religion: What is James saying when he's talking about bridling your tongue, not having anger, & having pure religion? Is he coupling all that together? [James 1]
Being Assertive & not Being a Doormat: Is there a place in the Bible where it talks about it's okay to be assertive, not being a Doormat.

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   Our Days being Numbered: Can you tell me some verses about God knowing how many days exactly we have? [Psalms 139:16]
Aborted Babies: What about babies who are aborted?

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   Two Gods: Caller thinks there are 2 Gods, in reference to the Trinity.

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   Loving our Fellow Man: Caller think this verse is a good verse about loving your fellow man. [Isaiah 55:8-9]

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March 08, 2017

   God Disciplines those He Loves: God chastens those that He loves, so is that why He allows suffering & trials? [Hebrews 12]

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   Lying: Why is lying bad? What IS a lie?

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   Unable to Answer a Cult's Questions: What should I say when I don't an answer to a cult's question?
Illegal Immigration: If we don't take illegal immigrants in we are accused of not being Christ-like

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   Bible books & Training Children: what would be a good bible series book for a young child & how do I train my child to love Jesus?

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   The Jesus Story Book Bible: Caller recommends a kids' Bible called, The Jesus Story Book Bible to the previous caller.
Typological Applications to the Bible: How come Dispensationalists are not consistent in applying prophecy to the Bible like they do to the Old Testament?

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   Jesus is God: Jesus as God in the flesh, so how come He didn't know stuff? [Matthew 24:36]

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   Christians Shouldn't Work: When I look at some scripture I see we as Christians shouldn't hold a job. What do you think of that? [Matthew 6:24, Romans 6:16, Luke 14:33, 2 Thessalonians 3:10, Proverbs 21:25]?

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March 09, 2017

   Interlinear Bible: What do you think of the interlinear bible by JP Green Sr, who uses the received text (textus receptus)? But there's a discrepancy in using it in a verse? [1 john 5:18]

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   Going out making Disciples: Does scripture teach that Christians should not hold jobs?

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   Righteousness & Obedience: What is righteousness, right standing before God? [Matthew 3:15, 1 john 3:7]

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   Lying & Deception: Is "deception" considered lying?

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   Lying & Deception: Of course i'd lie if it was going to save human life.
Moses: Have you ever heard that Moses was going rogue, not really doing what God said but doing it on his own?

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March 10, 2017

   Jesus' Crucifixion: was there something preventing from Jesus from being crucified IN Jerusalem (as opposed to outside the gate)?

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   Open Theism: What prevents you from being an open theist?

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   The Kingdom of God: The Kingdom of God & Daniel 2, the statue of Daniel. So you believe the Kingdom of God is now & still future? [Daniel 2] (continues after break)

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   One God or Two, Part 3: Trinity, is it one God or 2 God? [Isaiah 43:10]

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   Jesus Being Good: "Why callest thou Me good?", so Jesus was either saying He was bad or He was good & if He was good, He was God! [Matthew 19:17]

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   The Sabbath: Why don't people keep the Sabbath anymore?

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March 13, 2017

   Thief on the Cross: Did Jesus & the thief on the cross go to heaven the very day they died?
Jesus' Reconciliation with God: Was Jesus reconciled w/ God at His death or at the resurrection? [Romans 4:23-25, Galatians 3:14-15]

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   2 Steps to Heal: Why did Jesus make it take 2 steps to heal the blind man?

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   People in Power God Ordained: Doesn't it say any person who is in power, that they are God ordained? [Romans 13:1]

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   Seal of God: When does the Seal of the Holy Spirit happen? [Ephesians 1:13]

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   Adam & Eve Sinning: Did God know that Adam or Eve were going to sin?

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   Witnessing to Mormons: What do you recommend when witnessing to w/ Mormons?

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   Book of Enoch: What can you tell me about the book of Enoch?

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March 14, 2017

   The Millennium: Eschatological discussion about the millennium [Ezekiel]

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   Pray to the Father or Jesus: What is the proper way to pray, to the Father or to Jesus or to either or?

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   Prayer Request: Caller asking for healing/health

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   David & Bathsheba: Discussion about david's sin w/ bathsheba

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   Seal of God: (followup from yesterday) Seal of the Holy Spirit, when does that happen? [Ephesians 1:13]

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   Universalism: So since all of Israel will be saved, does that mean Universalism? I've been reading a book called, "The Inescaple love of God" by Tomas Talbott.

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March 15, 2017

   Praying directly to Jesus or the Father: Should we be praying to Jesus or the Father?
Healing for Us Today: Is the verse in Isaiah "He took on our infirmities" saying that our sicknesses will be healed? [Isaiah 53:4, Matthew 8:17].

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   "Love your Enemies": Who are the enemies that Jesus is talking about when He says to "love your enemies"? [Matthew 5:44]
The Divorced: Are divorced people living in sin?

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   Fallen Nature of Sin: We are all born sinners, are we not?

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   Answer to Prayer: Appreciative of prayers, claiming it was answered to prayer?

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   Praying to Jesus vs the Father: Is not praying to Jesus-actually praying to the Father?

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   Sinlessness of Mary, Mother of Jesus: Was Mary, mother of Jesus exempt from original sin (immaculate conception)?

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   "Rod of Iron": Is "break them with a rod of iron" referring to breaking our sin? [Psalm 2:9}
Forgiveness from God: My former husband had a terrible accident & became a paraplegic, can he still be forgiven?

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   Romans 9: Caller shares a difference of opinion than you about Romans 9. [Romans 9].

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   Lost Sheep of Israel: Who were the "lost sheep of Israel"? [Matthew 15:24]

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   The Movie, "The Shack": If you saw the movie "The Shack", what do you think about it?

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March 16, 2017

   Moses & Brother in Law: Brother in law wouldn't go w/ Moses, but I thought the cloud told them what to do? [numbers 10:29-31]

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   The Demons who were in the Swine: When the legion of demons went out of the man into the swine of pigs & then came out of them, do you know where they went? [Matthew 8:28-34]

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   Anti-Christ & Man of Sin: Anti-Christ, man of lawlessness, man of Sin, son of perdition, when is all of this going to take place? [2 Thessalonians 2]

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   The Millennial Reign: I disagree w/ you on the view of the millennial reign not being in the scripture.

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   Noah & his Family After the Flood: What did noah & his family eat after the flood since there was not much vegetation there yet?

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   Paul Going to the 3rd Heaven: When Paul said he went to the 3rd heaven, what was he talking about? [2 Corinthians 12:1-4]

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   Lot's Righteousness: How exactly was Lot righteous? [2 Peter 2:6]

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   Thoughts & Intents of the Heart: The thoughts & intents of hearts, was wondering if you could tell me what this means in relation to our walk of doing good? [Hebrews 4:12, 1 Samuel 16:7, Proverbs 23:7]

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   Cremation: Is there something wrong with getting cremated over buried?
Tattoos: Are Tattoos okay?

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   The Perfect Raptured & the 144,000: who will be raptured? Only those who are perfect? What about the 144,000? [1 Thessalonians 4, Revelation 7, Revelation 14]

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March 17, 2017

   The Anointing: What does the bible say about anointing?

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   Parable of the Talents: what does the money represent in the parable of the Talents

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   Being Unequally Yoked: I'd like to know what the Bible says about being unequally yoked in marriage? [2 Corinthians 6:14-18]

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   The Trinity How do we explain the Trinity to a Muslim or a Jew? [Deuteronomy 6:4]

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   Praying for a man having surgery: P{raying for a man who is having brain surgery that day.

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   Christ Marrying the Church: The church is married to Christ & when did He marry the church?

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   baptism of the Holy Spirit: So are we baptized BY the Holy Spirit or INTO the Holy Spirit?

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March 20, 2017

   Faith & Works: Are we saved by faith or faith & works? Isn't faith a gift of God?

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   Denominations & Lack of Faith: Who is accountable for the lack of faith & having all these different 44,000 denominations?

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   The Name of Jehovah: Having a discussion w/ JWs & considering the name "Jehovah".

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   Dispute over the Body of Moses: Why did the devil want the body of Moses? [Jude 1:9]

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   Christ Dying for Everyone: Jesus dying for all, sins being pardoned, ramifications of what the Scriptures say & what Calvinists say [2 Corinthians 5:14-15, 1 Corinthians 15:22]

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   The Thomas Jefferson Bible: What do you think about the Jefferson Bible? How could he take all the miracles of Jesus out of the Bible? How do you counter it?

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March 21, 2017

   Trusting in the Lord: I was studying the word "trust" in the OT & the NT & you don't hear much about "trust in the Lord" in the NT, why is that?

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   Future Coming together of the Church: What is the future of the church as far as coming together? emergent church

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   Sinned in Adam: What does it mean, "sinned in Adam", (romans 5:12-21)?

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   Thomas Jefferson Bible Rebuttal: I want to disagree w/ you about what you said yesterday about thomas jefferson & the jefferson Bible.

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   Openness Theology: God's foreknowledge, predestination, God changing His mind, does prayer really change things?

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March 22, 2017

   Thomas Jefferson & His Bible: 3rd discussion about Thomas Jefferson, this caller thinks he WASN't a Christian

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   Full & Partial Preterism: Full & partial preterist discussion, "all who hear His voice will come forth", is the resurrection for everyone? [Daniel 12]

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   Falling Away: Can Christians fall away or were they never saved in the first place? [Hebrews 6:4-6]

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   Current Events: Is there a place in the bible, besides revelation, where it's talking about what's happening today w/ current events?

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   Divorce & Remarriage: Caller explains a divorce & remarriage situation, & wants to know if she have grounds for remarriage?

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March 23, 2017

   Flat Earth: Four corners of the earth, people think Christians are funny for believing the Bible which supposedly teaches a flat earth. [Isaiah 11:12]
Trinity: Talking to Mormons about the Trinity.

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   Mystery of God: Can you explain Revelation 10:7? [Revelation 10:7]

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   No one has Ascended into Heaven: I was told by a pastor that not a soul has ascended into heaven yet.
Salvation of People in the Old Testament: How were people saved before Jesus came?

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   Open Theism: You don't believe in open theism, what about God changing His mind? [Jeremiah 18, Exodus 13:17-18]

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   Eternal Security: Eternal security, once saved always saved, & so a person who commits suicide who was saved will be in heaven?

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   Sabbath Keeping: Is keeping the Sabbath still important & if it is, how do we keep it?

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March 24, 2017

   Bible Writers being in a Trance & an Flat Earth: Were the Bible authors (paul) in a trance-like state? flat earth inquiry

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   Overcoming Trials: Can you give me some verses that will encourage me w/ the trials that I've been going through the last 3 months?

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   Baptism for the Dead: What does paul mean about baptism for the dead? [1 Corinthians 15:29]

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   Dinosaurs: Dinosaurs that are millions of years old?

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   Living Together Before Marriage: What's wrong w/ people living together before they get married? Why do they have to do it publicly? [1 Thessalonians 5:22]

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   Canon of Scripture: Were books left out of the Bible that should've been there?

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   The Timing of Daniel & Nebuchadnezzar not working out: The timing not seeming to work about regarding the cultural school he had to attend, when he interpreted dreams & when Nebuchadnezzar became emperor. [Daniel 2]
Daniel During Fiery Furnace: Where was daniel when shadrach, meshach & abednego were told to bow down before the image? [Daniel 3]

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   Fruits of the Spirit: Are the fruits of Spirit in Galatians 5 a complete list or not? [Galatians 5:22-23]

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March 27, 2017

   Buddhist & Christianity: a buddhist caller talks about his differences between buddhism & Christianity

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   Calvinism: Trying to understand the system of beliefs about Calvinism.

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   Gifts of the Spirit Continuing: Do you believe in the continuation of the gifts, & so how do I know when to lay hands on somebody & pray for healing?

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   John taking care of Mary, Jesus' Mom: Did Mary live w/ john in Ephesus after Jesus died? [John 19:27]

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   Coast to Coast type Call: strange call about weird phenomenon, & steve just ended up telling her she needed to call "coast to coast"

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   Open Theism: What was the doctrine called where God doesn't know all the future?

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   Communion-Eucharist: What are main differences in the communion/eucharist between the catholic church & the protestant church?

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March 28, 2017

    rebuild & restoration of the temple in jerusalem

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    marriage discussion/marriage eligibility questions

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    weeping & gnashing of teeth for a 1000 yrs, during the millennium, husband & wife, should they fellowship together at church?

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    angels that fell, are they demons, jude 6, 2peter 2:4, are they the same as rev 12?

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    (followup) a buddhist gave his heart to Jesus

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    matt 11:23, they didn't seem to have any warning of a prophet

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    Is God outside of time?

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March 29, 2017

   Torah Observance Trend: A trend of people wanting to do Torah observance

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   Memorializing of Dead People: Do we do too much memorializing of people who die?

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   Buddhism: Buddhist calls to clarify what buddhists believe about the idea of sin is

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   Flat Earth: Flat Earthers.
Eastern Orthodoxy & Rituals: Caller talks about the Eastern Orthodox Church & so much Ritualism.

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   Hell, Hades & the Lake of Fire: What is the difference between hell, hades & the lake of fire?
Jesus' Death: Where did Jesus go when He died? Hades?

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   Worshipping & Sacrifice during the Millennium & Keeping of Sabbaths: Worship & sacrifice during the millennium & the keeping Sabbaths & festivals in the future. [Jeremiah 14, Isaiah 66]

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   Jesus Returning in 70 AD: so Jesus came back in 70 A.D. then?

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   Aaron & the Golden Calf: Aaron seemed to get leniency for the golden calf, what's up w/ that? [Exodus 32-34]

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March 30, 2017

   Abomination Jerusalem: Could the Abomination of Desolation be in Jerusalem & what about the Man of Sin? [Matthew 24:15, 2 Thessalonians 2]

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   Discipleship: Cost of discipleship to follow Christ [Luke 9:57, Luke 14:26, Luke 9:23, John 3:36, Mark 16:16]

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   A Torah Debate: A debate about torah observance for the last half hour of the show.

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March 31, 2017

   God's Entering into Rest: God's entering into His rest, & we need to enter into His rest. [Hebrews 4:10]

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   Transported Body or Out-of-Body Experiences: The Holy Spirit transported Philip? or Out of body experiences of Paul. [Acts 8, 2 Corinthians 12:1-4]

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   Sabbath, Other Holy Days & Torah Observance: Jesus broke the Sabbath? He was only breaking the "pharisaic" laws, according to the caller & other discussion about the Torah. (Long, long discussion.)

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   Jesus' Atonement: Did Jesus save us from God or from the evil forces of Satan.

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   Carcass & Eagles: What does this verse mean? [Matthew 24:28]

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