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April 03, 2017

   Wives Should ask their Husbands: I don't think you should answer questions from other men's wives because that's the place of the husband! [1 Corinthians 14:35]

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   Differing Views of Hell Have you heard about George w. Sarris who wrote an interesting book about hell?

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   Life Expectancy of 120 Years: God decreasing life expectancy to 120 years. Can you explain that? [Genesis 6:3, Genesis 11]

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   Spiritual Meaning about River in Ezekiel: Is there a spiritual meaning to the river? In verse 7 why did he go back up out of the river? [Ezekiel 47:1-7]

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   Total Depravity: sins of the world, total depravity, the Christian basics (calvinism discussion)

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   Calvinism: Calvinism, predestination, election as opposed to free will (sort've a followup to previous question)

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   Jesus fulfilling all the Jewish Holidays: Jesus fulfilling all the Jewish holidays, but weren't there still 3, so is He going to come to fulfill those last 3?

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   Hardening of the Heart: Hardening of the heart [Matthew 13:15]

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April 04, 2017

   Capital Punishment: Corporate Punishment going to a gentler, kinder kind of punishment.

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   Universal Reconciliation: George w. Sarris about hell, are we going to be get out of hell eventually like he suggests?

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   Philadelphia Church of God: The Philadelphia Church of God, world-wide church of God, can you explain about them?

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   Paying Tithe: Going to Hell if you don't pay tithe, is that true?
Territorial Demons: The Prince of Persia preventing prayer, does that mean territorial demons? [Daniel 10]

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   Worldwide Church of God & Herbert Armstrong: Worldwide church of God no longer a cult.

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   Capital Punishment (Spanking): Capital punishment (spanking) works.

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   Upkeep of the Church: So what about the upkeeping of the church when you pay tithe?

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April 05, 2017

   Etiquette When Calling a Radio Talk Show: (Commentary about how to ask a question or disagree on the radio)

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   Extreme Unction: Can you tell us about "extreme unction" in the catholic church?

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   Tithing: Disagree w/ you about not tithing because what do you do w/ Gal 5:13, & what are you going to do with the money?

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   God Hardening People: Does God still harden people in the New Testament like He did w/ Pharaoh in the Old Testament, & if He does does that mean it's lights out for them?

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   Visiting a Catholic Church: Even though I'm not one, what do you think about me visiting a Catholic church once in awhile?

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   Demons not being Fallen Angels: I heard that demons are not the fallen angels & I'd love your opinion on that. [1 Peter 2:4, Jude 1:6]

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   Eternal Security: Why do you think people are so obsessed w/ eternal security, once saved always saved, & not feeling saved if going through trials

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   Catholic are Christians: Catholic caller calls back re: some catholics are true Christians.

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   Church Leadership: Are Elders, Bishops & Pastors all the same thing?

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April 06, 2017

   Catholic Church teaches false Doctrine: Roman catholic teach doctrine

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   Calvinism: Discussion about calvinism & Romans 9. [Romans 9]

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   Jesus after His Resurrection: When did Jesus get His heavenly body? Did He go back to heaven in His earthly body? Why did He tell Mary not to touch Him, but it was okay for Thomas to do so, so what was the difference? John 20:17, John 20:27]

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   10 Commandments & the Ceremonial Law: Trying to distinguishing between the moral law (10 commandments) the ceremonial law, can/should we?

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   Jesus' Trial, 2 different Laws: Jesus' trial, differentiating between romans law & the jewish law. [John 18:1-32]

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   Sinning Against the Body: Communion, the Lord's Supper, discerning the body, sinning against the body, what does 1cor 11:9 mean? [1 Corinthians 11:9]

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   Curses: Are we free from curses? [Numbers 5]

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   Update on the Surgery Caller just had: Caller gives an update to the surgery he just had.
Humans Only ones to Fall: Was mankind the only creature that fell under the curse?

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   God Drawing People: God draws all men to Him? Going to drag themdd

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   Prayer & Meditation: What is the difference between pray & meditation,
Meditation & Contemplation: What is the difference between meditation & contemplation?

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April 10, 2017

   Bumper Sticker Controversy: I was asked not to park in the church parking lot because of bumper stickers on my car, they are not offensive.

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   Dying Eggs in Pagan times: Pagans dyed eggs in children's blood?

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   Neil Cole & the Book Organic Church: Have you ever heard of Neil Cole, & his book Organic Church? What do you think about his ministry?

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   Fallen Angels: Caller wants to make a case for Fallen Angels. [Genesis 6, Luke 10, 2 Peter 2:4]

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   Playing the Lotto: Is it wrong for christians to play the lotto, & if you happen to win, is it wrong to give a portion of the proceeds to church?

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   Seventh Day Adventists: What do you think of Seventh Day Adventists?

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April 11, 2017

   Textus Receptus or Alexandrian Text: What text do you think is better for the bible, textus receptus or that alexandrian text?
Best Bible Reading Plan: What do you think is the best Bible reading plan?

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   Freed from Babylon: Was the return from Babylon a type of repentance?
Praying for the Downfall of Your Enemies: Praying for downfall of your persecutors.

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   The 3rd Eye: What's this about a 3rd eye involving greed? [Matthew 6:22, Proverbs 22:9, Proverbs 23:6]

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   Their Name Adam: In Gen 5 it says, "calling their name Adam", what does this mean? [Genesis 5:2]

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   Attending Gay Wedding: I think it IS acceptable to attend a gay marriage ceremony. [Matthew 5:13-15] (follow-up from 1/30/17)

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   Cain: Do you think the curse that God put on Cain was dark skin?

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   Attending Wedding of Divorced People: You just said we shouldn't attend a gay marriage/wedding, what about attending one of people who've been divorced?

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April 12, 2017

   Refusing Medical a Form of Suicide: If a person turns down chemotherapy, is it a form of suicide?

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   Supporting Israel: What kind of (financial) support should we give Israel?

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   Bumper Sticker Controversy: The guy who was asked to remove his car from the church parking lot because of the bumper stickers on his car follow up.

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   All These Things Shall Be Added: hat things is He talking about when He says, "all these things will be added unto you"? [Matthew 6:33]

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   King James Version of the Bible: The King James Version (KJV) translation the best version?
Agape, Agape, Phileo Me: When Jesus was asking Peter if He loved Him, it was different the 3rd time?

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   Eternal Power & Godhead: "Eternal power & Godhead", what did those words mean in that verse? [Romans 1:20]

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   Jesus & Marriage, Moses & the Burning Bush: Discussion about when people asked Jesus about marriage. [Mark 8, Exodus 3:15-16]

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   No Jewelry: Can't wear gold, does that mean any type of jewelry? [1 Peter 3:3]

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   Seeing God's Full Glory: People can't see the full glory of God until we are in our new bodies?

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April 13, 2017

   Expectations in Prayer: What should we expect when we pray? What should we expect when we follow the pattern Jesus said in the Lord's prayer?

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   Reality of Demons: I just became a Christian, but my wife is Catholic & doesn't really believe in demons, & I'm trying to show her they are real.

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   Causes of Illnesses: What is the difference between a natural/organic illness & a demon initiated illness?

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   Easter Lilies Prohibition at Church: Why would my church prohibit Easter lilies?

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   Healing on the Sabbath: john 5:18, where does it say you can't heal people on the Sabbath?

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   Spirits & Demons: (followup) to the catholic caller about spirits/demons

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   Pre-existence of Humans: Since are an extension of God, did we have a pre-existence? (Buddhist caller)

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April 24, 2017

   A Book by Philip Mauro: "Of things which must soon come to pass" by philip mauro

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   Hanegraaff Converting over to Eastern Orthodoxy: wondering about eastern orthodox church in light of Hank hanegraaff switching over

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   Communion: Communion, Lord's Supper, Eucharist, eating the literal blood & body of Jesus. [John 6]

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   Studying Eastern Orthodoxy as a Result of Hanegraff's Switch: Caller has been studying eastern orthodoxy as result of Hank Hanegraaff's conversion to it, & he's disturbed by some of the things he's learned, such as communicating w/ dead saints & related issues.

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   Sabbath & Sunday: I'd like your thoughts on the Sabbath & other Holy Days. Did the catholic church change the sabbath to Sunday?

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   Communion: Communion, Lord's Supper, Eucharist, it being a salvation issue if you don't believe that you are literally eating the body & drinking the blood of Christ.

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   Enoch Disappeared: Where did Enoch go? [Genesis 5:24]

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April 25, 2017

   Responding to a Call about the Adventist Church & 1844: Steve responds to a question from 4/10, where he makes a slight correction on what he said about the 2nd coming of Jesus involving the Adventist/SDA church.

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   Calvinism & Free Will & King Sihon: Calvinism, Predestination, Election, Foreknowledge. [Deuteronomy 2:30]

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   Missing Books of the Bible: Are there any books that are missing from the canon of Scripture?

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   The Methodist Church: What's your argument against the Methodist church?

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   Dharma & the Gospel of Christ: Dharma of the Buddha & the gospel of Jesus are really beginning to, in my mind, merge together, says a regular Buddhist caller.

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   Partial Preterists, Amillennialists & Non-Calvinists: Partial Preterist, Amillennialist, but non-calvinist, so is there anyone out there besides you & me who believe all those things?

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   Everyone to Evangelize: Wondering if you think evereyonre has the responsibility of reaching the lost?

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   Being Tempted by the Devil: Is there any evidence in Scripture that the devil can put thoughts into our mind?te
Gospel in a Nutshell: How would you phrase what the gospel is n a nutshell?
Gifts of the Spirit: So even if i don't have the gift of mercy, am i not supposed to still show mercy?

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April 26, 2017

   The Transfiguration: During the transfiguration, when Jesus was transfigured, did that represent the resurrected body, & why Moses & Elijah?

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   Body of Christ, Bride of Christ being the Church: The "Body of Christ", the "Bride of Christ" & all these other metaphors you hear in the Bible, can you talk about all these metaphors in the Bible? [Ephesians 5:31-32, Genesis 2:24]

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   Having a Hardened Heart: Once you have reached the state of point where you have hardened your heart, is it permanent?

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   Full Preterism & No Hell: someone who is a full preterist told me there is no hell (universalism, inclusionist)

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   Full Preterism: No Resurrection with full preterism, inclusivism;
Rabbis thinking: Rabbis rejecting Jesus; 1000 year future millennium

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   Our Redemption Draweth Nigh: "theological gymnastics", Christ Himself is the Son of the living God, our redemption draweth nigh (value in long theological talk)

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April 27, 2017

   Repentance & Salvation: What is repentance & how important is it to salvation?

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   Demons being Changed: If the demons are chained up how can they be doing their work? [2 Peter 2:4, Jude 1:6]

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   Eternal Security: eternal security, once saved always saved,

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   Imminent Return of Christ: the imminent return of Christ, the rapture, basically just want your 101 on end times

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   Bringing 2 Sticks Together: Ephraim & Judah, Ezekiel saying 2 sticks will be joined together

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   The 12 Tribes:  
Body of Christ: "ekklesia", meaning church, a body of believers

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   Christianity in Addition to Judaism: Christianity just an extension of judiasm basically, Jesus being born on Christmas day & resurrected on easter.
A Rebuilt Temple: There's going to be a 3rd Temple built, right?

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   Re-Baptism Necessary: I was baptized as an infant, do I need to be re-baptized?

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April 28, 2017

   Infant Baptism: They baptized the entire household, so infant baptism is acceptable then? [Acts 16:15-31]

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   Jesus being around for 40 days after Resurrection: 40 days after Resurrection.

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   Future Events: Are these talking about future events? [Psalm 83, Ezekiel 38]

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   Don't Work, Don't Eat: Those that do not work shall not eat, but I'm on disability, but they said that's still not godly. [2 Thessalonians 3:10]

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   Replacement Theology: Replacement Theology, covenant theology, reformed theology

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   Jesus Sojourning to Jerusalem at 12 years old: Jesus had to start going to Jerusalem at 12 years old?

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   Steve's Eschatology & Dispensationalism: will you clarify your eschatological views, & where do dispensationalists get their view?

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