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<< April 2017 View all months June 2017 >>

May 01, 2017

   Indoctrination: How can I help people who have been "indoctrinated" & discussion about related topics

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   Information about Jesus other than the Bible: Is there anywhere else besides the Bible that has an account of Jesus being born, His ministry, His death & resurrection?

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   Guilt: I need help with guilt.
Preaching Politics from the Pulpit: What about preachers who preach politics from the pulpit?

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   Tribe of Dan & the anti-Christ: The tribe of Dan possibly being the anti-Christ? What does Genesis 49:18 mean? [Genesis 49:18]

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   Theme Music to the Narrow Path Show: Where did your theme music come from?
Baptism: You don't have to be "immersed" in baptism, but immersed into the Father, Son & Holy Spirit.

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May 02, 2017

   Recognizing each other in Heaven: Will we know one another in heaven?

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   Not Agreeing Politically: Tolerating brothers & sisters in Christ who see things differently politically.

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   The Pledge of Allegiance: Can we say the pledge of allegiance to the flag, & what does it mean when we ARE saying it?
The New Earth: When we get Raptured up in the last day, the earth is just going to burn up & made into the New Earth right before our eyes, & then we are just going to come right back down from the sky?

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   Arminianism, Calvinism, Sanctification & Salvation: Arminianism vs Calvinism, especially in relation to Sanctification & Salvation. Can you talk about how they all relate to each other & which one is the most accurate?

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   New Heaven & Earth: Steve does a follow-up to 3rd caller regarding New Heaven & Earth.

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   Christianity: Buddhist caller is a little bit convoluted, finally asks, What is the Christian life?

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   New Heaven & New Earth: New heaven & New earth follow-up & where will we be in eternity?

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   Theology, Doctrine & Apologetics or Relationship with Jesus Christ: Theology, apologetics & doctrine vs a Relationship with Jesus, which is more important?

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   Dating an Unbeliever: Is dating an unbeliever a good idea?

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May 03, 2017

   The Fall Affecting Adam & Eve's Children: The children of Adam & Eve weren't necessarily born the same as them, were they, in other words, not sinners, like their pareents now were?

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   The Disciples Hearts Being Hardened: How would the disciples have avoided having their hearts hardened? [Mark 6:52]

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   The Afterlife: The descriptions of the afterlife, are they literal or metaphorical?

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   The Name of God: Discussion about the name of God of "Jehovah" (no discussion about Jehovah's Witness's insistence on using it however)

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   New Covenant: Who was the new covenant made for, the church or the individual Christian?
Seventh Day Adventists & the Sabbath: Adventists keep the Sabbath, but do they keep it the strict ways the Mosiac Law required it to be kept?

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   Gog & Magog: When is the timeline of Gog & Magog? [Ezekiel 38-39]

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   Woman Pastor: My daughter says she wants to be a pastor when she grows up, but people have told her that she can't, so what do you say? [1 Timothy 2:12-15]
Hating Oneself: My other daughter wonders if she has to hate herself in order to love others? [Matthew 22:39]

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May 04, 2017

   Distinction between Infant Baptism & a Dedication: What scriptures would prohibit infant baptism? I know most people don't think infant baptism is right, that they should only be dedicated, but what benefits do they get from that?

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   English hard to Translate: Is English is the hardest language to translate?
Chapters & Verses a Liability: They didn't even have Chapters & Verses before, so people can take a verse out of context by not understanding its full mean, making it a little bit of a drawback.

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   Emergent Church: Can you give me some information about emergent or the emerging church? (he cont. after break w/out having announced it like usually does), & then talks about contemplative prayer, spirit formation, the kingdom of God, the gospel of heaven

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   Confessing the Lord's Prayer & Saying Sinner's Prayer: Is confessing the Lord & saying the sinner's prayer enough to be saved? [Romans 10:8-11]
KJV Translation of the Bible: Is the King James Version the best translation?

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   Tithing, Communion & the New Covenant: My pastor & church said to make sure we pay our full tithe next week, & he went from the Old Testament to prove most of his points about tithing but aren't we in the New Covenant?

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May 05, 2017

   Bad Language: Is it a sin to use inappropriate language, just as long as we don't use the Lord's name in vain? [Ephesians 4:29]

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   Tithing: Is tithing mandated?

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   Awesome Radio Show: Your view is out of the box! I've never heard someone like you on the radio!
Philip: Was Philip one of the original 12 apostles? Why couldn't the Holy Spirit come as a result of Philip's work? Why did he have to call on some of the original 12 apostles in order for the Holy Spirit to move? [Acts 8]

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   Never hearing of Jesus: How do we really make an impact on people who've never heard the gospel about Jesus, but really have a sense that there is something? [Romans 1:19-20]

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   Falling Away: Can you explain to me 2 Peter 2, can Christians really fall away, reject Christ? [2 Peter 2]

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   The Second Coming & the Rapture: Are both the 2nd coming & the rapture imminent, & what conditions must be met?

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   Freely Giving: I'm w/ you on the not being legalistic about tithing, but we still need to exercise the practice of giving

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May 08, 2017

   New Covenant Proof-Text Example: When discussing the covenant, explaining we don't need to keep the sabbath, dietary laws, is this a good verse to use? [Zechariah 11:10]

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   No Plan: God does not have a plan for us, God just allows stuff to happen, & healing is just medical, the caller heard someone say.
Mental Illness vs Demon Possession: How do we know if it's Mental Illness or Demon Possession?

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   Prophecy & Fortune Telling: How do we tell the difference between real genuine prophecy & fortune telling?

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   The Narrow Path Format: I commend you on the way you do the format of your show, not being prepared in advance.
Laying on Hands of the Holy Spirit by Philip: You just fielded a question about Philip not being able to lay hands on people for the Holy Spirit except when he got some of the original 12 Apostles. I'd like to explain a theory of why: That Peter has the Keys to the Kingdom. [Matthew 16:19]

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   The Story of Jonah: Is the story of Jonah literal? Do you know why he was so adamant against going to Nineveh?
Pathway to Victory: Do you know anything about the, "Pathway to Victory" ministry?

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May 09, 2017

   Against Circumcision, Yet permits it: Why did paul have timothy circumcised if he spoke so much against it? [Acts 16:3]

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   Steve's Viewpoints of Hell: What are your view points of hell?

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   A False Christ: Would disproving Catholicism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormonism, & Adventists have a false Christ endanger your salvation? (The person called several times seeming to have a vendetta against SDAs.)

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   Praying for Everyone: Can we pray for everyone?

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   Seeing a Different Jesus in the Paradigm of Adventism: Seventh Day Adventists preach a different Christ. (follow-up)

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   Verses that might've Surprised Steve Gregg: What are some verses that surprised you the first time you read the entire Bible through?

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   The Flat Earth: Caller thinks there's overwhelming evidence that the earth is flat!

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May 10, 2017

   False Teachers: Can a false prophet/teacher who's intentions are good but still false, can they still be saved? [James 3:1]

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   Calvinism & Predestination: Regarding Calvinism & Predestination, with the Sovereignty of God, can't He choose whom He will save & whom He will not?

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   A More Perfect Name: What was the "more excellent name", being better than the angels? [Hebrews 1:1]
Everything Under the Earth: In Philippians 2, when it says, "everything under the earth", what is that referring to?

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   The Millennial Reign: Christ & the millennial reign, if you were not with Christ, you will be thrown out into outer darkness, is this true?

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   Romans Road to Salvation: I was reading a book by N. T. Wright, & he talks about the "Romans Road to Salvation", & just wondering if you agree w/ his stance?

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   Adam & Eve Cursed: Were Adam & Eve cursed, or just the ground & the serpent? It was certainly more difficult for them, toiling the land & giving birth. [Genesis 3]

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   A 3rd Temple: There's talk of a new millennial temple that is going to be built, & they say it's from Ezekiel, but I can't find anything about a temple there. Will you help me out? [Ezekiel 40-48]

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May 11, 2017

   Asking in Jesus' name or God the Father's: When we pray, do we ask in Jesus name or in the Father's? [John 14:6 & 13, 16:23 & 26]

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   Not Understanding Christian Essentials: Claiming to be a believer & but not getting basic stuff right, are you really a believer?

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   Flat Earth: Wants to talk more about the Flat earth, he being a Flat Earth advocate.

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   Hank Hangraaf Switching over to Eastern Orthodoxy: What do you think of Hank Hanegraaff switching over to Eastern Orthodoxy?

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   State of Man after Death: What is the state of man when he dies? Where does he go? Soul sleep?

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   Married in Church or Court: Where are we supposed to get married, in the church or the courts?
Not Having Grounds for Divorce: What if you don't have grounds for divorce?

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   Jesus Rising Again: What does it mean that Jesus rose again, why "again"?
Abortion & Science: What happened to all the harvest videos from planned parenthood?

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   Israel & Christianity: Is Old Testament Israel part of Christianity or an addition to?

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May 15, 2017

   Sin, Righteousness, Judgment, Death, Burial & Resurrection: These are main constructs of the gospel, but is there anything else that needs to be preached? [John 16:8, 1 Corinthians 15:4, 1 Corinthians 2:2]

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   Speaking in Tongues: What is your view of speaking to tongues, & is speaking in tongues to prove you are baptized w/ the Holy Spirit?

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   Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me: "My God, my God, why hath Thou forsaken Me?", why did Jesus yell this out on the cross? [Psalm 22:1, Matthew 27:46]

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   Hallowed be Thy Name: "Hallowed be Thy name", what does that mean? [Matthew 6:9]

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   Cleaving to His Wife: Why is this verse placed where it is because Adam & Eve haven't even had children yet? [Genesis 2:24]

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   Demon Possession Story: A deemon possession story is shared.

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   Celebrating Mother's Day: Is celebrating Mother's day in church a little bit insensitive since there are some women who can't have children?

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   Double-fulfilled Prophecies: Double fulfillments of prophecies, or man-willed prophecy making certain prophecies happening or not happening.

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May 16, 2017

   Steve's Financial Needs: How does God support you financially? It's true that you ask for money for you radio show, but never for yourself.

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   Holy People on Individuals: Does the Holy Spirit come upon everyone the same way or is it individualized?

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   Not Keeping Company, No Fellowship: How far do I take this, especially of a family member? [1 Corinthians 5:9-13, Ephesians 5:11]

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   Hell Ultimately Destroyed: My dad told me he was listening to somebody who said that eventually hell will be destroyed, do you have any evidence for this?
No More Sea: Is says in the Bible that there will be no more sea. What does that mean? [Revelation 21:1]

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   Christian Reconstructionism: Is Christian Reconstructionism, is this biblical?

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   Family Reconciliation: People eating together with no reconciliation.
Eating with Unbelievers or Different Doctrine: What about letting people associate w/ you, dine w/ you, who you [2 John]

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   Faith of Canaanite Woman: I'm having a very hard time with Matthew 15:22-28, could you shed some light on it? [Matthew 15:22-28]

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May 17, 2017

   Being a Christian & Keeping the Torah: Is it possible to be a believer & still keep the law? [Galatians 3:10-13, Romans 10:5, Hebrews 8:13]

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   God Ways Forever: What is this referring to in Ecclesiastes, the law? [Ecclesiastes 3:14]

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   Hell & Perish: I question Greg Laurie meaning & definition "perish" in John 3:16 & what he says about hell. [John 3:16]

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   Bible Discrepancy in John: I don't understand Jesus' statement that no one has asked Him where He was going because Peter asked Him where He was going! [John 13:36, John 16:5]

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   John Chi & Exorcisms: John Chi, an African Preacher, an apostle casting out demons, have you ever heard of him?

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   Polygamy & Concubines: Was polygamy & concubines encouraged in the Old Testament?

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   The Sin Unto Death: "sin unto death", what does that mean? what do you think the modern version of idolatry is today? [1 John 5:16

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   Jesus Contradiction: No one has asked Him where He was going because Peter asked Him where He was going! [John 13:36, John 16:5]

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   The Kingdom of God: "Understanding the purpose & power of prayer" by Myles Monroe, is a book about the Kingdom of God. Have you ever heard of or agree with him?

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May 18, 2017

   Answers in Genesis - Ken Ham: Have you ever heard of the ministry, "Answers in Genesis" & who Ken Ham & if you have, what do you think of them?

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   Vision of Joshua in Zechariah: Can you talk about a vision Joshua had in Zechariah? [Zechariah 3]

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   Building the Church: "upon this rock I will build this church", is this an ongoing thing or something that hasn't been fulfilled yet?
Unity of Faith in the Church: Has Jesus' prayer been answered yet that the church would become unified as one to glorify God?

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   Evidential & Presuppositional Apologetics: What is the difference between evidential or presuppositional apologetics, especially regarding creationism.
Virtuous Woman of Proverbs 31: Should the Virtuous Woman in Proverbs 31 actually be being taught to a young girl?

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   Male Prostitution in Israel: In the Old Testament, was male prostitutes referring to homosexuality or pagan sex practices & prostitutes? [Deuteronomy 23:18]

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   Baptism Essential: Is being baptized an essential part of salvation? [Acts 2:38]

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   Paul & Timothy: Paul was a mentor to Timothy, so do you know what happened to Timothy after paul died, did he keep the faith? [1 Timothy, 2 Timothy]
Luke: What about Luke? Whatever happened to him?
Paul's defectors: Did anyone who worked with Paul end up leaving the faith?

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May 19, 2017

   Jailer & Household Salvation: What did Paul mean by, "...& your household" will be saved? Is that saying that by his one act in this instance not only he would be saved by his whole household? [Acts 16:31]
Elisha Asking for a Double Portion: What did it mean Elisha by asking for a double portion of the Holy Spirit from Elijah? [2 Kings 2:9]

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   Repenting from Suicide: You have to repent from your sins in order to go to heaven, but that's hard to do if you commit suicide.

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   Filled with Holy Spirit & Entire Sanctification: Is being filled w/ the Holy Spirit the same thing as entire sanctification as some groups maintain?
Filling of the Holy Spirit: How do you get filled with the Holy Spirit?

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   Confessing our Sins & Being Cleansed: Confession of sins & staying in communion w/ the Lord being cleansed, [1 John 1:9]
Hunger for the Word: We need to be infilling of the Holy Spirit, Study the Scriptures & obey them. [2 Timothy 2:15-22, James 4:8, 1 Peter 2:2]

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   Jesus Never Declaring He was Christ: Jesus never said He was the Christ, how do I refute that to my friend? I gave him some evidence but he still said He never said it. [John 4:25-26]

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   Self-Defense with a Gun: Is it okay to have a weapon to defend yourself?
Praying to Mary: My wife is Catholic, & prays to Mary. What do you think about that?

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   Studying the Bible: What is the proper way to study the Bible?

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May 22, 2017

   Hebrew Roots Movement: In order for the Hebrew Roots people to believe what they believe, don't they have to do away with Paul's writings?

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   Italicized Words in the Bible: Are the italicized words in the Bible inspired?

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   Creation Week Literal Days: Were the actual creation days literal 24 hr days because what does it mean 1000 yrs is as a day, a day as a 1000 yrs? [Genesis 1, Genesis 2, 2 Peter 3:8, Psalm 90:4]

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   Appreciating Lectures: Being a bond servant of Christ, just listening to some of your lectures, & just letting you know I appreciated that point

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   Dead Sea Scrolls: I heard that the Dead Sea scrolls were missing Esther, is that true? when it says to love your wife is that talking about "agape" love?
Loving Your Wife: When it says to love your wife is that talking about "agape" love? [Ephesians 5:25-33, Colossians 3:19]

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   Jacob & Esau Representing 2 Nations: Jacob & Esau, it says that they represent 2 nations; what nations were these? [Genesis 25:23]

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   Receiving a Word from God: How are we supposed to know that we have a "Word from the Lord"?

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   Fulfilled Law & Law for Today: The law has to be being for today because of what 2 Timothy 3:16 says, & they didn't have the New Testament then, so it HAS to be referring to the law! [Matthew 5:17-19, 2 Timothy 3:16]

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May 23, 2017

   Water Veith (Adventist Minister): Have you ever heard of Walter Veith, who is an Adventist minister?
Adventists, Sabbath Keeping & other Rituals: Can you discuss Sabbath keeping & the New Covenant & Rituals?

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   Wife not being a Wife: When can, should someone move on if his wife is not being a wife?

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   Book of Genesis Author: Who wrote the book of Genesis?

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   Calvinism & Original Sin: Talking to some Calvinists, they like to talk about original sin, all having sinned. [Romans 5:12-21, Romans 3:23, Psalm 51:5]

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   End Times Signs: Signs of the heavens actually aligning the stars & planets right now proving we are in the end times. [Revelation 12]

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   Obey Better than Sacrifice: "Better to obey than sacrifice", what does this mean? any relevance for today? [1 Samuel 15:22]

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May 24, 2017

   Nebuchadnezzar's Image in Daniel: Nebuchadnezzar's dream about the image, what does the clay represent? [Daniel 2]

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   Buddhism & Christianity Parallels: I'm trying to show you that there are parallels between the Christian faith & buddhism! (regular Buddhist caller, Mike the Buddhist)

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   Offspring of the Wicked: "offspring of the wicked shall be cutoff", what does that mean? [Psalm 37:28 & 38]

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   Jesus finding Faith on Earth When He Returns: "Will the Son of Man find faith on earth?", what did He mean by asking that? [Luke 18:8]

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   Catholic Relatives: My parents are in the catholic church & so are concerned about some siblings who died who weren't in it are lost, but they believed you have to do the rosary & so on.

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   Besetting Sins: I have besetting sins, doing the same sin over & over & over, struggling, & don't know how to stop.

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   Catholic Church & Confession: Catholic church claims this verse mandates confession. What do you say? [Matthew 18:18]

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May 25, 2017

   Measure of Faith: "According to the measure of faith", what does this mean? [Ephesians 4:7-8, Romans 12:6]

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   Angel of the Lord: who was the first person to such that "Angel of the Lord" was actually the pre-incarnate Jesus? Only one rapture, OT examples
More than one Rapture: Caller thinks there's a possibility of more than one Rapture because Enoch was raptured right before the Flood, Elijah was raptured & other examples in the Old Testamant.

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   Tithing & Malachi: What is it saying in Malachi 3:10 about tithing?
His Righteousness: "His righteousness, & all the things shall be added unto you", can you please interpret that for me? [Matthew 6:33]

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   Effectiveness of Prayer: Have you ever reviewed the effectiveness in prayer in medical publications?
Hell: Can you tell me about hell? I'm just getting to the point that I just want everyone saved!

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   Wife Wants a Divorce: My wife doesn't love me anymore, & I admit that it's been a bad marriage but not grounds for divorce. Can you help me?

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May 26, 2017

   Steve a Heretic: You do know that the Catholic Church would consider you a heretic, right?

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   Current Event Story & Coptic Christianity: A news story that happened that day, bombing of busses & Coptic Christianity.

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   Jews First, Gentiles Secondary: Jesus really went to the Jews first & then the Gentiles?
Family Symbolic of Trinity: Would the family be a good explanation, analogy, for the Trinity?

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   Forgiveness: My cousin, who is very well-versed in the Bible, says forgiveness can not really happen unless there is repentance by the offender. I say we have to forgive them if they ask or not. What do you think? [Luke 15]

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   Thou Fool: Calling people a fool makes you in danger of hell fire, what does that mean? [Matthew 5:22]

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   Thou Fool followup: About being a fool follow-up. [Psalm 53:1]

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May 30, 2017

   Jesus & God in comparison to the Bible, The Bible is not a complete, some claim, not the same as just believing in God.

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   Romans 1 & 2: Is Romans 1 & 2 written to Jews, Jewish Christians or Gentiles?

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   Steve a Heretic-part 2: Catholics considering Steve a heretic

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   Drinking Alcohol: Is it wrong to drink alcohol?

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   Treasure in Heaven: How do you lay up treasure in Heaven? [Matthew 6:20, Matthew 19:21]

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   Mormons Want to take Children: I need legal counsel/advice on what to do about Mormon officials trying to take my children.

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   Once saved, Always Saved & Calvinism: What is Hebrews 10:26-27 talking about, how do Calvinists deal w/ this scripture & what is the proper way to interpret it? Basically how to Calvinists deal with the whole book of Hebrews?! [Hebrews 10:26-27]

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   Falling Away: Can someone return to Christ if they indeed have "fallen away"?

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May 31, 2017

   Grandson becoming Atheist: My grandson has decided that he is going to be an atheist & be a "man of science" because of the influence of a teacher, do you know where I can find some good books to refute evolution?

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   Questions on the Book of Romans: I've been listening to your lectures on Romans. So in Romans 3, who is he talking to jew or gentile? What does he mean "not under law"? [Romabs 3:9, Romans 6:14]

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   Sealed by the Holy Spirit: I believe in Predestination, that people are sealed by the Holy Spirit, that you can't lose your salvation. [Ephesians 1:13]

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   Fornication & Diet: I've never heard anything on this passage, would you have anything in your archives? [1 Corinthians 6:12-20]

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   Good Books on Evolution for a 12 year Old: (followup) Caller is responding to caller who wanted good on Evolution for a child: 1) The Bible & Science Made Easy by Mark Water 2) The Right Questions, Truth, Meaning & Public Debate by Phillip Johnson 3) Deliver Us From Evil: Restoring the Soul in a Disintegrating Culture by Ravi Zacharias 4) Evidence for Creation,Intelligent Answer for Open Minds by Tom DeRosa

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   More Suggestions to Combat Evolution for a 12 year old: Also for the guy who wanted good books on science, but being in harmony w/ the Bible: Website,

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   Former Lesbian: A former lesbian left the lifestyle.
Jesus Going to Hell upon Death: Can you explain about Jesus going to the prison in hell (1peter 3:19-21)?

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