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<< July 2017 View all months September 2017 >>

August 01, 2017

   No Afterlife mentioned in the OT: People of the OT didn't believe in life after death?

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   After Death: Where do you go after you die?
Dismembering a Body: Why did the husband dismember one of his concubines body & send it to different places after she was gang-raped & killed? [Judges 19:24]

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   John Calvin: Can you tell me a little bit about John Calvin?
Calvinism: I always hear you talking negatively about calvinism, but is there anything good about it?

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   Prophesying over an Unbeliever: Could God prophesy over an unbeliever? [1 Corinthians 14:3]
Prophets Accuracy of Predictions: Do the prophecies of a claimed prophet always have to come true?

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   Twenty Years Old & Upward Accountable: Was I wrong to give this verse to some grieving parents who's teenager had just died? Some said that I was. [Numbers 14:29]

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August 02, 2017

   Loving Ourselves: Where does it say in the Bible besides Matthew that we should love ourselves? [Matthew 22:37-39]

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   Original Sin or Sin Nature: Could you help me your understanding of this passage of scripture, did we inherit Adam's sin nature? [Romans 5:12-21]

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   Steve Gregg Joining the EO Church: What is so special about the Eastern Orthodox church as to why you switched over to it?

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   Capital Punishment (Death Penalty): Are we dishonoring God if we don't support the death penalty? [Matthew 15]

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   Prideful in Church Attendance: Being prideful in church attendance, is it okay to have that kind of pride? [Matthew 7:1-2, Hebrews 10:25]

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   Dishonoring My Father: Father thinks I exposed him by calling a Christian show & saying he's divorced & moved in w/ girlfriend, & he didn't like it too much, afraid that he may lose his church position.

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   Living together, Unwed: My son & his girlfriend are living together, so will you please share to him that that isn't a good so he knows it's not only coming from us?

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August 03, 2017

   Unholy Desires: This verse frightens me because I have unholy desires & afraid I'm going to be told this. [Matthew 7:23-24]

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   No Redemption Message in EO or RC: I'm wondering how we should feel w/ the Eastern Orthodox & Roman Catholic church since they have no message of redemption?

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   Anathema Because of Proselytizing Jews: Should I be considered am I consider anathema for trying to proselytizing Jews, even though they don't believe in Jesus & need to be converted?

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   Catholicism a Different Gospel: Shouldn't the Roman Catholic church be considered teaching another gospel? I was watching the movie called, "Silence", which came out in 2016, with my son & it brought a lot of discussion between us. [Galatians 1:8-9]

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   Offenses: What does this mean, "It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come!" [Luke 17:1]

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   Matthew 24 Being Fulfilled: Is reading a book by john l bray called, Matthew 24 fulfilled beneficial? Isn't he a full preterist?
Johann Blumhardt: Discussion about Johann Blumhardt & the exorcism he performed of a girl who was demon-possessed.

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   No One knows the Day nor Hour: It's true that no one knows the "day or the hour" of when Jesus is coming, but could we know the month & the year? [Matthew 24:36]

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August 04, 2017

   Disagreement or Unity Among Brethren: Can there be disagreement among believers & still be saved? What is the purpose of life, is it just to escape hell?
Purpose of Life: What is the purpose of life? Is it just to escape hell?

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   Bill Hybels: I'm wondering what you think of Bill Hybels, his philosophy of making the church as big as you can?

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   Types & Shadows: Can you talk about any type of "type & shadow", foreshadow & so forth?

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   Timeline of the New Testament: Do you know a detailed reference timeline for the New Testament?

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   This Generation Will Not Pass Away Until: This generation shall not pass away until all these things shall be fulfilled, what did that mean? [Luke 21:32]

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   Steve Needs to Change his Eschatological Views: I have a word from the Lord that you need change your eschatological views.

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August 07, 2017

   Paul not Holding Anything Back: What did it mean when Paul said he didn't hold back anything, shared everything from the Council? [Acts 20, 1 Crinthians 9:16]
Not Preaching the Gospel: What did he mean, woe is me if I don't preach the gospel? [1 Corinthians 9:16]
Paul Running the Race: What did Paul mean by "run the race"? [Acts 20:4]

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   Lord's Prayer & God Being our Father: In the Lord's Prayer when it says, "our Father", is Christianity the only religion that call God Father?

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   Forgiving Satan: How come God doesn't just forgive Satan & reinstate him to Heaven?
Called to be a Minister: How can someone know if they are being called to the ministry?

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   Prerequisite to Being a Chaplin: I want to be a chaplain, but am living w/ my boyfriend, although we aren't not having intimate relations, but should I move out anyway? [1 Thessalonians 5:22]

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   Power to Become the Sons of God: What does "become" mean it says that "we have the power to become the Sons of God"? [John 1:14]

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   Marriage Problems: The caller & his wife are separating for the time being, & have been to a mental hospital, & he just seeks prayer from Steve Gregg.

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   Sun Shall Be Darkened, Stars Falling: IMMEDIATELY after the tribulation the sun shall be darkened, moon not give her light, stars falling, what does it mean? What does the verses in Revelation about Jesus second coming mean? [Matthew 24:29-30, Revelation 1:7]

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August 08, 2017

   Becoming Like Christ: Can these 2 verses be coupled together as far becoming like Christ? [Romans 8:29, Philippians 1:6]

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   The Sonship of Abraham: A series of questions about Isaac, Ishmael, & the other 6 sons.

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   Restoration of Israel in 1948: Do you think this is talking about the re-gathering of Israel in 1948? [Ezekiel 37-39]
Gog & Magog: Is the Gog & Magog that is talked about in Ezekiel talking about the same thing as in Revelation? [Ezekiel 38:2, Revelation 20:8]

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   The Narrow Radio Path Radio Show: I am in dire straights & your show brings me comfort so please stay on my local station at least until the end of the year because i have no access of the internet.

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   The Millennium & the State of the Dead: I'm trying to figure out what I believe about the Millennium & the State of the Dead, which seems to intertwined.

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   Hindu god Statues: We are getting ready to have some remodeling done & a company we are considering using has a Hindu statue in their showroom. Should we use them?

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   The Rich Man & Lazarus: Is Lazarus & the rich man a real story or parable? At the time of your lectures you said you didn't know if there was related rabbincal stories. Is there a literal lake of fire?

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August 09, 2017

   Israelites Enemies: "...the day of the LORD is darkness, and not light", does this mean that the Israelites were still enemies? [Amos 5:18-19]

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   Heritage of the Jews: Isn't it pretty much impossible to see the heritage of Jews, so how can Jews prove they're of the ethic race & how would dispensationalism make sense?

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   Sin: What is sin? [1 John 3:4]

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   Jesus Emptying Himself: What does it mean Jesus emptied Himself? He never ceased to be God, right? [Philippians 2:5-8]

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   Getting Different Rewards in Eternity: Do people get different rewards in Eternity or not? and if that is the case, i have a second question....
Workers In The Vineyard: Workers came in at different times & getting the same wage, what is the meaning? [Matthew 20:1-16]
Dangers of Deathbed Conversions: Steve also explains the dangers of waiting until a "Deathbed experience" happens.

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   Casting Pearls Before Swine: Don't cast pearls before swine, what does this mean? [Matthew 7:6]

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   Transubstantiation: Transubstantiation in the Catholic church.

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August 10, 2017

   Relying Completely on God in Ministry: I'm looking to do Full Time ministry & want to depend completely on the Lord for my needs, sort've like Geroge Mueller.

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   Millennial Kingdom: In 1 Corinthians 15 it seems to be describing the end of the millennial kingdom. Is that what it's saying? [1 Corinthians 15:22-28]

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   Sabbath Changed to Sunday: Was the Sabbath changed from Saturday to Sunday?

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   Apostolic Reformation: Do you know anything about the apostolic reformation?

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   Preaching Gospel Never Ending Process: Every generation that is born & Jesus doesn't come back we have to preach the gospel all over again so what's taking Him so long?

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   Sacrificial System: Is the sacrificial system going to be reinstated in the end time, the 3rd temple being rebuilt?

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   Millennium & David Hocking: Caller thinks there's a real literal Millennium & talks about credible men like David Hawkins that believe in one, unlike Steve Gregg.

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August 11, 2017

   Calling into the Narrow Path Show: How often can we call your show & ask a question?
Mike the Buddhist Calling in: Michael the Buddhist has been calling your show for 20 years, isn't that right?
Original Sin: Is sin passed down from every parent & have to live (or die) with the consequences of their sin? [Romans 5:12-21]

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   Decapolis Region: Are Decapolis Jewish or Greek cities? [Mark 5]
Hebrew Roots Movement Lectures: When are you going to put the Hebrew Roots Lectures on your website?

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   Steve's Changing Belief Systems: Besides dispensationalism, have you ever changed your mind on anything?
Beast Overcoming the Saints: The beast that "makes war w/ the saints & overcomes them", are they going to overcome all of them? [Revelation 13:7]

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   Steve Gregg's Itinerary: When are you coming in the vegas area again? take note of kkva, the station that carries your show, is having an open house

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   Buddhism & Reincarnation: Is not the resurrection a form of reincarnation?

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   Origins of Satan being Lucifer: Can you tell me what you were talking about the origins of lucifer (satan)? I missed what you were saying earlier.

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   Apollos & Paul: Can you tell me what is going on here? [1 Corinthians 3:5-8]

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   Sin Leading to Death: Does all sin lead to death (1john 5:16-17)

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August 14, 2017

   Playing Guitar During Spare Time: I've been playing guitar & using an inordinate of time to play it, & wondering if I'm wasting my time?

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   How is Steve: Caller just says, "How are you?", & then proceeds to get cut off. (probably going to delete this call eventually.)

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   Using Rabbinical Literature in Jesus' Time; The rich man & lazarus, rabbinical literature, Jesus used familiar literature for His audience.

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   Original Sin: Original Sin ensues. [Genesis 5:3]

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   Rose of Saron: Jesus is the Rose of Sharon, is that in the Bible somewhere? Song of Solomon 2:1, Isaiah 35:1, 1 Chronicles 27:29]

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   Bubonic Plague: Is the Bubonic Plague related to the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse?

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   God Allowing Suffering: Why does God allow suffering for His children?

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August 15, 2017

   Coming of the Lord: Is the "coming" of the Lord literal? [1 Corinthians 15:23]

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   Weak in the Faith: Does Romans 14 go beyond diet, food & holy days? [Romans 14]
People being Dogmatic in Secondary Issues: What about people who are very judgmental in stuff that we each have the liberty to do or not do?

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   Hiding & Financing Illegal Immigrants: What do you think about churches hiding & financing illegal aliens?

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   Trinity in Heaven: Will we see the Trinity in Heaven?

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   Thou Shalt Not Kill: How does this apply to military, police officers, not killing?

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   Overcoming the Flesh: What's the proper way to overcome the flesh? What is the difference between temptation & sin?

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   Setting up a Legitimate Home Church: What are the requirements to starting a home church & how should we be doing church?

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August 16, 2017

   September 23, 2017: What are your thoughts about the supposed September 23, 2017, & Revelation 12 prediction of the alignment of all the planets that is supposed to happen?

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   Falling Away & No Repentance: I'm having trouble with these passages of Scripture. Can you explain them to me? [Hebrews 10:26, Hebrews 6:4-6]

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   The 7 Spirits before the Throne of God: Someone asked a question about seeing the Trinity in heaven yesterday, & got me to thinking about the 7 Spirits before the throne. [Revelation 1:4, Revelation 3:1, Revelation 4:4, Revelation 5:6, Isaiah 11:2]

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   Success in Evangelizing: I would love to evangelize, but it doesn't seem as effective anymore as it was in the earlier centuries.

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   Bible Figure Job: Did Job know of the Redeemer & Resurrection? [Job 19:26-27]

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   Crossing the Red Sea Documentary: What do you think about the documentary about evidence of the crossing of the red sea?
Hebrew Language: When did the Hebrew language start?

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   Understand How Christ Loves: A new commandment, to love one another & love God, & Christ showed me how.

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   Trump Having a Revival: Conspiracy of Trump having a revival.

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   Correcting Peter for Hypocrisy: When was the chronology of when Paul corrected Peter for his hypocrisy at Antioch?

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August 17, 2017

   A Different Take on the Trinity: Is the reason Jesus couldn't do anything apart from the Father & the Father can't do anything apart from the Jesus, & the Holy Spirit?

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   Jews Still God's Chosen People: are the jews still God's chosen people?
Praying for the Jews: rphould we be praying for them?

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   Intentional Christian Community: I was wondering your knowledge about the "Intentional Christian Communities" & what you think about it?

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   The Assumption of Mary: the Assumption of Mary, wondering if you knew how far that went back, & other catholic traditions

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   Romans Verse by Verse Lectures: How do I know I'm listening to the right version of romans on your website? When were they done?

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   Speaking in Tongues or Prophesying: Gift of Prophecy is more desirable than Speaking in Tongues. [1 Corinthians 14, Acts 2]

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   JW & the Correct Jesus: Are the Jehovah's Witnesses worshipping the correct Jesus?

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   Owning a Japanese Sword: Do you think it's okay to own a WWII Seme Japanese sword?

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August 18, 2017

   A Different Plan of Salvation: Why didn't God do it differently than needing a Saviour for the entire human race, like quarantine Adam & Eve & redoing it?

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   Purpose of Marriage: What is the purpose of marriage?
Divorce in Book Ezra: Why did God allow divorce or even suggest it in the book of Ezra? [Ezra 9-10]

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   Praying to Jesus or the Father: Should we pray to Jesus or to God the Father?

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   Liberal Christians: I've been asking Fundamental Liberal Christians fundament basic 101 questions, & they won't directly answer.

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   Calvinism & Predestination: Calvinist believe that only some people are predestined to be saved, to be Christians, no matter what they do or don't do, is that right? Do you believe that?

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   Demon-Possessed Christians: Can a Christian be demon-possessed?

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   Canon of Scripture: So the canon of scripture was organized by the catholic church?

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August 21, 2017

   Atheist Listeners to the Narrow Path Program: Steve has received recent mail from Atheists who have actually donated to the program. One of them has a question:
Faith: Are you sure faith isn't just having confidence in something they think to be true?

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   Reading a Letter from an Atheist: Steve Gregg reads a letter from yet another Atheist, who also donated to the show!

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   Commenting on Atheist Listeners: The caller appreciated the information about the atheists.
Jesus Rebuking but Being for Christians: "I have this against you," Jesus said to several churches in Revelation, but then Jesus says He's for us. [Revelation 2, Romans 8:31]

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   Lucifer: Why was Satan called Lucifer which means, "light bearer"? [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28, 2 Corinthians 11:14]

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   Rejected by Family for Christianity: I'm trying to handle being rejected by own family because I'm a believer. Trying to figure out how to deal with it.

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   Church Discipline Needs to be Implemented: Church discipline needs happen because of appropriate behavior by a pastor, but they are wondering what to do?

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   Being Saved: What does it mean to be saved?
Requirements for Salvation: What is required to be saved?
Belonging to God: What does the Bible say about those who belong to God?

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August 22, 2017

   Degrees of Punishment in Hell: is there different degrees of punishment in hell? isn't just going to hell for not believing Jesus enough? Is justice an attribute of God?

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   Calvinism & Free Will: Is there free will in Calvinism? Does God

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   Nicodemus' Salvation: Can we say if Nicodemus was saved or not?
Not Accepting Jesus: What if people don't accept the Man Jesus, but live by the Light they have, isn't that good enoug?

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   U.S. Constitution: Should the constitution be restricted to reflect Christian views? Caller is concerned it's too secular.

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   Hell into the Lake of Fire: Caller wants to point out that Hell was cast into the lake of fire. [Revelation 20:11-15]

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   Universal Reconciliationism: Can God be grieved when He loses His children, or is that a weak human trait?

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   The Word being Idea: The Word, can it just be an "idea"? [John 1:1]
The Rapture: Will the rapture come before or after the tribulation? [Matthew 24]
The Book of Revelation of Jesus not John: Isn't the book of Revelation a revelation of Jesus Christ & not John? And what is your view of the book of Revelation?

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August 23, 2017

   Prophecy & Tongues: Is prophecy & tongues for the believer or for the unbeliever & if for the believer, is church for the unbeliever too? [1 Corinthians 14:23-25]

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   Sacrificing More than One Place: Was Israel was allowed to sacrifice in more than one place? [Deuteronomy 12:21]

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   Bad Religion by Ross Douthat: Have you heard of a book by the name of "Bad Religion" by a Ross Doulthat?
Church Flourishing: From after World War 2 to 1960, was the church flourishing?

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   Lazarus During His Death: Lazarus was raised so where did he go when he died, heaven? What happens when we die? [John 11]

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   Caller Feels He May be on Deathbed: Caller wants to know what the pass way to die is.

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   Paul & Tongues: Is Paul talking about tongues in both Romans & 1 Corinthians? [Romans 8:26-27, 1 Corinthians 14]

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   Ezekiel: Why did Ezekiel have to lose his wife & allowed to mourn for her?

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   Original Sin: Is there a debate over Augustine's doctrine of Original Sin?

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August 24, 2017

   Last Act is a Horrible Sin: What if your last sin a terrible sin at the very last minute of your life, what will God do with you?

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   Walking in the Light: What does walking in the light, & breaking fellowship with God becaues you are not? [1 John 1:8-9]

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   Meaning of Christianity: What does it mean to be a Christian because I've had inconsistent behavior?

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   Marrying 1st Cousin: Is it legal or morally wrong to marry your first cousin?

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   Following the Light: Continuing a conversation the caller previous had about being saved according the light you have (follow, 8/33, 3rd q).

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August 25, 2017

   Eating Meat Sacrificed to Idols: What were the ramifications for eating meat from idols?

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   John MacArthur: Would you have a problem w/ john MacArthur's teachings?
Jesus Movement: Do you know about the Jesus Movement: What do you think about the. Was there any parallels of Christianity & the Counter Culture?

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   Eastern Orthodox Church & Hanegraaff: What do you think of Hank Hanegraaff switching over to EO & what do you know about them?

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   Law Written in our Hearts & the Sabbath: I've been studying w/ the Seventh Day Adventists, & they say Sabbath keeping & the 10 commandments are for now, law written in our hearts, but the commandments were changed from the Old to the New, so the ultimate question is, WHICH commandments are still binding?

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   Never Hearing the Gospel: What about people who have never heard the gospel?
Satan Being Cast out of Heaven: When did the casting Satan of Heaven occur? [Revelation 12]

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August 28, 2017

   Noahic Rainbow Covenant: Is the covenant regarding the rainbow still in effect? [Genesis 9:11] (devastating hurricane had just happened)

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   Marriage License: So is a State license marriage mandated?

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   Life After Death: What happens immediately upon death, soul sleep?
Hallucination from drug use: Drug user still experiencing hallucinations, wondering how God views this.

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   Radio Archives: Why are some Radio Archives unavailable now? I've taken notes on a lot of them that i've liked & now they are just completely gone.
People's Names in the Bible: Names of characters in the Bible, are they relative to God's wishes in the Bible in correlation of the meaning their life?

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   Last Days: When is the last days, the VERY last days of the world or when Jesus was here? (he's very hard to hear)

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   Women Pastors: What do you think of women pastors?

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   Biblical Gardens: Biblical Gardens.

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August 29, 2017

   Parable of the Wheat & Tares Is the Parable of the Wheat & the Tares talking about the 2nd coming or 70 AD? Jesus might've been crucified on Thurs, a special sabbath? [Matthew 13:24-43]

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   Jerusalem being Free: "But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all", what does this mean? [Galatians 4:26]

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   Sabbath Observance a form of Idolatry: Is it insubordination to insist on worshipping on the Sabbath?

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   Angels & Stars: Who are the angels & stars that are talked about Revelation 1? [Revelation 1:16-20]

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   Dating of the Year of Jesus' Crucifixion: The caller thinks the date of the exact year of Jesus' crucifixion was about 30 AD. The Naval Observatory weighed in on it recently.

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   Institutional Church: Caller would like to weigh in on why Christians are leaving the Institutional churches in droves lately.

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August 30, 2017

   Adding Additional Apostolic Book of the Bible: Could we add more apostolic writings, if genuine ones were located?

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   Reigning with Christ right now: Are we reigning with Christ now? How does what Paul said in 1 Corinthians agree with what we believe as Amillennialists? [1 Corinthians 4:8]

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   Age of Accountability: Babies & children being sinners, but aren't really accountable until 20 years old.

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   Associating with a Vile Family Member: What do you do about a family member who has vile behavior?

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   Pre-Tribulationism & Partial Preterism: People who teach that Christians are going to be going through the Tribulation are wrong, are believing a lie.

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   Being Born Again: Are we supposed to be taking being "born again" literally? [John 3:3]

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   Paul's Writing Above all other's Writings: Have you ever heard that Paul's writings are elevated above anyone else's, including Jesus' own words?

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August 31, 2017

   Letters of New Testament Complete: When were all the writings of the New Testament complete?
70 Years: Is the year 70 AD Destruction of Jerusalem of any significance to 70 year captivity in Babylon?

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   Jesus Baptizing John the Baptist: Was John the Baptist ever baptized by Jesus? [Matthew 3:14]
Not Worthy to Unlatch Jesus' Sandals: Why did he say he was not worthy to unlatch the sandal from His foot? [Matthew 3:11]

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   Johann Blumhardt: Blumhardt's Battle, a true demon-possession story, was that you I heard that from, & what was his name again?

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   Eternal Security: Can you lose your salvation?

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   Not Add or Subtract to the Bible & the Letter "J": Is it adding or subtracting to scripture by using a J, such as in jesus' name? [Revelation 22:18-19, Proverbs 30:5-6, Deuteronomy 12:29-32]

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   Context of Scripture & Cherry Picking: What can you say about people saying you are are just saying take the Bible in Context so they can skillfully cherry pick from the Bible, but not really taking it in context? Exegesis over proof-texting.
Once Saved, Always Saved: So you say people can lose their salvation? What about people who go through a rough period of time, & go out & perform willful sin? Are they lost during that period of time?

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   Extra-Terrestrial Activity or Demons: caller knows there's extra-terrestrial beings &/or demons

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