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<< January 2018 View all months March 2018 >>

February 01, 2018

   Hell: Do babies go to hell if they die?

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   Salvation: How much does one need to know about Jesus in order to be saved?

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   Spirits in Prison: What does it mean for spirits to be in "prison"? [1 Peter 3:19]

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   Prayer: Does prayer have to be according to God's will? [1 John]

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   Election (Calvinism): Does the word "world" in John 3:16 refer only to the elect? How would a Calvinist interpret 2 Peter 2:21? [John 3:16, 17:9, 2 Peter 2:21]

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   Jacob: What blessing did Jacob get for wresting w/ God all night? [Genesis 32:27-28]

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February 02, 2018

   Paul's Conversion: Is there a contradiction in Paul’s conversion story in Galatians and Acts?

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   God Allowing Tragedies: Why does God allow certain tragedies to happen? Why do we always have to believe He had a better idea?
Effects of Sin in Eternity: Will there be lasting effects of present sin in eternity?

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   Mysterious Man in Mark: Who was the naked man in Mark 14:51 [Mark 14:51]?

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   Wife Lost Faith & Effects on Children: What would you do if your wife was trying to subvert your children?

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   Disbelief: Is disbelief in Christianity indefensible?
Compilation of Bible: Was the Bible miraculously compiled?

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   Daniel and Furnace: Where was Daniel during the fiery furnace event? [Daniel 3]

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   Dispensationalism & Gospel of Grace: Caller believes anti-dispensational theology causes people to try to earn their salvation. Steve discusses the Gospel of grace. [Acts 20:4]

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   Finding God: Do you agree that people who reject the cross will not find God?

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February 05, 2018

   Praying in the Spirit: Is praying in tongues the same as praying in the Spirit and is that a perfect prayer? [Ephesians 6:18, Jude 20, 1 Corinthians 14:14]

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   Fornication: What is fornication?

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   Apocryphal Letter: Is the letter from Pontius Pilate authentic?

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   Levels of Heaven: What are the levels of heaven?

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   7 women taking hold of one man: What does 7 women taking hold of one man mean? [Isaiah 4:1]
New Jerusalem: Is New Jerusalem a spiritual way of talking about the present kingdom?

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   Jesus on the Cross, the Thieves On the Cross & the Elect: Who was Jesus asking for the Father to "forgive them for they know not what they do"? Jesus dying for the elect.
"Depart from me; I never knew you": Could the statement, "Depart from me; I never knew you" apply to people who were once "known" by Jesus but abandoned the faith?

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   The 2 Witnesses: Discussion about the 2 witnesses in Revelation

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   Falling Away: Caller struggling with the idea of falling away. [Hebrews 10:25, 6:4-6]

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   Christians and Voting: Why do African American Christians & White American Christians vote differently?

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February 06, 2018

   Cyrus & Donald Trump: Have you heard of people equating Cyrus to Donald Trump? [Isaiah 45]

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   Christian Activism Against Abortion: Caller insists that Christians need to do stop a bill that requires California state universities to give out abortion pills.

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   God Speaking to People Today and in Bible Times: Is there a different way God spoke to people of the Old Testament comparted to how He speaks to us now? Weren't people dismissive of them like they are today?

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   The Head of Goliath: Where did David bury Goliath's head?

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   Correcting a Friend: How do we know when to correct/rebuke a friend and when not to?

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   Existence of Jesus: How do you respond to someone who says Jesus never existed?

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   Losing Salvation: How does being born again correlate with losing our salvation?

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February 07, 2018

   Predestination, Calvinism, Arminianism: Caller dislikes Steve's defense of and conclusions on Arminianism.

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   Evidential & Presuppositional Apologetics: What is Steve's position on Evidential and Presuppositional Apologetics?

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   Ellen G. White & Adventism: What can you tell me about Ellen G. White and the Seventh Day Adventists? Is it bad/wrong to go to an SDA church even if I don't agree with their doctrines?

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   Seventh Day Adventism: Discussion about the caller's opinion about Seventh Day Adventism, especially the Investigative Judgment. [Romans 9:30-33]
Christ the end of the Law: What is Steve's view on Romans 10:4, Christ being the End of the Law? How do Hebrew Roots & Seventh Day Adventists interpret that passage of Scripture?

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   God Ordained "Soul Mate": Does God ordain only one specific person for a Christian to marry?

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   Calvinism Effectual Call: "Effectual Call"/"Inward Call" doctrine of Calvinism [Acts 2:39]

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February 08, 2018

   Seventh Day Adventists in a Positive Light: SDA caller wants to answer Steve Gregg's question from yesterday which was, "Why would you accept EGW as a prophet & not Joseph Smith".
Investigative Judgment: SDA caller tries to explain the Investigative Judgement.

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   Kingdom Taken From Saul and Jewish Leadership: Is there any correlation between 1 Samuel 15 & what Jesus says in Matthew 21:43 about the kingdom being taken away? [1Samuel 15, Matthew 21:43]

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   Systematic Theology and New Covenant Theology: Does Steve have a preferred book that talks about Systematic Theology?
New Covenant Theology: What about New Covenant Theology?

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   Praying to Saints: What motivated prayer to saints?

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   Sin that Leads to Death: What is Steve's commentary on sin that leads to death? [1 John 5:16-17]

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   Praying for God: Is there anywhere in scripture that tells us to pray for God?

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   Modern Day Prophets: What are Steve's thoughts on modern day prophets? People who claimed to prophecy about Trump becoming president.

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   Speaking in Tongues: What are Steve's thoughts on praying in tongues during a prayer meeting?

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   David Taking a Census: Why was it wrong for David to take a census? [2 Samuel 24, I Chronicles 21]

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   Bible Phrase Missing from Manuscripts: Phrase about "not walking according to flesh..." is said to not be found in the oldest manuscripts? [Romans 8:1]

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February 09, 2018

   Reality: Have you ever questioned whether the reality we are experiencing is real?

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   Death: How does the caller die properly?

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   Hospice Care & Pain Medication: What is a Christian perspective on hospice care and pain medication?

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   Once Saved, Always Saved: What is Steve's position on once saved, always saved?

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   Bibles: Is there any place I can go that provides bibles in different languages to buy to give out in different languages?

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   Healing Story: Caller shares terminal illness story where person was cured?

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   Consciousness when Absent from the Body: Is your understanding that when someone dies they are conscious? Discussion of body that decomposes getting resurrected.

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   Peter's Angel at the Door: Comments regarding Peter being let out of prison in Acts and people think it is his "angel" at the door. [Acts 12:11-16]

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February 12, 2018

   Properly Reading the Bible: Determining context and chronology of accounts in the gospels.

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   Age of the Earth: Do you lean towards old earth or new earth theories? Do you think their are any gaps in the geneologies?

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   Bible Translations: What are Steve's thoughts on the NIV & NLT translations?

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   Commentary in the Gospel of John: In John 5:14, why did Jesus say, "see, you have been made well. Sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you"? [John 5:14]
A. W. Tozer & The Pursuit of God: What are your thoughts on A. W. Tozer? What do you think about his book, "The Pursuit of God"?

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   Biblical Grounds for Divorce: How can a Christian who gets divorced without biblical grounds, and then gets remarried, be forgiven and abide in Christ?

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   Seventh Day Adventists and Sabaath: Caller discussing Seventh Day Adventists and the Sabaath. [1 Timothy 1:9-10, John 5:17]

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   Hosea's Wife: Did God tell Hosea to marry a whore?

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February 13, 2018

   Synergism and Monergism: What is Steve's view on the prodigal son, lost coin, lost sheep with respect to synergism and monergism?

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   Love Bears All Things & Forgiveness: Can you clarify what "bear all things" with respect to love? Do you have to be around a person in order to show that you really forgive them? [1 Corinthians 13:7]

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   Partial Calvinism: Can a person be a 3-point Calvinist?

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   Harmonize Not Snatching from Hand & Apostacy: How do you harmonize the passage that says, "no one can snatch you out of his hand" with that in Hebrews which warns against apostacy? [John 10:29, Hebrews 6:4-6]

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   Judgment: Does the word "judgment" in the bible have a greater meaning than our english word? What will God do to those who never heard of Him?

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   Gerhard Kittel: What is your opinion on Gerhard Kittel's theological dictionary of the New Testament?

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   KJV Only Caller: Caller claims the KJV is should be the standard by which all other Bibles should be compared.

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   Book of Enoch: Have you read the book of Enoch and do you think their is truth in it?

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February 14, 2018

   Pregnancy: Is it acceptable to ask God to become pregnant when your age is beyond child bearing years?

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   Pets in Heaven: Is there any evidence in the bible that animals, our pets, are going to be in heaven?

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   The Great Apostacy: What is the great apostasy happened and are we in it? [2 Thessalonians 2]

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   War Time Killing: Vietnam vet wonders if the killing he did during war will condemn him to hell?

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   Reading the Bible: What should I do about my mind wandering too much when reading the Bible?

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   Steve's View on Hell: What is your view on hell?

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   Christian Living: If a person doesn't do all the things a typical Christian does, such as going to church, does that mean they are not a true Christian?

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   Divorced Christians: Can a person be a Christian if they are divorced? Is divorce forgivable?

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   New Testament Tithing: Are pastors taking passages of scripture out of context when they claim we are to tithe?

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February 15, 2018

   Tithing: Caller wants to challenge Steve regarding tithing. [1 Corinthians 9:14]

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   Mass Conversion of Jews: What is your opinion of a mass conversion of Jews? [Acts 1:6]

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   Eating Jesus Flesh: Commentary on eating the flesh & drinking the blood of Jesus. [John 6]
Word of Faith and the Tongue: The word of faith teaching and power in the tongue. [James 1:26-27, 3:8-9]

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   Worship & Christian Music: What are your thoughts on contemporary Christian musicians?

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   Female Pastors: What are your thoughts on female pastors.
Suicide: Is suicide a sin if you have a mental illness?

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   Fig Tree & Olive Tree: Were those the 2 trees in the Garden of Eden?
The number 666: The number of each part of the unholy Trinity makes it becomes 666
1000 Years is as a Day: What does Peter mean when he says, "1000 years is as a day, a day is as a 1000 years"?

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   Open Theism: Can and will God change His mind causing the course of things to be altered?

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February 16, 2018

   Jesus Learned Obedience: What does it mean when the bible says, Jesus learned obedience by the things He suffered? [Hebrews 5:8]

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   Jesus Interrogation: Is Jesus interrogation for 4 days in Mark 12 parallel to preparation of the lamb in Exodus 12 when Jesus was being investigated? [Mark 12:1-7]
Steve's Notes: Do you have notes when you are teaching? [Editor's Note: At the time of this call, was not available, but you can now find all/most of the at that site.]

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   Key of David & Binding and Loosing: What is the key of David and what are we allowed to bind and loose? [Isaiah 22, Revelation 3, Matthew16 & 18]
Kingdom of God: What is the kingdom of God?

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   Middle Easterners Closer to God: Do you think that people living in the Middle East were closer to God than we are?
Ethnic Complexion of Adam and Eve: Were Adam and Eve dark in complexion?
Jesus Appearance: Caller thinks Jesus physical appearance must be attractive.

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   The Mother of The Church: How can "The Jerusalem Above" be the mother of Jesus and of those on the day of Pentecost. [Galations 4:26]

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   The Effect of the Word of God: Tell me more about the Word of God taking effect, whether positive or negative.

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   Wife Falsely Accusing Husband: What should the caller do about his wife who is accusing him of something he didn't do?

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   Jesus Prophecy about the Catholic Church: Do you think Jesus was foretelling about the Catholic church when he said not to call people "Father"?

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   Early Dating of Revelation: Is there any validity in the early dating of Revelation and its prediction about the fall of Jerusalem?

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   Dating an Unbeliever: My daughter is dating a nonbeliever in hopes of converting him. If she were to marry him, and he is still not a Christian, would you walk her down the isle? [2 Corinthians 6:14-18]

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February 19, 2018

   Israel Covenants: Who is the root in verse 16 and does it relate to verse 27? [Romans 11:16,27]

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   Vocational Guidance: How do I know what career God is calling me to?

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   God's Knowledge: What did God mean when he told Abraham "now I know that you fear me" with regard to Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son?

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   Salvation through Christ: Can you resolve perceived tension between the following biblical statements: salvation is through Christ alone, the only way you can come to Christ is to be drawn [John 6], God is seeking people to worship him in spirit and in truth [John 4]?

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   Last Supper at Mark's Mother's House: If the last supper was at Mark's mother's house, why did they not know where to go and had to be lead there?

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   Broken and Fallen World: We were not given a choice to be born. Why do you think God chose to put us in this fallen world?

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February 20, 2018

   Taking God's Name: Not taking the Lord's name in vain. Does it mean you are not to say the word "Yahweh" casually as the Jews believe?

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   Vision for Church: What did Jesus & Paul have as a vision of what "church" is? Is the way we do church today just based on tradition?

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   Abortion in Numbers 5: Is the passage in Numbers 5 describing an abortion? [Numbers 5:11-31]
Appointing Someone to a Church Position: Should you appoint qualified people when there is an open position in a church organization?

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   Remarriage (follow-up): If my wife leaves me, does that mean I am free to remarry?

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   Authority to Forgive Sins: When Jesus gives the disciples authority to forgive sins, is this just for Apostles or all believers? [John 20:23]
OT Sacrifices: Were the sacrifices in the Old Testament believed to be for forgiveness of sins at that time or just a covering for future forgiveness?

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   Forgiveness: If someone doesn't repent, you don't have to forgive?

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February 21, 2018

   Calling a Person a Fool if They Don't Believe in God: Is my son a fool for not believing in God? Is it ok to call someone a fool? [Psalms 53:1, Matthew 5]

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   Grace: Has God Always Operated Under Grace?
Pluck Out Your Eye: What does Jesus mean when He says pluck out the eye?

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   State of the Dead: What is your personal view of the state of the dead?

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   Jesus Carrying the Cross: Did Jesus fall down 3 times when carrying the cross? Did He carry the cross at all?

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   Tithing: Is tithing a biblical principle?
Life in Other Parts of the Universe: Is there life in other parts of the universe with which God interacts?

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   Soul & Spirit: Is there a difference between "soul" & "spirit"?

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   Covenant Theology: Would you say you follow covenant theology?

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   Mormonism: Does the scriptures indicate that Mormons/LDSs are not Christian?

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February 22, 2018

   Jesus not being Ressurected: Was there any danger of Jesus not being resurrected?

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   The Cup at the Last Supper: In Luke 22:17-20, is the cup in verse 17 the same cup in verse 20? [Luke 22:17-20]

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   Noah's Curse of Canaan: Why did Noah curse Ham's son Canaan & not Ham?

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   Mary Magdalene: Was the "case closed" against Mary Magdalene because of no witnesses? [John 8]

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   Speaking what you Believe and Word of Faith: Is Paul saying we can have whatever we believe and speak? [2 Corinthians 4:13, Psalms 116:10]

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   Catholicism and Protestantism: Can you comment on the Protestant belief that Roman Catholic church is a heresy and the Catholic Church saying Protestantism is a heresy?

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   Mark Long or Short Ending: Does Mark 16 end at verse 8? [Mark 16]

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   Lent: Can you explain Lent?

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   Satan in Ezekiel 28: Is it true you don't think Ezekiel 28 is talking about Satan/Lucifer? [Ezekiel 28]

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   Pathway to Victory, Robert Jefferess: What do you think about Pathway to Victory and Robert Jeffress?

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February 23, 2018

   Jesus Physical Appearance: Jesus humble looking at His first appearance and attractive at His second coming.
Billy Graham: Any thoughts about Billy Graham?

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   Ezekiel 28 King of Tyre: (Followup February 22, 2018, 9th call) Can help me understand king of Tyre or Satan in Ezekiel 28. [Ezekiel 28]

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   OT and Revelation: Old Testament symbolism is also in the book of Revelation

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   Cremation: Does it say anywhere in the Bible that we are not to get cremated?

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   Continual Confession for Stumbing into Sin: Do we have to continue to confess when we stumble into sin after we are saved?

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   Celebrating Easter and Christmas: Is it true that you feel Easter and Christmas is just another day and not special?

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   Thank You Call: Caller just wanted to say thank you to Steve.

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   Women as Pastors: Can a woman pastor a church according to the Bible?

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   Current Challenges of the Church: What do you think are the current challenges of the church?

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February 26, 2018

   The Use of the Term Supernatural: What is your view on using the word "supernatural" from the pulpit?

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   Exegesis & Eisegesis: Can you explain exegesis and eisegesis?
"Go and Sin No More": When Jesus said, "Go & sin no more", was he telling her to literally never sin again?
The Woman in Revelation: Is the woman in Revelation the church or the mother of Jesus?

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   NKJV vs KJV: Do you prefer the NKJV over the KJV?

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   Women in Church Leadership: Steve's views on women in church leadership?

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   Speaking to Others About Their Faith: Why don't more Christians share their faith and thoughts on God?

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   Biblical Gospel vs Americanized Gospel: Can you elaborate on your thoughts regarding the gospel of the bible vs an Americanized gospel.

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   Pictures of Dragons: Is having a drawing of a dragon in your house bad since Satan is depicted as a dragon?

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   Family Planning: Is it appropriate for believers who are married to put off having children?

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   Linen Healing: Does linen in the Bible have healing powers?

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   Women in Ministry: Women as deaconesses or teachers, etc.

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February 27, 2018

   Curse on Ham's Son Canaan: Irenaeus quotes passage from Genesis where Canaan is cursed and says Ham instead.

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   Sola Scriptura & Relevancy of Scripture: Do you believe in sola scriptura and no tradition at all? Is any scripture outdated?

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   Married People in the Ressurection: What will be the status or condition of people in the ressurection with regard to married couples? Will married people remember each other?

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   Everlasting Gospel: Is the angel in Revelation proclaiming the Everlasting Gospel when he says, "Fear God and give glory to Him"? [Revelation 14:6-7]

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   Higher Education: What's your view regarding higher education?

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   Pentecostal/Apostolic Attitude: Why are so many Pentacostal/Apostolic people so mean and defensive? Are we not supposed to love?

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   Image Speaking in Revelation: In Rev 13:15, is this possibly the state? Is the ability of the image to speak a demonic influence? [Revelation 13:15]

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February 28, 2018

   Divorced but Living Together: My mom divorced her husband, my step-dad, and now lives together.

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   Sola Scripture: Is sola scriptura wrong because the Bible was compiled according to tradition?

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   Jesus Movement: Was the Jesus Movement the 3rd great awakening?

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   Images of God: People thinking God (Jesus) needs to look a certain way.
Parable of the Sower: In the parable of the sower, are they all Christians being talked about?
Tribulation: Is there going to be great tribulation in the last days? (I think Steve forgets to answer it.)

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   Stephen's Last Words: Were the last words of Stephen the fulfillment of Matthew 24:30? [Matthew 24:30]

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   "Angry without Cause" Missing from Bibles: What is your opinion on some bibles taking out the phrase, "without cause" in Matthew 5:22? [Matthew 5:22]

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   Authority: How would you respond to the question, "Where do you get your authority"?

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   Calvinist View of Evangelism & Discipleship: What is the Calvinist view of evangelism & discipleship?

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   Leading Worship at an International House of Prayer: We would like to lead praise & worship music for an International House of Prayer and we are concerned people might think we endorse his teaching.

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