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<< March 2018 View all months May 2018 >>

April 02, 2018

   Original Sin - Lust of the Flesh: I always thought we got a sinful nature from Adam & Eve, but the Bible talks about being drawn away by our lusts, whether it's food, sex, so were we possibly born with a lust of the Flesh?

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   Modalism vs Trinity: Modalism as opposed to the Trinity, is it a salvation issue? Are you a Modalist?

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   Church Fathers & Becoming gods: What is your thought on what a Mormon told me, saying that even the Church Fathers said that we can become as gods like the Mormons believe, "as God is man can become, as man is God once was"? (THIS CALL IS CARRIED ON PAST THE BREAK EVEN THOUGH IT SEEMS LIKE STEVE ENDED IT IN THE FIRST HALF.)
Baptists What are the main differences between Baptists & Presbyterians?

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   Choosing to put the Blood on the Door: The 10th plague & the Passover are good examples of salvation, being covered by the Blood, but it's also a good example of freewill, isn't it? God does the saving, but they were choosing to put the blood on the door. Isn't it a good example of defending against Calvinism?
3rd & 4th Generation or Not the Father's or Son's Sins, but their own: There seems to be a contradiction because in Ezekiel 18 that each person is responsible for their own sin, not the father or the son, but in the 10 commandments it says that sins of the fathers would be passed down 3 or 4 generations. How do you harmonize these? [Ezekiel 18, Exodus 20]

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   Not Willing that any should perish: Not willing that anyone perish, God is 'being patient waiting for us' to evangelize the world, what does Steve say about that in contrast to how John MacArthur would answer it? [2 Peter 3:9]

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   No Liberty in New Church: You don't seem free to think for yourself in the church i'm attending, can't really follow your own conscience.

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   Bible Incomplete: People say that the Bible is incomplete. Do you have anything I can listen to about that?

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April 03, 2018

   International Church of Christ: What are the differences you have with the International Church of Christ?

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   God's Sovereignty: God making us suffer forever, is Calvinism rather sadistic, thinking God will only save some, but the rest are going to burn forever & forever & ever?
Ecclesia: Ecclesia in the KJV was changed to church building instead of church assembly, just like they didn't like translating baptize to immersion, because King James did not believe Immersion for Baptism.

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   The Beast of Revelation 13 & the Mark of the Beast What do you think the Mark of the Beast is? the beasts of Revelation 13 are referring to Rome & the America & the Mark of the Beast, the caller thinks, is a national Sunday Law

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   House of Israel & House of Judah In Jeremiah, what is the difference the House of Israel & House of Judah?

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   "Confirming the words with signs": There's a whole section at the end of Mark that are in the oldest manuscripts, but not in others. Why not? [Mark 16:9-20]
Moving Mountains with Faith of a Mustard Seed: What did Jesus mean to move mountains by having the faith of only a mustard seed? [Matthew 17:20]

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   Timeline of Revelation: Where are we in timeline of Revelation? How much of it, in your view, has been fulfilled or not fulfilled?
Post-millennium view & amillennium view What is the difference between a Post-Millennialist & an Amillennialist?

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April 04, 2018

   Sabbath: God blessed the Sabbath in the beginning of creation or in the garden of Eden, didn't He?

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   Debate w/ Doug Batchelor: Thank you for doing the debate w/ Doug Batchelor re the Sabbath
Baptism: Baptism needs be done as soon as possible for so many reasons.
Saved in Childbearing: What does this mean that women will be saved in child bearing? [1 Timothy 2:15]

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   "All the Saints with Thee": Is about 70 A.D. or about the end of the world, [Matthew 25:31, Zechariah 14:5]

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   Messianic Jew Looking: A Messianic Jew is looking for a place to fellowship because they won't accept her with the things she still practices.

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   Driving out Demons: Are these promises/signs only for the people of the early church or us too? [mark 16:17-18]

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   Follow-up to the Sabbath Debate: I heard there was a continuance or a follow-up of the sabbath debate you had w/ Doug Batchelor, do you have a video of it?

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   Steve Gregg's World View: What are Steve's basic tenets of his world view?

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   Belief: What does the word "believe" mean in Greek? [John 8:30]

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April 05, 2018

   Weeping & Gnashing of Teeth: Weeping & gnashing of teeth & being in outer darkness, is this talking about Hell?

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   Abortion Rights in contrast to Gun Rights If the young people & Democrats don't like guns & want to ban them because they don't like killing, then they need to be consistent & ban abortion. That's the deal.

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   Woman before Eve: Was there a woman before Eve?

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   Jewelry: What is your belief about wearing jewelry of crosses & the like?

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   Denominations: Is the splitting of so many churches a good thing or a bad thing? Does it weaken or strengthen the church? Do you we need to unify again?

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   Faith & Works: Why so much about works, I thought we were saved by faith?

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   Idolatry & Television: I heard you talking about idolatry earlier, couldn't watching too much TV be an idol, how you conduct your time?

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   Hermeneutics & the Olivet Discourse: You say we have to compare scripture with scripture, so if Matthew was written first, & was written to the Jews, how were they able do that, compare Scripture w/ Scripture since the other Gospels, or the other books of the Bible, weren't accessible yet? Which book was written first, Matthew or Mark? [Luke 17 & 21, Matthew 24]

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   Which book was it?: (followup) You were recently asked if you could only have ONE book of the Bible, what would it be? What was the answer? (Matthew)

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   Ministers Living High on the Hog: Ministers that are living in luxury, how is that okay?

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April 10, 2018

   "Best of" Radio Programs: It'd be awesome if you could always post the re-broadcasted or "best of" programs to your website.

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   Narrow Path Website Forum: How come I haven't been added to the Narrow Path Website Forum yet?
Description of Jesus: Is this Passage of Scripture describing Jesus Christ since it's so similar to the description in Revelation? [Ezekiel 1:26-28]

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   Jesus' Suffering & Death in the OT: Where does it talk about Jesus suffering & rising from the dead on the 3rd day in the Old Testament? [Luke 24:46-47, Isaiah 53]

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   Not Counting Man's Sins against them: Does Christ hold anything against us or not? How does one experience conviction of sin if you don't think Christ holds you accountable? Is going to hell a result of sin that remains an issue between you and God? [2 Corinthians 5:2, Revelation 2-3]

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   Wicked & Righteous after Death: What happens to the people both the righteous & the wicked after they die? Are the wicked really being tormented? Are Christian in the presence of the Lord immediately?

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   Rich Young Ruler: When Jesus was talking to the Rich Young Ruler, is there a reason He specifically listed the 5 commandments that He did? [Matthew 19:16-30, Mark 10:17-31, Luke 18:18-30]

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   Lordship: Is calling Jesus the Lord the same thing as recognizing Him as King?

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   Jesus' Rearing (Education): Did Jesus have to learn things as He grew even though He was omniscient?

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   Living by Faith: What does living by faith mean? Don't you have to believe in Jesus? [John 15]

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   Relationship & Fellowship: I find nothing about "relationship", are "relationship" & "fellowship" the same thing? [1 John 1:3]

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   Day of Atonement-Yom Kippur & Passover: Why would Paul call Jesus our Passover instead of our Atonement? What is the difference between the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) & the Passover?
Jesus the Messiah: How come the Jews don't accept the idea that Jesus was the Messiah?

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April 11, 2018

   Calvinism & Libertarian Free will: A Calvinist caller asks, If what you say is true about us having our own free will, our own choice, could someone possibly always choose to do the right thing, thereby circumventing the need for a Savior?

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   Works and Grace: DO all Catholics believe we can earn our Salvation through our works & Sacraments?
Tradition: Paul said we should keep the traditions. Does that mean like the Catholics do? They always emphasize Protestants are wrong about "Sola Scriptura", that Scripture & Tradition are equally important. [2 Thessalonians 2:15]

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   Day of the Coming of the Lord: Is 2 Thessalonians about 70 AD, instead of the Second Coming, like Ken Gentry & Gary DeMar believe? A Great Apostacy & Jewish revolt against Rome? [2 Thessalonians 2]

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   Teenagers Getting Baptized: What age should teenagers get baptized?

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   Satan's Origins: When did the idea that Lucifer became Satan start? Lucifer a Latin word. [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28]

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   Steve is a Pelagian: Caller thinks that Steve is too Pelagian more than he is an Arminianist and perhaps accepting heretical views.

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   Marian Apparitions: Marian apparitions & other supernatural phenomenon [Deuteronomy 13:1-3]

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   Creation Science: Do you have any good resources as an alternative of Creation Science to what kids are taught in public school about Dinosaurs?

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April 12, 2018

   Pelagianism: Steve explains that he is NOT a Pelagian, clarifying the position of what the Bible says about original sin and whether people have the ability to not sin.

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   Judas Iscariot: Was Judas predestined to betray Jesus? [John 17:12]

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   King David Was God giving permission to David to have more than one wife after what he did w/ Bathsheba?

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   Stan Monteith: Did you associate with Stan Monteith a lot? What did you think of his conspiracy theories?
Jesuits: Caller thinks there's a massive conspiracy involving Jesuits.

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   Enjoyed Sabbath Debate with Doug Batchelor: I loved the debate you had with Doug Batchelor, but my best friend converted over to that group, & I tried everything I could to stop him.

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   Polygamy: Polygamy wasn't in God's original design, so why did it become acceptable?

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   Rich Man & Lazarus: So the Rich Man & Lazarus, you said that might've been a Jewish fable written down somewhere. Did they ever find the story in Jewish literature?
Supernatural DNA for Jesus: Where did the other half of the DNA come from for Jesus?

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   The Right Hand: I'm studying the book of Acts, & there keeps being reference to the Right Hand. Is there significance to the "right hand"?

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April 13, 2018

   Former SDA Enjoyed Sabbath Debate: Former SDA had to relearn all his theology, really liked watching the debate & Steve's followups to it & pointed out that Batchelor never rebutted like Steve did.

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   No Guests on the Narrow Path Radio Show: Why don't you ever have guests on your show?
New Knowledge for Steve Gregg: Do you think you will ever learn new stuff than you know right now or anything that will challenge your faith?

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   Augustine & His Beliefs: Can you comment on Manichaeism, Pelatonism & Augustine's beliefs in general?

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   Conspiracy Theories: I've been paying attention to a lot of conspiracy theories lately, & there's one in particular about the Illuminati, who are Luciferians. Have you heard anything about this?

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   The 144,000: In Revelation, are the 144,000 Jewish Rabbis? Messianic Rabbis?

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   Baptism of the Holy Spirit: What is the Biblical definition of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit? Is it an anointing?

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   Sinner's Prayer: What is your opinion about the Sinner's Prayer?
Methodist Church: What's your opinion about the Methodist church?

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   Jesus not Sinning & Calvinism: Did Jesus sin when He stayed at the temple in Jerusalem when He was 12 years old? Didn't God sin when He flooded the whole world & killed everyone?

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   "He Led Captivity Captive": What is the meaning of Ephesians 4:8, "led the Captive captive"? [Ephesian 4:8, Psalm 68:18]

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   Disagreeing Eschatologically: What if someone says you can't be their Christian brother if you don't believe them the same eschatologically? What if they say that person is disagreeing with Jesus if they don't agree with them?

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April 16, 2018

   The Heart: Is the biblical concept of the heart the same as the Freudian concept of the subconscious mind?

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   Jonah Fearing the Lord: It says that jonah "feared" the Lord, but he wanted to flee from the Lord [Jonah 1:3]

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   Forgiveness & Baptism: I listened to most of your New Testament verse by verse, but I still have questions about forgiveness & baptism.

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   Mentally Ill: I'm a person w/ mental issues, but I so much appreciate your show & knowledge.
The Millennium & New Earth: Is there timelessness in the millennium & new earth, view of using drugs, including pot 16 4 2 1632
Use of Drugs: What is your view of using drugs, including pot?

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   Taking Bible Stories Literal-Noah & Jonah: Do you take the stories of the Bible literal or figurative, especially Noah & the flood & Jonah?
Catholic Confirmation: Does catholic confirmation count as being saved? What about Infant Baptism?

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   Fall of Lucifer: Where is the Fall of Lucifer found in the Bible? [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28]
Unpardonable Sin: What is the unpardonable sin?

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April 17, 2018

   A 3rd Temple being Rebuilt: Another temple being built doesn't make sense because there's no priest to cleanse a house infected w/ Leprosy, or Shiloh would remain desolate. [Leviticus 14, Jeremiah 26]
The Kingdom is taken from you: Where does the Dispensationalist go to show that the Kingdom would be taken from the Jews but given back to them at a later date? [Matthew 21:43]

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   Being Drawn by the Father: Can you interpret this Scripture that only God can draw us to Him? [John 6:44]

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   Sabbath Debate with Doug Batchelor: Where can I find the debate you had with Doug Batchelor?

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   The Great Tribulation: God causing the Great Tribulation, it being His wrath, people are wrong about that because it's not the case; it's the devil causing it. [1 Corinthians 14:33]

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   Preterist Timeline: Is the Stoning of Stephen (still) the ending of the 70 weeks?

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   Outside are all the Evil People How come all these bad people are going to be outside the city, isn't everything restored? [Revelation 20]

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   Abraham not good as Dead: Abraham having more children after Sarah died. I thought he was as good as dead because of how old he was? [Hebrews 11:11-12]

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   Olivet Discourse to the Jews: Wasn't Jesus warning the Jews about the upcoming tribulation in the Olivet Discourse?

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   Battle of Armageddon: When is the battle of Armageddon going to happen?

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   Partial Preterism: How do you understand the passage of Scripture about the darkening of the sun, moon & stars becoming darkened? So you think the Great Tribulation is past? [Matthew 24:29, Jeremiah 31:35-36]

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April 18, 2018

   Medical Marijuana: What do you think about smoking medical marijuana?

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   Larry Norman: Did you read about Larry Norman, a good musician?
The Word "Jew": Where did the word "Jew" come from?

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   Being Guilty: Feeling guilty for not helping the homeless, & so it got me thinking, doesn't Satan have a counterfeit for everything good from God?

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   Prophecy: Soes the Bible have a definition of prophecy? Does 1 Corinthians 14:3 define it? [1 Corinthians 14:3]
Samson: Did Samson repent?

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   God Changing His Mind: Can God change His mind? Anthropomorphic dialogue

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   Tithing Mint, Anise & Cumin: What did Jesus mean by tithing Mint, Anise and Cummin? [Matthew 23:23]

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   Appointed to Eternal Life: It says in Acts that people were appointed to eternal life. How do Arminianist get past this text? Does God do everything, or do people have something to do with drawing near to God? [Acts 13:48]

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   Shamanism: What do you think about getting into Shamanism?

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   Limba & the Queen of Sheba: There's a group called, Limba. Have you ever heard of it? The Queen of Sheba, King Solomon, Talmudic suggestion

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April 19, 2018

   Calvinism & "Wasted Atonement": I've been going to a reformed church & when it says "all have sinned", that means ALL have sinned, so does that include babies? What does "wasted atonement" mean to the calvinist?

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   Grounds for Divorce: Adultery, Abandonment, Abuse are they all grounds for divorce? A person who does remarry even though they were they cause can stay in that relationship as long as they show true repentance & restoration. What Do you agree? [Matthew 18:15]

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   Mormonism & the Priesthood: Mormonism believes in 2 dual priesthoods, the Aaronic Priesthood & the priesthood of Melchizedek, but what other ones are there in the Bible?

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   The Jewish Sacrificial System Ending: When did the sacrificial system end for the Jews? In 70 AD at the Destruction of the Temple or at the Cross when the curtain was rent in twain?

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   The Whole World Saved: God chose from the beginning those that were to be saved in Christ? Why couldn't God just save ALL of the world? [Ephesians 1:4-5]

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   Christ is the End of the Law: I've been studying dispensationalism & non-dispensationalism, & was doing a word study of "end", & was wondering if it meant the same in in 1 Peter what it means in Romans? [Romans 10:4, 1peter 1:9]

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   Presuppositional & Evidential Apologetics: What is your opinion of Presuppositional & evidential apologetics? Just because God has foreknowledge of everything doesn't mean He can control everything. [Romans 1:19-20]
James White Calvinism Debate: I enjoyed the Debate you had with James White, & he's right in so many things but completely wrong with Calvinism!

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April 20, 2018

   Complaints about Christianity: Do you love everything dealing w/ Christianity?

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   Interpreting Ezekiel 28: Most people think Ezekiel 28 is talking about the Devil, but what do you think it is talking about?

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   Cremation: Is it wrong to be cremated?
Heaven for Pets: Are pets going to be in heaven or is there a heaven for pets?

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   Plucking out your Eye: Lusting after a woman, & then having to pluck out your eye, cut off your hand so you stop lusting, so are you supposed to do this literally? [Matthew 5:27-28]

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   God a Person: Is God a Person or a Spirit? [John 10:30, John 14:9, John 4]

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   Nero: You being a preterist, who was the beast supposed to have been? What was the Mark of the Beast?

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   Sabbath Debate: I watched the debate you had with Doug Batchelor, & you need to go review it at 1 hour & 22 minutes. It sums up the whole debate.
Aaronic & Melchizedek Priesthood: Is the Aaronic Priesthood parallel today with the Melchizedek Priesthood? Is there duality there?
Joseph Smith & the Melchizedek Priesthood: Wouldn't it have been blasphemous for Joseph Smith to claim that he received the Melchizedek Priesthood from God?

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   Jesus Being Tempted: Was Jesus really tempted? Can we be tempted w/out sinning?

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   Gifts of the Spirit: Being Baptized by the Holy Spirit, modern day tongues, all the gifts of the Spirit, are they gone now or still for the church?

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April 23, 2018

   Matthew & Luke Endings: Are the endings of Matthew & Luke referring to separate events or the same event?

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   Heart Change: Can only God can change our heart? What is that process?

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   God Ordaining Every Move: Does God pre-ordain everything that happens? [Matthew 6:33]

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   Jesus' Old Flesh: What happened to Jesus' flesh after He was resurrected?

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   Christology - Traditional View & Kenosis View: I've been reading, "Across the Spectrum: Understanding Issues in Evangelical Theology" by Gregory A. Boyd, & they were talking about the different view of Christology, the Traditional & the Kenosis View. Which view do you fall under?

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   Calamity: My girlfriend's 2 year old cousin just drowned & how do we not view this as a punishment instead of a blessing?

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   People Dying before their time: God doesn't like it when people die before their time. What's your take on that? [Ezekiel 13:18-20]

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   Olivet Discourse: How much of matt 24 has been fulfilled & how much is yet to come?
Modalism: Caller comments a few things about Modalism.

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   People's Suffering: Suffering is not God's will.

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April 24, 2018

   God drawing Everyone: Do you think God draws every man to His Son? [John 6:44]

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   Sins of the Parents: Do you think God ever on occasion still does pass judgment on the children of the fathers even though in places like Ezekiel 18 He says He doesn't?

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   Vision of a Dead one with Dementia: I've been seeing a vision of a dead loved one, could she have accepted Christ with dementia?

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   Jesus & Other Religious Leaders: How is Jesus different from Buddha & other religious leaders? What is the difference between Buddhism and Christianity?

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   Age of Accountability: Do infants go to heaven if they die? When is the Age of Accountability?

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   David's Polygamous Relationships: Wasn't David's polygamous relationships actually adultery?

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   Tormented forever in Hell: Hell & Mr. Fudge, 4 views of hell

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   Adam's Original Sin: Where comes the doctrine that we inherited a sin nature, & that Adam's sin was imputed to us? [Romans 5:12, Psalm 51:5]

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April 25, 2018

   Humility & Humiliated: What is the difference between humility & being humiliated?

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   The Book of Revelation & Partial Preterism: What do you believe has been fulfilled in 70 AD in Revelation, & what is still fulfilled? [Revelation 1-22]

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   Physical Death or Spiritual Death: Which is worse, dying physically or dying spiritually?

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   Trinity: Is the Holy Spirit God's errand Boy? Can you please just address the Trinity?

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   Holy Spirit: Does the Holy Spirit convict us individually or as a world?
Hyper-Grace: So you haven't quite joined the "hyper-grace" bandwagon yet?

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   Supernaturally Changed Words of the Bible: Some of the words in the Bible have been changed, is this being done supernaturally?

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   Trinity in the OT: Who are the 3 people that Abraham saw in Geesis? is the Trinity found there? What about the word Elohim in Deuteronomy? [Genesis 18:1, Deuteronomy 6:4]

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   Timeline of Noah & the Flood: Can we determine the time frame of the flood & Noah with science?

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April 26, 2018

   Church of Christ & Presbyterian: What is the difference between the Church of Christ & Presbyterianism?

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   Testimonial on Stage 4 Cancer Survivor: Caller calls to testify that they were cured of stage 4 cancer.

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   KJV of the Bible: Do you know what some of the transition errors in the KJV? What do you think of KJV only people who say only the KJV of the Bible is from God?

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   Disintegrated in Hell: I'm confused about hell, because I just heard that we are just disintegrated in hell, but then he said there was a lake of fire.

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   The Cross is an Offense: The cross is offensive to a friend who is jewish, & he moves my Bible out of his sight whenever he visits.

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   Wife's affection for husband in the OT: It says a wife should have affection for her husband in the Old Testament. Where is that in the Bible? [Ezekiel 16 & 23]
"Only-Begotten" How come "only-begotten" is only in the KJV of the Bible & not any of the modern translations?

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   Dinosaurs: Were do the Dinosaurs fit into the Creation timeline?
Belief in Christ (John 3:16): Isn't it true that it doesn't really matter what religion/denomination we are, just as long as we start at John 3:16, we really that?

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   Faith other than in Christ: What about people who say they have a faith, but in something other than Christ?

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   The Sabbath: Enjoyed debate you had w/ Doug Batchelor on the Sabbath. I'm non denominational, but I've been going to an SDA church & really enjoying it. Can you help me w/ Genesis 2:2 & Exodus 20:8 ? [Genesis 2:2 & Exodus 20:8]

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April 30, 2018

   Christians who are pro-choice & who have no problem w/ Infidelity: I'm having a hard time dealing w/ Christians who claim to be Christians but have no problem with being unfaithful to their spouse, or remarrying or who are pro-choice. What should I do?

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   Eternity taught in the OT: What did the Jews know about eternity from the Old Testament?

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   1000 year reign-the Millennium: Can you explain the 1000 yr reign/millennium? [Revelation 20]

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   Judging People who get Abortions: Should we judge or not judge people for getting an abortion, support them or not support them?

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   Women's Ordination verses self-appointed So can a woman be a lead Pastor as long as she was appointed by the church & not self-ordained? Isn't that what it's actually saying in the Bible? How do I not become critical of the church not following the Biblical standard then?

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   Unitarian vs Trinitarian: Does Father equal Holy Spirit? Why is it important to believe that Jesus was actually the Son of God Incarnate? The Old Testament people didn't know that! Why isn't the Holy Spirit the Father since it was He overshadowing Mary instead of the Father?
JWs, Mormons & the Trinity: You just explained that Christians believe the Trinity differently, but yet the JWs & Mormons are called a cult because they believe it differently. Why?

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   Moral Lesson from Acts 25: I'm going to be teaching on Acts 25, but I was wondering if you knew, because I don't, what is the main moral lesson of Acts 25 that we can draw from? [Acts 25]

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