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<< May 2018 View all months July 2018 >>

June 08, 2018

   Paul pre or post Conversion: In Romans 7, is Paul talking about his pre-conversion experience or his post-Christian experience, the old man or the new creature? [Romans 7]

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   Rhema & Logos: Distinguishing the difference between Logos & Rhema.

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   Curse as a result of Adam & Eve's sin: Is there a curse as a result of adam's sin? [Genesis 3:17]
Learning about God: Is the best way to learn about God & become spiritual is to read about Him in the Bible? Read & read & read? [Romans 1, 2 Timothy 3:16]

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   Hell Eternal: Are we going to stay in hell forever? Did you say that the Bible doesn't say that?

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   Queen Vashti: What happened to Queen Vashti when she disobeyed her husband the king?

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   The Book of Acts: Is the book of Acts a good book to learn about doctrine & how the gospel was preached?

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   "Slain in the Spirit": Where did getting "Slain in the Spirit" come from?

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   Open Theism: Is Open Theism true or not where it's possible that God doesn't know everything that's going to happen in the future?

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   Jesus' Temptation: Was there an actual reason for the temptation of Jesus?

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   AA Meetings & Salvation: Can a person who doesn't drink anymore but who goes to AA & says that he is an alcoholic, can he be saved?

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June 11, 2018

   Moses & Pharaoh: When moses spoke to Pharaoh, was he actually doing the speaking or was Aaron like God said he would do for him? [Exodus 4:14-17]

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   Animals Sacrifices in Millennium: Will there be Animal Sacrifices in the Millennium?

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   Baptism: Do you have to be dunked in water in order for our sins to be forgiven? [Acts 2:38]
Baptism on same Day of Salvation: When did the practice of not getting baptized on the same day you became saved happen?

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   Eternal Soul: A Jehovah's Witness told me our souls are not immortal. I tried to find it in the Bible that they were, but I can not. Where does it say it in there?
Gold Streets in Heaven: They also told me that it doesn't say anywhere in the Bible that the streets in Heaven are made of Gold either. Is that true? [Revelation 21:21]

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   Replacement Theology: Do you believe in replacement theology?
Keith Green: Did you personally know Keith Green? What did you think of him? His music?

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   "Nobody Goes to Hell because of Sin" Can you tell me if this statement is correct or not: "Nobody goes to hell because of sin"?

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   Marriage Validation: My pastor said we shouldn't sleep together until we are married by him even if got married at a court. Is that true?

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   Old Covenant & New Covenant: What does it mean to be under the old covenant or the new covenant (replacement theology)?

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   Eternal Soul: Jesus talks about a body & soul in Matthew. [Matthew 10:28]

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June 12, 2018

   Passover Meal-Jesus' earlier one & Jewish Leaders traditional one: Jesus & His disciples appear to have eaten the Passover on the first day of unleavened bread, different than when the Jewish Leaders had theirs. Why the different times? [Matthew 26:17, Mark 14:12, Luke 22:7, John 18:28]

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   Faith & Grace: Are we saved by grace or faith? Is faith a gift God gives us or do we have to find it? [Ephesians 2:8-10]

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   Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I Hated: "Jacob have I loved but esau have I hated", so God loves the Jew & hates the Arabs, is that true? [Malachi 1:3; Romans 9:13]

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   Slain in the Spirit (follow-up): Caller wanted to know the spelling of the term he heard Steve say when talking about being Slain in the Spirit; Shaktipat & Rajneesh on a recent show.

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   R. C. Sproul, Election & Predestination: R C Sproul, who holds the Calvinist view about Election & Predestination, can you please clarify what it means to really be chosen in Christ? [John 6:44, Ephesians 1:4] (Steve does some humor.)

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   Paul's thought process in Ephesians: So in Ephesians 3:1-13, from verses 2-12, it all seems to be parenthetical, & then he talks about his original thought in verse 1, is that true?

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   Praying to Mary: Where does the Roman Catholic Church get the idea of praying to the Mary, the mother of Jesus?

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   Sealed with the Holy Spirit: It says in Ephesians 1:13 that once you have been sealed with the Holy Spirit, doesn't that make you permanently sealed? [Ephesians 1:13]

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   Being Spiritually Dead: Being dead spiritually, how can they "resurrect" themselves? (Steve doesn't have time to answer.)

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June 13, 2018

   Calvinism-Predestination: What is your understanding about Calvinism & predestination?

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   Pornography Addiction: Isn't it unbiblical to look at Playboy?

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   Dispensationalists' Credibility: Doesn't a person who believes Dispensationalism & it's proven wrong, make them lose their credibility?
Focusing on End Time Events: Doesn't beeing caught up in eschatology too much make your lose your sight of the Lord?

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   Revelation Written to Angels: Is there any chance the Book of Revelation was ALSO written to angels (since they can't die)? [Revelation 9:6]
Revelation referring to Suicide: Does this have anything to do with suicide? People attempting to & not able to? [Revelation 9:6]
Death Fleeing: Do Angels actually see death fleeing from people? [Revelation 9:6]

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   Baptisms Performed Women: Is being baptized by women okay?

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   Doing Good & being Holy: Doing good & being holy, is there a difference?

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   Witchcraft: Has Steve ever heard of Shaman ceremony with hallucinogenics?

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   Traffic Question: Is it ethical to do what he's doing to bypass traffic?

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   Noah & the Flood a type of Baptism: Was noah & the flood some type of baptism, preserving the righteous?

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   Father's Mansions: Can you talk about the Father's house of many mansions? [John 14]

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June 14, 2018

   Judging Nothing Before the Time: Paul seems to be for & against judging, & judge before the time. Can you explain all this stuff about judging? [1 Corinthians 4:3-5, 1 Corinthians 2:15, 1 Corinthians 5:3,12]
"He Shall Suffer Loss": What is Paul saying in this chapter about people following him, other following Apollos & some people's work being all burned up, but they themselves making it? [1 Corinthians 3:13-14]

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   Holy Spirit interceding for us: What does it mean that we don't know what we ought to pray for, & so consequently the Holy Spirit is going to do it for us? [Romans 8:26-27]

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   Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil: Why not know the knowledge of good and evil in the first place so God could've prevented all of this?
Fall & the rest of Creation: Why did all the rest of creation have to fall & be corrupted as a result as Adam & Eve's sin? [Gen 3:17, Romans 6:23]

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   Holman Christian Standard Bible: What do you think about the Holman Christian Standard Bible?

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   Drinking Alcohol: Where do we draw the line of how to drink but knowing drunkenness is against the Bible?

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   Provocative Dress: Young women wear provocative dress to church and are causing men to stumble.

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June 15, 2018

   Dating of the Book of Revelation: What is the external & internal evidence of when the book of revelation was written?

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   Proof of Pre-existence: Does this supposedly talk about our pre-existence because the disciples thought he supposedly could've sinned himself to cause his blindness? [John 9]

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   Children Participating in Lord's Supper before Baptism: How do you feel about little kids taking emblems of the Lord's Supper even though not baptized yet?

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   Donald Trump: Caller doesn't think Donald Trump is a Christian & is certainly not very humble.
Spiritual Warfare: What should we know about it? did you say that you've performed an exorcism before?

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   Dispensationalism: What can you please tell me what Dispensationalism is?

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   Exodus & a Discrepancy of 30 years: Exodus described at 400 & 430 years in two different places? [Genesis 15:13, Exodus 12:40]

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   Abuse Grounds for Divorce: What should a spouse do of an abusive spouse? Is that grounds for divorce, a violent husband?

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June 18, 2018

   Bible Writers not Alive: Agnostic challenging Biblical reliability because the writers were supposedly not alive when Jesus was present.

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   Church Classes at a Different RCC: My Girlfriend is trying to become a Catholic like I am, but she's taking the classes at a different church than she plans on being baptized at. Is that okay?
God Demands Justice: How do I explain that God does justice, but still loves people, both in the Old Testament & the New Testament?

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   Theophilus: Theophilius, which means "lover of God", is this referring to a specific person?

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   Masturbation: Does masturbation fall under the word of "pornea" in 1 Corinthians? [1 Corinthians 6:9]

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   The Beast in Revelation 13: The Beast, could it be possible that the prophecies are being filled again for a second time? What about the Man of Sin in 2 Thessalonians? Is it possible they are dual prophecies? [Revelation 13, 2 Thessalonians 2]

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   The 70 Weeks: Why do the Dispensationalist embrace this huge gap between the 69th & 70th week? [Daniel 9]

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   Gift of Teaching: If teaching is a gift, then why does Jesus tell us not to call anyone teacher? [Matthew 23:8]

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   Knowledge, Wisdom & Understanding: Knowledge are facts, wisdom is how to apply that knowledge, but what about "understanding"?

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June 19, 2018

   Advise for Newly Married Couple: A funny discussion of marriage success; humility & "I was wrong".

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   Jesus' Temptation: Why was Jesus able to resist temptation?
Praying to Jesus: Why do we pray to Christ (instead of God the Father)?
Church Named After Christ: Why is His name in the church?

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   Imprecatory Prayers verses Forgiving People: How do we reconcile the imprecatory prayers in Psalms with forgiving people in the New Testament?

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   Masturbation: Whether Masturbation is a sin or not depends on what you are thinking about, the caller thinks.

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   Women Teaching: Women speaking in the church, pastor vs teacher, what do you think about that? [1 Timothy 2 & 3]

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   Calvinism-Total Depravity: Was watching your debate with James White on Calvinism, & can you talk about the rebuttal when you didn't really have a chance to respond? [Romans 1-3]

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   The Rapture (Second Coming): What happens when Jesus comes back, we just go up in the air?

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June 20, 2018

   The Law & the Prophets & the Law of Jesus: Can you give me the distinction between the "law of Moses" & the "law of Christ"? Wasn't the Law of Christ even more stern? [Matthew 5:19]

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   War & Passivism: What are your views about non violence but also the "just war theory"?
Gun for Self-Defense: What about having a gun to defend your home?

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   Events Surrounding the Jesus' Crucifixion: Caller thinks the righteous people being raised out of the grave, the sun darkening, the earthquake happening, the curtain of the temple being torn in 2, all these events are the "great tribulation" that Jesus was talking about. [Matthew 27]

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   Elders Praying over the Sick: The elders praying for sick, & they will be forgiven, aren't you ALREADY forgiven? Aren't they 2 different things? If his sins weren't forgiven how does the elders praying over him do it? [James 5:15]

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   Transfiguration: I don't understand the Transfiguration. Can you explain it?
Mother of God: It says the mother of Jesus was persecuted, how do we know that? [Revelation 12:1-6]

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   Jesus' Temptation: Caller thinks Jesus wasn't really tempted like we would be....but just tempted.

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   The Resurrection during Jesus Resurrection: Why aren't the people who were resurrected, when Jesus was, spoken of elsewhere or more? What happened to them? Did they die again? [Matthew 27:52-53]

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   Jesus in the OT: Our church is going through something called, "see the hero in the OT", & we've been discovering that Jesus was involved in the people of the Old Testament more than we realized. What do you think?

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June 21, 2018

   Mt. Sinai: Can you explain the evidence of how we know where Mt. Sinai is?

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   All Saved: Someone says that we will all just end up in heaven in the end anyway.

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   Marriage & Divorce: I'm committing adultery if I marry someone else even though my husband is the one opting out of our marriage? [Matthew 5:32]

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   Greg Laurie: Did you say Greg Laurie was a false prophet?

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   Compromising on Truth: How do you know what or how to disagree on secondary issues? (cont. after break)

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   Miracle of getting my G/F back: Do you suppose God can do miracles, especially Him helping my relationship w/ my girlfriend.

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   JW's in Contrast to Christianity: Jehovah's Witnesses are deep into the Bible, but they are so different than what Christians believe.

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   Steve Gregg's Children: What does Steve Gregg do to try to reconcile his children & get them back in the faith?

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June 22, 2018

   Mind after the Fall & Mind After the Resurrection: What happened to Adam & Eve w/ their mind after the Fall, & what kind of mind will we have at the resurrection?

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   Visions of Daniel: How important were the visions of Daniel to the Jews?

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   Full Preterism & Only Israel: Only Israel will be being saved.

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   Faith: What does the word faith mean in the Greek word "pistus"? [Acts 17:31, Romans 10:17]

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   Will of God: What is doing the will of God?

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   Marriage, Divorce, Adultery & Repentance: What happens after a divorce & remarriage, & then repent? What about restitution?

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   Quality time with Dad: Daugther goes between parents, wants quality time w/ her father instead of watching movies with him. Wants some advise from Steve.

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   LGBT/Homosexuality: Concerned about losing her job for not affirming LGBT at the school she works at.

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June 25, 2018

   Atheism & Morality: How do you respond to an atheist that says that there is no morality?

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   Getting out of Hell: If I die tomorrow & go to hell, is there any chance of getting out of it?

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   Rewards for Judgment: Bema seat, Great White Throne of Judgment, what is the common view of the judgment(s) at the end of the world? Are they just for rewards at different times?

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   Jewish Tradition but Christian (Messianic Jews): a Messianic Jewish caller wondering about the importance of Jewish traditions for the converted Jew & Christian, is the law obsolete?

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   Jesus Having a God: How can Jesus have a God? [John 20:17]

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   Jewish Feasts: Paul wasn't speaking against doing the festivals, but rather, he was actually telling Gentiles not to judge the jews who still keep the festivals, according to the caller. [Colossians 2:16]

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June 26, 2018

   Law of Jesus Higher Standard than Law of Moses: Was Jesus' standard higher than the law of Moses because Moses allowed divorce, but Jesus doesn't? Is divorce allowed?

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   Friendship: Is there anything in the Bible that talks about friendships or friends?

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   Melchizedek: Do you think that Melchizedek was the pre-incarnate Christ? [Hebrews 7]
No More Oceans: Why are there no more oceans in the new earth? [Revelation 21:1]

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   Atheism: Is there any good scripture that refutes atheism? [Romans 1]

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   Gates of Hades What does it mean that the Gates of Hades will not prevail against His church? [Matthew 16:18]

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   Jesus Emptying Himself: Did Jesus lay down His divine power completely, including His healing power, it coming from the Father? [Philippians 2:7-11]

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   Purifying Process: Are we made perfect when we die and before we enter heaven or do we have to be purified before we can enter? [Isaiah 6, Zechariah 3, 1 John 1:9, Ephesians 2;6, 2 Corinthians 5:17, 1 Thessalonians 5:23, 1 John 1:8, Revelation 21:27]

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   Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit: Where does it say okay to blasphemy against God the Father? [Matthew 12:31]

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   Adultery: Even people who commit adultery who are already saved won't inherit the kingdom of God like it says in Galatians? [Galatians 5:19-21]

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June 27, 2018

   Jews of old & Jews Today: Who are the original Jews & are they the ones who live in Israel now?

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   End Times View: What is your view of end times, pretrib rapture & will there still be tribulation?

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   Blaspheming the Holy Spirit: How can one know that they have blasphemed the Holy Spirit?
The New Church Experience: When I join I new church, how can I distinguish between having a spiritual or emotional experience? Do you have any lectures on it?

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   10 Virgins Parable Parable of 10 bridesmaids, what does it mean? Jesus told them to go away, that He never knew them, how do I know I'm not one of them?[Matthew 25:1-13, Luke 13]

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   World Wide Church Of God: Were you familiar w/ Herbert W Armstrong & Worldwide Church of God?

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   All Israel shall be saved: Would Old Testament faithful be considered Israel? "all israel will be saved", does it mean the land, the man, the government, the people, believers?

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   Satan Being Bound: It seems like the 1000 yrs should be taken literal. Satan being bound should be taken literally as well [Revelation 20:1-10, Psalm 50:10]

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   Body after Death: Does the body have value after death?
Michael the Archangel & Moses Body: Why the dispute w/ Michael the archangel w/ the devil over moses body? [Jude 9]
Satan Influencing Dreams: Can the devil influence our dreams?

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June 29, 2018

   Videos of your Verse by Verse Lectures: Do you have a VIDEO of all your verse by verse?
Eternal Life: What will eternal life be like?

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   Jesus coming back: Do you believe that Jesus could come back at any second? [Colossians 1:6, Colossians 1:23, Matthew 24:14]

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   God Hates People: What does it mean that God hates evil doers? [Proverbs 6:16-19, Romans 9:13]

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   Departing from Iniquity: How do we depart from iniquity completely when it doesn't seem to be even part of the Christian culture? [2 Timothy 2:19]

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   Marriage Problems: Husband thinks that wife is committing adultery, but she claims she isn't.

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   Full Preterist Call: There are parallel verses & end times verses, it says that His coming, the end of the world, would come in His generation, doesn't it? [Matthew 16:27-28, Revelation 22:12]

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   Assurance of Salvation: Could I have some scripture verses on their assurance of their salvation? [1 John 1-5]

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