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<< July 2018 View all months September 2018 >>

August 01, 2018

   Hyper-Grace & Repenting: Hyper-grace people are going to have a rude awakening if we don't take account of our sins as we go along, repenting for them. What do you think?

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   Christian Living, Spirituality: What is your opinion about living in the city as opposed to out in the country as far as being able to live a Christian life?

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   Death but Rapture: What happens upon death? How does 1 Thessalonians 4:13 work with meeting Him in the air? If we die, do we come back down with Him from Heaven?

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   Seventh Day Adventist & Soul Sleep: Seventh Day Adventists say that we are going to be asleep until the resurrection or the 2nd coming of Christ. going to be in heaven forever?
Heaven for Eternity: Are we going to be in Heaven for eternity?

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   Transforming your Mind: We need to completely transform our mind from sin and think about God. [Matthew 7:13-14]
Deathbed Conversion: Can an Adolph Hitler type person really be saved in a deathbed conversion if they really repented?

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   The Dimension of Time: How did time begin & what is experienced in time once someone dies?

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   The 2 Witnesses: Who are the 2 witnesses in Revelation 11? [Revelation 11:3-12]

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   Gimmicky Churches: I'm trying to find an good alternative church because the churches for today seem to be too gimmicky.

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   Unicorns in the Bible: What does the word "unicorn" mean in the Bible?

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   Christian Literature on all your information: What was the website you were talking about? Are there any resources, printed material, on all your info? [

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August 02, 2018

   Unitarianism & the Trinity: A very convoluted discussion about why the caller think Unitarianism is more plausible than the Trinity. [Hebrews 1-2]

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   Book of Job: Is the book of Job pseudepigraphal? Is it a real story of a real event?

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   Nation of Israel: Is the nation of Israel legitimately a fulfilled prophecy? Was it founded by the will of God?

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   144,000: What can you tell me about the 144,000? Are they all jewish? is it literal? Is it in the future?

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   Israel's Conversion: Galatians 3:38 Romans 9:6 Galatians 3:

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   After the Rapture: After the rapture will there just be moral people? Or will there be immoral ones too?

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   2 Judgements: Are there two judgments, one when you die and one when He comes back, a Great White Throne Judgment?

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   Two Witnesses in Revelation 11: Who are the 2 witness of Revelation 11? [Revelation 11:3-12]

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August 03, 2018

   Wedding Attendees: We are having wedding conflicts over who to invite to be in the wedding. [1 Corinthians 5:9-11]

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   Armor of God: Do you have the full armor of God on all the time?
World Peace? Why is there no world peace?

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   The Impeccability of Jesus: Could Jesus have sinned? [Hebrews 5:7]
Surrendering to God: What does it mean to surrender to God?
Lust: What does the word "lust" mean?

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   Unequally yoked w/ Business Partners: The being unequally yoked is mostly talking about marriage, right, but what about business partners? [2 Corinthians 6:14]

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   Jesus & The Early Church practicing Communism: Would Jesus, His disciples & the early church be considered communists?
Apostles Written Record: How come there is not more a record written by apostles?

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   End of Days: What can you tell me about the "last days"?

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   Inner Healing: Would you have any problem working with people who did "inner healing"?

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   Magi: Can you tell me about the biblical Magi?

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   Marriage License: Why do I need a piece of paper to get married?

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August 06, 2018

   God Intervening Nations: Does God still intervene in nations today?
Christians & Capital Punishment: Do you have an opinion on the Death Penalty & what is it?

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   Too Much Emphasis on End Times: Sometimes it's asked, why do we spend so much time on studying eschatology & what part of the Bible should we be paying more attention to? & it's been said that a 1/3 of the Bible is about prophecy, so maybe it's important?

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   Sleep Paralysis, Demon attacks & Spiritual warfare: Caller tells about a personal experience with a demons, & calling on the name of Jesus. He would like to know what Ephesians 6 has to do with this? [Ephesians 6:12]

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   Gnosticism: When did Gnosticism begin? [Acts 8]

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   The Number 666: Is the Number 666 figurative or literal?

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   Calvinism & Arminianism: Calvinism & Arminianism, what side of the fence are you on? What about being dead in trespasses & sins in Ephesians? What do you do about there are none righteous? What do you do about Titus which say, Not by works of righteousness, but by His Mercy has He saved us. [Ephesians 2:1-2, Romans 3:10, Titus 3:5]

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   Revealed by Fire: Is this talking about having regrets & shame if people don't live for God or is it talking about something else? [1 Corinthians 3:13]

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August 07, 2018

   First Fruits: What is the meaning of "first fruits"? I thought that meant this first resurrection before the millennium, before the rest of them? What about the 144,000? [Revelation 14:5]
More tolerable for Gomorrah than Tyre: What does it mean more tolerable for the people of Sodom & Gomorrah than the city of Tyre in the judgement? [Matthew 11:22]

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   Eastern Gate of Jerusalem: What is the verse that says the Prince will come through the Eastern Gate? Who is this Eastern Gate for? What prince? Is it Jesus? The Muslims so much believe this passage of Scripture that they have blocked it off. It says that in Zechariah that Jesus stood on the Mount of Olives? Couldn't this just be talking about what Jesus did right before HIs crucifixion? [Ezekiel 40-48, Ezekiel 44:2, Zechariah 14]

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   Titles in Chapters of Psalms: Are the titles for the Psalms reliable?

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   Foot Washing: Are we lacking in traditions in our ceremonies like foot washing?

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   Spirit Gifts: How do I find my spiritual gift, such as loving others, the gift of evangelism.

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   Baptism of the Holy Spirit: We are stuck about the baptism of the Holy Spirit, being born of the water & the Spirit. They are saying the water is water Baptism, but isn't it talking about the natural birth of water because of what He says that which is born of flesh is flesh & the of the Spirit the Spirit. [john 3:5-6]
Baptized in the Name of Jesus: What is your opinion of being baptized in only Jesus' name or the Father, Son & Holy Ghost? [Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 2:38]
Missing Eternity because of a Technicality: A friend to me that even if a soldier was about to die who had been shot in the heart accepted Jesus in His heart would not be accepted because he was never baptized. [Luke 23:43]

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   21 Days to Get to Daniel: If God is all powerful then why did it take 21 days? [Daniel 10]

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August 08, 2018

   Eternal Torment: I don't understand how a God of love could want to torture His creatures for eternity if you don't choose Him?

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   Sharing the Gospel: What is the most effective way to share the Gospel to lost loved ones?

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   Annihilation of the Wicked: Caller thinks the belief of annihilation of the wicked is the best way to go. [Matthew 13:24-30, 2 Thessalonians 1:9, 2 Peter 3]

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   The God of Muslims & Christianity: Is God the same God as Christianity & the Muslim?

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   Dead in Christ Resurrection: Why do the people who are in Heaven have to be resurrected? [1 Corinthians 15, 1 Thessalonians 4]

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   Baptism: Do I have to be baptized? If Jesus were to come today & wasn't baptized, would I be saved, especially according to Romans 10:9-10? [Romans 1:16, Romans 10:9-10]
Jesus & His Disciples Baptizing: Why didn't Jesus & His apostles carry out baptism? [John 4:1-2]

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   God's Wrath like in OT: Could God send Angels to perform wrath like He did in the Old Testament? (Background noise is so bad.)

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   Apostolic & Baptism: Being baptized in only Jesus' name or Father, Son & Holy Ghost, caller thinks being baptized in only Jesus' name is important.

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August 09, 2018

   Jesus Going to the Lower Parts of the Earth: Jesus went to the "lower parts of the earth", so why did He go there? [Ephesians 4:8-10]

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   Binding & Losing: Can you explain the Binding & Losing? [Matthew 16:19, 18:18]

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   Prophets in the Church: According to Mormons, evangelicals have a loose idea of what belongs in the Bible.

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   Thankful for the Narrow Path Ministry: Caller want to thank Steve for his ministry. (Audio not very good.)

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   Suicide: Is suicide the unpardonable sin?

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   The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant: Who was the debt of the servant that didn't forgive the own who owed him a little bit? [Matthew 18:21-35]

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   LORD & Lord: LORD vs Lord, YHWH, Yahweh, Discuss about the Names of God, especially distinguishing all caps LORD & small caps, Lord.

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   Jesus Going to Hell during Death: What about Jonah being the belly of whale. Caller thinks it's also talking about Abraham's Bosom.

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   Culture & Women Leadership: Could what Paul said about women being in leadership just be a cultural issue at the time, but doesn't apply to us now?

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August 10, 2018

   Casting Your Cares upon the Lord: What does mean to cast your cares upon the Lord? What do you do about anxiety or panic attacks? [1 Peter 5:6-7, Philippians 4:6-7]

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   Ex-Mormon Testimony: Ex-Mormon/LDS explaining why he left his Mormon "faith"

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   Satan being loosed: When is Satan going to be loosed, what is the timeline for that? [Revelation 20:1, 7]

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   The Brethren: What do you know about the Brethren movement?

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   Let Thy Will Be Done: We say in the Lord's Prayer, "let Thy will be done". How do we know things have actually been done in His will for the last 2,000 years?
Future False Religions & Cults: Why didn't God have John specifically direct admonitions to Muslims and Mormon & Buddhists?

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   Oaths: What is the biblical view of oaths?

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   People of Nod: Where did the people in the land of Nod come from? [Genesis 4:15-16]

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   Age of Children Missionaries: Do you have any idea of the age children should be going on mission's trips w/ church groups?

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August 13, 2018

   Bible Teachers: Why do we need teachers if the Bible says we don't need them because we have the Holy Spirit? [1 John 2:27]

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   Word of Faith: What do you think about Pentecostals/the Word of faith people saying that people will be healed, that it's a sure thing, & then they die? What about people receiving a prophetic word from God & being wrong & then being wrong about it?

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   Ten Commandments Variations: What do you know about the 10 commandments of the Catholic church & the Protestants church? Why do they alter them?

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   The Pilgrim's Progress: What is the theology of the Pilgrim's Progress? (Puritan, Calvinist viewpoint)

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   Cross-Dressing & Homosexuals: Are homosexuals and cross-dressers going to hell? Does being attracted to the same sex automatically destine you to hell? [Deuteronomy 22:5]

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   Teachers, False Teachers & the Holy Spirit: The previous call you had false teachers, that the Holy Spirit to teach us? Perhaps it's talking about False Prophets & Teachers such as Joseph Smith & Mohammed who say we need them in order to understand the Bible. [1 John 2:27]

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   David's lips Being Opened & Groaning of the Holy Spirit: Why couldn't David asking for God to open his lips without God's help, what does that mean? & why is the Holy Spirit only groaning which can not be uttered, what is that? Seems like only sound to me & not words. [Psalms 51, Romans 8:28]

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   Steve Gregg's Children: What caused your children going down the wrong path?
Christian's Owning Guns: What do you think about Christians owning guns?

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   Trinity: How do you put the Trinity doctrine together? [John 1:1] (audio cuts in & out very badly)

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August 14, 2018

   The New Covenant in Jeremiah: In Jeremiah, where it talks about the new covenant, where is the mention of the shed blood, where is anything that we know that the New Covenant consists of? [Jeremiah 31:31]

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   Created to go to Hell: "Why would God create a population that would go to hell?", how do you answer this question to a person who is becoming an unbeliever?

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   Obeying Civil Authority: If government is ordained by God and is supposed to be obeyed, how do we submit to it if it goes against God? [Romans 13]

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   Sign of the Son of Man: What is the "sign of the son of man in heaven"? If it appears in Heaven, we will see it? [Matthew 24:30]

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   Hearing the Voice of God in the Wind: I feel like I've heard the voice of God in a storm & am wondering if you have ever heard of that?

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   Holy Spirit: At what point do we receive the Holy Spirit when we are saved? When will God remove His Spirit from us?

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   Lost Faith: Caller feels he might be disqualified to getting back in the faith (a little bit disconnected)

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   Being Born Again: If someone who is born again they can not sin, is that right? God doesn't change, so once someone has accepted Jesus, it's unchangeable, so someone can't loses their salvation, right? [1 John 3:9]

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August 15, 2018

   Catholic Catechism & Graven Images: Caller doesn't think Steve Gregg is right about catholic church leaving out graven images in the catechism. (followup from 8/13, 3rd Q)

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   Existing in the First Place: If God knows we won't live for Him or if He knows everything we are going to do, then why would we exist at all?

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   Doing God's Will: Can you give me some Scriptures that help us know what to do to live out the will of God? [1 Thessalonians 4:1]

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   Jesus in the Koran: Is Jesus the same Person in the Bible as in the Koran? ?
Protestant Bible & the Apocrypha: Why doesn't the protestant Bible have the Apocrypha?

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   Couple Worshipping at Separate Churches: A husband & a wife not worshipping together, one preferring the catholic church & another one preferring Protestantism. i'd just like your thought on that.

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   Not Worshipping Graven Images: Caller calls right back from the same show to clarify what the catechism says about graven images.

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   Jesus Inaccurate about 12 Thrones: Was Jesus wrong about "the faithful sitting on the 12 thrones" because of Judas? [Matthew 19:28]

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   Bible Translations: How come some verses in KJV of the Bible are not found in others?

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August 16, 2018

   Old Testament Application: How do we separate what is for us and what isn't in the OT law? I don't like tattoos, so does that apply?

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   Best Evangelistic Method: How do you evangelize? What is the best method?

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   False Prophet, Anti-Christ & the Mark of the Beast: What is the significance of the false prophet, the anti-Christ & the mark of the beast?

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   Biblical Interpretation of Psalm 45: Can you tell me how to understand that passage? [Psalms 45:6, Psalms 2, Psalms 45, Psalms 72, Psalms 110]

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   Finding out your Spiritual Gifts: How do you find out your spiritual gift & how to use your talents for His purposes?

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   Assurance of Conversion: How do you know that you are born again?

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   The Beast of the Field & The Mark of Beast (Paul verses Saul): The beast of the field & mark of the beast, are they related? contrasting saul & paul.

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August 17, 2018

   Lord's Prayer: Is not leading us into temptation talking about being delivered from the temptation of possibly not wanting to forgive people?

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   Man in Linen: Man in linen and the wheels, & other weird things, can you help me out with what is going on in Ezekiel? [Ezekiel 10]

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   Doctrine & Teaching on the Speaking in Tongues: Have you ever heard of the book Doctrine & Teaching on the Speaking in Tongues by Gideon Hereb?

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   Fasting: How do you do fasting correctly?

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   Secret Rapture: What are your views about the rapture?

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   John the Baptist's Faith: Was John the Baptist's having a crisis of faith when he was wondering if Jesus was the Messiah? [Luke 7:18-23]

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   Angels: Do angels have free will? How many angels did God create? If satan wasn't an angel, what was he?

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   Familiar Spirits: My husband just recently died, & I've been experiencing all kinds of weird things happening, & I've been told they are familiar spirits, so can you help me?

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   Faith & Belief: Difference in meaning in greek of the words faith & belief

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August 20, 2018

   Jesus in India as Youth: Did Jesus go to India in His youth?
Lot Offering Daughters: Why did Lot offer his daughters to the men at the door? [Genesis 19]

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   Thankful for the Narrow Path Ministry: I just wanted to thank you for The Narrow Path & how important it is to me.

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   Bible Contradiction about the Number of Demon-Possessed People: There seems to be a contradiction involving a demon-possessed man. Mark 5 says there are 2 Demon-possessed people, but Luke 8 says there was only one. Is this a Bible Contradiction? [Mark 5, Luke 8]

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   Trinity: Tying to understand the Trinity. "My God, My God, why hast thou forsake Me?" Why did Jesus have to say that to God? Why would Jesus be giving the Kingdom over to God the Father? [1 Corinthians 15:24, John 14, Psalm 22, Matthew 27:46, Mark 15:34]

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   Trinity followup & Resurrection: Was Jesus somehow living IN the resurrection when He was here? [John 11]
Faith & Belief: We didn't have enough time last time I called about clarifying the difference between belief & faith.

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   Age of the Earth: What is the age of the earth, young or old? How does science determine the date of things & interpret the data?

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   Election: Doesn't God have to give us illumination?

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August 21, 2018

   Jews Belief about the Afterlife: What did the Jews believe re: what happens to you after you die?

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   Kingdom of Israel: Do you believe the Kingdom of Israel has been returned to the land of Israel?

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   Blessing Them Which Bless You: God told Abraham, "I will Bless those that bless you and curse those that curse you", can you comment on what this means? [Genesis 12:3]
Tradition & Scripture: Is tradition in the church as important as scripture like the Catholic Church seems to suggest? [1 Thessalonians 2:15]

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   Two Judgments: Are there more judgments than just the one at the end? Judgment for salvation vs judgment for works? [john 3:16-18]

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   Firmament in the sky: Was there a canopy of water above the earth also? [Genesis 1:7]

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   Satan was not an Angel: Satan was not an angel? What is the difference between angel and cherub? [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28]

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   Generational Curse: How does one break the generational curse? [Exodus 20:5-6, Deuteronomy 5:9, Numbers 14:18]

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   "Our Image": "Let us create man in our own image", why is it Plural? Trinity? [Genesis 1:26]

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   Incognito Churches: Are modern churches changing their denominational names in order to conceal?

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August 22, 2018

   Accurate Theology: I'm frustrated that people aren't willing to look at possibly more accurate theology or at least discuss it, especially Dispensationalists.

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   No Atheists in Foxholes: I think atheists actually really do believe in God, but just don't want to acknowledge that He exists. [Romans 1:19-20]

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   Book of Enoch: Can you tell me about the book of Enoch?

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   Masturbation: What is your view about Masturbation? [Matthew 5:27, 1 Corinthians 7:9, Colossians 2:20-23, Leviticus 15:16-18]

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   Bethel Church in Redding: Bethel Church in Redding Ca is becoming a cult-like, controlling your thought process. Have you heard anything?

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   God Restoring Israel: Restoration of Israel & the Jewish nation, God forgiving & then condemning multiple times, is God really that indecisive? [Nehemiah 21]

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   Blessing Them Which Bless You: God told Abraham, "I will Bless those that bless you and curse those that curse you", can you comment on what this means? [Genesis 12:3]
Tradition & Scripture: Is tradition in the church as important as scripture like the Catholic Church seems to suggest? [1 Thessalonians 2:15]

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   Angels Groaning: Where does it talk about the angels groaning? [Romans 8:15]
"Our Image": "Let us create man in our own image", why is it Plural? Trinity? [Genesis 1:26]

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   Yeshua: Jesus' name Joshua & then joseph & Yeshua or what?

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   Becoming a Disciple: Do you become a disciple by reading the Bible?

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August 23, 2018

   Apostle's Creed & Jesus descending into Hell: According to the Apostle's Creed Jesus descend into hell, is this true?
Obeying the Civil Government: We are supposed to submit to the government, but what if it is a bad government like the North Korean government? [Romans 13, 1 Peter 2]

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   Apostle's Creed & Jesus descending into Hell: According to the Apostle's Creed Jesus descend into hell, is this true?
Obeying the Civil Government: We are supposed to submit to the government, but what if it is a bad government like the North Korean government? [Romans 13, 1 Peter 2]

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   Jesus Movement: Was the Jesus Movement a genuine revival or more of a cultural phenomenon?
Witness Lee Movement: Witness Lee Movement considered a cult?

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   Resurrection: At the resurrection, is everyone raised incorruptible like that says? [1 Corinthians 15:52]

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   Speaking in Tongues: I'm wondering about the validity of speaking in tongues, why do people practice it? Where does the unknown language come from?

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   Speaking in Tongues: (Call is about speaking in tongues but not a follow-up from the previous) Caller has a church member that thinks the miracle is in the HEARING of the tongues, not speaking.
Jesus Movement: Caller started to share his testimony about the Jesus movement, but Steve has to end it.

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   Book of Jasher: The Book of Jasher that is available in bookstores right now is not the same as Book of Jasher in the Bible, is that correct? [Joshua 10:13, 2 Samuel 1:18]

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   Jesus after the Resurrection: What happened to Jesus after He rose from the dead? How long was He still down here after He rose?

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August 24, 2018

   Acrostic Verses: In Psalms 119, which has a letter above a set of verses, which are Acrostic Verses, can you explain these? [Psalms 119]

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   Olivet Discourse discussion: During the Olivet Discourse, what is the sign of Your coming?, signs the of end times, but end times of WHAT?

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   Speaking in Tongues: What if everyone is wrong about what is the common understanding of certain theological ideas? How do you know if your gift of tongues is genuine?

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   Michael the Archangel: What do we know about michael the archangel? Was he in Daniel 10, helping answer Daniel's prayer that it took 21 days to get back to him?

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   Son of the Morning: Son of the Morning, who is that? [Isaiah 14:12]

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   Husband & Wives Directives: There are directives to men as to how to treat their wives, but are there directives to the wives as to how to treat their husbands? [1 Peter 3:5]

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   Calvinism & Arminianism: Where do you land on the Arminian vs Calvinism controversy? What does it mean to be chosen or elected?

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   Supernatural Beings: (Steve said this kid could call back in the same show; he took advantage of it.) How much influence does supernatural beings have on the natural world?
Free Will: Why didn't God plan the world to be like what heaven will be since they won't be able to sin there? Why did He allow sin?
Beliefs & Denominations: Are there some denominations that won't go to heaven? Or one denomination that will?

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   Pelagians, Arminians, Augustinians, Calvinists: Pelagians vs Arminians vs Augustinians vs Calvinists, God's sovereignty relative to salvation

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August 27, 2018

   Lackadaisical Christians: Caller is concerned about when others don't really care what the Bible says is it because they are neglectful of study or really don't want to sort out Biblical info?

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   Empires in Daniel (10 Horns): Symbolism & application to end times, who are the 10 horns in Daniel?

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   Animals in Heaven: Do animal souls go to heaven?
Second Chance after Death: Is there another chance to be saved after physical death? [Hebrews 9:27] 1064
AA Celebrate Recovery: What about 12-step programs?

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   Forgiving Others: I'm finding it hard to forgive others, struggling w/ the Lordship of Christ & the degree of commitment & complete submission

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   AA Celebrate Recovery: Caller thinks Steve is wrong about what he says the AA Programs.

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   Forgiveness a Prerequisite for Repentance: Is forgiveness required for repentance?

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August 28, 2018

   Origins of Satan: Why would God create Satan if He knew what chaos he would do on earth?

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   Only Their Denomination: Why do some denominations think they are the only ones going to be saved (Catholics, for example)?

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   Replacement Theology: In the new covenant, have the gentiles replaced Jews now or what?
Speaking in Tongues: I looked in your statement of beliefs & didn't see anything about tongues. Do you still believe they are for today?

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   Satan god of the world: Is satan the god of this world? Can you comment on what that means? [2 Corinthian 4:4]

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   Thankful for Steve Gregg & the Narrow Path: I really appreciate the way The Narrow Path has helped me get a deeper understanding of the Word & God

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   50 Days After Passover Gift of the Spirit: Were the gifts of the spirit (tongues) only for the apostles & why did it happen 50 days after passover? [Acts 2]

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   Satan the Tempter: If Satan is a tester/tempter & a deceiver, how do those two things not contradict one another?
Best Format of Bible, Paper or Electronic: Reading a Physical paper Bible over an electronic device, which is better?

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   Heaping Coal of Fire: Heaping coals of fire on his head, don't avenge yourselves, giving place to God's wrath, are we trying to win people over by doing that or what? [Romans 12:20, Proverbs 25:21]

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   Reading a Nutritional Book by a Medium: Nutrition books recommended by doctor written by a Medical Medium by Anthony William, should Christians read this book?

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   The Amish, Mennonites, Hutterites: Amish, Mennonites, Hutterites, & other Anabaptists, are they fulfilling scripture properly, better than the rest of us?

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August 29, 2018

   Using the Lord's Name in Vain: How do we deal with people who take the Lord's Name in Vain as a cuss word? [1 Corinthians 5:12]

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   Amillennial & Satan being Bound: Amillennial view & Satan being bound, no longer to deceive the nations, how does that fit?

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   Sodom & Gomorrah: For what sins were Sodom & Gomorrah destroyed? Greed, pride or Homosexuality? Who were the 2 men that showed up?

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   Tithe: How much does God want me to tithe (a very specific situation)?

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   No Longer Slaves under Sin Paul's declaration that we are no longer slaves under sin, what does this mean, especially since he said he still was a slave of sin a chapter later? [Romans 6:14, Romans 7:14]

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   Tree of Life: What was the tree of life exactly? Was it literal or symbolic?
Hidden Truths: Do you think there is still a veil of hidden truths that He is keeping from us? [2 Corinthians 4:3, Romans 16:25-27]
A bruised Reed remaining till Judgment: What does it mean to bring forth or set Judgment? [Matthew 12:20, Isaiah 42:3-4]

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   Kicking the Habit of Cigarettes: I just can't seem to kick the habit of cigarettes. Do you have any ideas of how to quit smoking?

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   Losing Faith & Health: I'm suffering in pain & losing my faith, are we not to be given health?

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August 30, 2018

   Seed-Single or Plural: Seed is both singular & plural, why? [Galatians 3:16]

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   Technology: Is technology part of God's intended creation?

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   Turning Hearts: Turning hearts of children to their fathers & the hearts of the fathers to the children. What is the meaning of those last verses of the Old Covenant, Old Testament? [Malachi 4:4-6, Luke 1:17]

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   Gnostic Gospels: what is the Gnostic gospel?
Epistle of Barnabus: What is the gospel (actually epistle) of Barnabus?

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   Feast Days: I'm confused about the Passover & feast of Unleaven Bread timeline

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   Tithing: I am surprised that you told a caller that they might want to ask the church how much they expect in their monetary contribution.

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   Hebrew Roots Movement & the Trinity: Trinitarian vs Non-Trinitarian in the Hebrew Roots Movement, can you explain why they are saying Jesus only existed since Mary's Immaculate Conception? Have you heard of this before?

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   Good Study Bible: Can you recommend a good study Bible?

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August 31, 2018

   Noah & his son Ham: Did Ham molest his father? what is going on in this story? [Genesis 9]

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   70 Weeks in Daniel: Prophecy of the 70 weeks in Daniel 9, 70 x 7=490 years, rebuilding of the temple & dating from the decrees. Cyrus decree started off the 70 weeks?
Annual Memorials: Annual memorials from when people die, is this ok?

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   The Book of Ecclesiastes: Would you say that Ecclesiastes was basically the life of an unbeliever?
"Much study is a weariness": In end of the matter, study will make you tired, is that he saying?

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   Cowards: What is the significance of the emphasis on cowards? [Revelation 21:8]

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   No Longer on KKMC: I just heard that you're going off KKMC, the longest running show The Narrow Path has been on.
Male & Female: Why does it say that God created He Male & Female, before Eve was even made. What does that mean? [Genesis 1:27, Genesis 1, Genesis 2]

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   Creation or New Covenant & Kingdom of God: Is this proof of Jesus as God or is it regarding the creation of the new covenant or new creation instead of the typical understanding the original creation of the world? [Colossians 1:16]
Literary Devices: Struggling with biblical proof of the deity of Christ, & have heard of literary devices found in the Bible.

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   No Church Desire for Evangelism or Discipleship: If a church doesn't seem to want to support one's desire to evangelize & disciple, is it time to find another church?

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   On the Brink of Nuclear War: Caller thinks we are on the brink of War with Russia (in 2018).
Old Testament Emphasis: Caller think there's too much emphasis on OT scripture, instead of focusing on the NT & what is happening in the world today

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   Sikh Temple Gatherings: Similarity between other religions & Christianity, attends a Sikh gathering, because they provide food, & it takes the pressure off of the Christian format.

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   Steve's Questions: What questions remain unanswered for Steve Gregg?

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