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<< September 2018 View all months November 2018 >>

October 15, 2018

   God Ordaining: I know you don't believe God doesn't ordain all things, but what about Exodus 11 & 12 & the first born, where He ordained all the first born to be killed.
God having 2 different Wills: Does God have 2 different wills? Because God says not to murder, but then He sanctions Jesus to be killed.

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   Rapture Obliteration: Total incineration of the population when the rapture happens?

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   Jesus Being God: I'm trying to figure out how God can become God in the Flesh, like the Jehovah's Witnesses don't think they do. [Revelation 4, Philippians 2:6]

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   Receiving 100 Times: Receiving 100 times for following Christ, leaving your family, what did Jesus mean by that? [Mark 10:28-31]

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   God Speaking: Does God speak to us in our thoughts?

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   Assurance of Salvation: How do I know I'm saved?

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   Facing Temptation: What does it mean to face temptation? Jesus faced it, but how did He overcome it?

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   Lamb's Book of Life: How can someone know they are saved?
God Speaking: God spoke to Samuel.

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   Lord unto My Lord: The Lord said to my Lord, what does that mean? [Psalms 110]

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October 16, 2018

   Resurrection of the Dead: The Resurrection of the dead in Revelation 20, does that correspond w/ the first resurrection in 1thess 4:16? [Revelation 20:5, 1 Thessalonians 4:16]

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   2 Gospels: Gospel of the Kingdom vs the Gospel of Grace, is it supposed to be 2 different gospels? What is YOUR view w/ amillennialism?

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   Mandates of Christianity: Is it possible to reject Jesus by not living by all mandates of 1 john? What about eople claiming to be Christian but not bearing the fruit

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   Ash Heap: What is the ash-heap? [Job 2:8-10]

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   Taking the Name of the Lord in Vain: Taking the name of the Lord in vain, what does "vain" mean, using it as a swear word or professing His name & making Him look bad?

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   Laborers for the Harvest: Paying for more laborers for the harvest, is it still applicable for today? [Matthew 9:37-38]

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   Receiving the Holy Spirit: The laying on of hands to receive the Holy Spirit, should this be pursued? Is there a difference between "having the Holy Spirit" & being "filled w/ the Holy Spirit?

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   Communion: Should children take Communion before they are baptized?
Communion: How often should churches perform Communion?

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October 17, 2018

   Calvinism-Election: I was at church the other day & Calvinists seemed to be reading way more into this passage of Scripture than should be. What do you think? [Acts 18:9-11]

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   Christian Lifestyle: Attempting to live an obedient life but the pull of the world so overpowering.

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   Trinity: Trinity, disagrees about the "One", wasn't Jesus begotten prior to the Incarnation?

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   Having Children: What does Steve think about having children in this day & age? [Psalms 127:3-5]

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   Show & Don't show your Works: Conflicting Scripture about doing deeds in the view of others or doing them in secret, which is it? [Matthew 5:15, 6:1]

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   David's Tabernacle: God will rebuild again the tabernacle of David to its former glory, what does this mean? [Amos 9]

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   Having Children: Caller wanted to follow-up & encourage the person who called before her to be encouraged about having children.

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October 18, 2018

   Differences of Opinions: How do we know how to determine when it may be acceptable to disagree and when it is dangerous?

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   Studying the Bible: Is it possible studying the Bible is a bad thing? What is required when studying it?

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   Original Sin: Are we born sinners?

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   Dispensationalism: Can you please explain Dispensationalism?

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   Job & His Friends: Job friend's Elihu, Bildad, Zophar & Eliphaz, Ehilu didn't have to repent at the end because a prophet?

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   Salvation in the Old Testament & Samson: How were people saved in OT times? was samson saved? Is Jesus on the white horse or do we meet Him in the air?
Jesus Second Coming: Is Jesus on the white horse or do we meet Him in the air?

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   Eating, Drinking, & being Merry: Why would God allow so many people to not be saved? Only a few people are going to be taking the Narrow Path, why does satan's way seem more appealing?

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   Being Blinded: The god of the world blinding the mind, what does that mean? [2 Corinthians 4:4]
Women Leadership: So women can't have authority over a that true? [Timothy 2:12]

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October 19, 2018

   Me-Too Movement: What about this Me-too Movement, some women falsely accusing people of rape.

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   Feed My Sheep: "Feed My sheep", is this negative or positive connotation here?

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   Pride: What is pride? Is there a pride that is not a sin? How do we define it?

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   The Book of Ecclesiastes: Who was Ecclesiastes written to & why?

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   Dispensationalists: Dispensationalists trying to pull scripture to support the millennial sacrificial system
Mllennium: Did you say some church fathers also were premillennial?

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   Calvinism & the Sovereignty of God: The Calvinist definition of God's sovereignty discussion.
Lectures on Relationships: Where can I find your lectures on Relationships?

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   Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit: Blaspheming of the Holy Spirit, Mary's pregnancy. [1 Corinthians 14:33] (Editor's Note: I frankly have NO idea what the caller is talking about!)

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   Marijuana Use: What can you tell me about marijuana use? I think I keep thinking I have victory over it & then don't.

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October 22, 2018

   Man of Lawlessness: I was listening to Kenneth Gentry & he thinks the Man of Lawlessness was Nero. If it wasn't him, then who was/is it? [2 Thessalonians 2:1-8]

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   Gambling: Am I contributing to other people's gambling problems doing what I'm doing in gambling by being proficient at playing Poker?

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   The Anti-Christ & the Abomination of Desolation: The image of the anti-Christ & the abomination of desolation, is this in the middle of the tribulation? [Matthew 24:25]

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   Demon-Possessed People: Are demon-possessed people inherently lost? In other words, can Christians be demon-possessed, because I thought they were supposed to have the Holy Spirit?
Giving Someone a Glass of Water: What does this verse mean about giving someone a glass of water? [Matthew 10:42]

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   Interlinear Bible: I'm looking for a good interlinear Septuagint bible that has that has hebrew, greek & English. Do you have any ideas?

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   Gambling might be a good thing: Caller thinks you can legitimately gamble to help build a church.

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October 23, 2018

   Numbering the People: Why did Chronicles include the story of David "numbering the people" and not Samuel?
Chronological Bible: Is there such a thing as chronological Bible or chronological source I can get that puts everything in the OT in Chronological order?

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   Jesus Emptying Himself: Did Jesus give up His deity on the cross? Did He give up some of His divinity when He was here? [John 5:30, Philippians 2:7-9]

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   Armor of God: What does it mean to put on the full armour of God? How do you walk in the Spirit? [Ephesians 6:10-20]
Bible Translations: What is the best translation of the Bible?

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   John the Baptist & Humility: Is this is talking about John the Baptist & having humility? [Isaiah 40:4]

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   Can't Lose your Salvation: Eternal security, once saved always saved discussion, nothing can separate from the love of God (opposed to ALWAYS saved) [Romans 8:35-39, Proverbs 2:6]

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   Gospel over Testimony: The gospel in & of itself seems to be more powerful than personal testimony.

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   Illegal Immigration: What is our duty regarding the insurgence of illegal immigrants from Honduras?

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October 25, 2018

   Church Shopping: I'm in transition of churches, what do I look for in a church?

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   Narrow Path Lectures missing in Genesis: There seems to be some missing chapters being talked about in Genesis.
Solomon & His 700 wives & 300 Concubines: Why did Solomon have concubines in the Bible? Was the purpose of a concubine for childbearing?

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   Physical Blessing & Spiritual Blessing: A type & antitype, physical blessings parallel to spiritual blessings today, do you think that is right? [Deuteronomy 30:15-20, Ephesians 1: 3-14]

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   Christianity Statistics: By the year 2023 only 5% of the population is going to be Christian? Do you have to actually believe in Jesus or would your conscience be enough?

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   Blessing Israel: Caller feels we need to bless Israel, whether it's pagan or not. [Genesis 12:3]
No Hell in OT: There's no mention of hell in the Old Testament, so doesn't that stand to reason that it's not going to be bad as some people think it is of an eternal torment? Wouldn't you think God would do everything they could do to warn people?

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   Hell: Isn't there a 4th view of hell, eternal separation from God?

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   Differing Views of Hell: What about people who have never heard of Jesus, or, who just are not ready to accept Him yet?
Judged by Faith or Works or both: Are we judged by faith or works, or faith & works?

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   Mormons & JW's: What do you think of Mormons/LDS & JWs?
Jesus going to Hell: Did Jesus really descend into hell?

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October 29, 2018

   Reprobate Mind: It's not God fault that all this violence is happening but people turning over to a reprobate mind.

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   Pornography: I've been struggling with fear & purity because I keep continuing with the temptation of pornography

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   Prejudice: I have prejudice against multi-racial relationships.
Filled with the Holy Spirit: Being filled w/ the Holy Spirit (conversion of the Spirit)

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   Communion-Lord's Supper: Should unbaptized believers partake in the Lord's Supper?

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   Calvinism & Election: You are chosen, but chosen for what?

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   Tree Of Life & Knowledge of Good & Evil: In the future kingdom, will we have a memory of our previous life?

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   Trinity in the Scripture: So 1 John 5:7 not being in the original text that seems to clearly support the Trinity idea, is that true? [1 John 5:7]

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October 30, 2018

   The Eternal Son of God: Was Jesus eternally the Son of God?

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   Nephilim: Are the Sons of God angels or humans?
Guardian Angels: Are there really guardian angels?
Fallen Angels: Are fallen angels demons?

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   David Hunt: is David Hunt a reliable Bible teacher?
Harlot in Revelation: Is the harlot the Catholic church? [Revelation 17]

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   Memory in Glory: What are we going to remember of our previous life on the other side of glory?

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   President Donald Trump: Trump & his questionable character & the way he says things in the office of the president of the United States, what do you say about that?

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   Casting out Demons: Where do the demons go once they are cast out or where do we send them?
Lester Sumrall: Lester Sumrall cast out the demons to Jesus' feet. What do you think about that?

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   Water & Blood: When it's talking about the water & blood, what does this mean? What does this whole passage of Scripture mean? [1 John 5:6-8]

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   Harlot: So you don't believe the Harot of Revelation 17 is the Catholic Church, so who is she?

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October 31, 2018

   The Eternal Son of God: Was Jesus the eternal Son of God, pre-incarnate?

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   God bringing Evil: God will bring evil on his son? Evil = disaster, calamity [1 kings 21:27-29]

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   His Name Will Be Emmanuel: We will call His name Emmanuel, was He ever called "Emmanuel"? [Matthew 1:21, Isaiah 7:14 Isaiah 8:8]

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   Celebrating Halloween: Christians celebrating Halloween, we absolutely shouldn't do it!

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   6 Literal Days: Are the 6 days of creation literal? Christians not able to challenge the scientific community by believing this

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   Joel Osteen & Getting Rich: Joel Osteen says that we can get rich from God. [2 Kings 4:1-7]

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   The Other Side of Glory: Will we remember people who are didn't make it on the other side of glory?

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   Paul Speaking to Whom: To whom is speaking, the apostles or us? [titus 3:12]

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