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<< October 2018 View all months December 2018 >>

November 01, 2018

   Jesus still on Cross: Catholics say Jesus is still on the cross hence what is why they have the crucifix. What do you think about that?
Transubstantiation: Same with Transubstantiation, if Jesus has to still give His blood every time they take Communion, isn't that still indicating He's still on the cross?

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   Knowledge in Heaven: What will we know in heaven? Will we know each other or care if we do?

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   Studying the Bible: I'm having difficulty sticking w/ reading the Bible, is it better to listen or read it?

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   Distinguishing Evil Spirits & Demons: Is there a difference between evil spirits & demons?
Supernatural Reports: What do you think of the books "Heaven is for Real" or "23 min in Hell"?

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   Never heard the Gospel: What about people who have never heard the gospel? [Romans 2:14]

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   Heaven & Hell in the OT: Heaven & Hell in the Bible, different words & meanings for those terms? Sheol
Salvation for people in OT: How did people get saved in the OT, just obeying the law?

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   Praying to the Saints: Is it biblical to pray to the saints?

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   Cursing the Fig Tree: Why did Jesus curse a fig tree? [Mark 11:12-14]

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   Freezing Debt: Is it ok to freeze the growing debt owed to someone to avoid bankruptcy?
Housing Illegal Immigrants: We need to open our home to sojourners, does this apply to the immigration issue?

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November 02, 2018

   Steve teaching the Gospel: How did you come to do what you do? What makes one qualified?

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   Limited Negative: How do we identify "limited negatives" in scripture? What does it mean to be "sealed" w/ the Holy Spirit?
Sealed with the Holy Spirit: What does it mean to be "sealed" w/ the Holy Spirit?

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   Strongholds: Strongholds, lie vs truth, [John 8:44, Proverbs 8:14, Ephesians 6:6-12]

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   Mystery, Babylon: What is "Mystery, Babylon" in the Book of Revelation? [Revelation 17:5]

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   Donald Trump & MLK jr: I have a bone to pick w/ you about your support of Donald Trump but yet you talk against Martin Luther King jr.

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   Not Far from the Kingdom: Can you comment on Mark 12:34, "not far from the kingdom?"

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   Destroying Satan: Why did God not just destroy Satan from the earliest stages? Why does He allow suffering, temptation, child abuse?

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November 05, 2018

   Eternal Security: Eternal Security, Once Saved Always Saved Discussion,

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   Old Testament & New Testament Application: Does the New Testament writings supersede the Old Testament, and if so, how do we sort it?

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   Stones in Water & on Land: When the stones were piled in the river following the Exodus in the OT, why were they then also stacked on the side of the river, what was the significance of that? [Joshua 4]

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   Book of Enoch: Is it wise or unwise to read the "extra" books of the Bible such as the Book of Enoch?

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   Peter denying Jesus: Didn't Peter depar from Christ for awhile, but he didn't lose his salvation or apostatize, did he?
Qualifications for being an Elder: Women Pastor qualifications [1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9]

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   MLK jr Comments: Martin Luther King jr comments.

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   2 Books of Genesis: Someone told me there are 2 books of Genesis. What do you think about that?

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   Original Sin: "Original sin" in relation to "original righteousness"

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   Rapture: What is your view of the rapture? not tasting the sting of death
Not Tasting the Sting of Death Wouldn't it be nice to be alive when Jesus comes back?

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   Vote!!!: MAKE SURE YOU VOTE! No matter what your political leaning, VOTE!

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November 06, 2018

   Angels mentioned in the Bible: Can you tell me all the angels mentioned in the Bible, such as Gabriel, michael the archangel, Cherubim, Seraphim?

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   Finding Faith on Earth: Was Jesus being rhetorical when He asked, "Will there be faith on earth"? [Luke 18:8b]
Malchus' Ear being Healed: When Malchus' ear was cut off & healed, shouldn't that have impressed them enough to not want to arrest Jesus?

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   Demons Repenting: Can demons repent?

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   New Jerusalem: Is the New Jerusalem a literal city or is it symbolic of the church?

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   Unbelievers after Death: What is the state of unbelievers after they die? [Luke 15:11-32]

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   Christians & Politics: Christians being involved in politics.

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   Purgatory: Is there really a purgatory like the Catholic church says there is?
Praying to Mary: What about praying to Mary?

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   Baptism Request: Would you baptize me?

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   Rich Man & Lazarus Parable: Isn't the story of the Rich Man & Lazarus literal since it has real names in it?
Jonah going to Hell: The Jonah & Whale story, doesn't it say that Jonah's soul went to hell?

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   Degrees of sin & Salvation: Is it possible to inherit the kingdom of God no matter how badly they have sinned as long as they have repented?

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November 07, 2018

   Purgatory & Wood, Hay & Stubble: It says in 1 Corinthians that some people's works are gold, silver, precious stones & others some are wood, hay, straw, so does this have anything to do w/ purgatory? [1 Corinthians 3]

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   Speaking in Tongues: What is Steve's view in speaking in tongues? [1 Corinthians 13-14]

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   Hezekiah in Trouble: Why did Hezekiah get punished for showing people all his wealth? (Audio isn't very good) [2 Kings 20:12-19]

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   Christian Dominionism What is Christian dominionism? What are the pros & cons of it?

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   Steve gets reconnected: (Steve comes back on the air after getting kicked off by the internet)

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   Suicide: What happens to a Christian believer or a non-Christian believer when they commit suicide?

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   no idea his question: (I couldn't understand his question either)

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November 08, 2018

   Sheep & the Goats: I like the song by Keith green called, "the sheep & the goats", but what can you tell me about the sheep & the goats, judging, & so on? [Matthew 25:31-46]

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   Breaking Covenants: Is the New Testament breakable or unbreakable & what are the penalties if you do?

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   Lake of Fire - Hell: What is Hell & the Lake of Fire, & will it be the same experience for the people who make it there?

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   Generational Curses: What can you tell me about generational curses? [Exodus 20:5]

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   Marriage in Heaven: The story of the marriage question asked of Jesus, where did He pull that from? (never do resolve exactly what he's asking)

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   Rich Man & Lazarus: Discussion about the Rich man & Lazarus parable. (2 calls in a row of not being able to clarify what the question is)

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   John banished to Patmos: Is there any evidence when John was actually banished to Patmos?

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   Jews & Persecution: Why are the Jews subject to so much persecution?

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   Women Preachers: Can you explain this passage to me? Women preaching? Women speaking? [1 Corinthians 14:34-35]

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November 09, 2018

   Know what the Question is: It is important know what the Question is before you call instead of trying to formulate it as you are on the phone.

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   God before Creation: What was God doing before creation? What's it going to be like in heaven? Resurrection in a different mode?

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   Martin Luther King Jr: Previous caller who called about Martin Luther King.

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   Microchips: Where does the belief come from about a computer chip in our hands? [Revelation 13]

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   Alcohol & the Christian: Is drinking alcohol a sin or is it just being a drunkard that is?
Churches Displaying the Rainbow Flag: What about churches that display the rainbow flag?

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   Word of Faith Movement: Health & prospering should always be answered, that it's always God's will Word of Faith people say?

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   Eternity will have a different Time Dimension: Trinity before creation, matter & space relative to time, eternity to time, the caller feels.

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   Contradiction about Judging in the Bible: Scripture seems to contradict itself about judging one another [John 8:15-16, John 9:39]
Apostolic Authority: Jesus & His Disciples just commanded healing & casting out demons. [John 14:12]

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November 12, 2018

   Persecution of the Jews & Josephus: So even after the Destruction of the Temple in 70 AD, the Jews were majorally prosecuted, like in the cities in Damacus. We get this from Josephus & his works, do we?

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   Jews being Cutoff: The Jews being cutoff from the people, what does that mean? Could they come back?

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   Pre-existence for Jeremiah: God knew us before we were born, does that mean we had a pre-existence? Did Jeremiah know God before he came down here? [Jeremiah 1:5]
Speaking in Tongues: Alternate viewpoint in speaking in tongues.

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   Baptism: Is it okay if a mother baptizes her son even though women are not supposed be elders?

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   Evangelicalism & Eastern Orthodoxy: Hank hanegraaff switched over to eastern orthodox, teaching progressive salvation. Isn't it spontaneous salvation?
Divine Nature: The divine nature imparted to believers [Matthew 24:35]

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   Secular Music: What do you think about going into music as a career for a believer, not necessarily Christian music?

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   Evangelizing, Teaching, Witnessing Correctly: How to go out & share your faith & what churches are teaching is inadequate

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   Trinity & Tree of Knowledge being feminine: Something about Tree of Knowledge being feminine, spirit of wisdom, feminine entity. I actually have no idea what he's saying, just like the last time he called. [Proverbs 3:18]

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   Speaking in Tongues: On your show recently you've had people talking about speaking in tongues, & so they might be interested in Perplexed by Tongues by Larry Christenson

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   Marijuana/Cannabis: I like & work with cannabis/marijuana. Is it wrong for Christians to use marijuana?

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   Pressured to Tithe at My Church: Churches that demand you pay tithe

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November 13, 2018

   History Channel & Aliens: I'd like to be able to answer people who after watching the History channel who have all these Qs about aliens. Can you help me out?

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   Mansions in Heaven: Jesus said he was going to prepare many mansions, but we are temple of God & have the Holy Spirit already, don't we? [John 14]

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   Assisted Suicide: Is assisted suicide murder?

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   Atheist & Noah's Ark & Flood: What do you say to atheists who say the story about Noah's flood is too far-fetched to be believable?

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   Aliens - Extraterrestrials: As far as your call about extraterrestrials, & there are a couple documentaries about this kind've stuff such as Rare Earth, Privileged Planet.

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   Jesus' actual Commandments: What are Jesus' actual commands?

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   Intermediate State between Death & Glory: What happens after you die?

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   Rapture Questions: How close are we to the Rapture? How long will the people who stay after the Rapture be here? Who is the woman, the Harlot, in Revelation 17? [Revelation 17]

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   Word of Faith Healers: Do the Word of Faith people actually heal people?

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November 14, 2018

   Genealogy of Mary & Joseph: Are the Genealogies found in Matthew & Luke, both Joseph & Mary's genealogy, are they both of David's lineage?

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   Young or Old Earth: I took an IQ test, & it had a question about the age of the earth & it gave me the choices of 6,000 years or 4.5 Billion years, & I picked the young age answer, & they said it was wrong, & as a result it gave me a lower IQ score for believing the Bible. So is it possible that it could be older than 6,000 years, since a form of the earth might've been here for a very long time before God actually started creating? [Genesis 1 & 2, Exodus 20:11]

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   Hank Hanegraaff & Eastern Orthodox: Hank Hanegraaff, he recently converted to Eastern Orthodoxy, & to do so, you has to give up a lot of his formally held beliefs, like for example, Sola Scriptura.

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   Elder, Bishop, Overseer & Pastor: Are the terms elder, bishop, overseer & pastor all the same words?

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   144,000: What can you tell me about the 144,000, who are they & are they literal?

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   Creation of the Earth: Could not God have created an earth that was already aged (being in full maturity already)? Weren't Adam & Eve created as adults?

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   Becoming a Roman Catholic: What reasons would you give to not becoming a Roman Catholic because I'm thinking of becoming one?

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   Calvinism: What part of Calvinism do you disagree with?

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   Heaping Coals of Fire: Heaping coals of fire on our enemies, what does this mean? [Romans 12:20]

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November 15, 2018

   Praying for your Enemies: Praying for your enemies, does that include satan?

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   Flat Earth: Caller thinks there's evidence of a flat earth, what does think about that?

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   Holy Spirit an Angel: Is the Holy Spirit is an angel?

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   Spiritual Warfare: Are the powers of hell coming against us & is Satan in hell?

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   Satan entering Judas: When Jesus was washing all the feet of His disciples, He said, "not all of you are clean", when did satan enter Judas? [John 13]

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   Spiritual Gifts in each Church: How come most churches don't follow the spiritual gifts that Paul laid out at the end of 1 Corinthians, especially 1 Corinthians 14:26?

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   Delivering Over to Satan: When Paul says to deliver one over to Satan that he might be saved, what does this mean? [1 Corinthians 5]

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   Angels Mating with Women: Sons of God marrying women, where is that? [Genesis 6]

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   Flat Earth: Caller believes the earth is stationary, & doesn't describe a round earth.

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   Structure of the Church: Mormon caller, structure of the church, foundation of the apostles & prophets.

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   Wine Purifying the Water: Did they know that wine intoxicates back then even though they used it to purify?

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   Having Righteous Anger: Is having wrath in your heart okay like when Jesus had it for the moneychangers?

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November 16, 2018

   Spiritual Warfare: Why is there spiritual warfare? How did it get started, w/ satan in heaven? (A lot of echo of each caller.)

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   Flat Earth: Caller can't believe people actually believe in a flat earth!

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   Jesus & His Siblings Growing Up: What kind of challenge did Jesus provide for His siblings since He was so righteous as a kid?

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   Relic Bones of Elijah: Relic bones in the Catholic Church, what should I make of them? [2 Kings 13:20-21]

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   Capital Punishment: Spare the rod, spoil the child, what does this mean? [Proverbs 13:24, Proverbs 23:13-14, Proverbs 22:15]

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   Continuing in Sin: When sin seems to keep winning when does God finally give up on you?

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   Cremation: Is cremation acceptable after you die?

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   "He Cannot Sin": Practicing sin or continuing to sin without the fight against it, His seed being in us so we can't sin. [1 John 3:9, 1 John 2:1, Romans 6]

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   God Testing us: If God knows everything, then why would He need to test us?

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   John the Baptist baptizing & getting Baptized: John the Baptist baptizing Jesus, & John getting baptized, & people in heaven, people in earth (I frankly have to idea what the caller is getting at.)

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   Original Sin: Are we capable sinlessness, does sin send us to hell? How come we didn't have a chance to not sin on our own first? [Romans 5:12-21]

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November 19, 2018

   God's Wrath: Why believe in a God who kills people, turning Lot's wife into a pillar of salt & so on?
King James: Did king james leave out gospels that should've been included?

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   Calendar: How & when did the calendar make distinctions come about AD/BC?

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   Fallen Angels being Aliens: Are aliens just fallen angels?

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   Contradiction about speaking about Speaking in Tongues: There seems to be a contradiction about speaking in tongues, that it is just for the believers or that it's for the unbelievers. What say you? [1 Corinthians 14:22]

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   Tithing: What do we owe to God now as far as tithing?

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   Demons that were cast out: When Demons are cast out of a person, can they go into animals now?

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   Flat Earth: Flat earth comment.
Clemency for the Jews: Do jews have some type of clemency?

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November 20, 2018

   Judged by our Works: If we're all saved when we are in Christ, then why are we judged for our works?

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   Steve's Education: I'm very impressed w/ your knowledge, so I'm curious your background, are you self-taught?

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   Sin unto Death: A sin that leads unto death, committing a sin not LEADING to death, is there a sin that can be not be forgiven? is it just talking about the Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? [1 John 5:16]

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   Methodist allowing Gay Clergy: Caller's church is coming up with a plan to allow same sex married people in the clergy. What does Steve think about that?

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   Name Written in Heaven: After a long prolog, he finally gets to the question: Names written in heaven before He died, how could that be so? [Luke 10:20]

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   God Holy & being around Sin: If God is holy where did sin come from since He can't be in the presence of it?

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   Praying to Mary: Caller was listening to a Catholic radio show, & they were talking about a book called, "Rethinking Mary", a book explaining why you should be able to pray to Mary. Will praying to Mary affect people's salvation?

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   Steve's Church: Where does Steve go to church?

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   Calvary Chapel's Music: How did so many Christian Church bands happen to come out of the Calvary Chapel in the 70s?

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November 21, 2018

   Casting out Demons (God's will...or not): Casting out demons, doing great miracles, but not doing the Will of God, but there are others doing the exact same thing, doing the WILL OF GOD, but still being separated out as goats, but Jesus saying, "I never knew you" to the first group, but the leave the second group alone. [Matthew 7:21, Mark 9:]

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   Daniel & Revelation: So I understand you believe that most of Revelation & Daniel has been fulfilled. Does that include Daniel 11? [Daniel 11]

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   Never Die: "He who believes in Me will NEVER DIE", what does "never die" mean because everyone has died? John 11:26
Changed in Twinkling of an Eye: What about 1 cor 15:51, where it say people won't die, but will be changed in a twinkling of an eye? [1 Corinthians 15:51]
Changed in Twinkling of an Eye: What about 1 cor 15:51, where it say people won't die, but will be changed in a twinkling of an eye? [1 Corinthians 15:51]

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   Genealogy of Mary & Joseph: Genealogy of Mary and Joseph, there are differences in them, & why wasn't Matthew interested anything about Mary's side? [Matthew 1, Luke 3:23-38]

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   Initiate a Relationship: Is it OK for a Christian woman to approach man if she would like to get to know him better?

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   Speaking in Tongues: Could it be that believers should not be speaking in tongues but only the unbelievers, because it says prophecy is for the believers

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   Antiochus Epiphanes: Where does Antiochus Epiphanes show up or begin? [Daniel 11:24, Daniel 8:9-12]

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   Fear, Anxiety & evil Dreams: I dreamed about an evil spirit, have had physical manifestations & am feeling fear a lot lately

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   Faith & Legalism: Legalism & criticism coming from a Mennonite family

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November 26, 2018

   Predestined for Salvation: Calvinism suggests a preselected number of saved, & that since they are saved, they can sin & be saved no matter what.

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   Paul Wrestling with Wild Beasts: What did paul mean in 1 Corinthians 15:32 by, "if I wrestled with wild beasts"? [1 Corinthians 15:32]

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   Holy Spirit: Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit; Holy Spirit = Wisdom = Queen of Heaven? Human marriage reflective a God and His consort?

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   Dead Speaking to us in Dreams: Can someone that is dead come to someone in a dream?

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   Jesus' Temptation: What was the divine aspect of Jesus while on earth? temptation vs sin; the temptation of Christ?

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   Disagrees about the Trinity: I disagree about the Trinitarian doctrine (she was very articulate, organized in her thoughts). [Mark 12:28-34]

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   Spiritual Leader in the Home: How does one be the spiritual leader of the home? a husband & father of 2 would like to know

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November 27, 2018

   Temptation & Sin: What is the difference between the temptation & sin? when does it change from temptation to sin?

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   Justice Steve Gregg: Why can't we have a supreme court (of Jesus) of Steve Gregg type justices? Should we have ecumenical councils today?

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   Satan's Beginnings: Where did satan come from? What does the Scripture say about who or what he is? [Isiah 14, Ezekiel 28]

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   Jehovah's Witnesses & the Trinity: I don't agree w/ the JWs theologically, but they sure make a good point against the Trinity

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   Struggling with Sin: Wanting to not fall into sin but sometimes sinning, why don't we want to do only righteousness? [Romans 7:14, Galatians 5:17]

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   Gospel of Thomas: I just came across the gospel of Thomas, have you ever read of it & if you have, what did you think of it?

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   Seventh Day Adventism: A friend of mine became an Adventist/SDA & married a person outside the faith completely, should I consider him a Christian?

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November 28, 2018

   Calvinism: How does one reply to a calvinist who says God hates people? [Psalm 5:5, Romans 9:13]

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   Seven Mountain & the Woman of Revelation 17: What are the 7 mountains representing that the woman is sitting on, & who is the woman? [Revelation 17:9]

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   Call-in Radio Etiquette: Important announcement about how to make a phone call on a radio show!

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   Dispensationalism: Dispensationalist wants to discuss his & hal lindey's view of eschatology

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   Teaching my Daughter Spiritual Things: How do I teach my daughter biblical things without scaring her too much?

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   Peter as Pope: Why do the catholics say Peter was first pope?
God being Elohim: What does it mean to the Jews who call God Elohim? What about Adonai?

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   Calling someone Father or Rabbi: What is wrong with calling our father Father? [Matthew 23:8-12]a

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   Challenging the Dates of the books of the Bible: Can you talk about the Dating of the books of the Bible?

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   Jesus the last Prophet: Was Jesus the last prophet?

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   Seeing God the Father in the New Earth: Jesus was fully human & fully God? Are God and the Lamb the light of the new city? Will we be w/ God the Father on earth? [Revelation 22:5]

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November 29, 2018

   Logic, Christianity & Wisdom: Christian preachers frown upon using human logic. What is the difference between wisdom, Christianity & logic?

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   Greater Works than Jesus: So we'll do greater works that Jesus? When did or does that happen? [John 14:11-12]

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   Other side of Glory: What do you think we are going to be doing on the other side of glory?

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   LORD Lord: Distinction between the name "Lord", "LORD", disagreeing about trinitarianism.

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   Hypnotism: What is your opinion about hypnosis? Is wrong to even just WATCH that stuff, let alone use it?

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   Land of Israel: Israel back in the land Israel, prophecy fulfillment, but what about the Palestines?

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November 30, 2018

   Jesus being tempted with sex: Jesus wasn't ever tempted with sex, was He?

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   Parable of the 4 soils - Thorny soil: Question about the parable of the 4 different kind of soils, specifically the thorny, weedy soil, & pertaining to salvation. [Mark 4:1-20, Matthew 13:18-23, 1 Corinthians 3:15]

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   Loving your enemies: It concerns the caller that God would send people to hell because He Himself said to love your enemies, that reincarnation seems like a better option.

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   Hypnosis: What side of the fence do hypnosis work for?

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   Apologetics: What does apologetics mean?
Dispensationalism: What does Dispensationalism mean?
Second Earth Age: What does Arnold Murray mean by the second earth age?

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   King Darius: Caller was reading Daniel, & was wondering about darius & was wondering if there was any external evidence about him?

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   Democrats-Liberals: Caller was wondering Steve's thoughts about Democrats/Liberals?

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