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January 01, 2019

   Casting Out Demons: Why does it appear that the unconverted (Sons of Shiva) are successful in casting out demons, and yet the converted are not successful? [Acts 19, Matthew 7, Luke 9:49]

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   Israel Keeping Virgins: Why did God allow the Israelites to keep virgins when they were not supposed to intermix with the heathens? [Numbers 31].

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   God Ordering Killing: Why did God not wish to convert the Canaanites rather than wipe them out?
Angels (Sons of God) Having Sex with Women: What about angels (Sons of God) who had sex with women? [Genesis 6].

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   Age for Baptism: The Mormon church is putting pressure on me regarding my daughter's baptism, so at what age should I get her baptized?

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   Taking Jericho: How does one harmonize texts that indicate two different sources for the orders to for the people to take Jericho? [Deuteronomy 34, Numbers 13].

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   Once Saved, Always Saved: What do you think of the possibility that we can lose our salvation, because scripture indicates that the Lord can dump us out of His hand? [John 17-18:9, Revelation 3:16, Isaiah 53, Matthew 24:10, I Peter 1:5].

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   Marriage Vows in Heaven: If there is no marriage in heaven, when would the marriage vows dissolve? [Matthew 22:30, Luke 20:34-36. Mark 12:22-25, Romans 7:1-4, I Corinthians 7:39].

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   Nature of Prayer: Would you touch on the nature of prayer? Is it a two-way conversation?
In Jesus Name: What does it mean to pray "in Jesus' name"? [Colossians 3:17, Hebrew 4:16].

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   Hearers & Doers: Do you agree that we often know a lot of scripture, but we sometimes forget how to live up to them? [James 1:22-25, Romans 2:13].

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January 02, 2019

   Saints or Sinners: Should we consider ourselves saints or sinners?[2 Corinthians 2:14, Romans 7:18,23, Romans 8, Philemon 6].

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   Jesus Contradicts Himself: How can Jesus' words be true if He contradicts Himself, such as when He says when people only speak the words that are in their heart, but that people will worship Him in words? [Matthew 12:36, 15:8, Isaiah 29:13, Proverbs 23:6].

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   Satan Bound: If Satan is bound, then how can he go about seeking whom he may devour? [I Peter 5:8, Revelation 20:2-5, Matthew 12:29].

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   Seeking the Kingdom of God: How do people seek the Kingdom of God? [Colossians 1:13, Matthew 5:16].
Loving God: How do we love God with all our hearts, soul, and mind? [James 1:17, I John 4:19].

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   Essentials of the Gospel: What are the absolute "essentials" of the gospel? What must we understand and what should we be laboring to tell others?

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   Arias & The Arians: Discussion of Arias and the Arians and the Counsel of Nicea. [1 John 5:7].

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   Genesis & Dinosaurs: What do you say to somebody who asks about dinosaurs? [Genesis 1:20-24, Job 40:15-24, Job 41:1-34].

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   Meaning of Lukewarm: What does it mean to be lukewarm? Does it mean that when you are spit out, you are no longer saved? [Revelation 3:15-17, John 15:6].
Women Preaching: What do you think about women preaching?

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January 03, 2019

   Little Horn (in Daniel): Who is the "little horn" of Daniel 7? [Daniel 7:8].
Think to Change Times & Laws: What is Daniel 7:25 talking about? [Daniel 7:25].

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   Jan Markell & Jack Hibbs: Should we go listen to Jan Markell and Jack Hibbs when they are going to be in his area?
Date of Writing of the Gospels: Do you know when the four gospels were actually written?

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   The Temple: Where did the original temple stand? Where does the idea about a 3rd temple being rebuilt come from?

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   The Narrow Path Audio Lectures: How do you get your audio bible lectures?
Heaven & Hell: Do you believe in heaven & hell?

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   Compilation of the Bible: Can you comment about this; A former priest told me that I wouldn't be a Christian if I knew how the Bible was compiled?

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   Listening to the Holy Spirit: What do you think about this; The Holy Spirit told me to listen to David Hawking, because he knows the scripture?

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   Helping the Addicted: How does one handle it when a friend who is addicted to drugs, keeps saying she wants to get clean & sober, but then never does?

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   Peter's Chronology of Events: A pastor said that Peter was not giving the order of events of how things actually happened, what say you? [Acts 2:38].

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January 04, 2019

   Jesus' Departure & Return: Why did Jesus have to leave if He is going to come back again anyway?
Old Testament & the Holy Spirit: Didn't the people of the Old Testament have the Holy Spirit too?
Those That Never Hear the Gospel: How will God deal with people in remote places where they may never contacted to hear the gospel?

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   Simon the Zealot: Was Simon the Zealot a Jew, and apostle of Jesus?

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   Jesus, Lord & Savior? Is Jesus, without ambiguity, the Lord & Savior?

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   Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: Is a person in continuous adultery by being married to a 2nd wife after leaving his 1st wife? What if the person left the first wife before becoming a Christian?

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   Romans 9: Would you enlighten us about Romans 9?

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   Moses & Zipporah: The wife of Moses, Zipporah, cut off their son's foreskin & threw it at Moses' feet saying, "you're a bloody husband to me". What did all this mean? [Exodus 4:26].

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   Overcoming Lust: How does one overcome the sin of Lust?

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January 07, 2019

   Judgment vs Forgiveness: Would you harmonize the contradictory ideas that we will stand before the judgment seat of Christ & answer for our deeds, but then He said that won't remember our sins ... they will be far as the east is to the west? [Psalm 103:12, Romans14:12-13, Matthew 7:2, 12:36 2 Corinthians 5:10].

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   Holy Spirit's Presence: Why do we need the Holy Spirit if where two or three are gathered together, He is in the midst of them? [Matthew 18:19].

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   Guidance from God: How do we seek and recognize guidance from God?

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   Word of Faith: What do you think of the Word of Faith preachers) Kenneth Hagan, Joyce Meyers, TD Jakes, & so on)?

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   Loving an Abusive Spouse: If you have a spouse who is abusive, how do you love like the Bible requires, when there is no love? [1 Corinthians 13].

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   The Sabbath: What are your views on the Sabbath?

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   Inerrancy vs Infallibility: What is the difference between "inerrancy" & "infallibility"?

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January 08, 2019

   New Testament Reliability: How can we be sure that the New Testament is not corrupted?

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   Book of Enoch: How familiar are you with the book of Enoch?

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   Joseph, a Widower: Was Joseph a widower with children? Where do they get that idea from?

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   Grounds for Divorce: Is actual adultery, as opposed to carnal knowledge, desertion & physical abuse, grounds for divorce?
Date of Writing of the New Testament: Were all the books of the new Testament were written before 69 A.D.?
Reincarnation: How do you view reincarnation?

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   Golden Chain & Predestination: Would you explain "the golden chain", predestination, and foreknowledge? [Romans 8:29].

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   Mary & Joseph's Other Children: Would you toak about Joseph & Mary's other children. Had Joseph been married before?

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January 09, 2019

   Mormon Beliefs about Baptism: Can you talk about this discussion I had with a Mormon friend regarding what makes an evangelical saved & not saved? He believed only the Mormon/LDS was saved because of being baptized by the right people.

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   Lion & the Lamb: Will "the lion will laying down with the lamb" apply to a future millennium or heaven? [Isaiah 11].

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   Jesus' Blood: Where did Jesus take his blood, and why? [Hebrews 9:12].

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   The Jesus Movement: Were you in the hippy before and during the Jesus Movement? Do you have a book written about your ministry?

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   Tithing & Giving: Isn't our first responsibility to tithing and giving to be in our own homes?

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   Literal or Symbolic: How should we determine if something is meant as literal or symbolic? What is the time frame for this passage of Scripture in Isaiah? [Isaiah 19:19-25]?

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   Bible History, Manuscripts: Discussion of Biblical history and manuscripts.

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January 10, 2019

   Dates of Nehemiah, Esther, Ezra: Were these books, Nehemiah, Esther and Ezra written in the post-exilic period?

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   Feast of Tabernacles Today: Where does that idea come from that we have to keep the feast of tabernacles or we are going to be severely cursed by God?

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   New Jerusalem: Is the New Jerusalem going to come down from heaven to the New Earth? Who's going to occupy heaven since God will be here?

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   Jesus & His Harp: Is there a possibility the Lord Jesus carried a harp while preaching, teaching, reaching, & declaring the kingdom? [Psalm 49:4].

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   Rewards: How does Jesus determine what He's going to give as a rewards through dispensations of time?

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   Parable of the Banquet: In the parable of the great banquet, there appears to be different groups identified, would you talk about that? [Luke 14].

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   Meditation in Heaven: Do you think meditation will be used or beneficial in heaven? [Joshua 1:8].

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   Pontius Pilate: Did Pontius Pilate ever become a follower of Jesus?

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   Eschatology: Do you believe in the eschatological 1000 year reign and the 7 yr tribulation?

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   Prayer: Is it better to pray out loud or silently?

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   Does God Hate: Are there certain people that God hates?

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   Sin Not Imputed: What does it mean about 'until the law, sin was not imputed"? [Romans 5].

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January 11, 2019

   Forgiveness & Anger: Jesus forgave people as He was being nailed on the cross, who was He forgiving? What about being angry, but not sinning, and not letting the sun set on your anger? [Ephesians 4:26, Luke 23:34]

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   Donald Trump: Isn't Donald Trump, the president of the USA, too proud and too un-Christian?

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   Commandments of God: What are the specific commandments he is talking about here in these passages? [Revelation 14:12 & 12:18].

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   Sons of God & Nephilim: The sons of God came down and had sex with women. Who are the sons of God and the Nephilim and what is going on here? [Genesis 6].

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   Demon Attack: What is meant by this: a friend told me that a demon said she was praying outside her jurisdiction, according to the courts of heaven?

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   Islam & Muhammad: Would you talk about Islam & Muhammad?

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   Reformed Church Would you talk about finding a good church? I am especially looking at the Reformed Church.

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   Annihilationist View of Hell: How does it make sense to be punished and then just be destroyed? Would that not prevent someone from reflecting back on the crimes?

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   Redemption for Murder: Is there redemption if you kill someone?

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January 14, 2019

   Land of Israel: Is there a strong emphasis on the land for Israel? [Psalm 37].

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   Too Many Sins: Can one commit one too many sins, resulting in no more forgiveness? [Hebrews 12].

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   Once Saved, Always Saved: When we are born again we are a new creature, so can we lose our salvation? If we lose it, do we become an old creation again? [2 Corinthians 5:17].

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   Soul, Spirit, Holy Spirit: Are spirit and soul separate? Could The Holy Spirit be our spirit?

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   Gift of Speaking in Tongues: How would I know for sure I have received the gift of tongues?

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   Immortality: How much does this passage speak of our own immortality? [1 Timothy 6:16].

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   Once Saved, Always Saved: How can we can lose our salvation if we are sealed with the Holy Spirit?

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January 15, 2019

   Hell: Does hell exist right now? If not, when will it exist and who will be there?

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   Jerusalem & Green Tree: This seems to be talking about the then future destruction of Jerusalem, but what is the part about the green tree talking about? [Luke 23:28-31].

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   Apologetics: Could you discuss presuppositonal apologetics versus evidential apologetics?

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   Trinity: Were the church fathers destroying manuscripts that might possibly compromise of our idea of the Trinity? [1 John 5:7].

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   Good Works: Do we only have to do good works to or for other believers, rather than for unbelievers? [Luke 6:8, Matthew 5:43-47, Galatians 6:10].

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   Church Elders & Leadership: If one has a more unconventional church, without typical business-like structures, how does one exercise church discipline and distribute other responsibilities and duties? [Titus].

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   Extra-biblical Books: What do you think about some of the extra-biblical books such as, The Apocrypha, Gilgamesh Epic, and The Emerald Tablets of Toth? Do they predate the Bible?

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   When God Created Light: Did God create light so that His other created beings could see all His handiwork?

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   Satan's Influence: If only God can read our minds, than how does Satan gain access to influence and tempt us?

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   YHWAH, YHVH, Yaweh: Would you talk about the Hebrew letters translated for the word God as LORD in our Old Testament (YHVH or YHWH, Yaweh/ Tetragram or Tetragrammaton, Adonai)?

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January 16, 2019

   Suicide: Will you necessarily go to hell if you commit suicide? 2:13 [Romans 8:37-9, 2 Corinthians 5:8, John 15:6]

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   Group Prayer More Effective: Is God more likely to answer one personal prayer, or a group of people's prayers? [Acts 1,12:5, James 5:16-17].
Guardian Angels: Do people have their own angels, or guardian angels? [Acts 12:11].

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   Where the Eagles are Gathered: Why are the parallels in Matthew 24, Luke 17 & 21. about "where the eagles gather" so different? [Matthew 24:28, Luke 17:37, Job 39:30].

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   Binding the Strong Man: In Matthew 12 and Luke 11, who qualifies to bind the strong man, Jesus, or those that cast out demons? fasting as a ritual? [Matthew12:28-29].

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   Fasting & Wineskins: I am a little confused about references to fasting and general meaning in the passage about the new and old wineskins [Matthew 9:14-17].
Fasting: Is fasting a legalistic thing?

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    Immediately After Death: Where do we go immediately after we die? Do we sleep? [2 Corinthians 5:8, 12:1-4].

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   Suicide: Is the verse about our bodies being a temple and the defiling of the temple resulting in destruction, actually about suicide not being forgiven? [I Corinthians 3: 16-17].

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   Tree of Life in Eden: Why was the "Tree of Life" in the garden of Eden? [Revelation 22:3, John 6:54-56].

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   Sons of God: Are the "Sons of God" mentioned in Genesis 6, angels? [Genesis 6:3-5].

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January 17, 2019

   Great & Terrible Day of the Lord: When is the "great and terrible day of the Lord" and what is the curse? How does Elijah and John the Baptist fit in? [Malachi 3:1, 4:1,5-6, 16-17, Deuteronomy 28:15f, Matthew 3, Luke 3, Joel 2:28, Peter, Isaiah 40, Matthew 11:4].

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   Jesus' Return & Maturation of the Church: If Jesus is waiting for the church to mature before He returns, what signs will we see to know when that is happening? [Mark 4:29, John 12:24, Ephesians 4:12-16, I John 3:14, Matthew 24:3-31, 48, Luke 12:48].

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   Manuscripts Regarding Trinitarian Views: What manuscripts were used after some were destroyed at the Nicene Counsel, and its relavance to view of the trinity? [I John 5:7].

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   Suicide: If someone who was seeking God commits suicide, and goes to hell because of his suicide, then does God take into consideration the people still praying for them? [Luke 16:19-31].

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   Multiple Gods or Names of God: Why would God use three different names for God in Genesis, if there is only one God, instead of three? [Genesis 1:26-28, 11:2].

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   Doubting the Doctrine of the Trinity: I have 50 reasons as to Why I think that the doctrine of the trinity can be doubted.

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   Cremation: What does the Bible say about cremation?

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January 18, 2019

   Apologetics vs the Bible Alone: What is Pre-suppositional apologetics (and evidential apologetics) and isn't the Bible enough as it is? [Romans 1:16].

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   AA & Celebrate Recovery: Do you endorse AA or the Celebrate Recovery program?

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   Nirvana: Have you found your nirvana?

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   Supporting Your Ministry-The Narrow Path: What would you say if I were to stop supporting other ministries in order to support your ministry?

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   Lost Call: Lost call

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   Knowing That You Are Saved: What is a Biblical affirmation of one being "saved"? How does one know for sure? [I John 5:11-12, 24, Romans 10:9

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   Anything You Want God Gives: Does the Bible say that anything you want, He will give to you? [John 15, I John 5:14].
Judged by Our Works: Did you say we are not judged by our works?

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   Women Required to Wear Dresses: What is your opinion of a church that requires that the women wear dresses all week long? [Deuteronomy 22:5].

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   All Sin Equal in the Site of God: Is all sin equal to God? [Matthew 10:15, 11:24, 26:41, James 3:2]

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   Homosexuality & LGBTQ: What about the LGBTQ influence in our culture? [I Corinthians 6:9-11].

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January 21, 2019

   Callers-Write Down Your Questions: Listener writes to encourage callers to be more precise and articulate when they call, suggesting that they write them down ahead of time.

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   God Wants to Kill Moses: Why does God want to kill Moses? [Exodus 4:24].
"The Blessing" in the Old Testament: Why was "the blessing" so important in the Old Testament?

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   Strong Man: Would you explain the passage about the Strong Man? Does it apply to us being freed as believers? [Mark 3:26-28].
Paying Church Staff & Pastors: What does the Bible say about paying professional church staff, preachers, and pastors? [Galatians 6:6, I Timothy 5:18, Luke 10:7}.

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   Sin's Consequences: Do the verses about generations suffering consequence of sin and the ones about the sword not departing from David's house? [Exodus 20:5, 2 Samuel 12:10].

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   God Crushing or Bruising Satan: How do we understand "crushing Satan shortly"? [Romans 16:17-20, I Corinthians 1, Acts 1:7].

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   David's Character Flaws: Caller comments on David's moral character.

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   Jesus Wrestles with Jacob: Was it Jesus who wrestled with Jacob in Genesis? [Genesis 18, 32:24, 30, Isaiah 9:6].
Nation of Israel: How should Christians view the nation of Israel? [2 Corinthians 10:3-5].

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   Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego: Who was the fourth person in the fire with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego? [Daniel 3].
Angel of the Lord: Who was the "Angel of the Lord" in the burning bush [Exodus 3:2]

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   Immigrants & Walls: Would you share any Biblical insight you have that would be applicable to the recent immigration issue and the building of the wall?

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January 22, 2019

   Foreordained, Predestined, Foreknowledge, Calvinism: Are there other passages that imply that Adam & Ever were meant to sin, and related to the favorite passage for Calvinists; "Christ being foreordained before the foundation of the earth"? [I Peter 1:20, Romans 8, Ephesians 2]

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   Adam-Breath of Life: Can we assume that when God breathed into Adam the breath of life, that he breathed His Holy Spirit into him, and withdrew it when he sinned? [Genesis 2:7, 3:7].

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   Command Love-Fruit of the Spirit: Why would God direct us to love, if love is given in the gift of the Holy Spirit? [Romans 5:5, Galatians 5:22, Luke 6, Matthew 7:12, Hebrews 10:16].

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   Jews Returning to Israel: Is there something in scripture that indicates that Jews must still return to the land of Israel? [Zechariah 8].

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   Evangelism: What do you think about a statement that reflects the intent or mission of a board of Evangelism? [Matthew 23:19-20, I Peter 3:15].

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   Holy Spirit Restored to Us Through Jesus: Would it be accurate to suggest that after Adam sinned and the Holy Spirit was withdrawn from him, that Jesus has since cleansed us, and made us eligible again? [Genesis 2:7].

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   Jesus-Incarnate God: How is Jesus both human and God? [John 1:1,14].

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   Free Will: What can you tell me about "free-will" and God's plan for us? [Deuteronomy, Joshua, Matthew 23:37, 2 Peter 3, Ezekiel 33:11, Isaiah 1:3, Jeremiah 8:7, Galatians 5:17-25].

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   Old Testament Chronology: Can you refer me to a resource to help me put the Old Testament books in a chronology [].

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   Pursuing Funding for Christian Ministry: What is the best way to raise funds for Christian ministry?

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January 23, 2019

   Finding Church Fellowship: How does one find a good church and fellowship?

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   Sinless Perfection or Entire Sanctification: Would you talk about the doctrine of "sinless perfection" (or "entire sanctification), and why is it a heresy? [Galatians 5:17-25, I Corinthians 10:13].

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   Call of God for Only the Elect: Is the calling to come to God only come to certain people, or to all? [John 12:32, John 1:9, Psalm 19].

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   Three Views of Hell: What are the strongest arguments against "conditional immortality" (or annihilation)? [John 3:16].

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   Book on Hell by Steve Gregg: How do I get your book on hell?
Apostles & Missionaries Today: What do you think about apostles today? And how do missionaries fit in with apostles? [2 Corinthians 8:23, 12:12, I Peter 1:1, 2 Peter].

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   Animals in Heaven: Why would God make animals if He wouldn't have them got to heaven?

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   Overcoming the Accuser: How can one in a practical way overcome the accuser by the blood? [Revelation 12:10-11].

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   Rapture: Is it true that there is no rapture, but it only happens at the second coming?

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January 24, 2019

   Doomsday Predicted: Doomsday is right around the corner, according to former California governor Jerry Brown, & Abortion is legal in NY up until the day of birth.

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   God's Wrath on the Cross: Did Jesus suffer the wrath of the Father on the cross?
Differing Views of the Atonement: What do you think of all the different views of the atonement?

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   Marriage Supper of the Lamb: When is the marriage supper of the Lamb?
Ghosts & Goblins: What is your opinion about people seeing ghosts?

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   Protestant Reformers & the anti-Christ: Does steve think the reformers were wrong in their belief about the anti-Christ?

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   Biblical Interpretation: is there a difference in meaning without the italicized words? [1 Corinthians 15:26]

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   Faith & Good Works: Faith in Christ is a must for salvation, but are doing good works just optional?

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   Solomon & Adonijah: Why did Solomon have Adonijah killed? [1 Kings 2]

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   Receiving the Holy Spirit: I don't think I've received the Holy Spirit, & I've never spoken in tongues. What should I do?

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   Marriage & Maturity: Isn't getting married better for your spiritual, mental & emotional growth? So isn't Paull sort've contradicting himself? [1 Corinthians 7]

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January 25, 2019

   Washed Robes: "Blessed are those that wash their robes that they might have the right to the tree of life", what is this referring to? What are the robes, & how do wash them? [Revelation 22:14]

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   Joining the Military: Is it wrong for a Christian to join the military?

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   Land of Israel: Do the Ethnic Jews have any right to land of Israel?

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   Gap Theory The caller discusses 3 heavens & the 3 earth age, called the Gap Theory, discussing the phrase, "was void" & "became void".

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   Harmonizing OT & NT, Eye for an Eye: How would we harmonize the Old Testament & the New Testament, where in the OT, it was an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, but Jesus in the NT seemed to be all about mercy. [Leviticus 24:15-22, Matthew 5:38-42]

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January 28, 2019

   Calvinism & Arminianism: Can you please explain Calvinism, Arminianism, Pelagianism, predestination, election, free will, God choosing some people & not choosing others?

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   Blessing Israel: How are we supposed to bless Israel if they are not part of Israel yet? [Acts 3:25, ]

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   Gap Theory: Are you familiar w/ the gap theory between Genesis 1:1 & 1:2, & what are your thoughts about it?

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   Kingdom of God Presently: The lion & the Lamb & the wolf all getting along together, but if your view of the Kingdom of God is true, thinking it's right now, those things sure don't seem to be happening right now. [Isaiah 11:6-8}

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   Reconciling Scripture: How do passages of scripture like Matthew 5:44 and 1 Corinthians 5 harmonize, love your enemies, but then discipline your "enemies"?

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   Coffers: Are these 2 passages of scripture talking about the same thing where everyone just put all their money in one pot & people took what they needed? [Acts 4:34, Hebrews 10:34-36, 1 John 3:18]

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   The Nephilim: What is the meaning of all this stuff about the Nephilim, the giants marry the daughters of God? [Genesis 6]

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   Satan raising people from the dead: Is there somewhere in the Bible that says Satan can raise the dead?
Creation Literal: A day in the account of Creation does not mean that it has to be a literal 24 period of time, does it?

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   Husbands Love your Wives: What is the meaning of this, loving your wife? [Ephesians 5:25]

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January 29, 2019

   Continuously Repenting: I was told that if we repent & accept Jesus, we no longer need to repent or ask for forgiveness anymore. Is this true?

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   Unwed Children: My children not married & all are in sexual relationships w/ their partner. They were raised Christians too. What should I say to them?

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   "They know not what they do": What did Jesus mean when he said, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do!"? A lot of people don't know what they are doing, but are still guilty of sinning! [Luke 23:34]

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   Jealousy: Is it wrong for a Christian to be jealous of their spouse?

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   Claiming Healing: if I have faith in the power & name of Jesus, can I know that He will heal me? [Acts 3:16]

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   John Vernon McGee: What do you think of John Vernon Mcgee? He says we are going to rapture up before the tribulation, but before we are raptured, we have to hear the trumpet sound. What do you say? [Revelation 1:10

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   Samson What sin did Samson commit? Was it that he wanted to go with Delilah? Was he forgiven when he took down temple of the Philistines? [Judges 16]

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   Olivet Discourse: The disciples seem to ask 3 different questions. When did He answer the other 2? [Matthew 24:2-3]

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January 30, 2019

   Adam & Eve & the Holy Spirit: Were Adam & Eve filled with the Holy Spirit & did it leave them after they sinned? The Holy Spirit didn't come back then until Pentecost? [Acts 1:4-5]

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   King Saul: Did Saul go to heaven?
Demons in the Pigs: What happened to the demons after they went into the pigs? Did they die? [Mark 5:10-20]

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   Angles taking us up: When it says angels will take people to heaven, is that what occurs during the rapture, angles taking us up? [Mark 13:27]

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   Jesus Preaching in Hell: When Christ was crucified, He supposedly went & preached to those in hell. Did He really do that? Do they get that idea from 1 Peter? [1 Peter 3:18-20]

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   The 2 Beasts: the 2 beasts of Revelation in Revelation 13, what did you say they represent? You say they are not a man, but then at the end at chapter you say that number of the Beast was Nero's name. How can that be? [Revelation 13]

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   Promise of the Father: (followup for earlier in the show) Is the promise made in Genesis referring to the promise in Acts? [Genesis 22:18, Acts 1:4, Galatians 3:14]

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   Charles Fox Parham & the Gospel of Peter & Paul: (Disagreement) Have you ever heard of Charles Fox Parham? Peter & Paul seem to have taught 2 different gospels. We are saved by grace. We need to follow Paul's gospel & not Peter's, which is only directed towards the Jews.

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   Virgin Birth a Myth: Jews say the virgin birth prophecy was invented by Christians, that the famous verse we use in Isaiah that predicts the coming of a Messiah is spoken of in the past tense, not the future. [Isaiah 9:6]

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January 31, 2019

   Jesus' Blood on the Mercy Seat: Did Jesus spread His own blood on the mercy seat in heaven right after His resurrection?

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   Finger of God & the Kingdom of God: "But if I with the finger of God cast out devils, no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you", what does that mean? [Luke 11:20,

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   Churches in Atlanta: Do you know of any good churches in Atlanta? Are you on in any stations in Atlanta? How can I continue listening to your show?
Calvinism, Arminianism, Dispensationalism, Preterism: Can you tell me the difference between all these terms, all this terminology?

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   Homosexual Marriage: What does the Bible say about Homosexual Marriages? What do the Old & New Testament say about it? [Romans 1:26-27]

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   Council of Nicaea & Trinity (Follow-up): Council of Nicaea and the Trinity Doctrine. Caller thinks the Trinity was based on one verse in 1 John. [1 John 5:7]

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   Hasting the Day of the Lord: "Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God", what does that mean? How can we "hasten" Jesus' coming? [2 Peter 3:12]

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   Parable of the Sheep & the Goats: Can you please explain the parable of the sheep & the goats? [Matthew 25:31-46]

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   Palestinians: What is your view of the Palestinians in regard to Israel?
Church Fathers: You like to cite the church father a lot, except when it comes to the Eucharist. Why is that?

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