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<< January 2019 View all months March 2019 >>

February 01, 2019

   International Church of Christ: Do you know anything about the International Church of Christ?

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   "Leaving the Elementary Things": What does it mean, "leaving the elementary things behind"? [Hebrews 6:4-6]

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   Christ's Mission - 2 Phases: Christ's mission was divided into 2 missions, but why couldn't He have just done it all in the first Advent?

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   Book of Enoch: Why don't you think the Book of Enoch is authentic since the Dead Sea scrolls included it & didn't Jesus refer to it?

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   Judgment: How does this verse fit into the partial preterism, 70 AD paradigm? Sodom & Gomorrah will be having a future judgment, not at 70 AD. [Matthew 10:15]

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   Marriage: What determines when a couple is married in God's eyes or not?

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February 04, 2019

   Covenants: What are the parameters of a covenant? What are the different kinds of covenants? A Covenant would only end in the death of one party?

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   Eucharist: During the Eucharist, why does it matter if the wine & the bread turn into the actual blood & body of Jesus & why do people believe that happens?

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   Rapture: Where does the word, "Rapture" come from? What is Greek word for rapture, "caught up"?
70 Weeks: When does the start 70 weeks, which date do we start with? Daniel 9 & Ezra

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   Fellowshipping (Gathering Together): What does it mean to "assemble yourselves together"? Some pastors say if we don't meet formally we are sinning. [Hebrews 10:25]

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   Holy Spirit: Is it true that God forgives & Jesus forgives, but the Holy Spirit doesn't, is that right? [Matthew 12:31-35]

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   Fall of Babylon & Sun 7 Times Brigher: Are these scriptures talking about judgment? [Isaiah 13:10, Isaiah 30:26]

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   Must Hear the Gospel: In a book by John Piper called,"Jesus: The Only Way to God", he says that people must hear the Gospel in order to be saved or they can not be saved. Is this true?

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February 05, 2019

   White Privilege: Are you familiar w/ "white privilege"? What are your thoughts about it? Is there a biblical basis for it?

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   Land of Israel: Why didn't Israel ever get the entire land? Are God's promises conditional? [Genesis 15]

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   Sin Unto Death: There are some sins that are not unto death? [1 John 5:8]
Witchcraft: Bad things are happening because of witchcraft. What should be done about it?

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   Eating & Drinking Jesus: Is eating Jesus' flesh & drinking His blood literal or symbolic? Do people think about this because of the word, "in"? [John 6]
Testimony: How do you share a testimony, my conversion experience, w/out affecting some close people to me who were involved w/ why I had the problems in the first place?

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   Eternal judgment: John Piper says that the wicked are going to be tormented eternally. [Hebrews 6:1-2, Revelation 14:10, 20:10]
Dispensationalism & taking Revelation literally: There's a lengthy discussion about it the caller takes Revelation literally or symbolically as a Dispensationalist.

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   Essentials or Non-Essentials: Should there be a statement of faith, a list of things that are essential & non-essential that a church believes in? Is that a good idea?

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   Eucharist: Why would Steve go against 1,500 years worth of Church Fathers saying that they were wrong about the Eucharist, not literally eating the Body & drinking the Blood of Jesus' body when you take it?

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February 06, 2019

   Less Stern Judgment: Did pagans have less accountability than the Israelites because they didn't know as much as Israel? [Acts 14:16, 17:30]

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   Boasting in Infirmities: "Boast in my infirmities", what did Paul mean by boasting in his infirmities? [2 Corinthians 12:9]

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   Teaching Different Beliefs: Teachers teaching different interpretations of scripture, different ideas, how far would you allow that to go?
Charles Spurgeon: Was Charles Spurgeon a Calvinist? He was talking about getting out of being lukewarm, so why would a Calvinist be saying that?

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   Land of Israel Didn't God promise to give the all the land back to Israel? Is this verse in Joshua hyperbolic? [Joshua 21:43]

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   Trinity: How would you explain the Trinity so a child could understand it?

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   Santa Claus: What about parents who don't think it's time to share Christ & the Christmas story but will introduce Santa?

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   Repentance for Salvation: Isn't it a false doctrine to teach that we have to repent from our sins in order to be saved?
Paul & Modern Translations: What's that verse about all Scripture being inspired? Is Paul talking about the New Testament? New Translations of the Bible? [2 Timothy 3:16]

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   Death: What happens to us after we die? Are we in the presence of God? Are we asleep, unconscious? Jesus told the thief on the cross that he'd be w/ Him in Paradise that day, but a verse in Ecclesiastes says the dead know not anything. [Luke 23:43, Ecclesiastes 9:5]

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February 07, 2019

   Anthropomorphism of God: Sometimes God acts like He doesn't know something or that He's sorry for doing something. Do these give credence to the fact that He might not know everything? [Genesis 6:6,
Righteous People Don't Need a Savior: So was Jesus saying that the righteous people don't need a Savior? [Luke 5:31-32]

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   Marriage, Divorce & Inheritance: Caller is about receive quite an inheritance & wondering if he has to or should give some it to his wife who is divorcing him.

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   The name Narrow Path & the Theme Music: Is the Scripture passage in Matthew why you named the program, "the narrow path"? Where did you get your introductory theme music? [Matthew 7:13-14]

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   Father or Husband: Is this talking about a girl's father or future husband? [1 Corinthians 7:34-39]

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   Sermon on the mount & judging: It says not to judge, but then it says you should judge. [Matthew 7:1-6, John 7:24-25]

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   Baptism-water & Holy Spirit: Will people go to heaven if you are not water baptized? What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit? How does one get baptized by the Holy Spirit? Are they 2 different things?

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   Cessation of Spiritual Gifts: Did the gifts of the Spirit cease after the Apostolic Age? [1 Corinthians 13:8]

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February 11, 2019

   Jesus Bored w/ Prayers: Can some prayers be boring to Jesus?
Old Covenant & New Covenant: Are there things carried over from the Old Covenant to the New Covenant?

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   Personality Tests: What does steve think of taking personality tests?

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   Pentecostal What does pentecostal mean?

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   King David: Was King David a Jew? Did he observe the Sabbath & the Passover? Did he ever reference Moses in any of his writings?

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   The White Throne Judgment: Are all these judgments talking about the same judgment, the sheep & the goats, & the great white throne judgment? [2 Timothy 4:1, Matthew 25, Revelation 20:11-15]
No longer Blind: Can you tell me what He was saying here? The Pharisees are no longer ignorant? [John 9:39-41]

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   Church Government: What is the best form of church polity, elders, overseers, & so on?
Bible Manuscripts: Why are some manuscripts considered so much better than others by some, especially KJV only types?

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   Faith: "faith is not necessarily what God will do, but what God can do", What does Steve think of that definition of faith? [Hebrews 11:1]

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February 12, 2019

   Enemies your Footstool: What enemies is the Hebrew's writer referring to & how are they going to be humbled? [Hebrews 1:13, Psalm 110:1]

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   Parable of the talents: Isn't it good to save money for retirement?

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   King David: It seems to go against God's character that David can have more than one wife. [2 Samuel 12:8, I]

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   Abortion: Isn't the devil, by having 14 million babies aborted every year, just making a whole bunch more people go to heaven?

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   Death: Why is it that we have to die before Jesus comes back?

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   Nephilim: "Sons of God", nephilim, giants, correction about what he thought Steve said they were of Irael. [Genesis 6]

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   God's Promises Conditional: Did you say every promise of God is conditional?
David & Paul differences: God doesn't deal w/ us according to our sins but then Paul says that He does, can these be harmonized? [Psalms 103:10, Romans 2:14]

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   Caesar Calendar Keeping track of the years of Christ from when He was born

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   Choosing Good over Evil: God made everything good, so why didn't Adam (or Lucifer) choose good?

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February 13, 2019

   Prayer: Is it biblical to pray for my enemies, but pray against their evil deeds?

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   Women Pastors & Elders: Why would churches allow women to be pastors but not elders?

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   Spirit, Water & Blood: What does this verse mean, calling the Trinity Spirit, Water & Blood? [1 John 5:6-8]
Covenant being Ratified by Death A covenant/testament is not enforced until the testator dies, is that true? [Hebrews 9:16]

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   Kabbalism: What do you know about Kabbalism?

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   Holy Spirit: If you don't receive the Holy Spirit are you automatically going to hell?

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   Never Hearing Gospel: What about people who have never heard about Jesus?

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   No interpretation of tongues: Speaking in tongues that nobody can interpret, is that biblical?

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   Paul & His Gospel: Why does Paul say, "my gospel"? [Galatians 1:8-9]
"Set apart for the Gospel of God": What does it mean to be "set apart for gospel of God....or Christ"? Does this in anyway help defend the Trinity? [Romans 1:1]

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   Homosexuality: Can you be a homosexual & be saved?
Jesus being Indignant: Why in the NIV does Mark 1:41 say that Jesus was "indignant" at the leper? [Mark 1:41]

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February 14, 2019

   Sealed by the Holy Spirit: So if we are sealed w/ the Holy Spirit, we shouldn't be able to lose our salvation, should we? {Ephesians 4:30]

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   Soon meaning Soon: Jesus said He is going to come "soon". Other prophecies did happen soon after John wrote them, but Jesus hasn't come back yet 2,000 years later, so how is that soon? Doesn't that mean some of the prophecies that you thought were already fulfilled still have yet to be fulfilled, besides Jesus actually coming back?

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   Losing Zeal: I've lost my faith, and I want to know how to regain it.

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   Baptism; Should I get re-baptized since I didn't know what I was doing when I was first baptized?

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   Taxes: Tax laws & being deceitful

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   Tempted by Satan or the Flesh: What percentages are we tempted by Satan verses how much we are tempted by our flesh?

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   Showing judgment to the Gentiles: Is this a prophecy in Matthew regarding the Gentiles? [Matthew 12:18]

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   Encouraging a Previous Caller: Caller wanted to call & encourage a orevious caller who wants to re-gain his faith.

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   Working out your own Salvation: What does it mean to "work out your own salvation"? [Phillipians 2:12]

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   Losing your Faith: Asking if Steve agrees about a statement she says about losing our salvation (inspired from a previous caller).

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February 15, 2019

   Trinity: Why does a person believe in a Trinity when 1), it's not in the Bible, 2) God never commanded us to refer to Him as that, 3) there's only one literal Holy Spirit & 4) it wasn't even part of the early church's dogma? (Argumentative call) Discussion about the Rapture comes up.

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   Abyss: We know what hades & gehenna are, but what is the abyss? Is it hell?

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   Differing Kinds of Spirits: We know there are different kinds of evil spirits, spirit of infirmity, & spirit of fear, but what about different kinds of good spirits?

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   Tithing & Animals during the Exodus: How were the Israelites able to tithe in the wilderness, & how were they able to keep their livestock healthy?

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   Sabbath: Why we don't keep the sabbath on the 7th day of the week & when was it changed?

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   Deathbed conversion as opposed to long-term Christians losing their faith: What about a good person who was a Christian most of their life who ends up going to hell & a person who was evil most of their life who repents and becomes saved?

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   Born Again: What does it mean for a person to be saved?

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February 18, 2019

   Tips on Calling the Narrow Path Radio Show: 3 suggestions when making a question on the Narrow Path Radio show.

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   70th Week: Why would the Messiah make a covenant for only 1 week? [Daniel 9:27]
The Millennium: Could the book of Revelation be revealing a millennium? [Revelation 20]

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   Works of the Flesh: List of carnal things that will keep you from inheriting the kingdom of God. Does this include Christians who do some of those things? [Galatians 5:19-21, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10]

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   Salvation through the Gospel of John: Can an unbeliever become a believer by just reading the book of John?

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   Guide us into all Truth: How should we interpret that? The Holy Spirit leading us into all truth? Why do we have so many disagreements on what is true?

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   Queen of the South: Who is the queen of the south? [Matthew 12:42]
Triune God: Where does Paul talk about a Triune God?

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   Two Bears killed Youths: So 2 bears came out of the woods & killed the young men that were mocking Elijah. What's up w/ that?

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   Street Preachers: Are street preachers doing the right thing, yelling at unbelievers? Is this right or wrong? [I Corinthians 5:12-13]

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   Communion: Holy Communion, open or closed? What are the qualifications to receive it?

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February 19, 2019

   The Sabbath: The Sabbath becoming Sunday, how come the people in the New Testament didn't call Sunday the Sabbath with a better term?

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   Coming in the Clouds: Coming on the clouds as being relative to coming in judgment, rather than the second coming [Matthew 13:24]

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   Jesus' Witnesses after His Resurrection: Jesus was only seen by fellow Christians between the time of His resurrection & His ascension? [John 14:19-21, 1 Corinthians 15]

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   Partial Preterism & Amillennialism: Under the Model of Partial Preterism/Amillennialism, what are some predictions/prophecy that remain to happen for those that hold that view?

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   Best Place to Start in New Christian Experience studying the Bible: Where to begin in the word, for a new believer?

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   Everlasting Contempt: Does this apply to the view of hell of eternal torment, people sleeping in dust & the wicked having everlasting contempt? John 5 seems to be about hell. Transition from old covenant to the new covenant? Discussion of the traditional view of hell [Daniel 12:2]

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   Demon-Possession: Demons, Ouija boards, wondering about the idea that something like a Ouija board could actually be dangerous. Does the Bible tell us how people get demon-possessed?

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   Composition of Adam & Eve: What was the physical composition of Adam and Eve? Were they the same as us? Did they digest like us?

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February 20, 2019

   Word of Faith movement: How much power do we have in praying for the salvation of someone?

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   Follow up to Discussion about Ouija Boards & Demon-Possession: Ouija boards & demon possession.

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   Spiritual World: Is the spiritual world just as real as the physical world?
The Firmament: What is the firmament in Genesis? [Genesis 1]

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   Differing Views of Hell: Can you tell me your views about Hell? What happens to the wicked? Are they annihilated?

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   Views of hell: What is your personal conviction hell?

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   Near Death Experiences: Why do some people who die sometimes linger and then come back to life (near death experiences)?

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   Women pastors: What do you think about Women Pastors?
Tithing: What are your views about Tithing, Old Testament & New Testament?

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   Jesus' Childhood: Why is there no documentation about Jesus from 12 yrs old to 30 years old?

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February 21, 2019

   Early Manuscripts: Did any of the church fathers have all the existing old Manuscripts? How much earlier were all the manuscripts I just mentioned written prior to the Textus Receptus? Is there any evidence that the people who wrote the manuscripts before the Textus Receptus denied the Deity of Christ? What do you think some of reasons Westcott-Hort the Greek Bible?

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   Imputed Righteousness: What are steve's thoughts on imputed righteousness & double imputation? What about future sins?

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   Son of Man: Why does Jesus refer to Himself as the "Son of man"?
Jesus referring to Himself as Christ: Why didn't He call Himself Christ more often than Son of man?

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   Jehoiakim: Why is "he" capitalized in some versions & not in others? Can you explain this discrepancy in the age of king Jehoiakim? [Ezekiel 21:25-27, 2 Chronicles 36:9 & 2 Kings 24]

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   Reincarnation: What does the Bible say about reincarnation?
God Speaking to us: Does God speak to us through other people?

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   Early Manuscripts: Early manuscripts of the Bible comment.
Eusebius: Why don't you quote Eusebius who believes the same as you, as far as eschatology? 21, 6, 2,

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February 22, 2019

   Shipwrecking your Faith: What does it mean to shipwreck your faith? [1 Timothy 1:19-20]

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   Races: Where did all the races of humanity come from?

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   The Books of Revelation & Ezekiel: Why couldn't all the battles & wars in Ezekiel 38 & 39 be taken symbolically in the future since Revelation is so symbolic?

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   Jesus & taking Vinegar on the Cross: Is vinegar considered wine?
Amillennialism: When Jesus said that some standing there in that generation would not taste death until all these things happened be a pro-Amillennialism statement? [Matthew 24:34]

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   Amillennialism Notes from Lectures: Can I get notes that you used for your lectures?
Little Horn in Daniel: Little horn in Daniel 7, is he the anti-Christ? The Papacy?

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   Turning the Other Cheek: What does "turn the other cheek" mean, & how are these verses to be taken regarding being struck on the cheek? [Matthew 5:39, Acts 23:3, John 18:23]

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   Holy Roman Empire & other Church History: Are these other events are going to be future in Ezekiel? What about the White Horse in Revelation? [Ezekiel, Revelation 6:1] (junk call)

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   Jerusalem being the Epicenter: Why is Jerusalem so important? [Daniel 9:15]

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   Neanderthals: If Adam was the first human, who were the Neanderthals?

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February 25, 2019

   Rape & losing Faith: What should a person say to a someone who says she is a Christian who was sexually assaulted, but is now losing her faith?

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   Church influencing your Children: What should the church involvement regarding how you raise your family?

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   Church Discipline: A preacher is upset that someone won't support his child because she partnered w/ the catholic church on a missions trip & so the person not supporting her cites a passage of Scripture on why he can't support her. [2 John 1:9-11]

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   God Divorcing Israel: Can you expound on the divorce of Israel that Jesus talked about? Did that take place? Is that the New Covenant [Isaiah 54:5, Jeremiah 3:14, 31:32]

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   Church Membership: A pastor presented a lecture on why church membership is biblical. Is this true?

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   Jews & the 70 Weeks in Daniel: The Jewish view regarding the 70 weeks in Daniel 9 is that it is not talking about Jesus. What is the 70 weeks talking about?

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February 26, 2019

   Marriage & Divorce: What to do about counseling a Christian couple who are about to get a divorce?

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   "Declare His Generation": Can you explain this verse, "declare His Generation"? [Acts 8:33]

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   Daughter's lack of zeal for the Lord: I;m concerned that my daughter doesn't seem to have a desire for God & wondering if you could give me advice

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   Dead Saints: Is death a sleep? [1 Thessalonians 4:13-14]
Unity in Christ: Maturity, unity in Christ; what is the unity of the faith? [Ephesians 4:13]

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   Enmity between thy seed & her Seed: What does this verse mean enmity between thy seed & her seed? [Genesis 3:15]

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   Predestination: When the Lord said He predestined a person, does this mean He's already determined that they would be saved?

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February 27, 2019

   The Rich young ruler & being Good: hat is the definition of good? [Luke 18:18-34]

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   "Sent by the Father": Why do you suppose that gospel of John refers to Jesus being sent by the Father so many more times than the other 3 gospels?

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   Salvation: Some people argue that if you have to do more than accept Jesus Christ as your Lord & Saviour, you're working for your salvation

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   End times timeline & Amillennialism: Where are we, currently, in the timeline of the earth & what yet still has to be fulfilled?

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   Herod: God kills Herod, but He also says not to avenge ourselves? [Acts 12:23]

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   Baptism: Is being baptized only in the name of Jesus the same thing as being baptized in the name of the Father, Son & Holy Ghost?

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   John Bevere: Have you (Steve) ever heard of John Bevere?
Alcohol: Is drinking alcohol sinning? Being drunk?

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   America & Christianity Why do you think Christianity is so weak today in America?

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   Trinity: I'm struggling with the idea of the Trinity, & the Holy Spirit, if the Holy Spirit is an entity to Itself or not. What verses would tell me that the Holy Spirit is part of the Trinity?

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February 28, 2019

   Gambling: What does the Bible say about gambling?
Calvinism: Why does it seem Calvinists ignore verses that appear to go against their belief system? [2 Peter 3:9]

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   Calvinism, Irresistible Grace, & the Elect: Calvinism teaches an irresistible grace & that only the elect can hear His voice. Is this true? [John 10:15-27]

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   Church Discipline, Judging, Rebuking: Church discipline, if I see my brother sinning, should I just ignore it or what? [Matthew 18]

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   Christian Mythology: Are stories of Jesus regarding crucifixion, resurrection, etc. taken from stories before the Bible (mythology)?
Being a Prepper: Is being a prepper, a survivalist, is that a lack of faith?

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   Lottery Winnings & Tithing: If you win the lottery and Tithe with the money, would God be happy with your offering?

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   Writers of the New Testament: Did the writers of the NT know they were writing scripture when they were writing?

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   Word of Faith Preachers: What do you think about Joyce Meyers & Andrew Wommack?

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   Never Hearing the Gospel: What about native americans who were never exposed to the gospel?

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