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<< February 2019 View all months April 2019 >>

March 01, 2019

   Division in the Church: Where does one draw the line when choosing to no longer associate with other Christians? Differences of opinion in the many and various denominations. Protestant vs Catholic. [II John].
Abiding in Christ: What constitutes "not abiding in Christ"?

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   Dating of Revelation: Can we harmonize the various opinions about the 96 AD date and AD 70 (the fall of Jerusalem) for the writing of the book of Revelation?

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   Old Testament-Holy Spirit: How could God expect people to obey Him in the Old Testament if they did not have the Holy Spirit and were not regenerated?

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   Church discipline (disfellowship): If one calls themselves a Christian, but doesn't seem to be trying very hard to overcome their sin, should Christian friends stop being around them? [I Corinthians 5].

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   Satan: Is Satan a literal or symbolic being? Should we be taking the Bible literally or symbolically?

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   Types of Christ-Mordecai: Was Mordecai a type of Christ? Types of Christ in the Old Testament and their meanings as identified in the New Testament. Presumed, but unidentified types of Christ. [I Corinthians 10].

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   Resurrection: What about the resurrection and Enoch? Will there be marriage in the resurrection? Does Jesus' agreement with Enoch validate the inspiration of the book of Enoch? What is the difference of opinions of the Sadducees and Pharisees about the resurrection [Luke 16, Matthew 22:29-33]?

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March 04, 2019

   Jews-All Saved?: Are Jewish people all going to heaven, whether they accept Christ or not?

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   Flat Earth: Does the Bible teach a flat, or disc-shaped earth [Genesis 1]?

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   Calvinism & Jacob & Esau: Calvinism's view of the Scripture in Romans 9. Issac and Ishmael and what Issac was chosen for. What does it mean when scripture indicates that God hated Esau and loved Jacob [Malachi 1:3, Romans 9:13]?

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   Modern Israel: Do you believe the Arabs had their land unjustly taken when the state of Israel was formed in 1948? What is the significance of Israel now? What are the prophesies about Israel?

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   Prayer in Jesus' Name: What is the significance of praying "in Jesus' name"?
Old Bible redistribution: To whom should I give my old Bibles?

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   Old Testament Law: According to the Old Testament, should we put rebellious children to death? [Deuteronomy 21:18-21], [Mark 7:9-1].

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   Heaven: When I die, I want to stay in heaven, why do we have to come back down here?

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   People Evil: Are we just mistaken, rather than really evil, if we are going down the wrong path? [Ephesians 6:12}?

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March 05, 2019

   Jesus as "The Word": How are we to understand Jesus as "The Word (Logos)" [John 1:1-4 ]? [Genesis 1, Psalm 33:6].
Christians in Government: Would you elaborate on Christian responsibility relative to law enforcement, state mandates, war, and capital punishment [Mark 7, Romans 13]?

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   Genesis Genealogy: Would you clarify the continuity of the generations and lineage before the flood [Genesis 5: 6-7]?

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   Hell-3 Views: Would you clarify your view of Hell (eternal torment, shame, everlasting contempt)? Can you explain Annihilationism [Dan 12:2]? Can you clarify the meaning of the word for "everlasting" in scripture (olam; eternal, everlasting, beyond the horizon).
Partial Preterism: Can you clarify "Partial Preterism?"

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   Full Preterism: What about the differences between full preterism (Don Preston) and partial preterism?

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   Jesus' Defeat of Satan: What do you think of the Word of Faith teaching about Jesus going to hell to defeat Satan? How did Jesus defeat Satan? How did He triumph over the demonic powers? [Colossians 2:15, Hebrews 2:14].

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   Once Saved, Always Saved?: Are we born sinners? Once saved, always saved? What is the significance to remaining attached to the vine? [Hebrews 3:12, John 15:6, Romans 11:22, Luke 8:13].

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March 06, 2019

    Church Membership: Should we be involved in churches who require membership or signing a church covenant?

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   Once Saved, Always Saved: Can we lose our Salvation? Is there not eternal security? [John 17:12, John 6].

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   Original Sin: Is a child born with the sin of Adam already upon him (Doctrine of Original Sin)?

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   Signs of Salvation: What are the necessary signs of salvation? Do you have to be baptized or speak in tongues in order to be saved? What does being saved actually mean?

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   New Earth: Will we still have temptations and free will, and be able to disobey, when we are on the new earth? If the angels chose to sin, will we be able to?

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   Battle Flesh & Spirit: Clarify sin and the battle between flesh and spirit [Romans 6:23, Galatians 5:16-17].

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   Once Saved, Always Saved: Is it dangerous to stay in a church that believes the extremes of either position; one cannot lose their salvation vs one can never lose their salvation?

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March 07, 2019

   Repentance-After Death: Is there a possibility of repentance after death? What scriptural references would support this idea? [I Tim 2:4].
Christians sin: What do you say to those Christians who insist that we, as Christians, sin every day? How does one define sin? [I Corinthians 10:13]

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   Jesus in The Garden of Eden: Would you expound on "the voice of God" in the Garden of Eden? Did God physically appear? Could it have actually been a form of Jesus? [Genesis 3, Genesis 18:10]. Defining "Theophany" and "Christophany." [Col 2:9, John 1:14].

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   Gnosticism: Were the Gnostic Gospels around at the same time as New Testament writers (1st century)?
Defining "Sin": Can you offer fuller meaning to the word and concept of "sin"? [Romans 3:23, Romans 7, Romans 8:2]

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   Righteousness & Justification: Is this verse, Psalms 106:31, talking about the same concept as when it says Abraham was justified by faith [Psalms 106:31, Romans 4, Galatians 5:6, James 2:24].

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   Calvinism-The Elect: Are Calvinists similar to the Jews that assumed salvation based on their ethnic election-or chosen status? [Romans 9]. Are Calvinists more humble because they believe in total depravity?

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   The Church-Organization: What do you think about a home church vs an established church organization? The Narrow Path; Article: What is the Church?, Topical Lecture: Some Assembly Required

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   Honor Your Parents: What does it mean to honor your parents? Is it the same for a child, as it is for an adult? [Ephesians 6, Matthew 15:3, Mark 7, I Timothy 3:5]. What about if your parents don't want your help?

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   Tithing: What else would the website, The Narrow Path, have about tithing, besides the posted article? Steve recommends "Toward a Radically Christian Counter-Culture." and his verse-by-verse; [Genesis 14, Malachi 3, Luke 12]. What do you think about a pastor who questions one's salvation if they are not tithing, and suggests that tithing is not a ceremonial law, but a moral law?

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March 08, 2019

   Heaven or New Earth: Where will believers end up living, ultimately? Will it be in heaven or on the new earth? [Psalm 2, Matthew 5:5] Do believers ever get to go to heaven? What does "absent from the body, present with the Lord" refer to? [II Corinthians 5:8, Philippians 1, I Thessalonians 4:14}.

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   Is God in Control?: Is God really in control, or has He given control to man? Is He protecting His people? [Psalm 91:11, Psalm 34:7].

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   Revelation-3.5 years: Would you help clarify the timeline in Revelation relative to the 70th week of Daniel [Daniel 9] and the 3.5 years in Revelation?

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   Adam & Eve: Were Adam & Eve the only people on the planet when they were created? Where did the children get their spouses? [Genesis 5:4]

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   Temptation: Is it true that God will always deliver people from their temptations [I Corinthians 10:13]?

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   Election (Predestination): Is the verse about the potter & the clay about people being predestined to be saved or to go to hell [Jeremiah 18:1-4}?. What does "They are not all Israel, that are Israel" mean [Romans 9:6]? [Isaiah 10:22, Romans 9:27-28] Who are the chosen ones? Chosen for what? What about Jacob & Esau? And the vessel for honor or dishonor [2 Timothy 2:20-21, Romans 9:21].

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   God's Omnipresence: Is God is present at every moment of time? Are there any other dimensions mentioned in the Bible?

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   Sons of God: Were the Sons of God in Genesis 6, possibly the original angels? [Genesis 6, Psalm 82] What about "the councils of Gods"? Are angels are really tall? Was God's first attempt at creation a failure, so He created us?
Nephilim: What about "the councils of Gods"? Are angels are really tall? Was God's first attempt at creation a failure, so He created us?

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   Second Coming-Rapture: Are these both these passages talking about the rapture and the resurrection [Matthew 24, 2 Thessalonians 2:1f]?

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March 11, 2019

   Foot Washing: Why is foot washing not practiced in the United States since it is clearly demonstrated in the Bible? [John 13:14-15].

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   Two Ages in the Bible? What is Don Preston's (a full-preterist) view of the resurrection? Are there only two ages? [Acts 2:7-9] neither marry or given in marriage/ Luke 20:34

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   Foot Washing: Regarding foot washing, was there some more symbolic connection to the priest washings?

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   Catholic traditions: So you think that some of the traditions in the Catholic Church seem to be bordering on idolatry?

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   Scripture relevancy to today: Why do we think some scripture applies to us, when it was written to specific ancient people [Zephaniah 3:17]? Old Testament verses identified in the New Testament, as applying to us now. How to distinguish ones applicable to us today? [2 Corinthians 1:20].
Seven Churches (Revelation): Are the seven churches in Revelation, equal to "seven ages" many have been taught? [Revelation 1:11].

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   Incest: Didn't Adam & Eve's children have incestuous relationships?
Polygamy: Where does the Bible indicate that we should not practice polygamy? [Ephesians 5:22-32, Matthew 19].

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March 12, 2019

   Omniscience: Does God choose not to know everything? How does this fit in with "openness theology"

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   Strange Behaviors in Church: What do you think about all the strange behaviors taking place in the church in some circles (speakers that were “stoned with the Holy Spirit”, acting drunken, “tokin’ the ghost”, or giving “healing hugs”).

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   When good kids die young: If honoring one's father and mother suggests a promise of long life, why do some good children die young? [Zephaniah 6:1-3, Ephesians 6].

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   Mark of the Beast: Could the "mark of the beast" really be referring to an image on a coin due to mistranslation?

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   Omniscience: Does God know every outcome, yet still allows for free will?
Sabbath keeping: Is it okay to keep the Sabbath and the festivals, if you want to? [Romans 14:5].

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   The Narrow Path Why is it a "narrow path"? Why is it taking so long for people to find Christ? Is it because the path is so narrow? [Matthew 7:13].

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   Commitment to Christ: Should we understand that praying the sinner’s prayer is like taking an oath of committing oneself for a future endeavor, like the military?

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   Hell-Annihilation: Does scripture really allow for the view of hell called "annihilation"?

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March 13, 2019

   John 2 Why is there so much repetition in John's writing [I John 2:12-14]?

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   Living Together, Unmarried: What would you say about a committed Christian couple who live together, but decided to remain unmarried for the financial benefits?

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   Exodus: During the exodus, the people were limited to manna and quail, why didn’t they eat their livestock and not just sacrifice it?

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   Weak Christianity in America: Caller position is that many mainstream preachers don’t teach very solid material, and that American Christians need to speak out about some of the about the church's objectionable political changes.

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   Timeline-Decrees: Can you clarify the timeline regarding the rebuilding of the temple, Artaxerxes and Zerubbabel. and the decrees? [Ezra 4, Nehemiah 2].

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   Eternity: How does one understand; Christ as the image of the invisible God, and Jesus as "The Word" from the beginning? [Colossians 1:15, John 1:1].

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   Israel-God's People: Who are God's people? Isn't Paul saying that God's people are identified as national Israel? [Romans 11:1, 28, 8:29, 9:27, Chapters 9-11].

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March 14, 2019

   Radio Directives: friendly reminder of normal radio call-in procedures

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   Demon: Are demons afraid to be sent into non-existence (or the depth)? [Luke 8:30-33].

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   Healthy Churches: What would you suggest to help keep a ministry strong and healthy? Can you share your observations and what to watch out for?

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   Charging Interest on Loans: What are your thoughts about Christians charging interest on loaned money?

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   Doctors & Medical Insurance: Do you think it is a compromise in your Christian faith if you go to doctors or carry health insurance?

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   Jesus the Son of God: How do I understand the relationship or overlap of the Father and Son, and how His omnipresence and omniscience worked?
Jesus before age 30: What was Jesus doing the first 30 years before His ministry started?

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   Catholic Christian: Is the Catholic church a Christian church? Have you ever heard of Alpha course?

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   Crucifixion Discrepancies: How do you resolve the apparent discrepancies regarding the time of the crucifixion of Jesus? [Mark 15:25, John 19:14].
Church Fathers: What are good sources for reading the church fathers?
Writing of Revelation date evidence: Is there evidence that Revelation was written after 70 AD?

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   Baptism: Should I be re-baptized, if I was baptized before?
Holy Spirit: How do I become baptized with the Holy Spirit?
Salvation: How do I know if I am saved?

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March 15, 2019

   Kingdom of God/ Heaven: Is the "kingdom of heaven" & the "kingdom of God" the same thing? Any significance to the words; "enter" & "inheritance" [Matthew 7:21-23, 1 Corinthians 6:9]?
Saints in Heaven: Will the saints be in heaven? [Revelation 6]

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   Angels: Are the "sons of God" and the "morning stars" actually angels [Job 38:7]?

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   Heaven & Judgment: Isn't it going to be a bittersweet experience when we go to heaven, because of the judgement?
Blue-eyed Middle-Easterners: Were there blue-eyed Caucasians in the middle east during Jesus' time? 15 3 2 1117

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   God as 2 Persons: Does scripture seem to indicate that there are two different entities; the King of Israel & His Redeemer, the first & the last [Isaiah 43:1, 44:6]?

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   Hebrew Roots: The Hebrew Roots movement and the Melchizedekian Doctrine.

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   Forgiveness & Unforgiveness: If you don't tell someone that you forgive them before they die, are you lost? What is forgiveness and reconciliation for? [Mark 11:25].

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   7th Day Adventists: As a former 7th Day Adventist, I have watched your debate with Doug Batchelor, and your lectures and want to share with my family, but there is so much material, and so much to tackle, where would you suggest I start? Comments about the World-Wide Church of God and its changes and relationship to the Hebrew Roots movements.

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   Unbelievers after death: What happens to an unbeliever immediately after death? Since they are not in the lake of fire until the judgment, where are they now? [Luke 16:19]. Distinction made between Hades and the lake of fire.

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   The Wall in New Jerusalem: What purpose does the wall serve in the New Jerusalem [Revelation 21, Isaiah 60, Zechariah 2:5, Ephesians 2]? Discussion of the symbolism of the walls equaling security.

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March 18, 2019

   Jesus' Coming: When Jesus says that "the gospel will be preached unto all the world" before the end will come, does He mean that it still needs to happen before He comes? Or has that already happened? [Matthew 24:14, Colossians 1:6, 23}.

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   Once Saved, Always Saved: If you are once saved, can you fall away? If you fall away, can you come back? [Hebrews 3:12]

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   Tribulation & Testing: Are the verses about being kept, or kept from the wicked one, about being protected from trials and testing, as in the Roman world? Is this related to the pre-trib rapture and the tribulation? [John 17:15].

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   Calvinism: Is Calvinism dangerous? Wouldn't it turn people away from God when God is presented as the one who ordains evil events, such as rape?

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   Jesus's Appearance: Why is Jesus depicted as a soft looking man when He would likely be darker and buff? Does this misrepresentation cause people to stumble?

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   Homosexuality: Were homosexuals stoned by Christians?

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   Divorce & Remarriage: What are God's thoughts about divorce? [Deuteronomy 24, Malachi 2]. When and under what conditions is one free from their obligation to the marriage []. Is restitution required? Will God forgive me if I'm the one guilty? [Matthew 5:31-32, I John 1:9].

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March 21, 2019

   Extreme Charismatics: What about extreme charismatics who are pursuing gifts that aren't even biblical (cults, Bethel movement, Sozo, Word of Faith)?

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   Dispensationalism: What do dispensationalists believe about the seven dispensations, and how does that affect their other beliefs? And the gospel of grace? [Acts 20:24].

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   Replacement Theology: What is Replacement Theology and Supersessionism? Did the New Covenant replace the Old Covenant? [Leviticus 26 & 28]
Scientology & Ron Hubbard: What is Scientology? Who is L Ron Hubbard? What are engrams?

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   Jesus Face to Face: Will we see Jesus face to face? [I John 3/ I Corinthians 13/ 2 Thessalonians 2]

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   Generational Curse: What does it mean to say the “sins of the fathers visited on the children to the 3rd and 4th generation” [Numbers 14:8].

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   Government Authority: Who are the governing authorities today? What is the limited sphere of authority of the government? [Romans 13:1f].

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March 22, 2019

   All Things to All Men: What does it mean to become all things for all men [I Corinthians 9:22]?
Ten Commandments: Are we required to obey the Ten Commandments? Is it part of salvation? Should we be under the law? How did Jesus fulfill the Law? [Matthew 5:17-20]. 22 1 2 99

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   Wedding Wine Miracle: When Mary told Jesus about running out of wine at the wedding, why did He address her the way he did and what did Jesus mean by "my hour is not yet come." Why did He ultimately end up performing the miracle? [John 2].
Praying to Mary: What about praying to Mary?

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   Moses's Authorship: What do you think about Moses's authorship being called in question in 'documentary Hypothesis"?

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   Jesus on the Throne: Will Jesus one day, sit on the literal throne of David?

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   Saved by Grace or Works: Are we saved by grace or by works? (caller thinks Steve believes that one must work for their salvation) [Titus 2:11-12, Titus, Galatians 5:6].

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   Tithing: What is our obligation in regard to tithing?

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   Authorship of Psalm 91: Who was the author of Psalm 91? Wasn't it David?

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March 25, 2019

   African Jews: Do you know of any proof that the Hebrews (Jews/Israelites) fled to Africa during the 70 AD siege? Does the name "Jew" refer to only the tribe of Judah or all of Israel?

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   Dwelling Places-John 14: Are we to relate the "dwelling places" to the houses "not made with hands"? Should we relate "heavenly house" with "living stones"? [John 14:2-4, 2 Corinthians 5:1]
Tabernacle: Was the tabernacle on the earth a copy of the one in heaven? [Hebrews 5:8] 25 2 2 311

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   Calvinism: Can you believe in one point of Calvinism, specifically "total depravity", without necessarily believing in the other 4 points in their 5-point system?

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   Once Saved, Always Saved: What do you think of someone who claims that they once went to hell in a near death experience, but had believed "once saved, always saved", so he thought he was safe. Should I get baptized in the Baptist church, even if they believe in "once saved, always saved"?

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   Stewardship: Have you ever heard of the book "Practicing the King's Economy"?

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   Animal sacrifice: On the Day of Atonement, what kind of animal did the High Priest slaughter? [Leviticus 16]. How do we understand the symbolism of "Lamb of God"? Do all the animals have distinct meanings in the sacrificial rites?

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   Tell No Man: Why did Jesus not want some things told to others ("tell no man") [Mark 7:36]?

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   Ashes on Foreheads: What do you think about people putting ash on the forehead for Lent? Is it OK?
After death: What happens after death to the believer & unbeliever?
Soul & Spirit: What is the difference between spirit & soul?

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   Salvation: What do we have to do to show God that we have enough faith to be saved? What is the evidence?

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   The Pope: What do you think about the Pope is trying to change a line in the Lord's prayer [Matthew 4:1]. Concept of the "Limited Negative."

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March 26, 2019

   Church: What prevents the modern day church being like the early church? Why there much church discipline anymore?

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   Millennium: Can you clarify what the millennium is and its various terms associated with it (1000 yr. millennium, realized millennialism, Amillennial, inaugurated millennium? [Revelation 20:1-10].

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   Determinate Counsel: What does this mean; "... the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God"? [Acts 2:23, 25].

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   Ten Commandments: Since Jesus indicated that there were only two comprehensive commandments, how then do we know which laws were abolished with the New Covenant? How do we know which are ceremonial and which are ritual laws?

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   Moses & Zipporah: What was the conflict with Moses and Zipporah, and why was God trying to kill Moses? [Exodus 4].

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   Adam & Eve's Banishment: If Jesus said, “its not what goes into a man that defiles a man” [Matthew 15: 11, 17-20], why were Adam & Eve banned from the garden for eating? Considering the test in the garden.[Genesis 2].

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   Church Conflict: What should I do if my daughter is asked not to return to her youth group, when it was not her that was the bully?

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   Noahide Laws: What should be done to help people who had an outreach helping Mormons come out of their church, but have themselves gone into Judaism & Noahide laws?

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   Egypt-post Exodus: If Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, who was left behind?

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March 27, 2019

   Law Fulfilled: If "not one jot or tittle until all is fulfilled", how can part of it be fulfilled? [Matthew 5:17-19]

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   Dress for Church: How should you dress when you go to church?

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   Walking in the Spirit: What does it mean to "walk in the Spirit"?
Ten Virgins Parable: What does the parable of the 10 virgins mean? And the oil?

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   Rapture of the Wicked: What about The Rapture and the possibility of the wicked going away first, rather than the righteous [I Timothy 5:6, Mathew 13:24f]? Raising of the dead will first be whom? [1 Thessalonians 4:16-18, 2 Thessalonians 1:8].
Day (literal or symbolic): Is the word for "day", literal or symbolic?

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   Mentally Ill: Will the mentally ill go to heaven?

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   Lineage of Jesus: How does Jesus by-pass the curse of original sin? What about the genealogy [Luke 3, Matthew 1]? Can you clarify the lineage of Zerubbabel, the descendant of Jehoiakim & Jeconiah?

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   Bible-Translation: What is your favorite version of the Bible? Is there one that is not slanted toward Dispensationalism?

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March 28, 2019

   Reprobate Mind: Can those with a reprobate mind, still be saved [Romans 1:28, 2 Corinthians 13, 1 Corinthians 9]?

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   Trinity: What convinces you that the Holy Spirit is indeed part of the Godhead? How can He be a "Person"?

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   Cremation: Is it biblical to be cremated?

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   Babylon: Is the church Babylon, actually Iraq, or Rome [1 Peter 5:13]?

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   Masturbation: Is masturbation a sin?

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   Oneness Theology: Is it heretical to not believe in the Trinity? Is Oneness Theology heresy?

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   Why Jesus: What is the greatest question of ALL time? Who is Jesus? Why?

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   Origen: Did the church father, Origen, have access to the New Testament scriptures? What would you recommend of his books?

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   Heaven: When we get to heaven are we going to be able recognize our friends and relatives, and be able to hug them?

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March 29, 2019

   Moses & Elijah: How did the disciples know that Elijah and Moses were the people with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration? Was it revealed to them?

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   Non-trinitarian: If someone is not trinitarian, and thinks that Jesus is a created being, among other unusual views, is that person actually saved, and should we continue to fellowship with them?

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   Witnessing: Can you offer advice on how to witness to non-believers? How does one engage them in conversation?

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   Location of the Crucifixion: Where was the temple and where did the events surrounding Jesus's crucifixion take place? What did Mount Moriah, and both David and Solomon's temples represent? [2 Chronicles 3].

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   Dinosaurs: Did the dinosaurs die during the flood?

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   Revelation: Does John measure the temple in his own body or is his spirit - or in somebody else's body? Did John actually get off of Patmos? Who do you think the two witnesses will be? [Revelation 11:1-14].

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   Is This Sin: Is it a sin to wear clothes that have Army emblems? Is it a sin if your Bible doesn't say Holy Bible? Are Christians supposed to keep the Sabbath holy? Should Jews still follow the Ten Commandments? Did Jesus keep the Ten Commandments? Should we live like Jesus did? [Exodus 20].

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   End Times-Imminent?: Does you believe that Jesus' return is imminent? Is there going to be a last trump as described in scripture [1 Corinthians 15:50-52] / When will the first six trumpets sound? And the last trump? [Revelation 10-11].

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   End Times-symbolism: What do The four Horsemen of the Apocalypse represent [Revelation 4]? What do the four judgments represent [Ezekiel 14:21]? How will the last days be like the days of Noah-eating, drinking, buying, selling [Matthew 24;37]? What about the seals [Revelation 6:1-8]?

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