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<< March 2019 View all months May 2019 >>

April 01, 2019

   Mormon/LDS belief: What do I say to a Mormon who says there was a great apostasy, true Christianity was lost after the apostles died, and Joseph Smith recovered the truth?

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   True Israelites: Slave trade predicted: New Egypt: Are the true Israelites black Africans?
Slave trade predicted: Is the trans-American slave trade curse predicted in [Deuteronomy 28:68]?
New Egypt: Is America is the new Egypt?

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   God Laws: Can God change His own laws? Caller doesn't think so. [Exodus 20:20]

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   Moses: Was God was trying to kill Moses, or trying to kill Moses' son? [Exodus 4:24-26]

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   God's Foreknowledge: The Flood: Why would God go forward with His plans when He knows how corrupt people would still be today? God's patience. If the Flood, 4,000 years ago, didn't cure humankind of their sin, then why continue the project? [Genesis 4]

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   Jesus on the White Horse Return: Will Jesus actually come back on a white horse, or is that symbolic? [Revelation 19:11]
Battle of Armageddon: Will anyone survive the Battle of Armageddon? [Revelation 16:16; 20:1-3]

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   Leaven: What is the leaven of the Herodians [Mark 8:15]? Who were the Herodians?

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   Temple Sacrifices: Were temple animal sacrifices condemned by God? [Jeremiah 7:21-24]

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April 02, 2019

   Sheep Gone Astray: In the Servant's Song, the words "our" and "we", in the phrase "all we like sheep have gone astray", was He talking about all mankind or just Jews? [Isa 53:4-6]

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   Bible Background - Inner Man & Outer Man: Can you recommend a book that gives a reliable background of the books of the Bible? Would you talk about the "inner man" vs the "outer man"?

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   Rebaptism: Should I be concerned if my church is requiring rebaptism for membership?

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   According to the Flesh: What does "according to the flesh, He will raise up Christ" mean? [Acts 2:30]

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   YWAM-Bethel: Is YWAM in Redding, CA connected with Bethel church?

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   The Sabbath & the Law: Though I agree with the abolishment of the law, what about the ten commandments? What about the Sabbath? [Matt 5:17-19]

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   Trinity: Since the word "Trinity" in not in the Bible, from where do we get the teaching?

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   Once Saved, Always Saved: How does one lose one's salvation? How are you able to leave Jesus Christ?

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April 03, 2019

   Religious apparel: Would it be a sin for a Christian to wear clothing representative of another faith (such as a Yakama, to a Jewish wedding)?

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   Suicide: Is suicide a sin, and what are it's ramifications?

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   Partial-Preterism: Can you convince me of partial-preterism (asked by a dispensational caller)?

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   Knowing the True Church: Since believers are scattered throughout many denominations, how do we know who the true church and true believers are? What does the true church look like?
Baptism: How do we know if someone is really repentant and ready for baptism? Who has the authority to baptize?

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   Oaths Forbidden: When Jesus forbid oaths, what did He mean [Matt 5:33-38]?

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   Authorship of Genesis: Do you think that Adam could have possibly written Genesis or part of it?
Young Earth: Do you believe in a young earth, that it is only about 5-6,000 yrs. old?

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April 04, 2019

   Angels: Do angels still defend us today? Are they keeping us from the wicked one [Daniel 2, John 17:15, Psalms 34:8, 91:11-12?, I John 5:18, ] Cosmic battle, Satan cast down at the cross [ Revelation 12 ], Jesus indicated that He could call on legions of angels to serve as protectors [Matt 26:53]

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   Women in Ministry: Should women be in ministry? Caller having a hard time reconciling what Paul teaches about women preaching, and all the good works and accomplishments of women in ministry and evangelism [Titus 2, Romans 16:1-2, John 20:17, John 4:28].

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   Abortion: How does one competently defend the life of a fetus when opposing abortion? Any specific scriptures? [Luke 1:41].

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   Prodigal Son: Is the prodigal son symbolic of "Antinomianism", his brother of "legalism", and the father, a higher form of love? [Luke 15:11-32].

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   God's Sovereignty: How to do you understand God's sovereignty working with our free will (personal sovereignty)? Meticulous providence (micro management) compared to one who allows some independent choices.

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   Healing: What should we do about friends & family that need healing? [Peter 2:24, Luke 10:30-37, John 11:1-44, Philippians 4:6, I Corinthians 12:30].

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   End Times Signs: According to the Dispensational view, what would you say are the two most definitive signs that the Daniel's 70th week has begun? What should we look for as signs (treaty and 3rd temple)? Current events (or "Newspaper exegesis") used for interpreting the Bible.

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   Determining God's Will: What's the best way to determine God will? How am I to be content with God's level of promotion.

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April 05, 2019

   Women in Ministry: Should women be pastors or in leadership within the church? [1 Timothy 2:8-15, 1 Corinthians 14:34-40]

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   Resurrection of Unbelievers: Is there a physical resurrection of unbelievers? [John 5:28-29, Revelation 20, Acts 24:12-15]
Replacement Theology (Supersessionism): Why do some use the term as a pejorative? What do they mean by it? So how does it fit in with the New Covenant vs Old Covenant [Hebrews 8:13]?
Baptism: Who has the authority to baptize? What about when a church does not recognize another denomination's baptism?

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   Word of Faith: What is your opinion about Joyce Meyer? Is the Word of Faith movement occultic?

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   Seventh Day Adventism: What is your perspective on the Seventh Day Adventist denomination? And "investigative judgment"?

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   Seventh Day Adventist: Will there be a devil on earth during the millennium? What about Ellen G. White's plagiarism?
Abomination of Desolation: What do you think "the abomination of desolation" is referring to [Daniel 11 & 12, Matthew 24:15, Luke 21:20]?

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   Food restrictions: Where are people getting the idea that you can't eat pork anymore? Is the Torah still binding today? Are we under "the law" or under the Lord?

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   Take up your Cross: What does it mean to take up your cross? Is Jesus alluding to His own crucifixion? What did the disciples think he meant? [Luke 14:25-27]

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April 08, 2019

   Fellowshipping with Unbelievers: What is meant by not fellowshipping with unbelievers [Ephesians 5:11]?

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   Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit: What is meant by "blasphemy of the Holy Spirit" [Matt 12:32]?
Repentance: Is there scripture to support post-mortem forgiveness? Many scriptures noted in Steve's book on Hell.

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   Politics: Two people were running for office, one a Muslim & the other a born-again Christian, but I like the Muslim's platform better, what would you do in that situation?

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   Jesus' Ministry Timeline: How is the length of Jesus' ministry (39 days) calculated?

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   Remitting Other's Sin: What does this scripture mean; "Whosoever sins ye remit, they are remitted to them; and whosoever sins ye retain, they are retained.” [ John 20:23, John 20:22]?

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   Day for the Church Meeting: Is Saturday night OK to gather for church?
Communion (Lord's Supper): How often should we take communion? Who is qualified to take it?

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   Eternity (Heaven, New Earth): Where will we spend eternity? Where does the soul go when one dies? Where will Jesus be? Do we still get to go to heaven, even though there will be a new earth?

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   Divisions in the Church: Why so much division within the Christian body? [Romans 14, 1 Corinthians 3]

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   The Rapture: Will there be two raptures? What about "The Last Day" & the resurrection of the dead? [I Thessalonians 4:16-17, John 6:49]

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April 09, 2019

   Church Discipline: How long does someone have to be disciplined ("marked", or disfellowshipped), before they are reinstated?

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   Church Leadership: What should be done when it may be that the leadership needs discipline, rather than the attendees?

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   Suffering: When I have to live in chronic pain, am I sharing in His suffering [Philippians 3:10-11]?

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   Lead not into Temptation: What does it mean in The Lord's Prayer, when it says, "lead us NOT into temptation"? Understanding the concept of the "limited negative."[Luke 4:1, Matthew 6:13, I Corinthians 10:13]

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   Atheists: How can atheists be offended about Nativity scenes & God-centered things, if they don't believe God exists? If they are true atheists, it shouldn't matter to them! Why would they care and then want to delete God from other's lives?

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   Salvation: Am I really saved? I am still struggling with sin in my life. If I am truly converted, why am I still having to do continue to struggle?

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   Government Control: When one has a 501c3, does the government limit what you can say, especially regarding homosexuality or endorsing candidates?
Christian Music: Is the Christian music industry entirely secular now?

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April 10, 2019

   Church Autonomy (church government): Is it unscriptural for a church to remain autonomous? Should churches be accountable to an authority? How does apostolic authority fit in? [Romans 14:5]
Denominations: Why are there so many? Is it a result our inability to unify in Christ?

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   Calvinism: From a Calvinist point of view, does it make sense to pray for unbelievers?

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   The Gospel: Did Jesus & His apostles actually preach "the gospel"? Since Jesus had not yet died, nor resurrected, did the disciples even know what the gospel was? [Mark 16:20, I Cor 15:1-4] The Kingdom of God=the gospel [Mark 1:4 & 15] Is Paul reducing the gospel to only the death & resurrection of Christ?

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   Knowledge of Scripture: How did you gain such knowledge of the Bible? Is there a method that might help others learn it so well? [Psalm 1:2].

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   Repentance and Restitution: If one has hurt others in their past, how should one handle trying to make it up to them and make restitution?

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   Gospel in the Stars: Is there anything related to the subjects of the constellations and Zodiac at the website [topical lectures; Psalm 19]?
Jesus' Arrest: John MacArthur said that 600 people came to arrest Jesus, is there anything to substantiate that?

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   Prayer: Does God not hear or answer our prayers if we don't say "in Jesus name"?

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   Parable of the Wedding Feast: How do I apply the parable of the wedding feast? How does one come to God on His terms, rather than on one's own? [Matt 22:13]

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April 11, 2019

   Once Saved, Always Saved: What do you mean when you say that one can lose their salvation? [I Timothy 4:1, John 15:6, 1 Corinthians 15-2, Hebrews 3:12].

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   Apostles Today: How does Steve define an "apostle"? Are there apostles in the church today?

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   Trial of Bitter Waters: In the story "Ordeal of Jealously" or "Trial of Bitter Waters", can you explain the jealous man's wife having to drink a mixture of dust from the tabernacle floor? Is the Hebrew word for "thigh" really a euphemism for the womb? [Numbers 5:11-31].

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   Divorce & Remarriage: Would you clarify the stipulations and extenuation circumstances surrounding divorce & remarriage?

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   Flat Earth: What does the Bible say about the shape and design of the earth? Does the Bible teach that the earth is flat and has a solid dome?

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   Hating God's Enemies Should we hate God's enemies?

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April 12, 2019

   Global Flood & Fossil Records: Was there a global flood in Noah's day? Why do we not see fossil records from the animals that came off the Ark and migrated to various area? What do you say to someone having trouble believing in the Bible because of doubting the flood story?

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   Ecclesia (Church): Would you define the use of the word "ecclesia"and local vs. global church? What is the true church? What makes one qualify to be part of the true church?

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   The Gospel in the Stars: Is there astrology in the Bible? What do the constellations mean in the Bible? Does the Bible attribute some special powers relative to the stars or constellations?

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   Sabbaths: What is the difference between a "low Sabbath" and a "high Sabbath"?

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   Angels: Were angels created to worship God? Why did God choose to make people?

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   Taking up Your Cross: What does "taking up your cross" look like for us? Is it "dying to self"? Should I feel a little bit guilty if I am happy and comfortable? How do I learn surrender and contentment [Philippians 1:21, 4:11, Luke 9:23, Matthew 16:24]

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   Mary: Did Mary become a queen when she gave birth to Jesus? Was Mary ever venerated in the Biblical days? [Acts 1]

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   Tithing: When giving and tithing is difficult, should we expect it to be easier? [Malachi 3:10f, Philippians 4:19, Luke 6:38].

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April 15, 2019

   Credibility problems w/ Apostle Paul: Was Paul making a mistake by not listening to the Spirit to not go to Jerusalem & ended up going? {Acts 25}.

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   False Teachers: Is Colossians 2 indeed talking about someone like Ellen G. White? {Colossians 2}

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   Church buildings: Isn't it a sad day today because of the Notre Dame Cathredal burning down?

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   Calvinism: Is it Steve's position that everyone is called by God but only some respond to Him? If that is true, how do you reconcile [Acts 2:39]?

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   Baptism: In one place in the Bible it says to be baptised in the name of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit, but in another it says only in the name of Jesus. {Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 19:5}

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   Trinity/Oneness Pentecostal: Caller was raised Oneness Pentecostal, but he finds himself believing the Trinity, so wondering if he's been misunderstanding this whole time.

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April 16, 2019

   Notre Dame: What do you think about the relics that were in Notre Dame (cross, crown of thorns)?

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   Christian TV: What do you think of Gene Scott?

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   Thief on the Cross: When Jesus told the thief that he'd be in paradise that day, and what happened to Jesus during the 3 days before He was resurrected? The words; Paradise, Hades, Sheol: The use of the words “Paradise”, “Hades”, “Sheol” in scripture [Revelation 21&22, 2 Corinthians 12, Luke 16:19-31, Acts 2]

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   Suicide: What does the Bible say about suicide? Is it a sin? [I John 3:15, Ezekiel 36:26]

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   Salvation by Confession: Can you explain this passage [Romans 10:9-15]? If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, are you saved? [Isaiah 29:13] What does it mean to be saved?
Relics: Are some of the relics (sliver of the cross) authentic? Catholic traditions and superstitions (indulgences, etc.).

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   Trinity: How did the term "trinity" come from? Latin: three in one.

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   Jesus: Why did they not call Him Joshua, or Yeshua, a more Hebrew name? Pronunciation of His name in Aramaic?

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   The Cross (Tree): Was the term used to describe the cross (Xylon=wood), possibly symbolic of the tree of life? Crucified with Christ: What does it mean to be crucified with Christ? [Galatians 2:20]

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April 17, 2019

   Knowing Christ (God): What does it mean, "That I may know Him in the fellowship of His suffering" & "Resurrection of the righteous"? [Philippians 3:10-11, I Corinthians 9:26-27, Colossian 1:24]

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   Peace: In Woodstock, was not there a similarity between its intent, and what Christ brings and what Christians are looking forward to? The ushering in of peace, joy, and love?

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   Crown of Thorns: Do you think that it is actually the real crown at Notre Dame?

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   Communion: Are you familiar with communion being the Passover, and how it fulfills Romans 6? Do you Perry Stone's, "The meal that heals"? Wasn't Jesus spiritual food?

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   Bible Interpretation: What does this mean, when it talks about being "saved in childbearing"? [I Timothy 2:15, 4:16, Philippians 2:12]

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   Contradiction is Scripture: When Jesus said, "today, you will be with Me in paradise" and yet He had not yet ascended Himself, it seems to be contradictory. Which is right? [Luke 23:43, John 20:17]

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   The Rapture: Are those "taken up" in the rapture, actually the sinners? [Luke 17: 27 & 34f & Matthew 24:37, Psalm 91:7]

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   Calvinist church: Is there really any danger in attending a Calvinist church, even though I am an Arminian?

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   Witch of Endor: How could this event take place, Saul communicating w/ Samuel? [I Samuel 28:7-20]?
Spirits in Prision: What was actually taking place when it says preaching to the spirits in prison to the people's in Noah's day? [I Peter 3:19-20]

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April 18, 2019

   Miracles: Can people think they have done miracles, and not really have done them? [Matthew 7:23]

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   The Flood: Was the flood world-wide, or just local? Was there enough time for people to get away? Was the purpose of the ark meant to be also be a type and shadow of salvation? [Genesis 6-7]

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   Arminius, Arminianism: Can man save himself? Did you say that Paul didn't know that he was saved? Doesn't God initiate man's salvation? The use of the word used for “disposed” (“appointed”) Should we consider Arminius a heretic? [I Corinthians 16:15, Act 13:48, Romans 7:14-15].

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   Children, Fathers & Young Men: Why did John address them as the children, fathers, and young men separately? [I John 2:12]

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   Noah's Ark: Do you think that Noah's Ark on Mount Ararat has been found?

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   Abraham & Keturah: How old was Keturah? She was called a concubine. Was the miracle for Abraham & Sarah also about rejuvenation of their bodies? [Genesis 21, I Chronicles 1:32]

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   Captain of the Lord's Hosts: Who was the commander of the Lord's army (Captain of the Lord's Hosts)? Could it have been Michael the archangel? [Joshua 5:13-6:5]
Achan: Why did Achan's entire family have to die? [Joshua 7:1f]

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   God's Anger & Vengefulness: How does one understand and align the anger of God relative to the gentleness of Jesus? [Genesis 9:6, John 18:36]
Death Penalty-Justice: How can one justify putting to a criminal to death, but not be supportive of abortion, with the 'right to life' reasoning?

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   The Bible: Are there limits to what you can learn from the Bible?

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April 19, 2019

   Biblical use of the word "Weight": What is the meaning of the Hebrew word for glory: 'Kabodâ' as in 'weight of glory'? [2 Corinthians 4:17]?

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   Abomination of Desolation (audio goes in & out): Which 'abomination of desolation' passage in Daniel do you think Jesus was referring to in Matthew 24? [Matthew 24:15, Daniel 9:27, Daniel 12]

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   Splinters of the Cross: Caller makes a comment about how many pieces are claimed to be part of the cross.

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   Building the Church: Why would scripture say, 'On this rock, I will build this church', when Moses was already with the church? 'The coming of the Lord', why did they speak of it as coming soon; 'not for you to know' How does this verse fit in Romans 16? [Romans 16:20, Matthew 16:18, Acts 7:38, I Thessalonians 4:5-6, Acts 1:7],

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   Curiosity inquiry: Is that you wearing the jean jacket with 'One Way' on it (on Steve Gregg-The Narrow Path Facebook page)?
Being Human & Jesus' Arrogance: What does it mean to be human? Wouldn't Jesus have known that some of the things He said about Himself, would make others see Him as arrogant?
Resurrection: What will determine a person's status or rewards in the resurrection and new earth?

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   Gift of Prophecy: How does one assess those who declare, 'thus saith the Lord'? How does one assess the gift of prophesy in church? What kinds of scrutiny should be used? [I Corinthians 14:12;10]

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   Bethel: Bill Johnson & associated ministries: What do you think about the Bethel ministries and 'The School of Supernatural Ministry'? [I Corinthians 12:10, Acts 1-4]
Mental Health - Depression: If prayer and the church doesn't work to help with one's depression, and other mental health issues, where does one go next? Does the mind control the brain, or the brain control the mind? Determining whether someone has spiritual or physical issues.

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April 22, 2019

   Assurance of salvation: Gramma was saved recently, and is in the hospital, what can I do to make sure she is saved?

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   Temptation: What does it mean when scripture says, 'He will save us from the hour of temptation'? Being kept from the wicked one [Revelation 3:10, John 17:15, Luke 17:1} withering seed, quickly fall away [Matthew 13: 20-21, Psalms 140:4].
Homosexuality: What about a pastor who condemns Homosexuals as reprobate? [I Corinthians 6:9-11, Romans 1:28].

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   Origin of God: How did God come into existence? When did He begin? Who created God? How is God outside of time? The creation relative to the Law of Thermodynamics.
Earth's age: How old is the planet earth?

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   Usury: What about usury in the Bible? Investing wisely? Parable of the talents [Luke 6:35, Matthew 25:14f]

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   Signs of the end times: Are you a survivalist? Caller is concerned about numerous things he thinks points to end times; desertion of the church & so on. [Matthew 24, Ezekiel 39]

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   Faith: In the verses that indicate that we will have all that we want and pray for as long as we have enough faith, how does this work? Understanding hyperbole. [Mark 11:22-24]

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   Holy Spirit: Where does it say that we have the Holy Spirit if we are a believer, or are 'born again'? Is it acceptable to ask God for the Holy Spirit? [Luke 11:13, John 3:3, Romans 8:9-10, 16],

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   Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit: Who is the one that doesn't forgive when the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit happens? [Matthew 12:32].

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April 23, 2019

   End of the World: Do we watch the destruction of the planet earth while we sit in heaven with Jesus?

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   Day of the Lord: What does this mean, 'great & terrible day of the Lord'? Prophetic language for AD70. [Acts 2:20, Joel 2, Malachi 4, Isaiah 13:10, Isaiah 34, I Thessalonians 5:2].

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   Healing, Signs & Wonders: It seems like there are many references to Jesus healing intermittently throughout the New Testament, is there any reason for the randomness of this? [Matthew 19:2].

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   Murder: Is it 'murder' to not do all that is possible to keep someone alive while they are in the hospital? What about someone with Alzheimer's?

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   Prayer in faith (follow-up): What does it mean when the Bible says whatever things we ask for, we will have them? [Mark 11:24]

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   Savior: Is God the Father my savior, or is He my Creator, & Jesus my Savior?

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   Homosexuals practicing Monogamy: What passages make homosexuality undeniably a sin in scripture? Is it acceptable for two homosexuals to live together and not engage in homosexual activity? Would Jesus go to a homosexual wedding? [Matthew 19:4]

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   Rebuilt Temple: How are we to understand the rebuilding of the temple described here [Ezekiel 45:22]? When was it fulfilled, or when will it be? [Ezekiel 43:10-11] Contingencies regarding the rebuilding of the temple.

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   Abortion: Is it a sin to abort a child who has been determined to be handicapped?

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April 24, 2019

   The First Sin: Was the first sin when Adam and Eve's ate the fruit? What about when the angels rebelled, and Satan fell?

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   Prophecy in Zechariah: What is your take on Zechariah 13:7? Clarifying the time-markers in scripture. Jerusalem paralleled to the church and fulfillment in the 1st century. [Zechariah 12-14, 12:10, 13:7, 14:2, John 7:37f, Isaiah 28:16]

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   Time in Genesis: Were seasons and months spoken of as if they are years in the ancient Hebrew world?

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   Rich Young Ruler: Are these instructions for everyone? Considering individual motivations, and how possessions are viewed. [Luke 6: James, Revelation 3].

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   All have sinned: If you love one another, does that cancel out 'all have sinned'? {Romans 3:23]

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   Wheat & Tares: The parable seems to suggest that the tares will be taken out first, is that correct? [Matthew 13, 24, Proverbs 2]

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   Spirits in Prison: What does this phrase "Jesus preaching to spirits in prison" tll us? [I Peter 3:19, I Peters 1:10-12, 4:6, II Peter 2:5], repentance after death? I Peter 4:7: Does this phrase “end of all time” mean the “end of the world”? [I Peter 4:7, Acts 1:7].

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   Communion: What about a church that does not believe in taking communion?

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   Nimrod: Did he marry his mother?
Easter: Are there pagan roots when celebrating Easter with eggs?

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April 25, 2019

   Judges: Joshua was the successor of Moses, so did Joshua have a successor? What was the role of the judge?
David taking Census: Was it God or Satan that moved David to take the census? Scripture seems to contradict here [2 Samuel 24:1, 1 Chronicles 21:1]

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   Temple: What is the significance of the temple and the measurements [Luke 21:24, Revelation 11:2, I Thessalonians]
Debates: When debating, it seems that many may not be being totally honest by often leaving out things that would not serve their points, isn't this like being a false teacher?

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   Believing in Jesus: Is believing that Jesus is the son of God enough to be saved? What is high Christology? [Romans 10:9]

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   Wine: Was the wine really alcoholic, or was it grape juice?

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   Reincarnation: Edgar Cayce indicated that the Bible supports reincarnation. What are those verses? Lazarus and the Rich Man [Genesis 9:27, Luke 6].

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   Babylon: Is the US a modern Babylon? Are there not parallels to today's American? [I Peter 5]

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   The Tomb: Regarding the 3 days and 3 nights controversy, how do you resolve the idea of the crucifixion on Friday, and the Sunday morning resurrection?

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   End Times: Do you believe in a future tribulation? And what about the rapture and the "Man of Sin" rising? [2 Thessalonians 2:1-10, Matthew 24:21].

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   Going to the Prom: Should an 18 year-old-daughter be allowed to attend the prom?

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April 26, 2019

   Salvation: When Jesus said, 'Father, forgive them for they know not what they do", doesn't that indicate that all will be saved? The parable of the prodigal son [Luke 15:11-32, 23:34]

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   Spirit of Condemnation in Church Fellowships: The expectations some pastors and church bodies place on their attendees are very disheartening, how does one handle this? [Deuteronomy 25:4, II Corinthians 6:14, I Timothy 5:18, I Corinthians 9:9, II Corinthians 6:14, Galatians 6:1-10, Matthew 10:6, Hebrews 10:25].

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   Testing & Jesus' Temptation: What would you say is the ultimate temptation?

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   Ark of the Covenant: The Ark of the Covenant is seen in heaven in Revelation 11:19, is that where it is? [Jeremiah 3:16]

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   Amish (Mennonites, Hutterites, Anabaptists): What can you tell me about the Amish?

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   Palestine: Was Jesus a Palestinian? Are the modern Palestinians ancestors of Jesus?

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   Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil: Do we now have that knowledge that we were supposed to have as a result of eating the tree?

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   Son of Man: Why did He call Himself, "Son of Man", when He was the "Son of God"? [Daniel 7:12f, Acts 7:56].

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   Eastern Orthodox Church: How is it different from the Egyptian Coptic Church? and from the Roman Catholic Church?

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   Emanuel Swedenborg: What do you think of Swedenborg?
Supernatural: What do you think about some of the supernatural events people report? (call was cut-off too short to really answer).

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April 30, 2019

   Christian Gatherings: What is our obligation to gather together to fellowship, as believers? How do we see the organized corporate church in light of this scripture [Hebrew 10:25]?

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   Christians of 70 A.D.: What happened to the Christians in and after 70 A.D.?

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   Church Loyalty: Should I be concerned about splitting my time and involvement between my home church and another local church?

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   Denominations: How do we justify all the denominations within the church, when there is only one church? [I Corinthians 3].

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   Catholic traditions: Is holding one's hands a certain way restricted to the priests?
B.C. & A.D.: How did people date the years prior to the BC & AD identifiers? And when was this instituted?

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   Signs of End Times: Do you believe that all the Jews will be returned to Israel? Do you believe the two witnesses will be literal? You do believe in the rapture, right? [Luke 17, Matthew 24, Revelation 11]

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   Denominations: Are there way too many denominations? [I Corinthians 3].

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   Jehovah Witnesses: The group teaches that Satan was cast out of heaven in 1914, that and some other things that don't sound right. [Revelation 12:11, 31].

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   Church Loyalty: Should I leave a church that seems to think that I should simply go to a church that has the same views as I do, rather than discuss the concerns and differences I hold?
Bible Study Fellowship (BFS): What do you think of Bible Study Fellowship?

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