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<< September 2019 View all months November 2019 >>

October 01, 2019

   Satan Tempting Jesus: Why would Satan try to tempt Jesus with such an absurd proposition? [Matthew 4:1-11, Luke 4:1-13].
Peter Enns View of Biblical Contexts: What is your view of Peter Enns writings that suggest that there are inconsistencies in Biblical writings and that it is oriented toward that specific culture and time?

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   Men Watching Professional Sports: What is your opinion about men needing to repent of watching professional sports?

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   Emotions-Stoics & Stoicism: What do you think about the parallels between Christianity and Stoicism, particularly relative to the necessity to control our emotions?

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   Counseling: What do you think about someone who wants to get counseling?

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   Second Chance to Repent: Is there a "second chance" to repent after Jesus returns? What about after the pre-trib rapture and the tribulation? [Revelation 7].

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   Unbeliever's Genuine Ignorance: What is God's heart toward those that are genuinely ignorant of Him, as in scripture about the altar of the unknown God and the way God winked at their ignorance, seemingly overlooking it? [Acts 17, 14, Luke 12:47].

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   The Law & Grace: What is difference between the way The Law worked in the Old Testament, and the way Grace works from the New Testament now?

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October 02, 2019

   The Book of Life: When is one's name written in "The Book of Life", and when is it blotted out? [Revelation 13:8, Luke 10:20, Psalms 87:5-6].

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   Voting Democrat: Do you think you can vote Democrat and be a real Christians?

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   N.T. Wright & Justification: What is your opinion of N.T. Wright? And of his view of Paul's new perspective and position on justification?

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   AA & NA (Alcoholics & Narcotics Anonymous) Should Christian friends go to AA and NA to support those that are in the programs?

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   Bob George: Caller comment: Bob George's view of Christians not needing to repent.

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   AA (Alcoholics Anonymous): Caller comment: Twelve Step programs can work with Christianity .
Lead us Not into Temptation: Would you talk a little bit about the line in the Lord's Prayer, "lead us not into temptation"? [Matthew 6:13, Luke 4, ].

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   Conditional Eternal Security: Would you comment on "conditional eternal security"-particularly in light of John 10? [John 10:1-42, Romans 5:2, Hebrews 3:12, I Timothy 4:1].

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   Intentional Sin & Repentance: Do people always intentionally sin, or can sin be unintentional?[Hebrews 10:26, 10:18].

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October 03, 2019

   Rebuilding of the Temple: Does the temple need to be rebuilt? [Revelation 11].
Regathering of the Jews: Do the Jews need to regather in the future in the land of Israel?

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   Cornelius' Salvation: Do you think that Cornelius was saved when the angel was speaking to him?

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   False Teachers: How should we determine who is a false teacher and should we name, names? [2 Peter 20, Matthew 7:15-20].

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   Head Coverings & Long Hair: Would you talk about the passage from I Corinthians about the head coverings? [I Corinthians 11:2-16].

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   Trinity: If someone doesn't believe in the trinity, are they not really Christians?
Tongues: Must one speak in tongues to be saved?

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   Raptured to Heaven: When we are raptured, will we be taken to heaven? [2 Thessalonians 4:14, John 14:2 & 23, John 15 & 16, I Corinthians 12].

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   Noah-a Real Event or Fabricated Story: As an intelligent and honest man, can you really believe the story of Noah?

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October 04, 2019

   Forgiveness & Trust: Do people have to ask for forgiveness before we forgive? Or should we just forgive?

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   Literal Interpretation of Scripture: How do your respond to those think one must take everything literally in the Bible?

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   Jews & Jewish Traditions: What do you think about Israel's national respect for Jewish holidays and traditions, when they are largely not religious Jews?

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   Women in Ministry: When are women going to far when teaching and preaching to men?

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   The Star & the Wise Men: What was the star that lead the wise men to Christ?
The Law & The Prophets: What does it mean when the Bible says that "The Law & the prophets are until John"? [Luke 16:16].

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   Turning Over the Tables in the Temple: Were there two separate events where Christ turned the tables over in the temple? [John 2].

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   Love-Believer vs Unbeliever: Since love is an attribute of God, can unbelievers love in the way believers can? [I John 4:7-8, 2 Peter 1:4].

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   Hell-Three Views: What is your view on hell? Do you favor Eternal Torment, Universal Reconciliation, or Annihilation (or Conditional Immortality)?

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   Slain in the Spirit: Can you talk about being "slain in the spirit"?

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October 07, 2019

   Family Responsibility: Did the apostles leave their families behind? [I Corinthians 7 & 9:5, Acts 9, Matthew 19, Mark 10].

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   illegal Immigration: What is the Biblical response to illegal immigration? [John 18:36, Romans 13:1-7, I Peter 2:13-14].

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   Satan & His Temptations: When Jesus said to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan", was Peter temporarily possessed? [Zech 3, Job 1-2].

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   God's Wrath: Is God's wrath one of His attribute? [Psalm 103].

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   Christian Television: Have you ever been interviewed on Christian television network shows?
Street Ministry: Have you ever witnessed on the street, holding up signs?
New Age Higher Consciousness: Have you ever reached a higher state of consciousness?

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   After Death: What happens to us when we die? Do we go to heaven, or do we sleep in a state of unconsciousness? [Philippians 1, 2 Corinthians 5:8, 12:3].
Heaven: Will I immediately be with my believing family members when I die?

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   Bethel Movement: What do you think about a church service that went on exceptionally long with prophesying, etc. and is connected to Bethel?
Women Pastors: How do churches that have women as lead pastors justify it scripturally? [Galatians 3:28, I Timothy 2:12-15, 3f].

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   Biblical Manuscripts: Which manuscripts are the most reliable?

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October 08, 2019

   Expository Bible Teaching: What is expository teaching and why is there so much variation on how deep the teacher goes?

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   Eating Meat Sacrificed to Idols: Did Paul restrict Christians from eating meat sacrificed to idols? [I Corinthians 8:10, 10:20, Revelation 2, Romans 14-15].

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   Keeping Jewish Feasts: Should we be keeping the Jewish feasts, because of the biblical notation that the covenants God made were everlasting covenants? [Genesis 17:7f, Leviticus 23, Galatians 4:10-11].

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   God Speaking Audibly: Why doesn't God speak audibly, since it would make it less nebulous?

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   "Leaven" means Evil in the Bible: Does "leaven" consistently mean evil is infiltrating? [Matthew 13:31-33, I Corinthians 5, Daniel 4, Ezekiel 17, 31, Matthew 16:6, Luke 12:1-3].

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   Jewish Feasts Fulfilled in Jesus: The first feasts were fulfilled in the coming of Jesus, but not so with the last three feasts, so when will that happen? [I Corinthians 5:7-8, Matthew 8:29].

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   Melchizedek-Man,Type, or Christ: Was Melchizedek a real man or a type of Christ? [Hebrews 7:2-24].

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   The Sabbath: What is your take on keeping the Sabbath? [Mark 2:27].

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October 09, 2019

   Homosexuality & Fornication: Caller asserts that being a homosexual is not a sin and the the original words do not mean what it has been interpreted to mean. [I Thessalonians 4:3, Galatians 5:19-21, I Corinthians 5, Jude].

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   Homosexual Marriage: Marriage today allows for homosexuality, so does that allow for homosexual activity within that marriage? [Matthew 5:32, 19:8].
Claim to the Land of Israel: Palestinian Jews and Arabs about the state of Israel and its secular

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   Prophets Today: Who doesn't believe that there are prophets today? [I Corinthians 1:7]

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   Helping the Poor: Who is our brother & sister in the verse in I John that refers to helping those in need? Is it strangers, or fellow believers? [I John 3:9, 10, 15-17, Galatians 6:10, 2 Peter 3].

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   Profiting from Ministry & Prosperity Doctrine: Do Creflo Dollar and Kenneth Copeland make money off the Bible, and is that a sin? [2 Peter 2:1-3, I Timothy 6:5-10]. 09
Creatures in Heaven: What are the creatures in heaven & under the sea in Revelation 5? [Revelation 5:13, Psalm 19:1-6].

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   Charging for Ministry: Is it acceptable to accept gifts for ministry, if I don't actually charge for my service? [I Corinthians 9].
Greater Works & Miracles: What does it mean by "greater works", when Jesus said we would do greater works than He did? [John 14:12-14].

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   Bethel Church Influence-Pentecostal Gifts: I am attending a church that has begun to introduce much of the Bethel Church movement into their program. How should I approach this concern?

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   Keeping Jewish Traditions & Holidays: Why would Jesus be offered up on Passover, rather than Yom Kippur? Can one actually keep the Jewish festivals and holidays accurately without the temple? [Romans 5:11, I Corinthians 5:7].

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October 10, 2019

   Homosexuality: Steve continues on yesterday's call about homosexuality, wanting to comment further about the Hebrew & Greek texts. [Leviticus 18:22, 20:13, Genesis 1:27, Numbers 1:2-3, 31:18, Galatians 3:28, I Corinthians 6:9-10, I Timothy 1:10, I Corinthians 5:19-21].

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   Blessing Israel: Does the blessing still apply to us to day and should we then donate to Jewish causes? [Genesis 12:13, Galatians 3, John 8].

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   Messianic Jews & Christians: Does the distinction identifying a Messianic actually divide rather than unify the body of Christ? Where did this all begin? [Galatians 2:14, 3:18, Acts 15, I Corinthians 9:20-23].

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   God Allowing Satan to Approach Him: If God can not tolerate sin, then how can He allow Satan to approach Him in the book of Job? [Job 1-2, Habbakuk 1:13].
Where Satan resides: Where is Satan? [Job 1:7, Ephesians 2:2].

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   Obeying the Ten Commandments: Isn't The Ten Commandments still applicable to us today, setting a standard against sin? [Exodus 31, John 12:48, John 8:31, John 14:15, Hebrew 7:12, I Corinthians 9, Jeremiah 31].

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   Masterbation: Is self-gratification a sin, if one is not lusting after another, other than your own wife?

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   Open Theism or Does God Know the Future: What is your view of "Open Theism" and what convinces you that God knows the future? Could it be left undecided by God intentionally? [Isaiah 46:10].

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October 11, 2019

   Homosexuality: Caller comments on a previous call.

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   Homosexuality: Discussion of original words such as "arsenokoites" translated as male or male child used in scripture relative to the topic. [Leviticus 18:22, Revelation 12:13, Romans 1:27, Genesis 1:27, Galatians 3:28].

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   End Times-Partial Preterism: As a Partial-Preterist can I look at Revelation about a future world ruler, in ways other than in the future? [Revelation 13].
Christians, Politics, Revelation: What do you think of the political views today that are overly influenced by a Christian's limited understanding of the book of Revelation? Do you think it can be dangerous?

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   Parable of the Wedding Feast: Do you think the parable of the wedding feast supports street preaching? [Luke 14:21].

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   Sabbath: Can you point out scripture that indicates that the God removed his blessing from the seventh day? Is Paul a greater authority than God? [I Corinthians 14:5, John 13:20, Mark 2:27-28, John 7:17, Exodus 29, Deuteronomy 5, Matthew 12].

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   Roman Catholics: Should we try to evangelize Roman Catholics, or should we accept them as fellow believers?

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   Homosexuality: Why are you not more direct and tell people what I think?

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   Salvation in the Old Testament: How were people saved in the Old Testament? [Genesis 15, Romans 4, Hebrews 11].

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   Satan's Timeline: Does Genesis 1 indicate when was Satan cast out of heaven? [Genesis 1:1-2].

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   Sabbath: Is the Sabbath on Saturday or Sunday? [Hebrews 7:12, Jeremiah 31:32]

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October 14, 2019

   Church Order: What do I make of the description of the order of church services in scripture? [I Corinthians 14].

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   Homosexuality: Caller just comments again on previous calls about original words used for man or mankind. [Leviticus 18:22].

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   Creation-Gap Theory Would you share your thoughts on the "Gap Theory?" [Genesis 1:1-2, Jeremiah 4:23, Exodus 20:11].

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   Hank Hanegraaff: Do you and Hanegraaff disagree about some things?
God Appearing: Would you tell us more about your personal experience with God appearing to you?

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   Intentional Sin Block Blessings: Do you think that intentional sin will block out one's blessings?
Experiencing or Knowing God: Would you share a real experience you have had that made you know that God was there?

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   End of Age & Day of the Lord: Are all the phrases, such as, "End of Age", "Day of the Lord", and "Day of Wrath", mean all the same day or time? [Matthew 24:3, Ephesians 2:7].

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   Eastern Orthodox-The True Church: How does one respond to those that claim that the Eastern Orthodox Church is the true church?

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   Education in the 1st Century: What was the typical level of education for Jewish children in the 1st century?

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October 15, 2019

   Adoption as Sons of God: What does Paul mean by "adoption as sons"? And when are we adopted as "sons of God?" [Romans 8:23, Ephesians 1:5, Galatians 3:24f, 4:1-6].

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   God's Forgiveness: Scripture says that one needs to forgive, to be forgiven, but also says that if you don't forgive someone, God won't forgive them either. Can you clarify? [John 20, Matthew 16 & 18].

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   Sunday-Lord's Day: Why do some consider Sunday as the Lord's Day? [John 4:5, Romans 14:5].
Popes How did the Popes come to be revered in the Catholic church?

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   Incorruptible, Immortality, Eternal Life: Would you help me sort out the meaning of the words for incorruptible, immortality, and eternal life? Are immortality and eternal life the same? [I Corinthians 15:53-54, Romans 2:7, 2 Peters 1, Genesis 2, 3:22].
Tree of Life: How does the "Tree of Life" affect the corruption or immortality of Adam & Eve? [Genesis 3:22, I Timothy 6:16].

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   False Prophets: Are Muslims, Jehovah Witnesses, and Mormons all false prophets? Will they go to hell?

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   Sunday or Sabbath: Comment challenging that Christians kept Sunday as a day of worship and claiming evidence of Christians keeping the Sabbath. [Acts 20:7]

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   Sabbath & The New Covenant: Caller states need for Christians to keep the Sabbath. [James 2:8-12].

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   Tree of Life or Knowledge: Sometimes the tree in the garden is call the Tree of "Life", and other times it is called the tree of "Knowledge"? Which is it? [Genesis 2-3, 2:9].
Similarity between Christians & Other Cultures Histories: What do you think about all the similar characteristics in Sumerian cultures and Christian stories, and how their stories overlap?

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   Elohim-gods: Could you shed light on the passage Psalm 82:1 and those He called gods (elohim)? [Psalm 82:1,6]

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October 16, 2019

   Halloween & Stumbling Others: If someone is stumbled by my attending a Harvest Festival in lieu of a Halloween event, is it an example of one being weaker in the faith? [Romans 14].

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   Animal Spirits: Does scripture indicate that animals also have spirits? [I Corinthians 15].

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   Forgiveness of a Murderer: What do you think of the current event of Amber Guyger and Botham Jean and the way his brother forgave the perpetrator?
Jesus' Body in Heaven: Is Jesus body in heaven an actual flesh and bones body now?

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   God Allows Suffering: I am struggling with the idea that God allows suffering and how He can let Satan do so much harm? Do we have right to be angry with God about this? [Matthew 10:29, Luke 21:18, Romans 8:18, John 18:11].

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   Legalism vs Self-discipline: Can you clarify the difference between "legalism" and discipline in the faith? [Philippians 2:12].

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   Decay of Bodies on Resurrection Day: Does scripture indicate that there would be no decay of the body of Christ? And what happened to the others that rose on Resurrection Day? [Hosea 11, Psalm 16, Acts 2, 13].

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   Suffering of One's Child: Caller shares his daughter's story of suffering and how it gave him insight.
Pool of Bethesda: I am confused by the idea that one could go down into the water at the Pool of Bethesda they would be healed, can you help me understand the significance [John 5:5].

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October 17, 2019

   Female Apostle-Junias: Is "Junia or Junias" mentioned in Romans 16, a female of "note among the apostles", and what would the ramifications be? [Romans 16:7, I Timothy 2:12-15, I Corinthians 11, Titus 2, Romans 16:1, 2 Corinthians 8:23].

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   Loving Mean or Evil People: How are we supposed to love everyone, when there are so many mean, terrible, or evil people in the world? [Matthew 5:43-48].

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   When Jesus Died, Did God Die Too? When Christ died, was creation without God for 3 days? [I Timothy 3].

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   Eternal Security & Faith: Concerning "eternal security" - do these verses in I Peter 1:3-5 indicate that it is God who keeps us in Him, rather than us and our faith doing it? Is the inheritance now or in the future? [I Peter 1:3-5, 2 Peter 1:10, Romans 5:2, 11:16,22, Ephesians 2:8-9, I Timothy 4:1, 2 Corinthians 13:5, Matthew 25:31, Luke 8].

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   Compliment to Steve Gregg: Caller just wants to compliment Steve Gregg for being the best Christian Bible teacher he has encountered.

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   Marriage & Divorce: Were Luke and Mark ignorant or negligent of the exception for divorce listed in Matthew? And why did they not mention many other obvious reasons or grounds for divorce? [Luke 16:18, Matthew 5:32, 19:9, Mark 10].

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October 18, 2019

   Loving Others & Oneself: Is it correct to love my fiance more than I love myself.
Being the Best Husband: What are the best scriptures to study to help me become the best husband I can be? [I Corinthians 13, I Peter 5, Matthew 20:25-28, Ephesians 5].

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   When Ongoing Forgiveness is Required: How do you forgive someone for who they are, not just what they have done, but how they continue to hurt others? [I Peter 4:19, 2 Corinthians 4:4, Ephesians 4:18].

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   Signs of the End Times: Isn't the sinful things that are happening in our culture evidence that the end times are near? [Matthew 24].

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   The Atonement-Various Views: Can you review the various views of the atonement; Christus Victor, Penal Substitution, Ransom View? [Hebrews 2:15, Colossians 2:14, Mark 10:45, 2 Timothy 2, Acts 20, I Peter 1].

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   Is There Just War?: Is there "just" war? Does scripture support the idea of going to war? [Matthew 5:44, 22:39, Isaiah 42].

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   Hell: How does one deal with the verse that God made hell for the devil and his angels?

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   Coming Trouble in Matthew 24: What is the relationship between the verses in Matthew about the coming trouble? [Matthew 24:2-34].

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October 21, 2019

   Church Structure-Institutionalization: Can you talk about church structure and how it had already become institutionalized by the time of Augustine?

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   Mark of the Beast: Can you clarify the difference in verse 9 & 11 and the choice of the words "and" and "or" regarding taking the mark of the beast? [Revelation 14:9, 11].

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   Cremation: Is cremation wrong according to the Bible?
Mental Illness: Do you think that the mentally ill should not take medications?

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   God's Anger: Did God really get angry when Moses struck the rock? And what does that tell us about what it takes to anger God? [Genesis 8:1, Numbers 20:11]
Asking Questions in the Next Life: Will we be able to ask questions in the next life? [I Corinthians 13:9].

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   Builders of the Sphinx: Who built the Sphinx, if Adam & Eve were the first people, and it is said to be older than 6,000 years?
Husband & Wives for Adam & Eve's Children: Where did Adam & Eve's children get their husbands and wives?

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   Biblical Examples of Compromised Truth: What were you saying about people taking the mark of the beast but not really apostatizing? [2 Kings 5:18, Jeremiah 38:24, I Kings 22, I Samuel 16:2].

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   Marrying a Divorcee Equals Adultery: Can you clarify thoughts about one marrying a woman who is divorced, then commits adultery? [Matthew 5:32, 19:9, I Corinthians 7:10-15, 39].

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October 22, 2019

   Hierarchy on the New Earth: Are there two levels of Christians on the new earth?
Kingdom of God: Is entering the Kingdom of God the same as being saved?

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   Sadducees, Pharisees, Levites: What is the difference between the Sadduccees and the Pharisees, and are they all part of the Levites and Priesthood?

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   Catholics & Protestants Marrying: Is it unbiblical for a protestant to marry a Catholic?

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   Vasectomy: As a new believer should I reverse a vasectomy as part of my repentance?
Book-Jesus is Calling: Do you think the book, "Jesus is Calling", is a good book to read as I start my Christian walk?

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   Sin vs Iniquity: What is the difference between sin & iniquity? [I John 3:4]
Repentance & Restitution: Does one have to go back and publicly confess and renounce sin, and make restitution for every sin of your past?

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   The Illuminati: Is the Illuminati a false religion? [Psalm 2:2, Isaiah 8:12].

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   Mark of the Beast (Microchip): What do you think about the recent microchips being inserted under the skin and it's relationship to the mark of the beast in Revelation? [Revelation 13:17-18, 14:1, Deuteronomy 6:8].

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   Witnessing to Mormons: Can you recommend how to share with a close Mormon friend, particularly in light of their resistance to using the Bible as the resource? Perhaps a good book?

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October 23, 2019

   Good Ministries: Voice of the Martyrs, Open Doors, Food for the Poor, Mercy Ships, World Vision.
From the book, "Jesus Always": Caller just shared from Sarah Young's book, "Jesus Always." [Psalm 46:10, 62:8, Isaiah 41:23, Jeremiah 41:3].

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   Number of the Beast: What do you think the verse about number of the Beast means? [Revelation 13:18].

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   Repentance & the Distractions: Why is it so hard to come back to the Lord, and battle all the distractions that seem to try to keep you away? [Ezekiel 33:11, 2 Peter 3:9].

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   Witnessing: Do you have a formula for witnessing?
Bible Ignorance: Are you surprised how many people know very little about the Bible?

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   Ten Commandments & New Covenant: I am convinced that because we have been grafted into the olive tree, that the ten commandments are very important for Christians to obey. [Romans 11].

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   Bible's Authenticity: If someone believes that the Bible is just story-telling and more like mythology in nature? [2 Chronicles, 2 Kings, Genesis 1, 2:24, I John 3:12].

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   Repentance: Is there anyone in the New Testament that could not repent, because they had gone too far? [Revelation 2, Hebrews 12:17, Acts 2:42].

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   Ellen G White: Have you ever read any books by Ellen G White?

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   Christian Suicide: Will a Christian who commits suicide, will they go to heaven? And if it is someone with some mental challenges? [I John 3:15].

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   Enemy Attack: Does the enemy attack more when one changes from one religion to another? [I John 4:4, James 2:19].

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October 24, 2019

   Mt. Zion & Maccabeus: Judas Maccabeus supposedly moved Mt Zion, what do you know about that?

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   Church Hierarchy & Lead Pastors: Is there any scriptural support for lead pastors? [Philippians 1:1, I Timothy 3, 3 John, Acts 20, I Peter 5, James 5].

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   Recognizing Each Other in Heaven: Will we be able to recognize one another in heaven? [Revelation 4].

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   Enduring with Christ: Can you clarify 2 Timothy 12 and the references to dying and living with Him, and enduring and denying Him? [2 Timothy 12:11-13, Galatians 6:12-15, Titus 1:2].

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   Saul Callling Up Samuel: When Saul went to the medium, was the spirit really Samuel or a demon? [I Samuel 1:15-28].

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   Noah's Ark: How did Noah get down from Mount Ararat after the water receded following the flood? [Genesis 8:5]

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   Could Jesus Have Sinned?: Do you think that Jesus had the potential to sin?

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   One God, Jesus, The Word: Could you talk about Jesus in the beginning, from John 1, and how The Word is God, but there is only one God? [John 1:1].

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   "About to Happen"-Revelation: Doesn't it seem strange that it was "about to happen" in Revelation, and yet the church age continues today?
Noah & the Flood: Isn't Noah's flood only local because of reference to his being able to see from the east to the west, rather than worldwide? [2 Peter 3, I Peter 3].

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   Baptism Necessary: Is baptism necessary to salvation? [Matthew 28:20].

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October 25, 2019

   Hell-Smoke Ascending Forever: I am wondering if a verse commonly used to describe hell, is actually about things happening on earth? Is the phrase "smoke ascending forever and ever about us remembering the event? [Revelation 14:10-11, 11:8, 19:3, Isaiah 34:5-10].

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   Behavior Before Marriage: How should singles behave be before marriage? [I Timothy 5:1-2, Matthew 7:12].

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   Chosen People: Did God choose the individual people or the Jewish nation? Are we the chosen people? [I Corinthians 16:22].

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   Generational Curses: What is your view of "generational curses"? [Numbers 14:18].

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   Feminism at Church: Should I speak to the elders about the way feminism has infiltrated our church?
Home Churches: How do you find a home church?

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   Very Young Pastor: What do you think of a very young youth pastor?
Men & Women Separated at Church: What do you think of men & women being separated into separate Bible studies? [Titus 2].

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   God Calls Himself "Us": Who is God talking to when He says, "let's make man in our image"? [Genesis 1:26].

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October 28, 2019

   God's Retribution & Forgiveness: Why is there God's retribution if there is God's forgiveness? [Luke 15:11-32, Romans 12:19].

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   Truth Over Popular Opinions: How should we handle those that refuse to give up a popular belief, even in light of evidence to the contrary? How far do we push for the truth?

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   Resurrection-Literal Third Day : When Jesus said he would be was in the heart of the earth for 3 days & 3 nights, did He mean that literally? [Luke 13:32-33, Matthew 12:40, Jonah 1:17].

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   Church Discipline: Should we practice church discipline? [Matthew 18:15-17, 2 Thessalonians 3:14, Romans 16:15, I Corinthians 5].

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   Seeking Truth: Should believers be careful not to love being right, sometimes more than finding truth? ... especially in marriage? [Titus 1:2].

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   Believing Children Involved in Homosexuality: How do you deal with believing children who are actively living a homosexual lifestyle? [Mark 7, Matthew 15, 19:1-9, 7:21-23, Galatians 5:19-21, I Corinthians 6:9-11].

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   Cremation: Does the Bible say anything about cremation?
New Body in Heaven: Does the body get reformed when we go to heaven?

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   Ezekiel's Wheel: What is Ezekiel's wheel? [Ezekiel 1-2, 10].
Marijuana: What do you think about Christians who smoke marijuana?
Extraterrestrials: What do you think about extraterrestrial beings? Is there a possibility that they exist?

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   Three Days & Three Nights in the Tomb: How does the 3 days and 3 nights work in the tomb? [I Corinthians 15].

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October 29, 2019

   Trying to Kill Jesus: When Jesus was reading Isaiah in the synagogue, why did they try to kill Him? How did He support Himself later when He was traveling? [Luke 4:16-30, Jeremiah 31, Luke 8:3, Galatians 4:4].

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   Covetousness: What is coventousness? [2 Corinthians 6:9-10, 2 Peter 2:3].

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   Knowing the Truth: What does the Bible say about whether we have the ability to know truth? [I John 2:4, John 17:3].

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   Eucharist-Body & Blood of Christ: Catholic caller wants to challenge Steve's critique of the Catholic view of the Eucharist and the questioning of the literalness of "The Body of Christ". [John 6:53, 63, 2:9, 3:1-21, 7:37, 4:14,32, 11:11].
Miracles Being Viewed in Scripture: Caller challenges Steve's position that miracles in the Bible are always seen by witnesses in the Bible. [Mark 2:5-6, John 20:30].

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   Pentecost-the Upper Room?: At Pentecost they were all in one place-where were they? Were they in the upper room [Acts 2:1, 1:13, Deuteronomy 16:16].

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   Revelation-Temple Rebuilding: How will the prophecy of the temple and "man of sin" be fulfilled? And how does it apply to us? [2 Thessalonians 2, I Thessalonians 3:16, 2 Corinthians 6:16].

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October 30, 2019

   Climate Change: What do you think of the current concern about "climate change"? Do you think it is almost a religion?
Childhood Trauma & the Unconscious Mind (Sigmond Freud): Do you think that Freud was correct about the unconscious mind and childhood damage to unremembered abuse and trauma?

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   Christ's Yoke: How does one take Christ's yoke upon them? Is it relative to the phrase, "Let go, and let God"? [Matthew 11:29-30, 23, Acts 15:10, I John 5].

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   Holy Spirit in, on, or with us: Can you clarify this passage? [John 14, 20:22, Acts 1:8, 2:4].

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   Speaking in Parables: I am puzzled by Jesus speaking in parables so that people would not understand Him-can you help me? [Mark 4:10-12, 33, Isaiah 6:9-10, Matthew 7:6, 13:11, Luke 8:10].

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   Isaiah 53-Jesus & Healing: Is Isaiah 53 a prophesy talking about Jesus, or the Jews, and also healing today? [Isaiah 53, I Peter 2:24-25].

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   Calvinism-Total Depravity (Dead in Sin): Would you help me understand how Calvinists see "total depravity" in Romans 1, and the application of "dead in sin"? [Romans 1:18-20, Ephesians 2:1, Colossians 2:13, Luke 15:11-32].

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   Bare Minimum to be Saved: What is the bare minimum one needs to do to be saved? [Luke 14:33, I John 5:12, Proverbs 24:16].

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   Wave Offering: What is the "wave offering" in Leviticus? Is there any connection to the waving of the palm branches? [Leviticus 7:20-34, etc.].
Cross-Dressing: Is there anything in the Bible about cross-dressing? [Deuteronomy 22:5].

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October 31, 2019

   Bible Translations: Which translation is the most accurate and best for Bible study? [Colossians 1:15, Romans 8:21, Hebrews 11:3].

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   Little Horn: Is the "little horn" speaking of the papacy (popes) in these verses? [Daniel 7:8, 25].
Forgive Sins-the Catholic Church: Do not Catholics commit blasphemy when they think that the priests can forgive sins?

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   Popes in Heaven: Do you think there will be any popes in heaven?
Reformation Over?: Do you think that The Reformation is over?

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   Losing One's Salvation: Does one lose their salvation when they sin?

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   Second Coming (Olivet Discourse): How do you view the "second coming" in the Olivet Discourse? [Luke 21:5-32, Matthew 24, Mark 13].

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   Family Issues: Caller is a little unclear, but is asking about her family situation.

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   Life of Jesus: Can you talk about the missing years of Jesus [Luke 2, Matthew 13:55, John 19:26].
Jesus in Hell: Would you talk about where Jesus went, or what happened to Him, when he was dead for 3 days? [I Peter 1:10-12, 3:19].
God's Appearance: Does God actually look like a human being.

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   Torah Doesn't Speak of Christ: Why doesn't the Torah indicate that one will have to submit to Jesus Christ, especially in light of the importance of knowing Christ and how all eternity hinges on that? [Deuteronomy 18:15-17, Genesis 18:1].

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