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March 02, 2020

   Woman Healed Because of her Faith: Was the woman who touched the hem of Jesus' garment healed because of her conviction? [Luke 6:40-48].

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   Mark of the Beast: If you take the mark of the beast, can you still be a Christian?
Making a Cake for a Same-Sex Couple: What are the considerations a believer should have about making a cake for a same-sex wedding?

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   Abomination of Desolation: Could you help me understand "abomination of desolation"? [Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15, Mark 13:14, Luke 21:20]
Image of the Beast-The Abomination of Desolation: Does Thessalonians reflect the same imagery as the "abomination of desolation"? [2 Thessalonians 2, Revelation 13]

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   The Trinity: What religions do not believe in the trinity?
The Trinity: Would you explain the "Trinity"?

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   Alcoholic Beverages for a Church Fundraiser: Our church is considering getting a alcoholic beverages license for a fundraising event, what scripture would you use to discourage it?

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   MK-Ultra Mind-control: Is the use of MK-Ultra Mind-control sinful?

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   Darbyism, Dispensationalism in Denominations: Eastern Orthodox and Catholic churches do not support Darbyism, correct? What do the Mormons think of Darby's view?

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   Calvinism-Election & God's Chosen People: Could you help me sort through Calvinism and Election?

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March 03, 2020

   Capital Punishment or the Death Penalty: Should I still be in favor of the Death Penalty in light of the New Covenant? [Leviticus 24:17, Romans 13:1-4, John 8:7, Genesis 9:6].

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   Trinity: Did Jesus come to reveal God, the Father, or the Trinity?

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   Analogy for the Trinity: Do you think that Space, having height, width, & length, but in totality is still space, a good analogy for the Trinity?
Spiritual Warfare, Michael, The Restrainer: Was Michael, the Archangel, the restrainer, referred to in Daniel 10? [Daniel 10:13, 21, 12:1].
Michael, Retraining Man of Lawlessness: Is Michael, the Archangel, the "restrainer" of the "man of lawlessness"? [2 Thessalonians 2:6-7, Jude 9].

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   Choosing Salvation for our Children: Is this verse saying that the children of Christians will be saved, if we choose life for them? [Deuteronomy 30:19]
Blue Ribbons, Fringe, & Black Israelites: As a particular religious sect suggests, do we still have to wear Blue Ribbons and fringe, since scripture says, "from generation to generation"? [Numbers 15:38].

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   Counterfeit Agape Love: Can Satan counterfeit "agape love"? [1 Corinthians 13, I John 3:9, 4:7, Matthew 16:24-25, Luke 9:23]

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   Walking by Faith Doesn't Always Work: What about people who live by faith in the "real" world, when it doesn't really work as expected? [Psalm 37:25, Hebrew 9:27-28, Matthew 6:33]

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   Hell & Catechetical Schools of Theology: What are the historical centers of theology you were talking about in your book on hell, and where can I find more information about their views?
Hell & C.S. Lewis: What was C.S. Lewis' view about the Doctrine of Hell? Was he an annihilationist?

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   Give us Caesar: Did the Jews break the Old Covenant when they wanted Pilate to give them Caesar as their king? [John 19:15, Matthew 21:37].

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   Paradise or Heaven: Is Paradise the same thing as Heaven? [Luke 23:43]

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   Good Deeds by non-Christians: Can't non-Christians still do good things, and cannot that still be from God? [Romans 6:23].

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March 04, 2020

   Symbolic vs Literal Bible Interpretation: Why do you take some things in the Bible as symbolic rather than literal, when it seems so clear that it is more often meant to be literal? [Revelation 1, 17, 4:5, Zechariah 14, Judges 9, 14].

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   Appointed or Chosen: Is the word for "appointed" in these verses correct? Does it mean appointed to the word, thereby making it an argument against Calvinism? [I Peter 2:8, Acts 13:48]
Foul Language (Cussing or Swearing): What do you think about using foul language (cussing & swearing)? [Ephesians 4:29, James 3:1-12].

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   The Last Apostle: Can we say who the last apostle was? [Ephesians 2].

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   Trinity Unbiblical: If the Trinity doctrine isn't in the Bible then it isn't unbiblical?

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   Everlasting, Not Always Forever: Could you review what you understand about the word often translated "everlasting" (aionios, olam), not always meaning actually everlasting? [Psalm 24, Jude 7].
Defining Who the Apostles Were: Didn't the apostles have to be those that actually interacted with Jesus directly?

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   Pre, Post, & Amillennial Views: Do the three views of Pre, Post, Amillennial Views of Revelation seem to converge on the idea that this could be the time of when Satan is loosed?

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   Hospitality: Are we commanded to be hospitable? [Luke 10:25-37, I Peter 4:9].

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   First Sin on the Planet: Was the first sin committed by Eve or the Serpent?

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   "The Living Bible" Translation: Is "The Living Bible" a paraphrase, a good bible to study from?

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   Pre-existence or Premortality of the Human Being: Could you help me understand Jeremiah 1:5, and in what way God knew us, or our souls, before?

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March 05, 2020

   Main Theme of the Bible: What is the main theme of the Bible?

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   Understanding the Bible: Would not the Bible be more clear if there were no poetry in it?

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   Alcohol in an Church Evangelistic Outreach: I wonder what you think about the response I got from my pastor regarding my objections regarding our church plans to serve alcohol for an evangelical outreach? [I Corinthians 9:22, Galatians 6:10].

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   Jesus Being Unkind: What is up with Jesus when He seems unkind and crabby, like with the woman with great faith that He called a dog? [Matthew 15:26, 8:5-13].

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   Trinity: Could you explain the trinity, using the first few chapters of Hebrews? [Hebrews 1-3, Psalm 45].

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   God's Vegan Diet for Mankind: Why did God's ideal diet for mankind change after the flood?

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   People Back to Infancy in Heaven: Is there scripture that indicates that when we see people in heaven, they will be infants again? [I Corinthians 13:12].

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   Trinity: Could you elaborate on the 7 spirits in heaven? [Revelation, Isaiah 11:2].
Race Distinctions: Why do people divide races into black and white when no one is really black and white?

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   Races: Do you think there is more than one race?
Genesis Limited to Only This Galaxy: Do you think that the Genesis account refers to only our own galaxy? [Genesis 1].
Benny Hinn & Other Christian Figures: What do you think of Ernest Angley, Benny Hinn, and Jonathan Hansen?

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   Was God Crucified: Was God actually crucified when Jesus was? [John 5:19, 2 Corinthians 5].

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   A Predetermined or Predestination Life: Are we only living out what has already been determined? If God knows everything, is sovereign, then is it all predetermined?

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March 06, 2020

   Tithing when you are Poor: Does not scripture suggest we should test God by tithing even if we don't have much, and He will supply our needs? [Luke 6:38, Matthew 6:33, I Timonthy 5:8].
Tithing when you are Poor: Can you give money to your poor mother, rather than to the church? [I Timothy 5:8].

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   Faith: Is the passage about "whatever is not of faith is a sin" a general statement? [Romans 14:23, Proverbs 24:16, Luke 17:4].

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   Translations & Interpretation to Deceive: Can Satan use Bible translations, word interpretations, Greek & Hebrew dictionaries to lie and deceive us? If so, how do I protect myself from this?

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   Her Desire Will be for Her Husband: Does the scripture about a woman's desire being for her husband in Genesis, actually about a woman wanting the take over the role and position of her husband? [Genesis 3:16, 4:7].

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   Adam & Eve's Sin: How and why did Adam & Eve's sin impact the rest of the creation, including the animals? [Genesis 3, I Corinthians 15:21].

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   Baptism of Fire: What is the "baptism of fire"? [Luke 3:15-18, Matthew 3:10-12, Acts 1:5].

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   Annihilation View of Hell & a Child: If the annihilation view of hell is correct, then what happens when a child dies? When are they held accountable? Are they in hell forever? [I Timothy 6:16, Matthew 10:28, 19:14, Isaiah 7:16].

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   Weapons & Guns: Is it acceptable to have a licensed gun or firearm?

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   Ezekiel 38 & 39 (Gog & Magog): Could you talk about Ezekiel 38 & 39, Gog & Magog? Particularly from the Partial-Preterist point of view? [Ezekiel 38-39].

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March 09, 2020

   Ex-Mormon's Testimony: Mike extends gratitude to Steve for helping to lead him out of Mormonism, while maintaining strong faith in Christ, instead of becoming an atheist, agnostic, or embracing other errors of the faith.

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   "Markan Sandwich Technique" & the Fig Tree: Have you ever heard about a literary technique the "Markan Sandwich Technique", as in the cursing of the Fig tree? [Mark 11:13-21, Matthew 21:18-22].
Cursed Fig Tree in Jeremiah: Is the cursed Fig Tree in Jeremiah about the Temple in 70 AD ? [Jeremiah 8:13].

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   Forgiven Sins-Past, Present & Future: Do you agree with Dr. Michael Brown in that only our past sin is forgiven when we are converted to Christ, and future sin requires repentance? [2 Peter 1:9, I John 7, 9].

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   Adding to or Subtracting from the Bible: Caller thinks Steve should tell the (former) Mormon caller about not adding or subtracting to the Bible, which he thinks the Book of Mormon does. [Revelation 22:18-19].

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   Worship Service in Church: What form of worship should take place in church, when worshipping in Spirit & Truth? What should it look like on a Sunday morning as far as the raising of hands, singing, and so on? [John 4:19-24, 5:42, Isaiah 29:13].

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   Jesus as the only Way: Can we absolutely prove that Jesus is the ONLY way to heaven amidst all the world religions that are out there?

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   No Longer a Slave to Sin & Walking in the Spirit: If we have the capability of not being a "slave to sin" does that mean that we have the power, by grace, to not sin? What if we stumble?[Romans 6:6, 7:14, 24-25, 8:1, 4, Galatians 5:16, Luke 15:11-32, James 3:2].

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March 10, 2020

   Prophecy-All About Jesus: When scripture says that "the spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus" does that mean that all prophecy is about Jesus? [Revelation 19:10].

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   Woman Taken in Adultery: If the Jews had stoned the woman taken in adultery, wouldn't they have violated Roman Law?
Death Penalty: When was it made clear to thee disciples that it was no longer their job to stone people that violated law? [Romans 13].

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   Steve Gregg & Calvary Chapel: Why did you leave Calvary Chapel?
Lonnie Frisbee (Calvary Chapel): Did you know Lonnie Frisbee?
Pre-Tribulation Rapture: If the Pre-Tribulation Rapture is a false doctrine, then isn't Calvary Chapel full of false teachers? And what should we do about this?

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   Sin that Keeps Reoccurring: How does one deal with reoccurring sin that seemingly can't be beat? How does God forgive in this situation? [Matthew 1:21, I Peter 2, Psalm 119:11].
Tribulation & Rapture: Could you clarify more about the various positions on the tribulation and rapture? [I thessalonians 4:16-17].

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   Dual Fulfillment of Prophecy: What do you think about dual fulfillment of prophecy? [Isaiah 8, Hebrews, Psalm 89:29, Matthew 24, Revelation].
Seven Churches in Revelation: How do you see the significance of the seven churches in Revelation?
Matthew 24: Do you think that Matthew 24 has implications for both past and present? [Matthew 24].

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   Not Really Saved (I Never Knew You): How could people prophesy and do miracles in Jesus name and yet they might not have really been saved? [Matthew 7:22, I Corinthians 13].

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   Smoking Cigarettes: Do you believe that smoking cigarettes is a sin? [Romans 6:14, I Corinthians 6:19-20].
Obesity or Gluttony: What about the sin of obesity or gluttony? [Philippians 3:18-20, I Corinthians 10:30-31].

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   Fear & Fellowship with God: How do you sort the fear of God and fellowship with God in light of the Old Testament descriptions of His punishing His people? [Psalm 119:53, 2 Corinthians 5:11].

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March 11, 2020

   Difference between Premillennial & Dispensational: Could you clarify the differences and relationship between Pre-millennialism and Dispensationalism?

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   Word differences in two verses: Could you clarify the relationship & differences between these two verse in Ephesians & Psalms? [Ephesians 4:8 & Psalm 68:18].

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   Eliphaz & Job: Could you help me understand what point Eliphaz was making in this verse in Job 4? [Job 4:17].

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   Book of Mormon: Have you read through the entire Book of Mormon? What do you think of its overall moral teaching and trustworthiness? [John 4:2, Matthew 7:15].

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   Zacharius & the Course of Abia: What do you know about Zacharius and the "course of Abia"? [Luke 1:15].
Serpent Seed Doctrine: What do you know about the "Serpent Seed" doctrine? [I John 3:12-15, 8:44].

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   Kenosis Theory & the Bethel Movement: Because of my concern about the Bethel movement and Bill Johnson's teaching, I am trying to sort out the "Kenosis Theory"? [Philippians 2].
Hillsong Music Bans: Do you think it is an over-reaction to not ban singing of Hillsong music?

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   Peter's Journey to Rome: Was Peter going to Rome?

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   The Narrow Path Website: Where is the content on your website that goes into the zodiac in detail? [Genesis 1].

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   Revelation's Two Witnesses: What is your take on the two witnesses in Revelation? [Revelation 11].

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   Christianity Not a Religion: As an unbeliever, I find that the argument that Christianity isn't a religion, annoying, can you tell me more about how that is defended?

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   Many Mansions: Could you talk about the "many mansions" in John? [John 14:2, 23].

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March 12, 2020

   Cut-off From God: Is God always be willing to welcome you back or is there a point that He will cut you off? [2 Thessalonians 2:11, Romans 1:18, Luke 23:42, Genesis 6:7, Isaiah 55:6].

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   Stuck With an Unfaithful Husband: Am I stuck with an unfaithful husband ? [I Corinthians 7:10-15].

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   Great Tribulation: Are we, as Christians, promised protection from the "Great Tribulation"? [Revelation 3:10, 7:14, Matthew 24:21, John 17:15, Exodus 11, Psalm 91:1-8].

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   Third Temple: Do you believe that the third temple will be built? [Revelation 11].

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   Christians Who Won't Talk about Jesus: What do you think about Christians who are uninterested in talking about Christ? [Matthew 10:32-33].

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   Trinitarian Personhood of the Holy Spirit: Is there evidence in scripture for the actual personhood of the Holy Spirit, particularly in light of having no name, and that we not been directed to pray to Him? [I Corinthians 1:3, Galatians 1:1, John 14:16, Acts 6:11-13].

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March 13, 2020

   Old Testament Ignorance of Eternal Life: Why didn't God inform those believers in the Old Testament of the concept of eternal life? [Daniel 12:2, John 6:68, Genesis 15:1, Matthew 19:16-22, Mark 9:36].

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   Physical or Spiritual Strength: Is the Isaiah verse about "mounting up with wings like eagles" talking about physical or spiritual strength [Isaiah 40:31, Genesis 5:24].

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   Amillennial vs Premillennial: Would you clarify how the Amillennial view would not cause fewer people to be saved? [I Peter 1:18, Galatians 1:4, Matthew 1:21].

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   Unity School Church: What do you think about the Unity School?

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   Coronavirus-Church Closed: What do you think about a church who closed their doors because of the Corona virus?

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   Recall Verse about Priest: Do you remember the verse about priests you shared with me in a previous call? [Matthew 7, I John 2].

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   Clarity from God for Guidance: Will scripture, or the Holy Spirit, always teach and lead you? Or are there times when it will be unclear? [Acts 16:6-7, Proverbs 3:6].

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   Repentance in Hell: Doesn't the Hebrews 9 verse prove that there is no chance to repent after death? [Hebrew 9:27].
False Teachers Today: Why do Christians not root out and expose false teachers like Rick Warren, the Pope, and Hillsong, among others, more agressively?

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   LDS View-Unbroken Chain: How do you respond to the very important LDS view that one must have someone lay hands on them from an unbroken chain in order to be filled with the Holy Spirit, or baptize others?
Qualifications for Church Leadership: What do you think the scriptural qualifications are for starting or leading a church? [I Timothy 3, Titus 1].

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March 16, 2020

   666 Relative to a Percentage: Do you think that the use of the number 666 in the Bible could be representative of a percentage?

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   Prophecy & End Times: When Paul described prophecy as having a certain kind of content, why do you think so many instead and exclusively relate it to end times? [I Corinthians 14:3 , Acts 11f].

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   Women in Church: Is it acceptable for women to read scripture out loud in church? [I Corinthians 11:15, 14:34].

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   Son of Abraham & Salvation: Why Jesus would say that salvation had come because one was a child of Abraham, when we understand salvation to be of faith? [Galatians 3:7, John 1, 8].

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   Jezebel: Am I understanding it correctly that the correction in Revelation 2, is not about her being a woman, but what she is teaching? [I Timothy 2:12-15, Revelation 2:14-20].

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   Concubines: Why did God allow for concubines? [Genesis 36:12, Acts 17:30].
Genealogies in the Bible: Why do translators include all the genealogies in the Bible?

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   Divorce between Two Christians: As two believers going through divorce after 30 years of marriage, can one draw comfort and counsel from the story of the prodigal son? [Luke 15:11-32].

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   Holy Spirit Brings Unity: Is it the job of the Holy Spirit to bring us into unity?
One Scriptural Interpretation Allowed: How would you assess the claim that the Holy Spirit would only allow for one interpretation of scripture, because the Holy Spirit would not allow for less than unity? [Romans. 14]

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   Coronavirus Predicted: Do you think that things like the Corona Virus Pandemic are predicted in the Bible?

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   Gender & False Teaching of Jezebel: Should not Jezebel's gender also have been subject to reprimand in Revelation when she was teaching false doctrine? [Revelation 2:20, I Timothy 2:12-15, Matthew 23:23, I Corinthians 7:8-9].

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March 17, 2020

   Coronavirus & The Narrow Path Broadcast: There's a remote chance that the Coronavirus pandemic will not allow live broadcasts, however, we do to foresee that at this time.

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   New Testament Reliability: Did the Catholic church alter the New Testament? Is it still trustworthy?

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   God Directing Murder: Did God ask Abraham to murder his son?

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   Trinity: How could God speak from heaven, apart from and about Jesus, if they are not separate beings, instead of the one being as in the trinity? [Matthew 17:5 ].

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   Jesus' Frustration with His Disciples: Why was Jesus so frustrated with His disciples because they could not cast out demons? [Mark 9:12, Luke 9].

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   Abraham Sacrifice of Isaac: Comment on Abraham's faith when told to sacrifice Isaac. [Hebrews 11:19].
Only 144,000 Saved: Why are there so few at the end, if only 144,000 are saved? [Revelation 7:1-8, 14:1-5, James 1:18, Ezekiel 9].

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   Denying Christ: Didn't Peter deny Christ, but was still allowed to follow Christ? If we try to save someone by denying Christ, like our child, God would know we didn't mean it, right? [Matthew 10:33, John 21].

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   Denying Christ: One must keep in mind our public witness if we ever deny Christ, even if it was to save someone.
Greek Interpretation & Elders, Pastors, Teachers: The Greek words (such as "kai") can be interpreted in more than one way, so what is the guide for determining which meaning is meant, as in the passages about elders, pastors & teachers? [Ephesians 4:11, I Peter 2:25, Galatians 6:16, I Timothy 3].

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March 18, 2020

   Anointing the Sick & Baptizing: Who is qualified to anoint with oil for the healing of the sick? What about Baptisms, who is qualified to do that? [James 5:14]

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   Trinity: The Father & the Son also indwell the church, too, just like the Holy Spirit, don't they? [John 14:21]
Nicaean Council & the Trinity: Unitarian & Oneness is more accurate than the Traditional view of the Trinity, according to the caller. [Dayna will have to figure out how to word this question....I have NO idea what he's saying, or what to write of what he's asking! She missed a couple questions, so she'll write them once this is posted & she has time!]

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   Coronavirus Pandemic: It seems like this coronavirus is just the beginning of the "great tribulation". what do you think?

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   Who is Left Behind: In Matthew when speaking about those left behind, who do you think the ones left behind are? Are they being left behind for judgment? [Matthew 24:40].
Beating Sin's Temptation: When we are face tempting sin, how do we beat the temptation to continue to be right with God? [James 1].

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   Leaven's Meaning in Matthew: Matthew's reference to leaven, seems to have opposite meanings depending on the commentary -what do you think? [Matthew 13:33].

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   Ezekiel & Israel to Return to the Land: Can you clarify the Ezekiel verses regarding the return of Israel to the land? Is referring to the returning of Jews now to Israel? [Ezekiel 37:1-14].

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   Coronavirus Pandemic: Do you think that there is some good things coming out of this coronavirus pandemic?

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   Bisexual Daughter Comes Out to Her Mom: what can I do to help my daughter, who just revealed her bent toward bisexuality?

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   Trinity, Oneness, or What? How would you define my view of the trinity or the oneness doctrines? [John 14, Revelation].

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   Lead Us Not Into Temptation: In the Lord's prayer, we are informed that God leads us into temptation. That is not what God should do, right? [Matthew 6:13, 4:1, Luke 4:1].

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   Resisting To the Point of Bloodshed: Could you give some commentary on this verse in Hebrews about about resisting to the point of shedding blood? [Hebrews 12:4].

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March 19, 2020

   Repentance & Salvation: How important is repentance for one's salvation? [Luke 15:11-32, 18:13, Mark 1:15, Acts 2:38].

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   Speaking in Tongues Evidence of Holy Spirit's Filling: Is speaking in tongues the only evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit? [Acts 2:4, Ephesians 5:18, Galatians 5:22f].

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   Steve's Book on Revelation-Comment: Just a word of appreciation for Steve's teaching and his Revelation book.
Uncleanness in Old vs New Testament: Can you clarify the difference between "uncleanness" in the Old Testament and its spiritual application in the New Testament? [2 Corinthians 6, 7:11]
Isaac & Ishmael: Can you help me to understand the significance of Isaac & Ishmael? [Galatians 4:21-31].

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   Jesus in Hell (Hades): Can you help me understand how or why Jesus went to hell (Hades)? [Psalm 16, I Acts 2:27, 31, Luke 23:43].
Michael Dare Not Condemn Satan: Why did Michael not dare condemn Satan in the book of Jude? [Jude 1:9].

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   Pregnant Woman in Revelation: Who do you think the pregnant woman in Revelation represents? [Revelation 12:9, 2:27, 17, 19, Genesis 37:9-10].

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   Repentance: Comment about a song by Sister Hazel that might help hearers find "repentance" more palatable.

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   All Things Controlled by God: What do you think about the reference to "works all things according to His will" in Ephesians? [Ephesians 1:3,11, Romans 8:28, Luke 7:30, I Thessalonians 4 ].

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   Idolatry: What is idolatry? [Matthew 10:37, Ephesians 5:15, Colossians 3:5].

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   Israel of God: What or who is the "Israel of God" in Galatians 6? [Galatians 3:7,29, 6:16].

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March 20, 2020

   Doug Batchelor: If you are still in touch with Doug Batchelor, you should correct him about being a false teacher?

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   Beast Into Hell in Revelation: How do you explain the verses about the beast and false prophet cast into hell if this is about 70AD? [Revelation 19].
Revelation about End Times: What parts of Revelation do you apply to 70 AD?

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   Soften Heart: Can you give me some examples of where God softened someone's heart? [Ezekiel 36:26, Acts 16:14].

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   The Watchers in the Bible: What do you know about "the watchers" in scripture? [Daniel 4:13].

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   Crispus and Sosthenes: Were the rulers Crispus and Sosthenes the same man in the passage in Acts where Paul was beaten? [Acts 18:18].

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   The Gospel in Mark: What does Mark mean when he refers to the gospel in his writings? [Mark 1:15, Isaiah 52:7].

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   Cremation: What doe the Bible say about cremation?
Curtain Torn in the Temple: Why does only the book of Matthew record the curtain being torn in the temple? [Matthew 27:51].

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   Coronavirus: What do you think about the Coronavirus and its ramifications?
Can One Lose Their Salvation: Do you think someone can lose their salvation? [2 Thessalonians 2, Hebrews 3:1, 12, I John 5:11, Luke 15].

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   Beasts in Revelation: I just want to point out the two beasts in Revelation and their identity and how it is connected to the papacy and Catholic church. [Revelation 13].

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   Call failed: Call failed.

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   Calvinist Views of Election & Predestination: Could you talk about the Calvinist views of election, being chosen, and predestination held by some of the leading Calvinists, such as Calvin and Sproul? [Romans 8-9].

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   Coronavirus: The Coronavirus did not come from China.

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   Rapture Can Happen Any Time: What do you think about those that say that the rapture can come at any time, even though there seems to be some things that need to happen first? [2 Thessalonians 2].

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   Garden of Eden: Do you think that scripture indicates that the Garden of Eden was a separate place, like in a bubble? [Genesis 3:1].

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March 23, 2020

   Christian Universalism: Could you comment on the Christian Universalism view? Did not God pay for 100% of mankind? [John 3:16-17, I Peters 3:20].

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   Jews the Only Worshippers of God: Why were the Jews the only ones to have a relationship with God? [Hebrews 11].

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   God Communicating Through Coronavirus: Do you think that God is trying to get something across to us using the Coronavirus? If so, what?

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   Distancing Oneself from the Church: What do you think about my wife, a good Christian woman, who has distanced herself from the corporate church? [Hebrews 10:25-31].

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   Christians Universalism & Reconciliation: How can one consider Universalism or Universal Reconciliation, when it is not possible for everyone to be saved and justify it scripturally? [Matthew 26:24, Hebrews 9:27].

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   Signs for the Coming of Christ? Could you talk about the signs for the second coming of Christ, particularly in the second half of Matthew 24? [Matthew 24:34-44, I Thessalonians 5:1-5].
Recommendation of Steve's Book on Hell: Caller highly recommends Steve's book on Hell.

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   Demons: Can demons be something more broad, like a worldview, or attitude, or something similar? [John 8:31-32].
Love One Another to Unarm Demons: If we just love one another, would that sufficiently render demons ineffective? [John 8:31-32].

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   Calvinism vs Arminianism: Is there one place, or book, that would martial all the arguments for and against Calvinism?

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   No Longer Death Penalty for Some Things as in Old Testament: Where does scripture tell us that we no longer are to levy Old Testament punishments on people today? [Romans 13].

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   Journey to Heaven or Hell: Where does scripture teach us that we take a journey to some place after we die, like heaven or hell? [Isaiah 14, Luke 16:19-31, Philippians 1, 2 Corinthians 5:6].

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March 24, 2020

   John the Baptist: What can you tell me about the life of John the Baptist, and also about his association with Elijah?
John the Baptist: Do you think that we know so little about John the Baptist, because he didn't want to steal the thunder of the coming Jesus? [John 3].
John the Baptist: Didn't Jesus say that there is "no one greater born of a woman", but John the Baptist, but Jesus was born of a woman, so how to you harmonize that? [Luke 7:28, Matthew 11:11].

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   Cain's Sacrifice Not Accepted by God: Why didn't God accept Cain's sacrifice? [Hebrews 11, Romans 10:17, Luke 11:50-51, Genesis 4].

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   Teaching Gender Identity: Can you comment on my conviction in trying to raise my future children with respect toward their gender and the differences between the sexes? [Genesis 1, I Corinthians 11, Deuteronomy 22:5].

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   Woman Taken in Adultery: Do you think that Jesus would have agreed that the woman taken in adultery should be stoned, if the Roman government had allowed stoning?
Gossip & Envy-Crimes Worthy of Death: How do you assess the list of crimes like gossip and envy, being identified as worthy of death? [Romans 1:30-32].

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   Angels & Heirs of Salvation: Does Hebrews indicate that people, referred to as the "heirs of salvation",receive the ministering of angels even before they are saved? [Hebrews 1:14, Romans 8:17].
Angel Identity and Tasks: Does Hebrews 1:14 shed any light on how to understand Daniel 11:1 and the task and identity of angels? [Daniel 1, Hebrews 1:14].

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   Eternal Damnation in Hell: Do you believe in eternal damnation in hell? [Mark 9:43-48, Isaiah 66:24, 2 Peters 2].

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   Fallen Angels & Demons: Is there a difference between demons and fallen angels?
Demons as Offspring of the Nephilim: Do you think that demons are the offspring of the "Sons of Men" or Nephilim?

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   Peter & The Holy Spirit: Peter could not have possessed the Holy Spirit at the time of his denying of Christ, because the Holy Spirit had not yet come at Pentacost, right? [John 7:39].
Identity of the Rich Young Ruler: Do you think that "the rich young ruler" was Saul (Paul)?

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   Cain's Sacrifice Unacceptable to God: Do you think that it is possible that the reason Cain's sacrifice was unacceptable to God was because he had a wicked heart as it says in Proverbs? [Proverbs 15:8].

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   Signs of the Time: Are there any current "signs of the times" we should be acknowledging?

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   Catholic Church Influenced King James Version: Did Catholic influence on the KJV obscure the fact that Jesus was crucified on Wednesday? {Mark 6:9, Matthew 28:1].

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   Tribes of Israel: How could the 144,000 refer to Christians in Jerusalem if they referred to the tribes in the northern kingdom?

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March 25, 2020

   End Times Cashless society: In light of recent government plans to make a cashless society, do you still think that it is a sign of the times according to Revelation and the U.S. is not the 2nd beast? [Revelation 13:11-13].

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   Adam, Cro-Magnon & Neanderthal Man: What about Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal man and those that preceded Adam?
Doug Wilson-Calvinism Debate: What did you debate Doug Wilson about?

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   Medical Pandemic-Coronavirus: How do you handle those in your own household that are not being careful and help reduce the threat of the pandemic threat of Coronavirus?

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   144,000 & The Twelve Tribes of Israel-Now or Then: Were there Jews from all 12 tribes in Jerusalem in the 1st century, so that we can identify the 144,000 (from all 12 tribes) as the believing Jews at that time, rather than at the end times?
Trinity Added to the Bible by the Pope: Did the trinity concept get added to the Bible by the pope? [I John 5:7].

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   Jesus' Being Impolite: What do you say to someone who finds some of Jesus' statements difficult, such as, describing one not saying "thank you" to a slave? [Luke 17:10].
Jesus-My Friend: What about when Jesus called you friends, not servants? [John 15:12-17].

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   Book of Hebrews' Authorship & Credibility: The book of Hebrews' authorship is unknown, right? So why is it in the Bible? [Hebrews 13:23].

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   Why No Hell in the Old Testament: Do you think the reason that "hell" is not mentioned more in the Old Testament is because God wanted His people to chose Him for Himself? [Daniel 12:2, Isaiah 66;24].

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   Why a Sermon on Sunday: Why do we gather once a week to listen to someone give a sermon, when it would be more beneficial to have a conversation? [Acts 2].

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March 26, 2020

   "The Pure Word" Translation Have you heard of the new translation called "The Pure Word, that is from the Koine Greek"?

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   Moses' Parent's Genealogy: Why doesn't aren't Moses' parents not named the Bible?

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   Authority to the Popes to the Apostles: Do the popes have the authority of "binding and loosing" that Jesus promised to the apostles? [Matthew 16:19, 18:18, 2 Corinthians 8:23].
Mary & the Saints Perfected in Righteousness: Relative to the Catholic claim that Mary and the saints are prefected in righteousness, are we not already prefected in righteouseness in Christ? [3 John].

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   Coronavirus Pandemic Controls: Would you comment on my struggle with the government controlling the closure of businesses during the Coronavirus pandemic?
Government Control on Sunday Gatherings: Would you comment on the government controlling us by restricting our attending Sunday worship gatherings?

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   Church after the Book of Acts: What happened to the church after the book of Acts? [Matthew 20:26].

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   Hell-Which View: Would you articulate your own stand of the 3 views of hell? Do you believe that hell is eternal?
Importance of Understanding Hell: Isn't our understanding of hell far too important not to know? [2 Thessalonians 1].
Death and Hell: Is there anything in the Greek and Hebrew that better describes what kind of death we suffer, and how permanent it is, that will help us understand the consequence of sin and hell?

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   Relating to an Angry Atheist: How do I converse with an extreme atheist, who is on the attack?
Not Defending My Faith Well: Is it a cop-out to dismiss an angry atheist, if I don't think I can defend my faith well enough to take him on?

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March 27, 2020

   History of Eschatology: What was the prominent view of Eschatology (study of end time events) throughout history?

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   Baptism-Immersion: How did we get the pagan practice of being immersed in the ritual of baptism? [Hebrews 10:9].
Baptism Ritual Ended: Didn't Jesus do away with the practice of baptism and other ritual washings? [Hebrew 9:10, 10:9, John 3:25, 4:1f].

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   How Many Are Truly Saved Today: What kind of percentage of people today do you think are truly committed, or true disciples of Christ? [Matthew 7:22].

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   Kingdom of God Enacted: Are we at that place in God's timeline suggested in Genesis 3, where the kingdom of God is enacted and progressing-in the crushing of Satan's head? [Genesis 3:15, Romans 16:20, Psalms 47:3,
Kingdom of God: Who is being grafted into the kingdom - is it now primarily gentiles, rather than the Jews? [Romans 11:11f].

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   Battle of Armageddon: What does the "battle of Armageddon" (Great Day of God Almighty) represent? [Revelation 16:14, 19, 11:8, Ezekiel 5:1-5].

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   Angry with God: When a believer is disappointed or angry with God, Is it always sinful, or does God actually welcome our feelings? [Job 13:15].
Psalms, Prayer & the Human Heart: Do you think that God put the Psalms in scripture to just give an example of the human heart?

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   Eternal Security: Do you believe in "eternal security" if someone was really saved at one time? [Matthew 7:23].

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March 30, 2020

   Church Leaders - Not Exhibiting Love: What do you think about a worship leader in our church who indicates he just doesn't like some people and avoids them? [I John 4:7-8, John 13:34, Romans 8:9, I Corinthians 13].
Mean Christians Sharpen Us: Could it be that unloving or mean people are there to sharpen us, like the scripture says? [Proverbs 27:17].

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   Best Evidence for Christianity: What is the best reason to be a Christian and follow Jesus?

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   Refusing Machine Support to Live: What is the the Christian perspective on refusing life support medical machines, or "pulling the plug?"

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   Harold Camping, Prophecy, & the Last Day: Do you know what the method that Harold Camping used to try to determine the day of the second coming of Christ? [Matthew 24:36].

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   Jephthah's Sacrifice of His Daughter Could you share your thoughts of the story of Jephthah and if the offering was actually a burnt offering of his daughter? If so, how would that be reconciled with our God? [Judges 11:30-31, 39].

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   Plea the Blood of Jesus: Is it wrong to "plea the blood of Jesus" over your house or other goods?
Plea the Blood of Jesus: Is is wrong to "plea the blood of Jesus" over your house or other goods? [Revelation 12:11].
Distancing Oneself from One's Family Member: Is is wrong to distance myself from my brother, if I don't think he is a good influence around my family?

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   Who Flies Away?: Are the people who fly up into the skies at the return of Christ, the believers, or will the believers be left on the earth? [Luke 17:33-37, I Thessalonians 4:17, Matthew 24f, Psalm 91].

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   Eternal Life & Eternal Judgment: Could you talk about "eternal life" and "eternal judgment?" [John 3:36].

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March 31, 2020

   Second Coming of the Lord: Does Luke 17 & 2 Thessalonians passages refer to the same thing - the coming of the Lord? [Luke 17:32, 2 Thessalonians].
Judgment of the Wicked: Is the same word used for "body" in where the eagles are, the same word for body in the body of Christ? [Luke 17:32, Job 39:30, 2 Thessalonians 1:8, Psalm 91:10].

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   The Age for Christian Commitment: At what age do you think kids are able to actually make a serious decision for the Lord and be baptized?

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   Elijah-Prophecy Yet to Come: Is the prophecy from Elijah about "turning of the hearts of the fathers toward the children" about abortion and prophecy to still be fulfilled? [Malachi 4:6, Matthew 11:14, 17:10].

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   Lord and Savior - or Not: What do you think about the idea that someone can ask for Jesus to be your savior and later you can become a disciple? [Luke 14:26, 33, Acts 11:26, Romans 10:9, Luke 2:11].

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   Full-Preterist View of "No More Pain": Can you help clarify the belief that the Full-Preterist view that all has been fulfilled already, suggesting that we are in the age where there is no more pain, etc.? [Revelation 21:4].
Signs Yet to be Fulfilled: What passages of scripture give prophetic signs that you think are yet to be fulfilled? [Matthew 24:34, Hebrews 6:1-6].

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   Thank You to Steve for His Show: Thank you for teaching outside the common theological box.
Ezekiel - Type of Christ: Was Ezekiel a type of Christ because of the frequency of the use of "the son of man" when he was referred to? [Psalm 8:4].

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   The Apocalypse: Does the written word of the Apocalypse (the book of Revelation) always lock the prophecy into our future?

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   Medical Approved Suicide: Do you think taking medical measures to end one's own life is acceptable by biblical standards?

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   Worry, Fear, Concern: Could you talk about worrying for the believer, especially if their child goes missing for a few days? [Matthew 6:24-31, Proverbs 30:25, 6:8-11].

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   Why Do We Pray: Do we pray to change things, or pray that God will changes his mind, or what? [James 4:2-3, Matthew 6:10].

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