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September 01, 2020

   Rebroadcasts of Narrow Path Radio Program: Does the Narrow Path Ministry have to pay for additional air-time when radio stations rebroadcasts it during other parts of the day, when it's not live?
Causes to Break-off Fellowship or Church Discipline: You have said that many things are not enough to break fellowship over, so what things ARE worthy of breaking fellowship over?

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   Who is Melchizedek?: What was Melchizedek's purpose and background? Was he related to Noah? [Genesis 14, Psalm 110:4, Hebrews 7:1-10, John 8:56].

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   The Creation & Earth's Age in Genesis & the Disciples: Could you help me sort the age of the earth, creation, and the knowledge and task of the disciples? [Genesis 1:1-2, John 21:25].

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   The Lord's Day: Is "The Lord's Day" Saturday or Sunday?
Seventh Day Adventism: So what do you think about the faith of the Seventh Day Adventist church?

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   Pearls Before Swine: Could you talk about "casting your pearls before swine"? [Matthew 7:6].

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   Edgar Cayce: What do you know about Edgar Cayce?

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   Live-in Boyfriend: Could you advise us about a Christian girl who lives with her boyfriend, even though they live in separate bedroom? [Matthew 5:30].

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   Paul's Teaching's Commandments or Not: Caller comments on Paul's teaching as if they are a commandments, but says they are a vision, instead. [I Corinthians 14:14-36].

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   Prophecy-Till All is Fulfilled: What is being referred to in Matthew when it suggests that the law and the prophets were fulfilled? [Matthew 5:17, Michah 5:2].

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September 02, 2020

   Atoning Death of Jesus: Was Jesus' death what atoned for our sins, or what there more to it? [Isaiah 53:6, I Peter 2:24, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Revelation 14:10].

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   Who Shall Separate Us from Christ?: Is Paul arguing that our love for God is what would prevent us from ever separating from God, and perhaps not just God's love for us? [Romans 8:31-39].

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   Christ Dying for Our Sins, Past, Present, Future: Did Christ's suffering on the cross include feeling the pain of my sins, as He actually felt them at that moment also-sort of outside of time? [Revelation 18:8].
Jesus' Amount of Suffering Due to Enormity of Sins He bore: Did Jesus suffer more on the cross because He was suffering for such an infinite number sins? [Revelation 13:8].

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   If God Knows My Future, How Am I Accountable?: If God knows my future, then how am I accountable for where I end up?

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   The Beast and an Unbeliever's Doubts: A non-believer comments on his view of the possible meaning of the beast being the internet . He also comments how the predictions of Jesus' return damaged his view. [Revelation 13].

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   Salvation, Powers and Principalities: Could you comment on salvation and the powers and principalities, and the relationship between them? [Titus 3:1, Hebrews 1:14, Ephesians 6].

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   Jesus Not Needed for the Jew: Is the verse about turning from our "wicked ways" and "healing the land" in 2 Chronicles still applicable to us today? Can this be used to defend an argument that Jesus is not needed for Jews to claim God? [2 Chronicles 7:14, Deuteronomy 18:15-18, Hebrews 11:10, Hebrews 11:15].

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   Sentences Structure and Meaning in 2 Corinthians: Could you help me with the sentence structure in 2 Corinthians 1:19 and who "it" is? [2 Corinthians 1:17-19].

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   Gap Theory and the Creation: Could you talk about the idea that the earth "became" void and its ramifications? [Genesis 1:1-2].

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   Encouragement for Unbeliever: Caller encourages the earlier caller to keep seeking the Lord. [Matthew 7:7}

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September 03, 2020

   Subjection to Government: Could you talk about subjecting oneself to government to avoiding wrath and a bad conscience? [Romans 13:5].
Limitations of Government: How does one sort the limitations of government's legitimate authority?

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   Principalities: Observations and disagreement about the word "principalities."

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   "Wisdom" as Woman in Proverbs: Why is "Wisdom described as a woman in Proverbs?
Wisdom's Voice as Little Girl's: What do you say to someone who says that wisdom, in the voice of a little girl, has spoken to them?

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   Requiring the Same Kind of Worship Activity: Will it result in a stricter judgment if we require other's to worship in a way that was not exactly directed by Jesus? [Matthew 7:2, I Samuel 15:23, John 4:24].

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   The Over-reach of Government: Comment on over-reach of government.[Romans 13, Matthew 5:40, I Peter 2:13-14].

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   Illustration of The Trinity: Comment on the clarity of the illustration for "the trinity", as "God as sun, Jesus as the light, and the Holy Spirit as the heat."

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   Christian Fiction Writer of "Harbinger", Jonathan Cahn: Have you read the books by Jonathan Cahn, "The Harbinger"?
Bidden/ Harris Ticket: Would you comment on the Bidden/ Harris ticket potential for harming our government?

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   Controlling One's Temper: Could you give me advise on how to control my temper better?
When Anger is Not Sin: If I used my anger in a positive way, then is it no longer sinful? [Isaiah 53:7, Ephesians 4:26-30].

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   The Trinity Illustration of the Sun: Caller shares his use of the same illustration of the trinity as the son, and compares the Word to thoughts. [Psalm 19:1].

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   Declaring Outcomes & Demands in the Lord's Name: What do you think of those who "declare" or "cut-off" something or insist that we have the power to make demands? [Luke 10:19, Jude 9, Zechariah 3:2].

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   Christians Hating Democrats: Why do so many Christians seem to hate Democrats and Black Lives Matter?

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September 04, 2020

   Occult, Clairvoyants, and Fortune Telling: Is it ever acceptable to seek guidance from clairvoyants and fortune tellers? [Deuteronomy 18:9-13, Isaiah 8:19, Galatians 5].

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   Calvinism's Effectually Called: Is the Calvinistic idea we are chosen without free will, as in "the calling from eternity past" defended in scripture? [I Corinthians 1:24-25, Isaiah 65, Matthew 22:14, Matthew 23:37, Luke 13:34, Romans 8:28, 2 Peter 3:9].

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   Bad Kings Ordained by God-Leadership in the Future: Why did God allow bad kings? Were they ordained by God? Can the same thing happen again in the future in the United States? [Hosea 8:4, Romans 13:1, Daniel 2:21, Proverbs 21:1, Acts 5:12]. Where is your alternate site,

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   God's Sovereignty Defined: What does it mean to you to say that God is sovereign?
Fallen Away-Once Partaken of Heavenly Gift: Does God's sovereignty relate to the verse in Hebrews about one who has received the heavenly gift, but has fallen away not being able to return? [Hebrew 6:4].

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   Day of Atonement and Sacrifice Fulfilled in Christ: Could you talk about the day of atonement and the phrase "no more conscience of sin"? [Hebrews 10:2-12].

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   Passing Through the Pieces of the Sacrificed Animal: Could you talk about the religious rites and symbolism of the Old Testament, such as passing through the pieces of the sacrificed animal? [Genesis 15, Deuteronomy 4:20, Jeremiah 11:4, I Kings 8:51, Isaiah 62:1].

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   Getting on the Narrow Path: Contemplating on the verse about "the narrow path", I am concerned that myself and some of my friends are not really on it. Can you help direct me? [Matthew 7:13-14, Matthew 26:41, James 3:2, Matthew 16:24, I John, Revelation 7:9, John 13:35].

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   The Death Penalty: What do you think should be the Christian view of the death penalty? [Genesis 9, Romans 12-13]

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September 08, 2020

   Confessing Sins of One's Ancestors: In Nehemiah, it appears that God's people confessed the sins of their ancestors, so how would that apply to us today, and concerns like "Black Lives Matters"? [Nehemiah 9:3, Exodus 20].

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   Calling People Unflattering Names: If I call a politician an evil moron, am I in danger of hellfire? [Matthew 5:22, I John]

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   God Trying to Kill Moses: Why did God try to kill Moses in Exodus? [Exodus 4:24-26].

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   Andrew of Caesarea: Are you familiar with Andrew (Andreas) of Caesarea's commentary from 1614 and did you figure out what his view of Revelation was? [Revelatioin 13].

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   Observance of the Sabbath Day & Ten Commandments: Does the fact that observance of the Sabbath Day is listed in The Ten Commandments solidify it as one that we should still observe? [Genesis 2:2, John 5:17, Romans 13:9-10, Colossians 2:16-17]. (EDITOR'S NOTE: Steve Gregg's answer continues after the break.)

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   Why Pray: What is the purpose of prayer, if God doesn't change His mind, and things are established already? [2 Kings 20, I John 5:14-15].

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   Church Finances & Transparency: Is it mandatory for pastors to be transparent about the church's finances?

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   Praying for Petty Things: Can one pray for things that are just too petty to be prayed for?

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   Motivation to Kill Abel & Jesus: What was the motivation for Cain to kill Abel, and for the people to kill Christ? [I John 3:12, Mark 15:10, Matthew 27:18].

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   Worshipping on the Sabbath: Is it not clear that Jesus went to synagogue on the Sabbath and that is enough for us to do the same? [Luke 4:16, John 5:30, Daniel 7:25].

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September 09, 2020

   Idealist View of Revelation: Would you help me understand the "Idealist" view of Revelation?
Praying in the Spirit: How does one pray in the spirit, if they don't speak in tongues? [Jude 20, I Corinthians 14:14, Ephesians 6:18].

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   Modern Israel & Demonic Rejection of Christ: Could the Jewish people rejecting Christ parallel the verse about the demons coming back in force once the exorcized did not fill themselves back up with Christ? [Matthew 12:45, Luke 11:26, Matthew 23].

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   Steve Gregg - a Trinitarian: Are you a Trinitarian? Why or why not?
Saved if One Doesn't Believe Jesus is God?: Can someone be saved if they don't believe that Jesus is God, but still believe in Christ? [John 16:12-13, John 14:9, Matthew 7:6, Matthew 13].

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   Free, Indeed: Could you give some context and insight into the verse about "you shall be free, indeed?" [John 8:31-38].

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   Why Jesus Didn't Want People to Understand His Parables: Could you clarify why Jesus indicated that he didn't want people to understand His parables, if He wants everyone saved? [Mark 4:12, Mark 4:34, Isaiah 6, Matthew 13].

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   Cigarettes and Jesus: Am I wrong to be smoking a cigarette while I am holding up a sign for Jesus? Am I denying the power of Christ in my life? [2 Timothy 3:5].

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   God Suffering the Death of His Child: Did God suffer like we do when we have to put our children in the ground? [2 Corinthians 5].
God Separated From Jesus at the Cross: Was God really separated from Jesus at the cross when He died? [2 Corinthians 5:21, Psalm 22:1, Psalm 22:24].

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   Why Does God Make Any That Will Not Believe?: Since God knows who will accept Him, why would He still make people if they will be consigned to hell?

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September 10, 2020

   Satan-An Angel That Fell: Was Satan an angel that fell? [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 26-31, Luke 10:18, Revelation 12, I Timothy 3:6, John 8:44, I John 3:8].

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   Full & Partial Preterism: Would you help me understand the basic differences between Full & Partial Preterism? [Luke 19].
What Prophesy is Yet to Come?: What prophesy do you think is yet to come?

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   "The Benedict Option"-The Christian in the Corporate World: Could you give me some applicable biblical principles for Christians who must interact in the corporate world? [Galatians 6:10].

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   The Curse on Adam & Eve: Was only Adam cursed? And was Eve not cursed because of the coming Messiah? [Genesis 3:14-17].
The Famine of the Word in Amos: Could you help me understand when the famine of the Word in Amos occurred? [Amos 8:11].

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   Impending Divorce: Caller is grieving over impending divorce.

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September 11, 2020

   Leaving Dispensationalism & Finding Fellowship: Can you offer some direction for fellowship for those of us who were only presented with Dispensationalism, and have since moved away from it?
Church at Home with Steve Gregg: Is my wife and I listening to your lectures at home the same as "church"?

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   Sabbath on Sunday Challenged: How can anyone accept anything other than the Sabbath Day for worship? [Exodus 31:17, Jeremiah 31, Hebrews 8:13].

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   Mindset of the Early Church about "the Last Days": What was the mindset of the early church regarding the "last days"? [2 Timothy 3:1-9, Joel 2:28, Acts 2:17].

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   Black Lives Matter: What are your thoughts on those Christians throwing in with the BLM movement, and demanding anti-racism activism?

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   The Holy Spirit & Oil: Is there a connection between the Holy Spirit and oil, or is there an inappropriate conflation of the two? [Zechariah 4:6, John 7:37-39].
Books on Church History: Do you have any particular recommendations of primary books on church history?

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   Masturbation: Would you talk about masturbation and how it compares with adultery and if and how we can control it? [Matthew 23:23]

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   People Need to be Grafted into Israel: Seventh Day Adventist caller insists that people need to keep the old covenant and be grafted into Israel. [Jeremiah 31:31, Hebrews 8:10].

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   Lazy People Sleep Well: Could you talk about the proverb that says that a lazy person sleeps well? [Proverbs 19:15, Ecclesiastes 5:12]. (EDITOR'S NOTE: Steve reflects more on this answer on the next Tuesday's edition of the show, Tuesday, September 15, 2020, first question/call/tab of the show.)
God's Anger with David Over Census: Why was God angry with David for taking the census and then punishes all of Israel, instead of just David. [2 Samuel 24:1, Daniel 4].

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September 14, 2020

   Annihilationist View of Torment in Hell: In the parable of the tares, from an annihilation point of view, how would they respond to the "weeping and gnashing of teeth" if the condemned are annihilated? [Matthew 13:41-42].

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   God Reaching Out His Hand to Israel: When are the first and second times that God "reaches out His hand" referring to Israels captivity? [Isaiah 11:11-15].
Israel in 1948: Does this verse about the captives returning have anything to do with Israel becoming a nation in 1948? [Isaiah 14:2].

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   Tongues-Heavenly or Unknown Language: Is "tongues" an unknown language, or a heavenly language? [I Corinthians 13:1, I Corinthians 14:2, I Corinthians 14:22].
Tongues for Edification: How does "speaking in tongues", if it is an unknown language, be edifying? [I Corinthians 14].

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   The 144,000 in Revelation: Who do you think is the 144,000 in the book of Revelation? [Romans 2:28, Revelation 14, James 1:18].

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   COVID Vaccine & The Mark of the Beast: Do you see a connection between the "mark of the beast" and the new COVID vaccine? [Revelation].

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   Prophecies in Daniel & Revelation: If Revelation was written before 70AD, then what do the prophesies in Daniel 2, 7, and Revelation 13 represent? [Daniel 2, Daniel 2:44, Daniel 7:12-13, Daniel 7, Revelation 13].
Christ Conquers & Reigns: Doesn't the image of Christ conquering and reigning have a future fulfillment when He reigns physically, since He certainly doesn't reign now? [Colossians 1:13, Philippians 2:8-11, Daniel 7:14, Matthew 13:24-30].
Birds in Trees = Evil?: Doesn't "birds in trees" represent evil in scripture? [Ezekiel 31, Ezekiel 17, Daniel 4, Matthew 13].

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   Supersessionism & the New Covenant: Doesn't most of the Postmillennialists accept the "Supersessionist" view?
"Oh, My God": Is saying "Oh, my God" swearing or taking His name in vain?

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   Statue of Buddha: Is having a statue of the Buddha in your home idolatry?

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September 15, 2020

   Proverbs-Lazy Ones Sleep Well?: Steve reflects on a recent call (from Friday, September 11, 2020, last call, 1st Q) about laziness giving good sleep, but it is a poor translation of Proverbs 19:15 in The Living Bible. [Proverbs 19:15].

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   Who is Being Addressed in Hebrews-No More Sacrifice for Sin?: Just who is being addressed in Hebrews 10:25-26 regarding "no more sacrifice for sin? [Hebrews 10:26, Hebrews 3:1, Hebrews 10:18].

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   Was Jesus "Fully" God & "Fully" Man?: Is there scripture that indicates that Jesus was "fully" God? [I Timothy 3:15, John 1:14, Philippians 2:6, John 14:28, Matthew 10:29].

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   Coronavirus Restrictions in Church Meetings: What do you think about believers adhering to government Coronavirus mandates in social distancing & masks in church meetings?

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   Balaam & the Donkey: In the story of Balaam and the donkey, why does it indicate that would God have killed him? [Numbers 22:21-39].

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   Bible Manuscripts; Received or Majority Texts: Could share your view about the controversy between the Received and the Majority Texts? [Mark 16:9-20, John 8:1-11, I John 5:8]

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   Revelation Prophesy for Our Times and Our Future: Does not this verse prove that Revelation prophecy has not yet happened and that it is about our future? [Revelation 3:10, Luke 2:1, Acts 2:5, Colossians 1:6].

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September 16, 2020

   Feast of Tabernacles for the Return: Why do the Dispensationalists and others think that the feast of trumpets relate to the return of Christ? [Acts 2:1, Leviticus 20, Numbers 29:1, John 1:14, Acts 1:7, Matthew 24:36, Matthew 24:44].

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   God Should Not Repent: What does it mean that God is not a man that He should repent? [Number 23:19].
Dead to Sin: What does it mean that we should be "dead to sin"? [Romans 6:11, Romans 5:16-21 ].

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   Paul's Short but Insightful Time to Learn & Gain Authority: How could Paul be so clear and authoritative on all the tenants of the faith when he was converted such a short time? [2 Corinthians 12:2, I Corinthians 11:23-36, Galatians 1:18, Acts 1].

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   Jesus as "The Word": Could you explain more about Jesus being "The Word"? [I John 1:1, Psalm 33:6].
Coronavirus: What do you think about the "Coronavirus" drama and government overreach?

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   Unbelievable Stories in the Bible: Why are there so many stories in the Bible that don't seem true, such as, Samson's strength in his hair, 900 yr-old-men, giants, etc.? Why don't we see documented miracles today? [Psalm 90:10, John 12:29].
Proving Christianity is True: With all the religions in the world, how can one be sure and prove that Christianity is true?

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   When Did Steve Gregg Change His Mind About Dispensationalism & Interpreting Revelation: About what year did you change your mind about most of Revelation being about the end times, instead being about 70AD?

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September 17, 2020

   Obedience, Legalism, & Grace: How can we judge and assess the differences between obedience, legalism and grace? [2 John 9, 2 Corinthians 3:17, John 1:14-16, 2 Peters 1:4, Titus 2:11-12, Matthew 7:24-27, I John 2:4, 2 Corinthians 10:5, Acts 5:32, I John 2:4, Hebrews 5:9].

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   Former Membership in Cults: Should one who once belonged to a cultic group, should they have their name taken off the rolls?
War in Heaven: How can there be war in heaven? [Revelation 12:7, Daniel 10].

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   Miracles Today: Caller shares his story of a miraculous experience. [Mark 11:24].

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   King of Babylon & King of Tyre: Who is the King of Babylon and the King of Tyre? [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28].

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   "Celebration of Discipline" by Richard Foster: what do you think of the book called, "Celebration of Discipline" by Richard Foster?

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   Why Does God Let Children Die if He Can Do Miracles?: Why would God do miracles for certain people and let children die of starvation every day?
Bible is Not Reliable: Caller says the Bible is not reliable, because He says He is sorry He ever made mankind. [Genesis 6:6].

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   Television Production About Jesus: Are you familiar with the television production "From Jesus to Christ-The First Christians"? [Luke 2:11-14].

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September 18, 2020

   The Numbered Days in Daniel: What is the meaning of the numbered days in Daniel 12 referring to? [Daniel 12:11, Daniel 9:27, Daniel 11].
Numbered Days in Daniel Related to the Festivals: Do the numbered days in Daniel relate to the festivals? [Daniel 12:11, 2 Thessalonians 2].

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   Miracles Today: Caller relates his experiences with the miraculous.

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   Manhood & Christ-likness: What do you think of the saying, "Manhood" is synonymous to "Christlikeness"?

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   Faith vs Works, Jesus vs Paul: How do we know where the line is between faith and works, particularly relative to the differences between Paul & Jesus' teachings (call continues after break)? [Galatians 5:6, Romans 12, Romans 14:17, Ephesians 4:32, Philippians 2:1, Matthew 5, I Corinthians 7:10-15].

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   Abomination of Desolation & The Prince Who is to Come: Could you help me understand "The Prince Who is to Come" & the "The Anointed One", and the covenant in Daniel? [Daniel 9:26-27, Luke 21:20, Matthew 24:15, Mark 13, Luke 21, Matthew 24:3].

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   The Complexity of the Bible: Why has God made the Bible so complex, which has resulted in so many opposing opinions and misunderstanding? [Mark 7, Luke 21].
Greek & Hebrew Necessary to Understand the Bible?: Does one have to study Greek and Hebrew to understand the Bible?

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September 21, 2020

   Disatisfaction with My Church's Worship Music: Can you advise about my disatisfaction with the worship music at my church?

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   Is 7th Day Adventism Correct in their Doctrine: Because I am seeking the true church, and am being drawn to the 7th Day Adventists, can you clarify why you don't think they are a good denomination with solid doctrine?

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   Praying to Another God: Don't you think it would be an insult and sin to pray to anyone but God?
Death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Would you comment on the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg?

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   Greeks Who Wanted to See Jesus in John 12: Could you explain a John 12 passage wherein Greeks wanted to see Jesus? [John 12:20-21].

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   Do Not Take Away From the Scriptures: Would you put a finer point on the passages about the Bible about "not adding or taking away from scripture"? [Revelation 22:18, Deuteronomy 4:2 & 12:32, Proverbs 30:6, Colossians 2:21, Genesis 3:3].

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   Jesus Killing Jezebel's Children: Does Jesus kill Jezebel's children in the future? [Revelation 2:20-23].

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   Israelites Sacrifices During the 40 Years: Did the Israelites continue to offer animal sacrifices when they were wandering for those 40 years in the wilderness? [I Corinthians 11].

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   Worship on Saturdays or Sundays?: Are we supposed to worship on Saturdays (The Sabbath) or Sundays? [I Corinthians 10:31, I Thessalonians 5:16-18, Romans 12:1, Acts 2:46].

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   Prophetic Passage about God Requiring Obedience in Zechariah: Could you talk about the prophetic prophesy in Zechariah about God's command to walk in obedience? [Zechariah 3:7].

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   "Worlds" Could Indicate Life on Other Planets: Could you talk about the use of "worlds", plural, and does it indicate they may have meant "planets" the possibility of life on other planets? [Hebrew 1:2, Hebrews 11:3].

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   Early Christians Worshipped at the Temple: Can you clarify what you meant when you have said that some of the early Christians still worshipped at the temple? [Acts 21:23-24].

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   Quandry, "Remember Sins No More", but a still a Judgment Seat: If God says He will remember our sins no more, then why do we have to stand before the judgment seat? [Jeremiah 31:31-34, 2 Corinthians 5: 10, Psalm 103:10].

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September 22, 2020

   if Christ Died to Atone for Sin, How Can There Still be Punishment: If Christ came to die to atone for the sins of all, how can punishment be required (universal atonement vs universal salvation)? [I Corinthians 8:10-11, 2 Peter 2:1].

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   Over or Under-Confidence in One's Salvation: Some people seem almost pretentious in their salvation, and yet I don't feel that way, can you comment? [Matthew 7:13, Luke 13:24, I Peter 14:18, Matthew 7:21, Matthew 16:24-26, James 3:1].
Lord, Lord, but He Never Knew Them: How could the people do works in his name, but end up not really saved? [Matthew 7:21, I Corinthians 13, I John 3:14].

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   Madame Guyon & Thomas À Kempis: Could you comment on writings of the authors, Madame Guyon and Thomas À Kempis?

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   The Writing's of Josephus & Philo: Why were not Josephus and Philo's writings not included in the Bible?
Hollywood Bible Movies: Are the movies such as, "The Robe", "Quo Vadis", and "Ben Hur" historically accurate?

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   Church-Hospital for the Sick?: Should the church should be seen as a safe place, or hospital for the sick, rather than a place where church discipline would be conducted? [Matthew 18:15-17]

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   Missions Work or Traditional Work Life: Could you advise on my thoughts about leaving YWAM (missions work) and returning to a more traditional work lifestyle?

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   After Noah's Flood, Yet Sin Abounded: What was accomplished by the flood if the same sin was in Noah's family, and it didn't change much afterward?

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   Pre-Trib, Mid-Trib, or Post-Trib: Why are there so many opinions on the pre-trib, mid-trib, and post-trib rapture? [John 6:39-40, John 6:44, John 6:54, I Thessalonians 4].
America Under God's Judgment: Is America under God's judgment?
Annhilation in Hell : Will people in hell eventually be extinguished?

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September 23, 2020

   William Lane Craig's View of Genesis as Allegory: Is William Lane Craig's view that Genesis is allegory, suggesting that Jesus got it wrong, acceptable? [Genesis 1-11, John 14:6].

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   Year of Jubilee: Would you describe the "Year of Jubilee" and if there is application to us today? [Luke 4:18, Isaiah 61:2, 2 Timothy 2, Hebrews 2:15].

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   Jews Ethnically vs Religiously: Why do Jews call themselves "Jews", if they do not practice Judaism?

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   Those That Say, "Lord, Lord, but are Not Saved": Do you think that the people who he is talking about when he says that some think they are saved, but they are not are identified in John 16? [Matthew 7:21-23, John 16:2-3].

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   Women Wearing Head Coverings: Should women wear head coverings today? [I Corinthians 11:10, I Samuel 16:7].

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   The Kingdom of God: Why have we not heard more about "The Kingdom of God" from the pulpit? [Matthew 6:33]. (Editor's Note: There's a lot of missed audio regarding this call.)

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   Will God Answer the Prayers of an Unsaved Sinner?: As someone that is not certain they are saved, and continues to sin, will God still answer my prayers? [I John 3:10, John 10:27].
A 65% Believer: What if I am only 65% a believer, and am not sure that Jesus did not actually rise from the dead?
Christianity Hard to Get into: Is this Christianity not a tough school to get into? The criteria is rigorous.

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   Krishna: Where is Krishna when you need him?
Other Religious Deity Resurrections: Were there many deity resurrections in various religions before Christianity?

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September 24, 2020

   Everyone Must Die for Own Sins: Someone who is moving away from Christianity toward Judaism, is struggling with the scripture that indicates that everyone must suffer the consequences of their own sins. [Ezekiel 18:18-20, Hebrews 10:4, Hebrew 10:26, I Timothy 2:6].

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   Isaiah's Son: What ever happened to the son born to Isaiah? [Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 8, Matthew 1:23, Isaiah 37:22, Revelation 12].

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   Paul Motivating by the Fear of the Wrath of God: What do you think of the claim that Paul's first approach to unbelievers was that of the wrath of God? [Acts 17:31, Romans 2:5-10, 2 Thessalonians 1:9, 2 Corinthians 5:11-21].

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   Compliments to Steve Gregg: Compliments to Steve regarding The Narrow Path's outreach.
Saul & the Witch of Endor: Could you clarify why Saul summoned the "Witch of Endor" because it was strictly forbidden, and was it a sin? [I Chronicles 10:13, Leviticus 19:31, 20:21, Deuteronomy 18:11].

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   The Unpardonable Sin: Is the "unpardonable sin" about those who have simply gone so far that they are no longer redeemable? [Romans 1:27-29, 2 Peter 3:9].

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   The Day of the Week of the Crucifixion: What day of the week, do you think that Jesus was crucified on? [Matthew 12:40, Matthew 16:21, Matthew 17:23, Matthew 20:19, I Corinthians 15:4].

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   Objectivity and Reason: How does one objectively determine whether one or the other person is being reasonable?
Is the Bible True?: Is it not difficult to objectively reason that the Bible is true?

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   Angels That Sin: If angels sinned in the past, is it possible that angels sin on a daily basis? [Jude 1:6, 2 Peter 2:4].

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   Jesus Crucified on Wednesday: Caller says that Jesus was crucified on Wednesday. [Daniel 9:27].

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September 25, 2020

   The Many "James" in the New Testament: Could you help me sort out the various "James" (the less, Adelphos, brother of Jesus, etc.) in the New Testament, and the relationships of His cousins or brothers? [Genesis 13:8, Luke 2:7, Matthew 1:27].

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   Premillennial & Postmillennial, Pre & Post Trib: Because of things happening today, could you comment on some that are switching their position about when the tribulation will take place (Premillennial & Postmillennial, Pre & Post Tribulation)?
The Various Millennial & Tribulation End Times Views: Could you clarify the various millennial views (Premillennial, Amillennialism, Postmillennial)?

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   Isaiah, Tyre & The Prostitute: Would you help me understand what happened in Isaiah 23 when it says "she prostitutes herself" and so on? [Isaiah 23:17-18].

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   Apostolic Succession: Would you talk about Catholic "apostolic succession" and the early church fathers? [Acts 12].

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   Steve Coming to Northern California: Are you coming to northern California?
Donating to The Narrow Path: What is the best way to make donations on the website? Is PayPal Ok to use now?

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   Jesus' 3.5 Year Ministry: Could you tell me where the Bible indicates that Jesus' ministry was 3.5 years? [John 5:1, Luke 13:6-9, Isaiah 5, Daniel 9:26-27].

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   The Kind of Belief That Saves: Could you talk about the opposite meanings of the word, "believes" in John & James, when referring to the demons who believe? [John 3:16, James 2:14, James 7:2, Galatians 5:6, Romans 4, Matthew 7:21, John 8].

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   Doug Pollock: Do you know anything about Doug Pollock?

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   Forcing One to Believe the Bible is the Word of God: How can you force someone to believe that the Bible is the word of God?

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September 28, 2020

   King James Version's Use of the Plural Are the words "thee, thine, thou", are singular in the King James Version, distinguishing them from the plural application? [Luke 21:32].

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   New World Order Prophesied: My friend thinks that the Bible prophesies a "new world order", can you help both of us to clear this up? [Revelation 13].

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   Hardened Hearts: Could you help me with my struggle in understanding when the Bible says God hardened people's hearts? [Isaiah 64:6].
Good Works as Filthy Rags & The Ones Who Don't Know Him: If we all deserve hell, and our works are as filthy rags, how does it work for those that have never really had any breaks or opportunity to know Christ? [Isaiah 64:6, Proverbs 15:8, Proverbs 21:27, Titus 2:14, Acts 10:34, I Timothy 2:4, 2 Chronicles 7:14, 2 Peter 3:9, Ezekiel 33:11].

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   Jesus Touching Unclean Things & People: Could you explain how healing a leper would establish Jesus as The Messiah, since touching him would have made Him unclean? [Matthew 8:3, Luke 5:12-16].

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   Christians Obligated to Keep the Sabbath-or Not: Could you talk about these verses in regard to saying that one must still keep the Sabbath? [Mark 2:27-28, Luke 4:16, Exodus 31:16, Matthew 12:4, I Samuel 21:6].

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   Overthrow God-Don't Submit: Should we not be more interested in over-throwing God than submitting to Him, since He cannot fairly distribute justice? (Rec Lecture:Three Views of Hell)

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   Steve Gregg Upcoming Meeting: What time is your meeting in Houston area?

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   Homosexual Addiction: What do you say to someone who has been involved in a homosexual lifestyle and addiction their whole lives due to childhood abuse? Rec Lecture: Cultivating Christian Character [I Peter 2:11].

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September 29, 2020

   Can I Know God and Pray to Jesus: In light of this passage in Matthew about knowing God, can I know God and pray to Jesus? [Matthew 11:27-30, Matthew 16:13-20].

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   Jesus Seen by More than the Twelve: Do you think that Jesus was seen by more than the twelve apostles in I Corinthians 15? [1 Corinthians 15:5-7].

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   Can a Real Christian Vote as a Democrat: What is your opinion on whether a Christian can vote for the Democrats? [I Timothy 5:22, Romans 13:1].

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   Soul Sleep (Ended Call): Call inquiring about where Steve's dead wife is now, but the call was ended by Steve.

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   Did Paul Make a Mistake When He appealed to Caesar?: If Paul had not appealed to Caesar could he not have gone as a free man? And was he not assured that he would make it there? [Acts 26:32, Acts 23:11].

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   Many Heavens & Paradise When We Die: How many heavens are there, and do we go to heaven or paradise when we die? [2 Corinthians 12].

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   Abortion: Is this verse making a case against abortion? [Genesis 15:33].

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   Paradise & The New Jerusalem: Is not the New Jerusalem called "Paradise" [Revelation 2:7].
Abortion to Save the Life of the Mother: What is your thoughts on an abortion in the case of threat to the mother's life?

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   Is Hell Eternal Torment?: Do you think that Hell is eternal torment? [Matthew 5:22].

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   Age of Accountability: Could you help me understand the "age of accountability", especially in light of the flood and Sodom and Gomorrah and the children that must've perished? [Isaiah 7:16].

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   Sabbath Keeping and Time Tracking: Do you think it was impossible for the ancients to keep time accurately, therefore suggesting that the Sabbath keeping would be impossible to determine to be on the right day?

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   Homosexuality & Addiction: Could you advise someone who struggles with addiction and homosexuality? (Steve did not have time to answer him).
Isaiah Verse Connected to Satan: Could you help me with this verse and its connection to Satan? [Isaiah 21:7].

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September 30, 2020

   Judas' Repentance: Do you think that had Judas repented, he would've been forgiven?
Mind, Consciousness, Spirit: Do you think that the mind or consciousness is the same as our spirit? [Hebrews 4:12].

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   LBGTQ Website Support: Caller shares a website called "", for those that struggle with same sex attraction.

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   Times When Masturbation is Not Sinful: Are there situations where masturbation is not considered as a sin, like a military couple separated for a long period? [Psalm 103:14].

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   So Many Religions, So Many Innocents: If God is such a loving God, why would He allow other religions to exist and mislead somewhat innocent people?

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   Homosexuality, Addiction, Abuse: Caller is attempting to come out of a lifestyle of homosexuality and addiction, having suffered abuse is looking for counsel.[Ephesians 6:12, I Peter 5:8-9, Matthew 16:24-26].
Lying Lips in Isaiah: Can you help me understand the application about "being of unclean lips" in Isaiah? [Isaiah 6:5].

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   Oral Sex Acceptable with One's Wife: Is it a sin to engage in oral sex with one's wife?
Lusting After Your Own Wife: Is it acceptable to lust after one's own wife?

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   Besetting Addict Still Saved?: Can a person have a besetting addiction, can they still be saved?

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   Verse to Convict Others to Help the Needy: I can't seem to get help for my needs from my Christians friends, can you give me a scripture to convict them? [Matthew 6:33].

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