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February 01, 2022

   Repentance Not Required for Salvation: Does one have to repent from your sins to get into heaven? [Acts 16:30, Romans 10:9, Luke 6:46, I Peter 1:14].
Getting to Heaven: How does one get a ticket to heaven?

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   Defining Transformation: How would you explain "transformation" to a young person? [2 Corinthians 3:18, Romans 8:27, I John 3:2, I Corinthians 15:49, Hebrews 2:5].

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   Other gods: Commenting on the religions who embrace the idea that it is acceptable to become a god, or that Jesus is a kind of god. [John 10:34-36, Jeremiah 10:11, John 15, Isaiah ].

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   Obed-Edom: Who was Obed-Edom? [2 Samuel 6:11].
Uzzah & the Ark of the Covenant: Could you talk about Uzzah and why he was killed when he touched the Ark of the Covenant? [2 Samuel 6:7].

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   First will be Last & Vice Versa: Could you elaborate on the meaning behind those who are first, will be last, and vice versa? [Mark 10:31].
Reversing Info in Proverbs: Do some of the Proverbs flip, or reverse, what is first stated?

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   Worshipping the Sun in Ezekiel: Were the people facing the sun in Ezekiel, likely worshipping the sun? [Ezekiel 8-10].
Easter Holiday Paralleled to Pagan Sun-Worship: Is there any parallel to worshipping the sun and Easter, relative to Ezekiel? [Ezekiel 8-10, 2 Peter 1:19, Malachi 1:11, Malachi 4:2, Isaiah 60:3, Psalm 19:4-5].

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   Vaccine as the Mark of the Beast: What do you think about the possibility of the vaccine being the mark of the beast?

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February 02, 2022

   "Caught Up" & the Rapture: Do the words "caught up" refer to the rapture? [I Thessalonians 4:16-17].

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   American Standard Version of the Bible: Is the Revised Standard Version the same as the American Standard Version of the Bible?
Conflict with Josephus' Writings: Information about Esau's wives in Genesis differs in Josephus' writing. Do you know where he got his information?

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   Old Testament Hebrew Poetic Language: Did Job's friends and the prophets actually speak in poetic form, or where they just recast in poetry when the story is told?
God Uses the Devil: Does God actually use the devil to accomplish His will at times? [Acts 2:23].

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   Binding Oath of Jacob & Esau: Why were the oaths binding in the story of Jacob & Esau? [Genesis 27].

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   "Children of God" in Romans: Could you help me sort out Romans 9? Are the "children of the deed" the same as the "children of God"? [Romans 9:7-10, Galatians 3:16, Romans 9:27, Genesis 21:12, Genesis 25:23].
Roman's 9 & Personal Salvation: Is Romans 9 talking about salvation. It seems like verse 6 is not, but later it is. [Romans 9].

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   Jephthah's Vow: Even though Jephthah is highly criticized for the vow he took in sacrificing his daughter, but is still named as a man of faith. Could you elaborate? [Hebrews 11:32].

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   Hebrew People Before They were Called Jews: What race were the people of Abraham before they were called Jews, and what were they called? [Genesis 14, Romans 2:28-29].

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   Moses on the Way to Egypt: Why did Moses get in trouble when God was trying to kill him while on the way to Egypt? [Exodus 4].

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   Opening Up Communion to All: What do you think about opening up the communion table to all-even the unsaved?

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February 03, 2022

   Tithing: What is your position on tithing? [I Corinthians 6:20, Luke 14:33, Matthew 25:30, Matthew 24:51, Luke 12:46].

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   Paul's Thorn in the Flesh: Do you know what Paul's "thorn in then flesh" was? [2 Corinthians 12:7-10, Galatians 4:13-15].

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   Prophecies Yet to be Fulfilled: What else needs to happen before Christ returns? [Matthew 24:36, John 6:40, Acts 1:6-7, Matthew 24:46, Mark 4, Ephesians 4:13, Mark 4:29]. (Editor's Note: Steve Gregg makes a few more comments regarding this call after the break.)

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   Unemployed After Refusing Vaccine: If I refused the vaccine and am staying at home because my wife's income is sufficient, am I shirking my responsibilities indicated in 2 Thessalonians? [2 Thessalonians 3:10].
Making Restitution: If I did some bad things as a kid, should I go back and make restitution?
Witch of Endor & Samuel's Soul" Why did God allow Samuel's soul to be brought up from death with the witch of Endor, if God does not approve of such things? [I Samuel 28:17].

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   Church Requiring Background Check: Could you counsel me regarding my church requiring a background check?

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   Israel Set Aside Temporarily: What are your thoughts about those that say that the God has temporarily set Israel aside and will deal with them after the Christian church is removed?
Revelation Prophecy Yet to be Fulfilled: What parts of the book of Revelation is yet to be fulfilled? Recommended lecture; Revelation (verse-by-verse).

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   Finding Your Gift: How do you know what your gift is?

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February 04, 2022

   Spirit of Christ: Caller substantiates that the Holy is the Spirit of Christ and is not another Person. {Isaiah 28:10,

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   Repeated Prayers Show Lack of Faith: Is it always God's will to heal, and what do you think of those that claim repeated prayers show a lack of faith? [Luke 18, 2 Corinthians 12, Matthew 7:7-12, I Thessalonians 5:17, 2 Timothy 4, Acts 3].

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   Prophecies Left to be Fulfilled: Doesn't the rebuilding of the temple and the treaty have to happen to fulfill prophecy before the Second Coming? [Amos 9:11, Daniel 9-11, Acts 15, Matthew 24:15, Luke 21:20, Mark 13, Daniel 11:21-22].

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   Creation of Tribes and Races: When did God create the different tribes and races, including the twelve tribes of Israel? [Genesis 10].

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   Kingdom of God "Within You": Could you comment on the "Kingdom of God" being "within you" and if it refers to being in a state of peace? [Luke 17:20-21].

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   Tree of Life: Why didn't God let Adam & Eve eat from the "Tree of Life" if He killed the animals to cover their sin? [Genesis 3, I Timothy 6:16].

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   Contradiction in Jesus' Timeline: How do you reconcile what seems like a chronology contradiction of Jesus' timeline following the baptism of Jesus? [John 1].

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   Promises Coming to the Israelites in the Future: Could you comment the prophecy about the Israelites won't ever be moved out of their land? [Amos 9:14-15, Jeremiah 18:7-9, Deuteronomy 28].

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   Background Checks in Church: Caller shares his experience with this church requiring a background check.

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   Purpose of the Contemporary Church: Exactly what is the purpose of the modern day church, and why has the church left the early church model and tends not to use the gifts? [Acts 2].

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February 07, 2022

   Fullness of Time & All Things in Christ: When is the "dispensation of the fullness of time" and what are the "things in Christ in heaven"? [Ephesians 1:10, Colossians 1:20, I Thessalonians 4, I Corinthians 15, Galatians 4:4, Ephesians 4:8, Hebrews 9:8, Hebrews 10:20].
Saints in the Old Testament: Are all the saints of the Old Testament included and now in heaven?? [Hebrews 9-10, Ephesians 4:11].

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   Outer Darkness is Not Hell: What do you think of the idea that "outer darkness" does not refer to the Lake of Fire (or hell)? [Matthew 25:30, Revelation 21-22].
Satan's Limitations: Since the devil is not omnipresent, can he only harass one person at a time? [Ephesians 6:12, Matthew 12:24-28].

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   Heaven, the New Earth & the Intermediate State: In the verse "absent from the body, present with the Lord" and when we are resurrected both referring to heaven? [Romans 4:13, Psalm 2:8, 2 Corinthians 5:8, Revelation 5:10].

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   Rapture: Do you believe in an actual rapture? [I Thessalonians 4:17, 2 Corinthians 12, Matthew 24:27, Revelation 7:14, Revelation 24:43].

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   The Sinner's Prayer: Are people saved by saying a prayer (the sinner's prayer)? [Luke 18:13, Luke 23:42, I John 1:9].

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   Wandering Stars in Outer Darkness: Could it be that those that are cast out into "outer darkness", actually become stars? [Jude 1:13].

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   Christians in the Tribulation: Are Christians (the church) going to go through the tribulation? [Revelation 4:1, Revelation 7:14, I Thessalonians 3:4, John 16:33].
Christians Going Through the Tribulation: Will Christians be going through the tribulation? [Revelation 7:14, Matthew 24:27, Matthew 24:34].

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   Seventh Day Adventists: Could you help me understand some of the restrictive doctrines of the Seventh Day Adventist church (Sabbath keeping, soul sleep, etc.)? [Romans 14:5, Mark 7:19, Romans 14:14, I Timothy 4:1-4, Genesis 9:3].

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February 08, 2022

   Free-Will: Can God violate my free-will option? [Proverbs 21:1, Philippians 2:13].
God Hardened Pharaoh's Heart: Since God hardened Pharaoh's heart, do you think he will be in paradise? [Romans 9:18, Exodus 9:12].
Prodigal Son: Do you think that the parable of the Prodigal Son is a real story? [Luke 15].

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   The Spirit of the Trinity: Is there any data that indicates that there is another person or spirit indwelling believers? [Colossians 1:27, Galatians 4:6, Isaiah 9:7].

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   Governmental Authority: Could you elaborate on your view of the scripture that says that God has given government authority and our obligation to submit to it? [Romans 13:1-4, I Peter 2:13-14, John 19:11].

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   Resurrection Expected in Old Testament Days: What Old Testament scripture was being referred to that indicates that the resurrection was predicted prior to the New Covenant? [John 20:9, Psalm 16:10, Acts 2:31-32, I Corinthians 15:4, Acts 13:35, Matthew 12:40, 2 Corinthians 3:14, Luke 24:45].

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   Benefits to Institutional Churches Today: Isn't their a lot of benefits from the larger institutional churches today? [Romans 14:3-5].
The Persecuted Church: Does persecution cure the problem of disunity?
Infighting in the Church: What do we tend to fight over within the church? [Ephesians 4:3-6].

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   Weakness in Obedience: What was Paul referring to in Romans 7 when he says he does the very things he wishes not to do? [Romans 7:15-25, Romans 8:2-4, Galatians 5:16-17].
Armor of God: What exactly is the "armor of God"? Recommended topical lectures; "Spiritual Warfare". [Ephesians 6:10-18].

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   Preterism (Partial & Full): What is "IO" which stands for "Israel Only" in the Preterist camp?

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February 09, 2022

   All that Jesus Did Could Not be Contained: Would you elaborate on when John wrote that the world couldn't contain all that Jesus said and did? [John 21:25].
Jehovah-Jireh: Would you elaborate on Jehovah-Jireh? [Genesis 22:8-14].

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   The Temple Tax: Do some use the temple tax as a parallel to the need to give to the modern church? [Matthew 17:24].

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   Law of Love vs Law of Moses: Could you explain how we are not under the law, but we are under the law of love? [Galatians 5:22, Mark 12:31, Matthew 22:39, I John 4:8, Ephesians 5:1, John 13:34].
Loving Others: Do we know how to love others by getting to know Jesus better? [I John 3:16, John 15:13].

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   Consistent Directives Throughout the Bible: I tend to think that something that is commanded once in the Bible would be consistent throughout, but you do not. Can you explain? [Genesis 1:29, Genesis 9:3, Leviticus 11:3, I Timothy 4:4-5, Genesis 17:14, Galatians 5:2-4].

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   Unwillingness to Die for Christ: Could you advise me regarding my unwillingness to put my life on the line for Christ?

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   Creation's Division of Light from Dark: How would the first two days of creation have been determined without light, which was created later? [Genesis 1:14-19].

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   COVID fulfilling Prophecy: Could COVID 19 be part of the prophecy about pestilence and such in the end times? [Matthew 24:34].

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   Cain & His Wife: Where did Cain get his wife? [Genesis 4-5].
Land of Nod in Genesis: Where is the land of Nod? [Genesis 4-5].

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   Background Checks for Churches: Caller shares an alternate opinion about requiring background checks and clearance to work with children.
Rebellion Against Government Restrictions: Where should one draw the line in submitting to others, including government authorities & general civil rights? [Acts 5:29, Acts 4:19].
Cautioning Others to Avoid Persecution: Should I be cautioning my friend in China to be more careful about talking about things that could get him in trouble? [Matthew 10:16].

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   Name Calling in Politics: Would you agree that it is inappropriate to call Democrats and Nancy Pelosi names? [Luke 6:28, Matthew 5:44].

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February 10, 2022

   Satan Reading our Thoughts: Can the enemy read our thoughts? [Matthew 16:23].
Mind-reading Technology in the Hands of Satan: If there is ever a technology that could read minds, could the enemy get ahold of it and use it against us?

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   Gog, Magog and Rosh (Russia): How does Gog, Magog and Rosh fit in with our culture and Russian today? [Ezekiel 38-39, Ezekiel 38:2, Ezekiel 38:11, Revelation 20:9].
Gog & Magog: Could scripture about Gog and Magog be hyperbole? [Revelation 11, Ezekiel 38-39].

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   Many Mansions (Rooms): Are the many rooms (many mansions) in John 14, in heaven and are they for the disciples or for us? [John 14:1-4, I Peter 2:5, Ephesians 2:20-22, John 14:23, John 14:15-18, Revelation 3:20].

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   "Son of Man": Isn't the description "Son of Man" very frequently used in scripture? [Matthew 16:13].
"Son of Man": Why was the title, "Son of Man" used so much by Jesus, what does it mean, and where did it come from? [Psalm 8:4, Daniel 7:13-14].

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   Eastern Orthodoxy vs Protestantism and Church Fathers: Are Protestants inconsistent to say they only go by the Bible when church tradition is what gave them the canon of scripture?
Trusting the Church Fathers for the Books & the Doctrines: Is it inconsistent to accept the church father's view of authorship of the books, while rejecting the church father's theological interpretations and doctrines such as, transubstantiation, etc.?

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   Babylon has Fallen: When Revelation says that "Babylon has fallen", to whom is that referring? [Revelation 18:2, Revelation 11:8].

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February 11, 2022

   After the Demon Leaves: What does it mean when scriptures says the house is clean and swept, following the departure of a demon? [Luke 11:25, Matthew 12:44-45].

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   Complicated Relationships; If you felt you had to separate from a couple who was unapologetically living together, but they have since married, but don't seem to be repentant, how does one view this?

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   Believers Facing the Judgment: What happens when we face the judgment if we are believers who have repented? [2 Corinthians 5:9-10, I Peter 1:17, Matthew 25, Matthew 16:24-27, I John 1:9, I Corinthians 11:31-32].

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   Tresgressing the Law: I don't think you would say Christians need to obey the ten commandments, so what is the law that we must obey that is being referred to in Romans 4? [Romans 4:13, Romans 13:8-13, Galatians 5:14, I Corinthians 9:19-21, Hebrews 8:13, Galatians 6:2, James 2:8].

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   God Changes His Mind: Can God change His mind? [Proverbs 21:1, Genesis 18:21, Exodus 32:14].

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   True Israel, Actual Jews?: Though we Christians are the true Israel, do we actually become spiritual Jews? [Romans 2:25-29, Philippians 3:3].

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   Judgment Seat: Could you explain what the judgment seat of Christ is? [Matthew 25:31].
Christians Upon Death Go to be Immediately with the Lord: When a Christian dies, do they go to be with the Lord? [2 Timothy 2:19, 2 Corinthians 5:6-10].

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   Blessings & Blessing Others: Could you talk about the word blessing and the various uses and meanings of the word in scripture? [Ephesians 1:3, Deuteronomy 28:1-14, Galatians 3:8-14].

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February 14, 2022

   David & Bathsheba: Does the Bible say how much Bathsheba knew about David's plans against her husband? [2 Samuel 11, Psalm 51, Psalm 32].

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   Peter's Denial-Three or Four Times?: Is it possible that Peter denied Christ four times because of the various accounts in scripture? [John 18:24-27, Matthew 26:34, Mark 14:30].

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   Church Meeting in the Basilica: I have been told that that the basilica is not biblical and should not be practiced. What do you think?

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   Three Raptures & Watchman Nee (The Local Church): Caller shares his experience with Watchman Nee's (Witness Lee) group teaching the three raptures (first, main, gleenings) and the thunders. [I Thessalonians 4:16-17, I Corinthians 15:51-52].

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   Keeping the Sabbath: Caller disagrees that Christians are no longer required to keep the Sabbath? [Exodus 31:13-16, Matthew 12:5, Hebrews 8:13, John 8:31, Genesis 9:3, Deuteronomy 14:6-16].

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   Women-Keepers of the Home: Would you talk about women being instructed to the keeping of the home? [Titus 2:4-5].

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   The Holy Spirit in Our Lives: What is the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives? Recommended lecture; "Charisma & Character". [Colossians 3:14, Philippians 1:21, Romans 8:14].
Leading of the Holy Spirit: How does one determine when it is your own thoughts versus the Holy Spirit leading you? [Acts 16].

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   Healing: What kind of healing was this talking about in Matthew (physical or spiritual)? [Matthew 8:14-17, Isaiah 53:4, Matthew 12:22].

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February 15, 2022

   Tree of Life: Why did God prevent Adam & Eve from eating from the "Tree of Life"? [Genesis 3, I Timothy 6:16].
Samuel's Spirit Raised Was the spirit of Samuel that was conjured up by Saul and the witch actually Samuel or was it a demon? [I Samuel 28:11-20].
Angels & Humans Having Children: How could spiritual beings have intercourse with human women and produce children? [Genesis 6:6].

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   Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil: Why would God, knowing that Adam & Eve would sin, place the temptation of the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden?

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   Obedience to God's Commands: What are God's commands we are to obey now? [Romans 3:31, I John 3:4, Matthew 19, Hebrews 1:1, Hebrews 8:13].

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   Life is a Test: Is it possible that life is basically a continual test to see if we will obey God, or choose to go our own way each and every day? [Psalm 84:11].

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   Why Curse the Serpent?: Why would God make the serpent pay the dues for Satan inhabiting it in the Garden of Eden? [Revelation 12:9, Genesis 3:14, Matthew 12:43].

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   Adam & Eve Would've Lived Forever: If Adam & Eve had never eaten from the Tree of Knowledge, would they have lived forever, and why would the Tree of Life need to be there? [Revelation 22:2].

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   Judged by Works or by Faith?: So are we going to be judged by our works or our faith? [Revelation 20:13-15, Matthew 16:27, Matthew 25, Romans 2:5-10, 2 Corinthians 5:10, I Peter 1:17, I Corinthians 4:5].
The Lake of Fire: So what does it mean that those whose names are not found in the "Book of Life" will be thrown into the Lake of Fire? [Revelation 20:15].

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   As in the Days of Noah: Does the scripture warning about "as in the days of Noah" possibly reflect instead His patience and the preaching, instead of the sinfulness? [I Peter 3:20, Luke 17:28].

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   Animals in Heaven: Since there are horses coming down from heaven in Revelation, does that mean that there will be animals there?

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   Angels Could Take Over Men's Bodies: If you allow that Satan could inhabit the serpent, then why would you not allow that angels could inhabit men's bodies in the Genesis account about the Sons of God? [Genesis 6:1-4, Hosea 1:10, Isaiah 63:16, Hebrews 2:10, I John 3:2, John 1:12, Job 1:5-6, Job 2:1, Job 38:7].

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February 16, 2022

   King James Only: What do you think of Peter Ruckman (King James Only)?
Pauline Doctrine: What is Pauline doctrine? Recommends chart, "Jesus & Paul", found at [Galatians 5:6, James 2:26, Ephesians 2:8-9].

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   Early Written Forms of the Pentateuch: Do you think that the Pentateuch was written on stone or animal skins?
Documentary Hypothesis: Comments regarding Steve's disabuse of the Documentary Hypothesis in his lecture on the Pentateuch.

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   Application of the Vineyard Laborers: Do you apply the parable of the vineyard laborers who are upset because they did not get paid the same as others, to those that come into the faith? [Matthew 20:1-16].

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   Prayer Addressed to Jesus or God: Am I saying my prayers to Jesus or to God? [Ephesians 3:14, Acts 4:21-30, John 16:23-26, Matthew 6:9-13, Acts 7:59-60, John 14:6, Revelation 22:12].

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   Creation of Hell Inhibits Faith in God: What would you say to someone who can't believe in a God who would create something as awful as hell?

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   God's Creation: Did God create everything, or did He speak it into existence?
Dinosaurs: Did God create dinosaurs and what happened to them?

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   Near-Death Experiences: Do you believe that "near-death experiences" are real and have you heard of Ian McCormick? [Hebrews 9:27, I Corinthians 15:51, I Thessalonians 4:17].

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February 17, 2022

   Nineveh & Jonah: Why did God go to such length to have Jonah preach to the Ninevites? [Matthew 12:40].

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   Environmental Concerns of the Church: What do you think about a church who doesn't believe in evangelism, but environmentalism, instead?

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   House Left Desolate: Could the house in Matthew 23 be also about the people of Israel, rather than just the temple? [Matthew 23:38, Luke 1:35].

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   Significance of Names in the Bible: Could you talk about the significance of the various names used in the Bible? Some are explained, but what about others? [Matthew 1].
Jesus' Name Contradiction: How does one view the seeming contradiction with the name of Jesus being to be Emmanuel, but also Jesus? [Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 9:6-7, Matthew 1:21, Jeremiah 23:5, Exodus 34:6-7].

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   On Jesus Right Hand or Left: Why would their mother (Salome) ask for her sons to be sitting on Jesus' right hand or left? [Matthew 20:21-25, Mark 10:40, Matthew 16].

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   Jesus is Messiah: How do I best approach someone who doesn't think that Jesus is the Messiah come, but a teacher, even in light of "I am"? [Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 9:6-7, John 13:13, Matthew 16:13-20].

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   Can Anyone See God?: How do you reconcile that the Bible says that no one can see God, but there are verses that indicate that some have? [Genesis 32:30, Genesis 18, Revelation 20:11].

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February 18, 2022

   Talmud & Synagogue History: Could you talk about the origins and history of the Talmud and the synagogue? [Deuteronomy 24:1].

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   Why Am I Here?: How would you suggest approaching an adult child who is questioning "Why am I here?" and "What is the purpose of Life?"
Facts Over Feelings: Does there not seem to be many are looking for feelings rather than truth to substantiate their idea of faith.

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   Forgiving Oneself: Is there anything in the Bible about "forgiving oneself"?

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   Rapture at the Time of Jesus' Return: Is it when Jesus comes back that the rapture will happen?
After the Rapture: What happens after the rapture when no one else is here on earth anymore? [Psalm 2:8, Matthew 5:5, Romans 4:13, Psalm 115:16].
The Wrath of God: When does humanity experience the wrath of God? [I Thessalonians 5:9].

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   Righteousness in Man: Could you explain the apparent contradiction of the righteousness in man, and yet there is none righteous? [Romans 5:7-8, Romans 3:10, Psalm 14:1, Psalm 1:5, Romans 2:13, Romans 3:1, Romans 3:19].

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   Seventh Day Adventist's are Wrong: Do you suppose that some of the Seventh Day Adventist leadership actually do know the false doctrine they are promoting?

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   "Divination" in Genesis: Could you help me understand the word "divination" used in Genesis? [Genesis 44].

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February 21, 2022

   Jewish Old Testament Scriptures Compared to Ours: Why do the Jews have the Old Testament scripture different than ours, and with fewer books?

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   Holy Spirit Descends Upon Jesus: When the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus, does that mean He did not have the Holy Spirit until that point? [John 1:14, Matthew 24:36, Mark 13:32].

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   Antichrist: Could the antichrist actually have been a normal man before he is wounded and rises to power? [I John 2:18, I John 4:3, Revelation 13:3, Daniel 9:27, 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12].

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   Twelve-Step Programs: Do you think that the "Twelve-step" program is biblical? [John 8:31-32, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Matthew 16:24-26].
Knowing Every Doctrinal Position before Salvation: Why do some think you have to know every little doctrinal position correctly to be saved? [I Corinthians 13:9, John 8:31, Matthew 11:29, Hebrews 11:6].

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   Divorce Sends One to Hell: Is everyone who is divorced going to hell? [I Corinthians 6:9, Matthew 16:24-26, Matthew 18:5, Luke 17:2, Matthew 7:21-23].

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   Beast with Two Horns: Who is the beast who has two horns and a mouth like a dragon? [Revelation 13:11].

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   Mary or Martha's Missing Husbands: Do you think that neither Mary and Martha were married? [John 12:1-18, Mark 14:3].

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   Trinity: What do you think about the trinity? Recommended topical lecture; "Knowing God-The Trinity."

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February 22, 2022

   False Teachers: What do you think of those teachers that focus on other ministries that they think are in error and are false teachers? [Galatians 6:1, 2 Timothy 2:24-26].

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   God's Invisible Attributes: What are the invisible attributes of God? [Romans 1:20].
Best Bible Translation: What is the best Bible translation? New American Standard and New King James are among those mentioned.

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   Jesus and the Kosher Diet: Where did Jesus address the issue of food and diet making all food acceptable? [Mark 7:15, Matthew 15:11, Leviticus 11:13].
Jews Offended by Jesus: Was the dismissal of the Kosher diet one of the reasons that the Jews were so offended by Jesus?

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   "Unprofitable Servant" Parables: Would you comment on the passage about the "unprofitable servant" in Luke? [Luke 17:7-11, I Corinthians 6:20].

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   Unclear Bible Passages: Do you think that God leaves some things unclear to keep us busy? [Matthew 24:46, Luke 12:43, Luke 19:13, Acts 1:7].

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   Balaam: Could you talk about Balaam's involvement in the occult and curse against the people? [Numbers 22:5, 2 Peter 2, Jude, Revelation 2].
Angel of the Lord: Is the "Angel of the Lord" Jesus? [Numbers 22].

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   Recommended Charities: Do you have some charities you would recommend? Among them; Shepherd's Heart International,, 365 Mapleton Drive NW, Cleveland TN 37312-6215

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   Jehovah Witnesses: After talking with Jehovah Witnesses, I have a few questions about things they stated.

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February 23, 2022

   "Word of Faith" or the "Prosperity Doctrine": Since the Bible says "ask and you will receive" without qualification, so why should we not take it at face value? [Matthew 7:7-11, Luke 11:9, Psalm 84:11].

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   Jesus to Increase Their Faith: Did Jesus' response help to increase their faith in Luke 17? [Luke 17:5-10].

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   Unprofitable Servant Parable: Why do you favor the passage about the servant? [Luke 17:7-10].
Things to be Done in Secret: What are the 3 things we are to do in secret? [Matthew 6:1-18].

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   Symbolism in Scripture: How does one recognize when something depicted in scripture means something more symbolically? [I Corinthians 10:4, John 3:14, Matthew 12:40, I Corinthians 9:9, I Timothy 5:18, Deuteronomy 25:4].

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   Sin in Word, Thought & Deed Every Day: How do you talk about those that routinely sin and backslide (often excusing it) regarding obedience and salvation? [Galatians 5:16, Titus 2:1-5, James 3:2, I John 2, Romans 6:1, John 15:5].

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   Lilith: Could you talk about the first woman created, Lilith? [Isaiah 34:14].

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   Satan Challenges God: Do you think that God had to prove His righteousness because of Satan's challenge in Job? [Job 2:4, Romans 3:24-26].

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   Jewish View of Plural Pronoun in Genesis: How would the Jews interpret the plural pronoun if they believed in a singular God? [Genesis 1:26-28].

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   Baptism: What do you believe about baptism?

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February 24, 2022

   China & Russia in End Times: Does China and Russian figure into eschatology? [Ezekiel 39, Revelation 16, Revelation 8, I Thessalonians 5:3].

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   Rewards in the New Jerusalem: When we are caught up and are in the New Jerusalem, are some of us going to be rewarded with different positions? [Matthew 25, Luke 19, 2 Corinthians 5:10, Mark 10:44, Matthew 20:27].

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   Gene & Melissa Scott: What do you think of Melissa Scott (Gene Scott's wife)?
Greek & Hebrew Scholars: Who would you recommend that teaches from the Greek and Hebrew translations?
The New Covenant's Teachings: Where would you find what needs to be kept in the New Covenant? Recommendation; verse-by-verse lectures.

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   Judas Iscariot's Free Will: Did Judas have his free will to betray Jesus? Was he condemned from birth? [Psalms 41:9].

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   Not Sharing One's Faith: What are the consequences of not sharing one's faith?

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   Unity and Justice: Could you talk about the Sermon on the Mount and the importance of unity ? [Matthew 5:25-29, Romans 12:1, Mark 12:31, Luke 17:3-4].

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   Meat from the Sacrifices: In the Old Testament, what did that do with all that meat after the animal sacrifices?
Babylon as the Internet: What do you think about Babylon being the internet?

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   Bible as the Word of God: What is the difference between believing that the Bible "being" the Word of God, or it "contains" the Word of God?

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   Evangelizing: Are we not commanded to preach Jesus and evangelize the world? [Acts 2:42, Acts 4].

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February 25, 2022

   Word of Faith (Prosperity Doctrine): Could you help me understand these verses relative to the Word of Faith movement? [Matthew 7:11, Luke 11:13, Deuteronomy 28, Ephesians 1:3, John 16:33].

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   The Two Witnesses in Revelation: Who do you believe the two witnesses are in the book of Revelation? Recommends Verse-by-Verse lectures. [Revelation 11:3].

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   Why Circumcision?: Could you talk about why circumcision in particular was commanded? [Genesis 17, Genesis 12, Galatians 3:16, Jeremiah 4:4, Philippians 3:3 Romans 2:28-29].
The 8th Day for Circumcision: Is there any significance to the 8th day directive relative to circumcision?

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   The Pledge of Allegiance: Is it appropriate to be uneasy about not necessarily wanting to pledge allegiance to anything but the Lord?

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   Conceived or Dying "In Sin": Is there any connection between when David said, "I was conceived in sin" and the fact that we all die in sin? [Psalm 51:5, Romans 5:12, Psalm 58:3, Psalm 27:10].
God Using Evil Nations to Judge: Does God use evil nations to judge disobedient nations? [Habakkuk 1-2].

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   Spying on Fellow Christians: What do you think about Christians spying on other Christians-as if for God (Eyes of God)? Would they still go to heaven?

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   The Law, Sin, Death: Would you explain Romans 5:14 about "death and sin reigned" [Romans 5:14].

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   Who is the "Cloud of Witnesses": Who is the writer of Hebrews talking about when he mentions the cloud of witnesses? [Hebrews 11:6, Hebrews 12:1].

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February 28, 2022

   The Land of Israel: Was all the land promised to Israel ever possessed as promised? [Genesis 13:15, I Kings 4, Joshua 21:43-45, Romans 4:13].

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   "Book of Life": Were our names written in the "Book of Life" from the beginning?
Can the Unsaved Still be Saved?: Can all those who are unsaved now, be saved in the future?

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   "All Imprisoned in Disobedience": What does it mean "imprisoned all in disobedience so to have mercy"? [Romans 11:32, Romans 9:14, Romans 3:23, Romans 9:6-7, Romans 9:21, Matthew 3:9, Romans 8, Romans 2:28, Galatians 3:7, Romans 2:28, Jeremiah 18:1-19:3, Isaiah 64:8 ].

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   Angels & Sex with Sons of God: Did Angels have sex with humans and have the giant Nephilim? [Genesis 6:2, Matthew 22:30].

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   "Great White Throne" Judgment: Do Christians have to face the "Great White Throne"?
Judgments Seat(s): Is the "Great White Throne" of Judgment the same as "The Bema Seat" judgment, or are there two judgments? [2 Corinthians 5:10, Revelation 20:11, Matthew 25:31, 2 Timothy 4:1, I Peter 1:17, John 5:28-29].

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   Needn't Preach or Evangelize if We are Predestined: Do the people who think you are predestined to be saved, still preach the gospel? [Romans 8:29-30, Ephesians 1:4-11, 2 Peter 3:9, Luke 13:34, Matthew 23:37, Acts 10].

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   Babies Born Sinful: Could you talk a bit about whether a baby in the womb is already guilty of sin?

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