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March 01, 2022

   Two Prophecies in Zechariah: Could you explain if there are two different prophecies about the coming of Christ being referred to in Zechariah 9? [Zechariah 9:9].
New Wine in Old Wine Skins: Could you explain the verses about the new wine put in old wine skins? [Matthew 9:17, Mark 2:22, 2 Corinthians 3:17].

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   Premillennial Position on the Establishment of the Kingdom: What do the premillennialists say about the establishment of the Kingdom being in the time of the kings indicated in Daniel 2? [Daniel 2:44, Colossians 1:13]
Kingdom of God Already Here: What do you say to someone who wants their money back when they find that the Kingdom of God has already arrived?

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   "Wheat and Tares" Parable & End of Age: How does the phrase "end of the age" in the parable of the "Wheat and the Tares" fit into your eschatology? [Matthew 13:39, Matthew 24:3, I Corinthians 10:11].

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   The Book of Jude: What is the purpose of the book of Jude, particularly relative to us today? [2 Peter 2].
Jude's Sources for Information: Where did Jude get the conversations between Satan and Michael, and the references to the Book of Enoch?

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   Vaccine & Mark of the Beast: Could the COVID vaccine be the "Mark of the Beast"?

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   Death is Penalty for Sin: In light of scripture, when we die, do we not pay for our sin ourselves?

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   Preacher: Caller shares his enthusiasm for the Lord.

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   Missions & Missionaries: Where in church history did we start sending out missionaries? [Acts 13].

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   Michael and Satan: What was the conversation between Michael, the archangel, and Satan? [Jude 1:9].
Wager Between God and Satan: Where is the story about the wager between God and Satan? [Job].
Brother Lawrence: What do you think of the book by brother Lawrence named, "Practice of the Presence of God"? Recommended books; "Imitation of Christ" by Thomas à Kempis and "Pilgrim's Progress" by John Bunyan.

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   Seventh Day Adventism: Why are so many Seventh Day Adventists so inarticulate about the gospel and typically focus on the law?

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March 02, 2022

   Pastor Closing Doors During COVID: Should I go to my pastor and apologize for my anger about the church remaining closed when they should have opened?

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   "Kingdom of God" & "Eternal Life" Synonymous: Is the "Kingdom of God" and "Eternal Life" synonymous in scripture? [Mark 9:43-47, Mark 10:17].

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   "Vexed" Not Very Christian-like: It doesn't seem like someone should be "vexed" if they have the Holy Spirit in them? [Mark 3:4-5, 2 Peter, 1 Samuel 11].

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   The Essenes: Why do the gospels not mention the Essenes?

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   Jonah & Jesus-Number of Days in Whale & Tomb: Could you clarify the contradiction between the number of days Jonah in the whale and the days Jesus was in the tomb?

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   Cain & Abel: What do you think about these two interpretations of the warning issued to Cain about his needing to do well? [Genesis 4:6-7, Genesis 3:16, Romans 5:7].

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   God's Intervention to Prevent Evil: Why did not God prevent such a tragic event in the news?

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   God Planned for Mankind (Adam) to Sin: What do you think of the premise that God planned for mankind (Adam) to sin, so He could demonstrate His grace? [2 Peter 3:9, Ezekiel 33:11, Ezekiel 18:23].

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   Giving of the "Morning Star": Could you explain what the "giving of the Morning Star" in Revelation 2 might mean? [Revelation 2, Revelation 22:16, 2 Peter 1:19, 2 Corinthians 3:18, Romans 8:18, Proverbs 4:18].

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March 03, 2022

   Born Again: Why does it say " begotten us again" in I Peter [I Peter 1:3].

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   Heaven Now, Rapture & Resurrection Later: If we go to heaven when we die, how is it that we will be raised later, as in I Thessalonians? [John 5, 2 Cor 5, James 2:26, I Thessalonians 4:16-17],
The Lost in Hell Now: Are those that are not right with the Lord that have died in hell already? [Luke 16, Revelation 20].

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   Chloe and Church Contentions in Corinith: Who was Chloe and what was the contention about-leadership or baptism? [I Corinthians 1:11-13, I Corinthians 7:1, I Corinthians 10:2].

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   All Has Already Happened in Revelation : What about someone who thinks that all of Revelation has already happened? [Matthew 24:34].

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   Post Millennial View & Future Israel: Could you help me sort out the value of these books about ; "Paradise Restored" by David Chilton, and the book "Future Israel" by Barry Horner? [I John 2:22].
Millennium & Israel: What does one do about the opposing views with excellent people and on either side of the Millennial and Israel controversy? [Matthew 28:20, I Corinthians 13:9].

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   Confused About God & Jesus & the Trinity: Could you help me understand some of this confusing teaching about Jesus raising Himself and sitting by His own side? Recommended topical lectures; "Knowing God-The Trinity". [John 20:31, Mark 10:18, Luke 22:42, I John 2:18-22].

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   Baptism by Elder or Not?: Should there be an elder present, or can anyone baptized another?

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March 04, 2022

   Adam & Eve: Did brothers and sisters marry after Adam & Eve?

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   The Prophets-"The Word of the Lord": How is the "Word of the Lord" being spread through the Old Testament prophets? [Isaiah 7].

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   Warning Against Adultery: Is the warning against adultery about committing adultery in one's heart specifically directed only to men, and does that still apply today? [Matthew 5:28].
Warning Against Lust in the Heart: Is there an overall principle against malevolence in the teaching of looking upon a woman with lust in the Sermon on the Mount? [Matthew 5:28, I John 3:15].

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   The Value of the Protestant Reformation: As Evangelical Protestants, how much do we owe to the Protestant Reformation and would we not all still be Historicist and Catholic?

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   Jesus' Legal Proceedings & Evidence of His Resurrection: Considering the Jews who remarked that Pilate should not let Jesus go at His trial, how does that parallel to the idea that we must find evidence to substantiate Jesus' resurrection? [John 19:12, I Corinthians 15:6].

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   The Books of the Maccabees: Could you tell me why the Books of the Maccabees was taken out of the Bible?

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   Missionaries Taking Children & Wives with Them: Where in church history did missionaries start taking their wives and children into dangerous areas? [I Corinthians 9:5, Matthew 19:29, Mark 10:29].
First Manifestation of the Kingdom of God: Where did the Kingdom of God first manifest on earth? [Act 1:6, Revelation 5:9-10, Exodus 19:5-6].

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March 07, 2022

   Masterbation, Withdrawal, Onan & Judah?: What is the verse about it is better to ejaculate in the belly of a whore than on to the ground? {Genesis 38:9].

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   Companionship in Heaven: Do we rule out companionship entirely in the resurrection, or is it that we just do not marry? [Genesis 2, Mark 12].

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   Living by Will Rather Than Emotions: Are we to live out our Christian lives by our will, rather than our emotions? Caller recommends a charitable organization.

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   Scribes: Would you explain the passage about the scribes being trained for the Kingdom of Heaven? [Matthew 13:51:52].

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   Ezekiel's Visions; Gog & Magog: Has Ezekiel's visions in chapters 37-39 been fulfilled already?

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   Qualifications for Evangelism: Are there any biblical qualifications for being an evangelist? [I Timothy 3, Titus 1, Ephesians 4:11].
David as Murderer & Adulterer: Did David lose the spirit when he committed the crimes of murder and adultery?

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   Parables About End Times: Regarding the parables of the dragnet and the wheat and the tares, is this "end of age" about end times? [Matthew 13:40-50].
Malachi and End Times: Is Malachi 3 and the "Book of Remembrance" about end times? [Malachi 3-4, Luke 10].

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   "Signs of the Times": Are we being warned to look for signs of the times relative to the Kingdom age, even though this passages is likely about 70 AD? [Luke 12:54-56].

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March 08, 2022

   Defining Amillennialism: Do you agree with this definition of "Amillennialism"? [Revelation 5:6, Psalm 90:4, Revelation 20].

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   COVID Vaccine Requirement: How should I handle the request from my doctor that I get a COVID vaccine when I don't want to get one?

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   Heaven in the Old Testament: Where do we first see the promise of heaven in the Old Testament? [Daniel 12:2, 2 Samuel 12:23].
No Heaven or Hell: Would you still serve God without any promise of heaven or hell?

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   More Knowledge in the Last Days: Is there anything in scripture that suggests that new or more knowledge will develop in the last days?
"Book of Remembrance": Could you talk about the "Book of Remembrance" in Malachi? [Malachi 3:16, Malachi 3:1, Luke 10:20, Genesis 8:1, Jeremiah 23:20].

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   "Mansions" Prepared for us: Does the word "mansions" literally mean mansions in the verse about God preparing mansions for us in heaven? [John 14:2, John 2:16, John 14:23, Hebrews 3:6, I Timothy 3:15, Ephesians 2:21-22, I Peter 2:5, Acts 7:48].

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   Word of Faith Movement & the Power of Prayer: What do you think about the relationship between faith and prayer and if prayer is not a force, what is the alternate?
Healing, Word of Faith, and Refusing Help From Doctors Relative to the Word of Faith movement, atonement and healing-what do you think about refusing medical care? [Isaiah 53:5, I Peter 2:24].

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March 09, 2022

   "Fallen Angel" Doctrines: How long have "fallen angel" (DNA mixing with humans) doctrines been around? [Genesis 6, Jude 6, Job 1-2].
Fallen Angels with Extra Digits: Could you clarify the doctrines about those offspring from fallen angels having six fingers and toes?

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   Calvinism & Postmillennial Reconstructionism: What can you tell me about those Calvinists that think that we are in the millennium now and eventually the whole world will be converted before Christ's return?

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   Enoch & The False Teachers in Jude: Who are the men in Jude that are being prophecied against? [Jude 1:14, 2 Peter 2].

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   God's Sovereignty & Importance of Prayer: Why is prayer so important if we are to rest in our faith, believe in His sovereignty, and He is going to work everything out His way anyway? [James 4:2-3].

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   The Missing Conscience of the Wicked (Hard Hearts): If God has given us all a conscience, where is the conscience of the wicked, such as Russia and Putin? [I Timothy 4:2].

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   Churches Should be More Political: What is your opinion of Charlie Kirk and his view that the church should become more political? [Colossians 3:17].

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   God Attempting to Kill Moses: Could you give me insight into the story where God is seeking to kill Moses? [Exodus 4].

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March 10, 2022

   Sabbatarians & Keeping the Law: Do today's Sabbatarians typically keep all the other Sabbath laws?
Steve Gregg's Tongue Speaking: Do you personally speak in tongues, or interpret, and can you control it?

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   Danger in Questioning Dispensationalism: Why is the questioning of Dispensationalism so difficult and contentious? What is at stake?

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   Atheist Discussion: Atheist caller contends that Steve misrepresents the view of where Atheist's get their morality and so on.
Atheist Comments on Faith: Will faith always lead us to the truth?
Atheist Challenges Steve about Politics: Atheist suggests that one cannot get elected in the USA without being a Christian.

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   Pray & Get to Heaven: Is saying a prayer enough to get someone to heaven? [I John 1:9].

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   Free Will and Sovereignty: Was Peter destined to sin in denying Christ, since he was told that he would, therefore neutralizing his free choice?

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   No Longer an Atheist: Caller indicates that he is now a believer because he is observed that good wins over evil.

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   Carrying a Gun: What are the ethics of a Christian carrying a gun?

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March 11, 2022

   Free to Re-marry: If I committed adultery, my wife divorced me and remarried, am I free to remarry? [Deuteronomy 24:1-3, Matthew 5:32].

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   Bible Reading: Is it better to read the same translation multiple times, or better to read various translations?

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   Jesus-More Than Messiah: Do you think that Jesus was more than the Messiah? [Mark 14:61].
Preaching Against Sin: Should we be preaching against sin today? [I Corinthians 5:12].
Evangelizing Others: Do you think that formulaic methods or "one size fits all" approaches to evangelism are effective?

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   Unworthy to be Saved: What do you say to someone who thinks they are so unworthy that they do not deserve to be saved? [Galatians 2:21, I Corinthians 1:26-27].

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   Contradiction-One or Two Demon Possessed Men: Is there a contradiction in the story of the demon possessed man, as it says in one gospel there was one man, and in another that there is two?

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   Atheists Calling into the Show: Steve Gregg loves atheists or agnostics calling into the show, but when they call in, he'd love for them to have a specific point on why they don't believe there is a God rather than just generalizations.

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   Polygamy: What can I say to a woman who thinks that the Lord told her that it is acceptable to have two husbands? [Luke 11:24-26, Romans 7:2-3, I Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians 5:19-21].

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   Knights Templar: What can you tell me about the "Templar" (Knights Templar)?

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   Eternal Security: Do these verses in Romans impact the idea that one can lose their salvation? [Romans 8:1-34, John 15, I Timothy 4:1, Galatians 5:4].
Lamb's Book of Life: What about losing one's salvation if your name is in the Lamb's Book of Life? [Revelation 12:11].

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   Salvation Experience: If I had a salvation experience in the past, is my salvation legitimate? [I Corinthians 6:20, 2 Corinthians 13:5].

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March 14, 2022

   Wiping Out the Canaanites: How do you harmonize the wiping out of the Canaanites and the idea of loving your enemies? [Proverbs 25:21, 2 Kings 6:22, I Samuel 15, Matthew 5:44].

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   Objection to Long Hair (on Men): How long is long hair on men? [I Corinthians 11:14, Deuteronomy 22:5, Acts 18:18].
Who is Jesus?: Who was Jesus? [I Timothy 3:16, John 14:8-10].

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   Guest; Paul Clark (Musician from 1970s): Paul Clark and Steve discuss the Jesus movement in the 1970s. Contact info:

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   Peter's Crucifixion: Was Peter crucified upside down, and what did it symbolize?

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   Spiritual Sacrifices" What are "spiritual sacrifices" and how do we offer them? [Romans 12:1, Romans 6:13, I Corinthians 6:20, Philippians 4:!*, Romans 15:16].

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   Witnessing to Hollywood: How do you (Paul Clark-guest Christian musician) witness to those that have experienced fortune and fame? Contact info:

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March 15, 2022

   Silas Was a Prophet: Where does it say in scripture that Silas was a prophet? [Acts 15:32].
Christians Demon Possessed: Can a Christian who has the Holy Spirit also be demon possessed? [I Peter 5, Ephesians 6:10f, I John 4:4, James 4:7].

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   Jesus' Intercession in Heaven: Will Jesus continue to intercede for us when we are in heaven?

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   Legacy Standard Bible: What are your thoughts on the "Legacy Standard Bible" (NASB)?

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   Churches & Fellowship Groups on The fellowship/ church list at has a new area listed for Vancouver, Washington.
Inerrancy & Inspiration of Scripture: Would you talk about the inerrancy or infallibility of the Bible and the inspiration of scripture?

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   Spouses that Abuse One Another: Does the Bible talk about someone staying with a spouse that abuses them?

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   Adoption & Redemption, Now & Later Regarding adoption and redemption, both now and future, can this be attributed to the "already/ not yet" concept? [Romans 8:11, Romans 8:15, Romans 8:23, Hebrews 6:5, Philippians 3:21 ].
Power Over Sin in Our Current Unredeemed Bodies: Can on have power over sin in this unredeemed body? [Romans 8:1-4, Romans 7:14-25].
Our Bodies Inherently Evil: Are our bodies inherently evil and not able to be used for God? [Psalm 103:14, Matthew 26:41].

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   Interruption in the Journey to Christ: If the "Second Coming" and "Rapture" is at the same time, would that not interrupt the journey some may be in toward Christ?

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   Ezekiel's Prophecy About the Coming Messiah: Would you talk about the "tabernacle among us being forever"? [Ezekiel 37:27-28, John 14:23, Ephesians 2:21-22].

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March 16, 2022

   Current Political Event-Zelenskyy & Ukraine: Do you think that Zelenskyy is a prophetic voice from God in this current situation with Ukraine and Russia?

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   Walking in the Spirit: Do you think that "walking in the Spirit" is more practical, rather than solely mystical? Recommends "Empire of the Risen Son-Vol 2" {Romans 8:14].

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   God's Blessing and Intercession for Unbelievers: Does God both bless and intercede for unbelievers, or just believers? [Matthew 5:45, Hebrews 4:15, James 1:17, Romans 2:4].

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   Moses Not Allowed to Enter the Promised Land: Is there spiritual ramification we should draw from Moses being able to see the promised land, but was not allowed to enter it?

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   Evangelism's Alternate to the "Sinner's Prayer": What do you suggest, rather than using the "Sinner's Prayer" as an alternate when evangelizing? [Romans 10:9, Ephesians 1:13, Matthew 7:21].

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   Zelenskyy's Jewish Heritage: How does my Jewishness fit into the current events in Ukraine and Zelenskyy and prophecy?

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   Magic or Miracles: Atheist Caller; How do you distinguish magic from miracles?
Atheism & the Supernatural: You know that for the Atheist there is no supernatural, right?

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   Magic or Miracles: Atheist Caller; How do you distinguish magic from miracles?
Atheism & the Supernatural: You know that for the Atheist there is no supernatural, right?

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   Paul-The Apostles: Was Paul an apostle in the same sense as was the twelve disciples/ apostles? [Galatians 2:9, I Thessalonians 1:1, 2 Corinthians 8:23].
The Apostle Paul: What do you think of those that seem to doubt or disrespect the authority of the Apostle Paul? [2 Corinthians 12:12].

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   Children in Heaven: When a child passes away, do they stay a child?

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   Deconstruction (of the Church): Could you explain the word "deconstruction" as applied to the church?
Eternal Security (Once Saved, Always Saved): Do you believe in "Once Saved, Always Saved"? [Romans 11:22].

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   Prayer: Caller shares that she prays for Steve as well as very many others.

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March 17, 2022

   Seeking a Spouse: How does someone navigate seeking a spouse if they find that those that are more attractive seem to have less strength in their Christian walk?

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   No Remarriage Allowed: Is it true that one must not remarry until their former spouse dies, even if they had grounds and/or have been divorced? [Matthew 19:9, Matthew 5:32].
AA (Alcoholic Anonymous): Caller comments on the value of Alcoholic Anonymous.

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   1000 years: Are there any places in scripture where the 1000 years is actually, literally 1000 years? [Revelation 20, Psalm 90:4, 2 Peter 3:8].
"One Hour" & "One Day" in Scripture: Are the uses of one hour, or one day, in scripture, always literal? [Revelation 18:8].

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   Scripture Taken Out of Context: Do you think you took scripture out of context when referring to Romans 7 and it application to living the Christian life? [Revelation 3:20, Romans 7, Romans 8:1-4, Galatians 5:16-17, Romans 8:23, Romans 7:23-25, Romans 7:14, Romans 7:17, Romans 7:20].

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   Unbeliever's Resurrected Bodies: What kind of bodies will the resurrected unbelievers have on judgment day? [Revelation 20, Matthew 7:21].

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   Finding a Good Spouse: Caller comments that good marriage partners require not only compatibility, but endurability and having a life calling. [Psalm 15:4].

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   "Inhabits Praises": What does it mean "inhabits the praises of Israel"? [Psalm 22:3].

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   "New Wine" in "Old Wine Skins" & "New Cloth in Old Garment": What is meant by Jesus' answer in the second part about "new wine in old wine skins" and "new cloth in old garment"? [Mark 2:21-22, Matthew 9:17].

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March 18, 2022

   Steve Gregg, The Narrow Path & the Ban Culture: Comment about the value of the teachings of Steve Gregg and keeping external drives of the content.

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   Untrustworthiness in the Church: Could you advise us regarding our concern over the trustworthiness of some in charge of church affairs?

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   Putin & Eastern Orthodoxy: What do you think about Putin claiming himself a messianic figure involved in the reuniting of the Eastern Orthodox Church?

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   Catholics Saved or Lost?: Are some Catholics saved? [Acts 2:21, Romans 10:13, 2 Timothy 2:15, John 8:31-32].

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   Judas' Death-Contradiction: Could you help me with the contradictory stories of Judas' death? [Matthew 27:5, Acts 1:18].

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   Vows of Marriage Questioned: Am I free to leave the father of my child whenever I wish, since we do not have a functioning relationship nor have taken any vows?

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   Eschatology & Politics in Judges (Daniel, Isaiah): Atheist asks-Is there any eschatological or current political application to the Old Testament story of Ehud? [Judges 3].
Determining Biblical History from Parables & Allegories: From an atheist-How does one determine the difference between actual Biblical history, allegory, fables, parables, etc.?
Atheist Questions Authenticity of Scripture: Atheist challenges that various religious groups differ dramatically in their opinions of the meanings in scripture, asserts that the Bible is false, and challenges how one determines the correct interpretation of scripture.

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March 21, 2022

   Praying to Jesus instead of to God: Since we are to have no other God before Him, then why do we so often pray to Jesus, instead of to God and how does this related to the Trinity? [Matthew 6:9-13].

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   Dating Relationships: How does one avoid various pitfalls in dating relationship?
Father Questioning a Daughter's Date: What would you require of someone who wished to date your daughters?

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   Evangelizing Homosexuals & Lesbians: How do I approach a homosexual or lesbian and share the love of God? [Genesis 2:24, Matthew 19:5].

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   Dating Relationships: Caller recommends Steve lecture for those Christians in dating relationships; from the series "Toward a Radicaly Christian Counter Culture: Approaching Marriage"
Proclaiming the Death of Jesus During Communion: When we are taking communion, why do we not proclaim the death of Jesus as scripture directs in I Corinthians? [I Corinthians 11:26, I Corinthians 6:20].

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   Evil Spirits in Unbelievers: Do people who are not Christians have a spirit in them that causes them to react against Christians when they meet them?

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   Joseph of Arimathea: Did Joseph of Arimathea got arrested, was retrieved by Jesus and had him with Him for 40 days?

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   Taking Communion Healed People: Were all healed when they took communion in I Corinthians 11 and how does that apply now? [I Corinthians 11:27-31, Isaiah 53:5].

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   Demon Possession of those Trying to Kill Jesus: How did the evil people trying to kill the Lord avoid being demon possessed?

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   Humanity's Depraved Condition: What do you think about those that emphasize human weakness rather than our being created by Him?

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March 22, 2022

   Free Audio Version of "Empire of the Risen Son", Vol 1: Steve announces a FREE audio version of his 2 books about the Kingdom of God; "Empire of the Risen Son". Book 1; 'There is Another King" NOW available at, under the tab; "Books."

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   John the Baptist: Why did John the Baptist ask Jesus if He was the one? [Matthew 11:3].

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   Tribulation Saints: Where will the people who die before the tribulation be during the tribulation? [I Thessalonians 4:15].
The Millennium: What will happen during the millennium?

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   Consecration of Russia: Do you think that the consecration of Russia by the pope will lead to peace?

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   Moses' Source for Genesis: How did Moses know what to write in Genesis about the creation and the events in the Garden of Eden?
The Kingdom of God: How do I learn about "The Kingdom of God"? Recommended topical lecture, "The Kingdom of God" or download free book, "Empire of the Risen Son, Vol 1", at the website.

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   Disciples of God or Satan: Since scripture says if we continue in His word, we become His disciples, do we then become Satan's disciples if we continue in lies? [John 8:12, John 8:31, John 8:44, 2 Peter 1:4].
Jesus Not Born: What do you think of a pastor who teaches that Jesus was never born, but was always God who came directly to earth?

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   Catholic Priests Inhibiting the Salvation of Many: Are Catholic priests blocking people from becoming saved by their teachings, such as praying to Mary, and the priests forgiving sins? [John 20:23, I Peter 5:1].

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   Atheist Questions Theological Investigation: From atheist caller: What tools of investigation do you have in theology and what has been the advancements?
Atheist Challenge About Biblical Reliability: Atheist caller suggests that Steve is misleading his audience because of the limitation of sources outside of the Bible.

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March 23, 2022

   Timeline in Genesis Contradiction: Do you think that there is a contradiction or if we are misunderstanding due to the Hebrew language's tenses? [Genesis 2:19, Genesis 2:9].
Genesis' Hebrew Language: One scholar indicated that the interpretation of Genesis cannot be understood in the past perfect tense in Genesis 2? [Genesis 2:19, Genesis 2:9].

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   Jews Called the Israelites: Why are the Jews called the "Israelites" rather than stemming from the names Abraham or Isaac?

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   Baptism of the Holy Spirit (Ghost) with Evidence of Speaking in Tongues: Is it necessary to show the evidence of speaking in tongues to evidence the Holy Spirit (Ghost)? [Acts 1:5-8, Acts 2:4, Matthew 3:11, Luke 3:16, Ephesians 5:18, I Corinthians 12-14].

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   When the Holy Spirit Was Given: Was the Holy Spirit given before the time of Jesus? [John 7:39].
Defining the Parts of Salvation: Are there two distinction parts of salvation-one cleaning the slate of sin, and two-filling up and a life change with new purpose? [2 Peter 1:4, 2 Corinthians 3:18].
Before the Holy Spirit's Coming: What happened to believers before the coming of the Holy Spirit? [Romans 4].

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   Empowered by the Holy Spirit: Are there two separate events in the Christian experience, where one accepts Christ and then later we empowered by the Holy Spirit? [Ephesians 5:18, Acts 19, Matthew 7:11, Luke 11:13].
Spiritual Warfare: How do you know when you are in the middle of spiritual warfare? [I Peter 5:8, 2 Peter 2:11, Ephesians 6:10-18].

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   Eternal Security: You don't believe in "Eternal Security", right?
Jimmy Swaggart: What do you think of Jimmy Swaggart?

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   How Does One Get Saved?: Could you go over the process by which one is saved, in contrast to just saying the "Sinner's Prayer"?

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March 24, 2022

   Olivet Discourse-Two Events?: Is Matthew 24 (Olivet Discourse) about two separate events? [Mark 13, Luke 21, Matthew 24, Matthew 24:34, Luke 21:23, Matthew 23:35, Luke 21:20, Romans 2:9-10, Matthew 24:36, Matthew 24:15, Luke 17:22-37, Luke 11:51]. Lectures and notes are recommended. Notes at

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   "Holy of Holies" & "Altar of Incense": Could you talk about the "Holy of Holies" and the "Altar of Incense" and what might be a contradiction in its location? [Hebrews 9:2].

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   Ungodly Parental Influence on Step Children: Could you advise regarding my step daughter who is influenced by our culture and an ungodly mother? [Proverbs 1:7, Proverbs 9:10].

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   "Eternal Security" and "Inheriting the Kingdom": Regarding "Eternal Security" ("Once Saved, Always Saved") and "inheriting the Kingdom", can you explain your view in light of the type of the Hebrews entering the Promised Land? [I John 5:11-12, John 15:6, Luke 19:10, I Corinthians 3:9, I Corinthians 3:11-15].

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   Cover Image of "Empire of the Risen Son": What is the image on the cover of your book, "Empire of the Risen Son"?

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   Falling Away and Free Will: Can we fall away in spite of Jesus' intercession, and does it remove our free will? [John 10:27-29, Hebrews 7:25, I Timothy 4:1, 2 Timothy 4:10, Matthew 13:21, Mark 4:17, John 3:36, I Peter 5:8, I Peter 2:11, Ephesians 6:12-13].

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   Putin: Is it biblical for someone to take Putin out?

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March 25, 2022

   Coming of the Son of Man: Could you talk about the "coming" of the Lord, as it is talked about frequently? [Matthew 26:54, Isaiah 19:1, Daniel 7:13-14, Psalm 110:1, I Corinthians 15:25, Matthew 28:18, John 1:51, Matthew 24:30]

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   Care of One's Body and General Health: Does this verse in I Corinthians 6 apply to the general care of your body? [I Corinthians 6:19, Ephesians 2:10].

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   Gathering of the Saints (Rapture): Are the verses in 2 Thessalonians about the gathering of the saints about 70 A.D.? [2 Thessalonians 2, I Thessalonians 4].
"Man of Sin": Do you think the "Man of Sin" will sit in the church or the Jewish temple? [2 Thessalonians 2:4, John 14:23, I Corinthians 3:16, 2 Corinthians 6:15].

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   No Rain Before Noah's Flood: Did it rain on the earth before Noah's flood? [Genesis 2:5-6, Genesis 9:13-16].

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   Free Will & Evil Actions: Where is people's "free will" if there has been evil done to them? [Galatians 5:17].

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   Peter's Denial of Christ: Why did Peter deny Christ even when he had been told he would?
Origins of Marriage: How did the origins of marriage being a picture of Christ and the churchdevelop since there were no witnesses of Adam & Eve? [Ephesians 5:32].

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   "Fornication" Grounds for Divorce: If a woman commits fornication, can a husband divorce her? And can he do so if he just wants to commit fornication? [Matthew 5:32].
Paul's Thoughts on Divorce: How does the question of "grounds for divorce" relate to what Paul says about it? [I Corinthians 7:10-15].

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   Pandemic and War Today: Do you think that verses about war and dramatic events in Deuteronomy relate to us and today's pandemic? [Deuteronomy 28:25, Jeremiah 28, Deuteronomy 28:15-63].

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March 28, 2022

   "Salvation" in Both Old & New Testaments: How does "salvation" work in both the New and Old Testament's and what happens to those of "all tongues, tribes, and nations" that do not confess Jesus? [Philippians 2:10-14, Romans 14:11, Luke 15:11-32, Genesis 15:6, Psalm 32:1-2, Matthew 1:21, John 20:29, Revelation 7:9].

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   God's Requirement to Forgive: Is God required to grant repentance if we willfully sin ? [Matthew 12:31, I John 1:9, James 3:2].

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   Artificial Fragrances Worn at Church: Since fragrances and artificial scents can be dangerous and a problem to others, should not church leadership inform their congregants?

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   The Promise of Eternal Life: When someone is saved, do they HAVE eternal life, or do we have the PROMISE of eternal life? [John 5:24, I John 5:11-12, I John 3:14, 2 Corinthians 5:8-10, John 15:6].
Christian Experiences without Salvation: Is it possible that a Christian can have an experience, but not be saved? [Matthew 7:21].

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   Intermediate State of Believers: What is the current state of those believers who have passed away? [2 Corinthians 5:8, I Thessalonians 4].
Transported to Heaven: Do you think that the transport to heaven is instantaeous or do they travel there? Could ghosts be the unbelievers that don't go instanteously?
The Television Show "The Chosen": What do you think of the show "The Chosen"?

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   Socializing with Disobedience Christians: What is the biblical perspective on continuing to socialize with disobedient or unbelieving friends? [I Corinthians 5:11, 2 Thessalonians 3:14, I Corinthians 6:9-10].

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   The Immature Church Delays Christ's Return: Are we somewhat responsible for the delayed return of Christ because of our sin and immaturity in the church? [2 Peter 3:12].

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   Secular Entertainment: What do you think of listening to secular music and movies?

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March 29, 2022

   Pronouciation of God's Name: Do you know how to properly prounce the name of God (Jehovah, Yahweh, YHWH)?

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   Satan Can't Touch Us: How is it that that Satan can't touch us, when we experience evil? [I John 5:18-21, 2 Corinthians 12:7-11, John 14:30, John 16:33].

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   Dispensationalists & the "Last Day" Rapture: How do Dispensationalists get around the verse that says He will raise them up on the "Last Day"? [John 12:48, Matthew 25:31, John 6:40, Revelation 20].

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   Soul & Spirit (Soul Sleep): How can the soul and spirit be separate? [2 Corinthians 12:2, 2 Corinthians 5:8, I Corinthians 15:53-55, Matthew 10:28, Philippians 1:23, I Thessalonians 4:14-16, 2 Corinthians 5:1].

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   Premillennial Preterist: Can you explain the "Premillennial Preterist" view and what you think of it? [Revelation 20, Matthew 24].

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   The Great Deception: Do you think that the acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle and marriage could be the great deception spoken of in 2 Thessalonians? [2 Thessalonians 2:1-3, Matthew 24:24, Revelation 20:7].

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   "Pouring Out the Spirit" & the "Last Days": Is the verse about the "pouring out of the spirit" in the last days rferring to end times or 70 A.D.? [Acts 2:17, Joel 2:2, Joel 2:28-32, I Corinthians 10:11, I John 2:18, I Peter 1:20, Hebrews 1:1, James 5:3, Malachi 4:5-6]

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   Upon Death: Do we go straight to Jesus when we die, and are judged?

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March 30, 2022

   Translation Variation: Why would part of the verse, specifically, "Dumb" be omitted in some translations? [Exodus 4:11].
Original Manuscripts of the Bible: Where do we get "the orginals" of the Bible texts from which translations are made?

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   Too Little Faith & the Mustard Seed: Could you comment on the contradiction of only needing a little faith (like the mustard seed) and yet other times, some are reported to have too little faith? [Matthew 17:19-22, Matthew 14:22-33].

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   Hell-Valley of Hinnom & Moloch: Could you respond to an objection about defining the Valley of Hinom and "passing through the fires" referring to Moloch? [Jeremiah 19:2, Jeremiah 2:6, Jeremiah 7:31].

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   Women in Ministry: Does the Bible support the idea of woman becoming pastors or elders? [I Corinthians 12, Romans 12, I Corinthians 14:1, I Peter 5:2-4, Acts 20:28].
Women in Authority Over Men: Should women be put in authority over men? [Mark 9:35, Mark 10:44, Matthew 20:26].

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   Atheist; Why Does Steve Gregg Think He's Right: Athesist Inquiry: Where do you get off claiming you have the right information about what is Christianity, especially since the Greek Orthodox and Catholic Churches seem to have more authority? why is the Catholic "Apocrypha" not included in the Protestant Bible?
Atheist; Steve Gregg is Wrong: Atheist inquiry: How can we know when Steve Gregg is wrong and doing the interpreting, and when it is the Holy Spirit? How does Steve know he will have eternal life? [John 3:15-16, John 10:27-28].
Atheist; Jesus Said He Was Not God: Wasn't Jesus claiming that He was not God? [Mark 10:18, Luke 18:19].

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March 31, 2022

   Agnosticism & Doubts: Have you, Steve Gregg, ever had periods of agnosticism or doubts, yourself? What can I, a doubter, do if I really want to believe?

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   Satan's Access to Our Minds: How much access does Satan have to our minds?
Speaking to Satan:: Should we address Satan directly? [Revelation 12:11].
Flesh Vs Satan Tempting Us: How do we know when it is the Devil vs our own flesh tempting us? [Matthew 12:26, Acts 17:30].

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   Millennium Not Literal: Why do you think the the "Millennium" is not literal, but symbolic? [Revelation 20, Deuteronomy 1:11, Deuteronomy 7:9, Psalm 84:10, 2 Peter 3:8, Psalm 50:10, Matthew 12:28, Psalm 90:4, Job 42:12, Genesis 20:16].
Literal Numbers Used in Revelation: Are not literal numbers used in Revelation, like the seven churches?

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   God & Jesus Two or One in Heaven?: When we get to heaven, will se see God and Jesus as two separate people? [Revelation 4-5].

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   "Brother" & "Sister" as a Salutation: Are we to only address fellow believers with the greeting; "Brother" or "Sister"?

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   Modern Leadership Failures: Where would you put modern Christian leadership relative to bad motives and legalism discussed in Philippians? [Philippians 1:18, Philippians 3:2].

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