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March 01, 2023

   Financial Management: What does the Bible say about investing and prosperity? [Luke 16:9, 1 Timothy 5:4, Luke 12:48, Proverbs 30:25, Proverbs 6:6-11, Genesis 41:49].

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   Calvinist View of "Eternal Security" or "Once Saved, Always Saved"): Could you clear-up the difference between what Calvinists believe about "eternal security" (once saved, always saved) and how it is often defined?

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   Gift of Tongues: Is "speaking in tongues" the same as "praying in tongues" and do all Christians have this ability? [1 Corinthians 14:14, 1 Corinthians 14:16-17, 1 Corinthians 14:5].

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   70 Weeks of Daniel: Could you help me understand the sequence of events surrounding the "abomination of desolation" and the "destruction of the temple"? [Daniel 9:26-27].

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   "Impeccability of Christ": How does one evaluate the veracity of the "impeccability of Christ"? [Hebrews 4:15].

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   Characteristics of a Good Pastor: What are the characteristics of a good pastor?

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March 02, 2023

   Cursing the Fig Tree: Why would Jesus be upset when the fig tree wasn't producing fruit? [Matthew 21:18-22, Jeremiah 19:10]
3rd Heaven: Are there different levels of heaven? [2 Corinthians 12:1-6, Psalm 115:16, Romans 4:13, Revelation 22:3, Revelation 5:10]
Marriage Annulments: Could you clarify annulment from marriage?

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   Being Holy: When we are told to be holy, does that just mean that we should be obedience? [1Peter 1:15, Colossians 3:17].

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   "Spirit in the Sky": Are you familiar with the song from the 70s, "The Spirit in the Sky"?
Movie "Jesus Revolution": Is the movie "Jesus Revolution" a re-release or is it a new one?
Resurrection & Reincarnation: Was resurrection and reincarnation considered at the church council's about whether to keep it as foundational doctrine? [2 Corinthians 5:10, Hebrews 9:27].

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   Loving Your Enemies: Regarding Loving neighbors and praying for our enemies, but I am not sure who is my neighbor and how to pray for my enemy? [Luke 10:29, Luke 10:30-37, Proverbs 25:21, Exodus 23:4, Matthew 6:14-15, Galatians 5:22-23, Luke 6:31, Matthew 7:12].

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   The Cloud in Scripture: What does "the cloud" have to do with the way God has shown Himself in both Old and New Testament scriptures? [Acts 1:9, Exodus 13:21].

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   Marriage License & Ceremony: Do we have to be married by a preacher or a judge, or can we just say our vows to each other before family and friends?

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   Dress Rehearsal: So you don't believe that this is a "dress rehearsal" for the next life?
Rabbi's Midrash (Jewish View): Do you think it is essential to understand the Jewish rabbi's "Midrash" to understand the scripture properly?

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   Lucifer-Not Satan: Why do so many refer to Satan as "Lucifer?" [Isaiah 14:12]

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   True Revival & Jesus Movement: Caller shares that her experience of the "Jesus Movement" just seemed to be adding "Jesus" into lives of those who continued to do drugs, etc.

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March 03, 2023

   Jewish Trinity: Have you heard of orthodox Jews considering the veracity of The Trinity? [Genesis 1:1-5, Isaiah 63:10].
Manifest Presence of God: What about God manifesting Himself in the Old Testament and still being everywhere at once? [Genesis 18, Genesis 32:22-30].

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   "Born of Water": When Jesus was speaking to Nicodemus, what did He mean when he said you must be "born of water?" [John 3:4-7].

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   "Book of J" or "Documentary Hypothesis": What is the argument for the Mosaic earlier date regarding the Pentateuch as opposed to the "Documentary Hypothesis" (origins and authorship of the Pentateuch)? Rec: Verse-by-verse lecture series, 3rd lecture under Genesis, "Introduction to the Pentateuch."

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   Melchizedek: Do you think if Melchizedek was a theophany? [Genesis 14:18-20, Hebrews 7, Psalm 110:4].
Apps for Donating to The Narrow Path: Have you considered making apps available for donations like "Cash" or "Venmo?"

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   House (Mansions) in Heaven: When the Bible talks about "preparing a house" for us in heaven, how? [John 14:2-3, John 2, John 14:23, 1 Corinthians 3:16, 2 Corinthians 6:16, 1 Peter 2:5, Ephesians 2:20-22,1 Timothy 3:16, Hebrews 3:6, 1 Corinthians 12:11, 1 Corinthians 12:13, 1 Corinthians 12:18, Acts 10:15, 1 John 1:7-9].

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   Forgiveness of One's Self: How do I know if I have forgiven myself for my sins against God? [Mark 11:25, Philippians 3:14-15].

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   New Apostolic Reformation (NAR, Bethel Movement): What do you think about the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR, Bethel Movement)? [Ephesians 4:11, Acts 4:33, 1 Corinthians 12].

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March 06, 2023

   Unity Among the Churches: Have you seen local churches get together for activities for the sake of unity? Doesn't it seeme like we should be doing more of that in this anti-Christian climate?

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   Two Natures: Do we have two natures? [Romans 7:5, 2 Peter 1:4, Romans 8:2].

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   Complicated Marriage Between Exes: How should we go forward if we are trying to reconcile if we were married twice before and she is still an unbeliever?

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   Addiction to Pornography: Caller shares his immediate release from his addiction to pornography.

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   Not Growing Weary: Is this promise only true in our glorified bodies, because we do get tired? [Isaiah 40:31, Luke 18:1].

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   Antichrist & Dispensationalism: I am having trouble seeing the possibilty of having a one individual as the "one-world" antichrist, so what now? [Daniel 7, 2 Thessalonians 2:3-10, Revelation 13, 1 John 4:3, 1 John 2:22].
USA Prophecy: Is there prophecy about the USA? [Deuteronomy 29:29, Luke 12:48].

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March 07, 2023

   Doctrine of Sovereign Election (Calvinist): Buddhist caller objects to the "sovereign election" stance of the Calvinist (Reformed) denominations.[1 Timothy 4:1].

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   Physical Abuse in Marriage: How does one know when to call the police in an abusive marriage, rather than advise submission? [Matthew 10:23. 1 Peter 3:1].

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   Impossible to Restore the Backslider to Faith: How do you interpret the verse says that it is impossible to restore someone who has fallen away back to the faith? [Hebrews 6:4-6, Luke 1:37, Hebrews 5:12-14 ].

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   Conspiracy Theories: Could you comment on my earlier mistaken beliefs about Christians being involved or believers in conspiracy theories and political controversy? [Isaiah 8:12-14, Proverbs 29:25].

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   The Eternal Universe: Why do both atheists and Christians alike seem to balk at the idea that the universe and matter is eternal? [1 Timothy 6:16, 2 Peter 3:10-13].

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   Behavior & Criticism Among Brethren: Are we to remain silent if we see something lacking about some fellow Christians involved in this current revival, because we should try to be more unified? [Acts 15, Acts 17:11, 1 Corinthians 14:29].

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   NIV Bibles: What edition of the NIV (New International Version) of the Bible would you recommend? What other Bible translation would you recommend?

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   Free choice (Will): Do we surrender our free choice if we give ourselves as "a living sacrifice?" [Romans 12:1, Romans 6:13].

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   Whole Household Will be Saved: Does the verse about the whole household being saved actually promising us that everyone in our own home wil be saved? [Acts 16:31].

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March 08, 2023

   Dying Unbelieving Friend: What book would you recommend for an unbelieving friend who is dying? Rec: "Mere Christianity" by C.S.Lewis.
Government Compromise: Caller criticizes our uncaring government and the parallel between a current event (Ohio train wreck) and previous indicators that it would happen. [Psalm 118:6].

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   Supernatural Abilities: Do the verses about Jesus rebuking the unbelief of the disciples and promises of supernatural intervention and ability to work miracles apply to us? [Mark 16:14f, John 20:29].

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   The "Person" of the Trinity: What word would you prefer for describing the "persons" for the parts of the trinity?
The Water, Spirit & the Blood: What is the meaning of "the water, spirit and the blood" in 1 John? [1 John 5:7-8].

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   Judgment for Unbelievers: What are unbelievers judged on after they die? The Ten Commandments? [Ephesians 5:1, John 12:48, Romans 2:5-10, 2 Corintians 5:10, Matthew 16:27, 1 Peter 1:17, Romans 20:13].

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   Daniel Refusing the King's Food: When Daniel refused the king's food, was he adhering to the restrictions of the dietary laws? [Daniel 1:5-16, Leviticus 11, Leviticus 17].
What is Truth? (Pilate): What do you think Pilate meant when he asked the question, "What is truth?" [John 18:38].

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   Book of J (Authorship of Moses' Writings): Caller begins to tell Steve about the "Book of J" which questions the authorship of Moses' writings (AKA Documentary Hypothesis).
Jesus & Mary's DNA: Do you think that Jesus had some of the human DNA of Mary?

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   Christ's Coming Fulfilling Prophecy in Habakkuk: Do you think that the prophecy in Habakkuk "as waters covered the sea" was fulfilled in the birth of Jesus? [Habakkuk 2:14, 2 Corinthians 4:6, Matthew 5:18].

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   After Death & Before Judgment: What happens to us after death and before the judgment? [Philippians 1:23, 2 Corinthians 5:6-8].

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March 09, 2023

   Various Kinds of Law in Scripture: Could you clarify the differences betwee civil law, ritual or ceremonial law and moral law? [Leviticus 18, Leviticus 20, Matthew 23:23].

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   Anointing of Jesus & His Disciples: How as Jesus anointed as king? Should his disciples also be anointed? [Zechariah 4:6, Luke 24:49, Acts 1:8].
Anointing of SpeakersToday: How do we know if someone is anointed today? [Romans 8:16, 1 Corinthians 12:7].

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   "Pleading of the Blood": What is the application of "pleading the blood" for a believer today? [Revelation 12:11, Ephesians 1:7, 1 John 1:7].

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   Assurance of the Holy Spirit: How do you know that you have the Holy Spirit? [2 Corinthians 3:18, Galatians 5:22-23, Romans 8:9-10].
"The Trinity" in John 14: Would you comment on "The Trinity" found in John 14? [John 14, Romans 8:9-10].

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   Sin Covered-Past, Present & Future: Does Jesus cover ours sins past, present and future? When I was saved, are my future sins already forgiven? [Hebrews 2:9, 1 Timothy 2:6, 1 John 1:7, 1 John 1:9, John 14:17-18, John 14:23, Matthew 6:9-13, Colossians 1:13 ].

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   On Neither Side (Joshua 5): Why did the angel say, "neither" when he was asked which side he was one? [Joshua 5:13-14].

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   Speaking in Tongues: Is "speaking in tongues" is an outdated gift and it is no longer valid today? [1 Corinthians 1:7, 1 Corinthians 12-14, 1 Corinthians 14:13, 1 Corinthians 14:39, Acts 2:1-4, Acts 10:47, Acts 11:15].

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   The Lord's Prayer: In the Lord's Prayer, we are encouraged to forgive others and if we did so, then we would not be so litigious and be much healthier? [Matthew 6:9-13, Matthew 18, Mark 11:24].

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March 10, 2023

   Everlasting Matter: Aren't Christians thinking wrongly to assume that things are not eternal? Isn't matter eternal?

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   Restoration of Christ's Glory: Was Jesus' prayer for restored glory, what He has now achieved? [John 17:5].

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   America's Revolution: Was the American revolution a just war?
Movie "Jesus Revolution": What did you think of the movie "Jesus Revolution?"

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   Grounds for Divorce: If my Christian wife divorced me, am I free to remarry? Rec: Topical Article: "Divorce & Remarriage." [1 Corinthians 7:10-15, Galatians 5:6, James 2:26, James 2:19, Acts 11:26].

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   The Trumpets in Revelation: Do you think that some of the trumpets of Revelation have already sounded? If so, which ones? [Revelation 1:1, Revelation 1:3, Revelation 22:10].

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   Citing Steve Gregg: How do you prefer to be identified when cited? (Christian, non-Calvinist, Amillennial, Non-Dispensational, Charismatic).
Holy Spirit-Old vs New Testaments: How did one experience the presence of the Holy Spirit in the Old vs New Testaments? [Numbers 11:25, Joel 2:28, John 7:37].

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   The Title-Holy Bible: Why is the Bible entitled with the word "Holy?"

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   Literally Cutting Off Your Hand: Does the Bible literally mean to cut-off your hand our gouge out your eyes if they cause your to sin? [Luke 6:30, Matthew 5:29-30, Mark 9:43-48, Mark 7:21, Matthew 15:19].

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   Socialism, Communism, Capitalism: Does the Bible take any position on Socialism, Communism, or Capitalism? [Exodus 20:15, Deuteronomy 5:19].

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March 13, 2023

   Dietary Laws: Are the dietary laws for everyone, or were they just for the Jews? [Mark 7:18-17, Romans 14:14, 1 Timothy 4:1-5].

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   Relationships Between Nations (Governments): Do the rules about interpersonal relationship relate to the relationships between nations? [Romans 13:1-7, 2 Corinthians 10:4-15, James 4:17, Matthew 5:44, Mark 12:31].
Just War: Does the Bible support just war or pacifism? [2 Corinthians 10:4-5, Ephesians 6:12, Matthew 5:44, Mark 12:31].

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   Self-deception: How does one determine when they are self-deceived? How do you correct it? [John 9:41, 2 Peter 3:5, John 3:19-21].

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   The Law in the New Testament: Is Paul referring to only Jewish listeners when he refers to lawbreaking and says that the law is good if it is used properly? [1 Timothy 1:8, Galatians 5:23].

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   Author of Hebrews: Who wrote the Book of Hebrews? [Hebrews 13:23].

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   Testing Veracity of Biblical Concepts: How do you sort out when biblical concepts are actually drawn from scripture and when they go beyond scripture? [Matthew 18:18-20].

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   Understanding Zechariah: Can you help me to understand the book of Zechariah, especially chapter 14? Rec: Verse-by-verse Zechariah 12-14. [Zechariah 14:4-8, Ezekiel 11:23, John 7:37-39].

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March 14, 2023

   Messianic Congregation: Isn't it acceptable to be in a messianic congregation? [Romans 14:5-6].

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   False Teachers in 1 John: Are the false teachers in 1 John denying that Jesus came in the flesh? Could you explain the context? [1 John 4:3].

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   LORD in the Old Testament: Who is the LORD in Exodus 17:6? [Exodus 17:6].
Jesus Stepping on the Mount of Olives: Is Yaweh or Jesus going to step on the Mount of Olives? [Zechariah 14:4, John 14, Genesis 18:1, 1 Timothy 3:16, Ezekiel 11:23].

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   Lent (Easter): Would you educate me on the traditions of Lent? [Romans 14:5-6].

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   Augustine: Why is Augustine considered one of the great minds of the faith?

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   The Beginning of God: How did God come into being?

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   Book of Enoch: What do you think about the value of the Book of Enoch? [2 Peter 2:4, Jude 1:6, Jude 1:9, Jude 1:14-15, 1 Corinthians 15:33, Acts 17:28, Titus 1:12].

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   Salvation vs Judgment on Works: Would you explain the importance of doing good works because of the judgment, but not to gain salvation? [Philippians 2:12-13].

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March 15, 2023

   Political & Government Oppression: What did Jesus suggest for handling political or governmental oppression and controversy, particularly in love? [1 Corinthians 5:12-13, John 5, Mark 7:9, Luke 13:1-5, Matthew 28:19, Daniel 7:14, Philippians 2:11, John 8:32, Ephesians 4:15].

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   Waiting for Jesus: Are we waiting for Jesus...or is He waiting for us? [2 Peter 3:2, Matthew 24:14, Colossians 1:6].

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   The Narrow Page Site: Caller shares concern about access to the website in his area.

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   Timeline of Galatians and Peter's Epistles: Timing of the writings of Peter and Paul's writing of the book of Galatians? [2 Peter 3:15, Galatians, Acts 13-14, Matthew 24:14].
Peter's Vision-Clean vs Unclean: Can you clarify the chronology surrounding Peter's vision about clean and unclean foods? [Acts 10-15, Galatians 2:11-21].

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   Jesus in the Old Testament: I disagree with you that God appeared on earth in the form of Jesus in the Old Testamen. [Genesis 18:1, John 17:5].

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   Sabbath, Saturday & Sunday: If the Sabbath is Saturday, is it a day of rest or worship? Should we be worshipping on Saturday or Sunday, the Lord's Day? [Romans 14:5, Galatians 4:10, Romans 12:1].

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   Relating to God & the Trinity: How do I relate to God and The Trinity? To whom do I pray, God or Jesus? [Matthew 6:9-13, John 8:31-32, John 16:23].

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March 16, 2023

   The Bottomless Pit: Caller shares his thoughts about "the bottomless pit."

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   Dispensational Heresy: Is it reasonable for me to tell Dispensationalists that they are worshipping another Jesus?

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   Difficulties with Parts of Scripture: Caller shares concern over the difficult parts of the Old Testament? [Genesis 22, John 6:6].

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   Good Charities: Which charities do you think are good and you give to?

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   Ray Comfort's Evangelism: What do you think of the method of evangelism of Ray Comfort (The Way of the Master)?
Pride & Humility: Is it possible that some people have both pride and humility at the same time?

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   Dispensationalism vs Replacement Theology: Could you elaborate on the view of the postponement of the Kingdom in Dispensationalism and their opposition to Replacement Theology? [John 6:15, Matthew 28:18, Colossians 1:13, Hebrews 8:13, Luke 22:20, Matthew 26:28, Exodus 10:5-6, Jeremiah 31:31-34].

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   Dispensationalism: Isn't Dispensationalism preaching a different gospel? Are they defining the gospel differently?

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   Christianity's Human Sacrifice: Why do Christian's based their faith on "human sacrifice" when clearly it is an abomination to God? [2 Corinthians 5:19, 1 Corinthians 5:7].

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   Kenneth Copeland-Demonized: How did you determine that Kenneth Copeland is demonized by looking at his eyes? Do you know him?

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March 17, 2023

   Emotions & the Holy Spirit: Do not our own emotions mingle with the fruit of the Holy Spirit in our hearts? [Ecclesiastes 7:6, John 16:33, 1 Peter 1:8, Matthew 7:12].

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   Sabbath Keeping: If God commanded us to keep the Sabbath, how can that ever change to accommodate us worshipping on Sunday? [Galatians 5:3, Exodus 16:26, Romans 14:5, Colossians 2:16-17].

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   Aborted Babies to Heaven: Is there an age of understanding? Will all aborted babies go to heaven? [Isaiah 7:16, Luke 18:15-17, Matthew 19:13-15, Mark 10:13-16, Psalm 116:15].

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   Don't Touch Me: What happened between the moment that Mary Magdelene was told "Touch me not" by Jesus after the resurrection and later when the disciples were encouraged to touch Him? [John 20:17].

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   Backsliding, Losing Ground-Salvation: How does one assess where they are in the process of being saved? How do you know when you are far enough along?

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   Sabbath Sanctified: Should we be doing anything regarding God resting on the Sabbath because He sanctified it? [Hebrews 10:14, Hebrews 4:11, Genesis 2:3, John 19:30, Exodus 20;18, Deuteronomy 5:15, 1 Corinthians 11:24, Jeremiah 16:14-15, Jeremiah 23:7-8].

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   Leaving Cults Leads Often to Atheism: Could you elaborate on your comment that many who leave cults become atheists?

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March 20, 2023

   Apostasy vs Stumbling: Can you clarify the difference between backsliding and apostasy, falling to sin versus returning to a life of sin? [James 3:2, Proverbs 26:11, Job 23:29-30, 2 Corinthians 12:7].
Only So Many Chances: Does the verses about limited numbers of chances in Job relate to the inability to return to God? [Job 33:30].

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   Lutheran Seminary-Steve's Commentary: Caller shares that the Lutheran Seminary in Minnesota uses Steve's commentary on Revelation.
Freedom From Religion Foundation-Dan Barker: Have you ever heard of Dan Barker or the "Freedom from Religion Foundation?" It seems like he left the faith and become an atheist.

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   Accountability Agreements: What do you think about a fellow believer and good friend wanting me to sign something requiring me to become accountable to him? [Hebrews 13:17, 2 Corinthians 1:23, Hebrews 4:13].

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   Homosexuality: Regarding moral vs ritual law, where does homosexuality fit if it falls under moral law, then how does it violate God's character? [ Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13, 1 Corinthians 5:1, 1 Corinthians 6:13, Jude 1:7, Matthew 19:4-5].

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   Symbolism of the Beasts in Daniel: What do you think of Hank Hanegrasffe's view of the symbolism of the four beasts (Babylon, Media-Persia, Greece, Rome) in Daniel, which he separates Media and Persia? Rec: verse-by-verse Daniel. [Daniel 5:28, Daniel 7, Daniel 2].

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   Gary DeMar & Full Preterism: What do you think of controversy surrounding Gary DeMar, and those that have published a statement against his questioning of partial-preterism? [1 Timothy 1:20].
Gary DeMar Likes Steve Gregg: Caller says that Gary DeMar likes Steve's work and books and recommends them.

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   Reading Scripture and Distractions: How do I do better at not being distracted and stay focused on scripture, etc.?

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March 21, 2023

   Gift of "Teaching": Is "teaching" a stand alone gift, or must it be linked only to being a pastor? A friend of mine questions your gift of "teaching" and says that would only be the case if you are part of a "five-fold" ministry? [Ephesians 4:11-14, Hebrews 5:12, 1 Corinthians 12:28f, 1 Peter 3:15, Romans 12:].

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   Speaking in Tongues: Is there as many as four different kinds of tongues, including demonic? Have you seen anyone you think is legitimately doing so? [Acts 2, 1 Corinthians 14:22-23,1 Corinthians 14:13, 1 Corinthians 14:2-4, 1 Corinthians 14:15-17].

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   Birthday Celebrations: What do you think about celebrating birthdays? Is it pagan?

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   Atheism, Science & Sir Isaac Newton: Why don't atheists consider the genius scientist, Sir Isaac Newton as he wrote in support of the existence of God?

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   Calvinism, Arminianism & Lutheranism: Could you tell me more about the differences between Lutheranism and the other two?

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   Jesus Revolution, Chuck Smith's Error about the Second Coming: Having just seen the movie, "Jesus Revolution", are you familiar with the false predictions of Chuck Smith regarding the coming of the Lord in the early 1980s?

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   Former Christian Mentor Leading Gay Lifestyle: One of the best mentor's I have ever known in the faith has now joined the "gay" lifestyle. What advice do you have for me as to how to handle this? [Romans 3:4, 1 Corinthians 11:1].

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March 22, 2023

   Justification by Faith or Works: Could you clarify the seeming contradiction between the verses that say we are saved by grace, but justified by works? [Ephesians 2:8-9, James 2:24, James 2:19, Galatians 5:6, 1 John 2:4, 1 John 3:7, Titus 2:14, Luke 6:45-46, Matthew 7:21].

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   Prophets & Modern Teachers/Preachers: Are the old prophets and modern teachers or preachers equal in their ability to speak for God? [2 Peter 1:21, James 3:1, Ephesians 3:3-4]

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   Attaining the Resurrection: Was Paul intentionally using Jesus' words when he spoke about attaingin the resurrection? [Philippians 3:11, John 5:28-29, Acts 24:15, Luke 8:13, 1 Corinthians 9:26-27, 1 Peter 6:7, Luke 18:8, 1 Timothy 4:1, Matthew 24:13, Luke 20:35-36, James 2:14-26].
Physical or Spiritual Resurrection: Is Revelation 20 talking about a spiritual or physical resurrection? [Luke 2:34, Revelation 20:5-6].

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   Couple Going to Separate Churches: My wife likes a different church better than one we have gone to for a long time, and I don't want to abandon my old church. What should I do?

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   Disabled or Handicapped: How does the verse about people needing to work or not each apply to those that are handicapped or simply cannot work? [2 Thessalonians 3:10].

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   Women's Pastors or in Ministries: What about women as pastors? Or in other ministry? [Colossians 4:15, Romans 16:7, 1 Timothy 2:12-15, 1 Corinthians 9:5, Titus 2:4-8, 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9].

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   Jesus' Inheritance-Now or Later: Will Jesus inherit the earth when He comes back, or has He already inherited it? [Psalm 2:7-8, Philippians 2:10-11].

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   Living in Adultery: If I married a divorced man, am I living in adultery?

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March 23, 2023

   Jehovah-The God of the Bible: What connection do you have with the God of the Bible, the God of the Jews, Jehovah?

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   Separation in Marriage: Should I steer clear of someone who is separated from her husband for seven months?

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   Many Mansions & God's House: Caller shares insight into misunderstanding the scripture surrounding the "many mansions" in John 14, especially in the NIV translation. [John 14:1-6, John 14:23, Acts 7:48, Hebrews 3:6, 1 Timothy 3:15, 1 Peter 2:5, 2 Corinthians 5:1, Ephesians 2:19-22, John 2:16, 1 Corinthians 3:16, 1 Corinthians 12:11, 2 Corinthians 6:16].
"What is that to You?": When Jesus says to Peter, "What is that to you?", does that support the early date of writing for the book of Revelation, which would suppor the Full Preterist view? [John 21:22-23].

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   "Male Child" Symbolism in Revelation: Is the male child in Revelation 12 representing the strong believers corporately who overcome? Rec: Chapter in "Empire of the Risen Son", Vol 1. [Psalm 2:9, John 12:31, Revelation 12:10, Revelation 12:5, Matthew 28:18].

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   Obeying the Government: What can you advise about the passage about obeying the government when the government passes bad laws? [Romans 13].

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   Evangelism-Billy Graham: Isn't it likely that many of those moved at a Billy Graham crusades were not really converted?
Church & State: Is it duplicitous if a church doesn't listen to the government and obey the law if they are a 501c3?

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   1000-Year Reign: Has the 1000-year reign already happened?

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   False Teachers "Accursed": When Paul speaks about the false teachers when he says they are accursed? [2 Peter 2:14, Galatians 1:8-9, 1 Corinthians 16:22].

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March 24, 2023

   The Old Testament Law Contradiction: Could you address the apparent biblical contradiction about the Law being able to "convert the soul" if it is "too great a burden to bear?" [Psalm 119, Psalm 19:7, Romans 7:22, Romans 2:23, Psalm 119:103-105, 1 John 5:3].

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   Escape to the City in the Mountains: A teacher said that the city the Christians escaped to was not in the mountains, therefore the Dispensationalist view is affirmed. [Mark 13].
Abomination of Desolation: A Dispensational teacher suggests to support his view, that the "Abomination of Desolation" is described as a "he," not a "it." Would you clarify? [Revelation 13, 2 Thessalonians, Luke 21].

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   Those Caught Up in the "Word of Faith": How should I approach my parents who are caught up in the "Word of Faith" and Kenneth Hagin, as I am concerned about their salvation?
Properity Doctrine Promoters: Are those who promote the properity doctrine intentionally misleading for the sake of money?

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   Symbolism of the Wedding at Cana: Why is the "Wedding at Cana" (in the seven signs in John), connected to Jesus' death and resurrection? [John 2, John 15, John 1:29, John 1:35].

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   Women as Homemakers: Do you think that women should be full-time homemakers? [Titus 2:5, 1 John 2:1].

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   Nullified Old Covenant-Restored : In the end is God going to restore the nullified Old Covenant (the divorce of Israel), according to Isaiah? [Isaiah 50-51, Isaiah 50:1, Jeremiah 3:8].

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   Music Should Only Glorify God: Caller shares that he took a Bible class in public school and the teacher said that all music, unless it glorifies God, is evil. Would that apply to just instrumental music, also? [1 Corinthians 10:31].

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   Mordecai Refusing to Bow: Why would Mordecai not bow down to Haman, when Joseph allowed his brothers to bow down to him? [Acts 10:25, Esther 3:5, Genesis 42:5-7].

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   Worshipping on Sunday: Is there more to be said about worshipping on Sunday? [Romans 14:5].

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March 27, 2023

   Taking Communion: Do you need to have clergy present to offer or take communion? [Matthew 26:28, Isaiah 30:20, 1 Corinthians 11:24-25, Luke 22:19].

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   Angels-Male or Female?: Are all angels male? Were the two angels women in Zechariah 5? Are the pronouns used, masculine? [Zechariah 5:9, Genesis 6:1].

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   Jews Sought to Kill Him: Why does it say that it was the Jews that sought to kill Jesus, since He and His disciples were also Jews? [John 11:8].

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   Authority of the Pastor & Accountability: Regarding my pastor suggesting the need to submit to the authority of his role, [2 Corinthians 1:23].

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   Baptism for Salvation: Can one be saved if not baptized? [Acts 19:1-6, Luke 23:43].

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   "Magic" vs "Mystical" in Communion: The use of the terms you used in an earlier call about communion, "magic" seemed to negate the supernatural and mystical element. [1 John 1:7, Ephesians 1:7].
Divine or Mystical in Christianity: Regarding the divine or mystical, do you think that the act of circumcision is valued equally done by a pagan or a believer?

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   Of Another Flock: Could you explain, the passage about the "other sheep" of another flock in John 10? [John 10:16, Ephesians 2:14].

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March 28, 2023

   Melchizidek & Communion (Eucharist): Is there any connection between Melchizedek bringing out the bread and wine and Jesus instituting communion at the Last Supper? [Genesis 14:18, John 8:56-58].

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   Forgiveness Not Owed to Repentant Sinners: Does Joel 2 suggest that God may not forgive repentent sinners? [Joel 2:13-14, Jeremiah 11:14].
"Carnal" or "Carnality" in Scripture: Is "carnal" a word used in scripture? [Romans 7:14, Romans 8:5-6, 1 Corinthians 3:1-3].

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   The God of Abraham: Though Jews, Christians, and Muslims all believe in the God of Abraham, it is easy to see difference between Christians and Jews, because of Christ, but what is the difference between the Jews and Muslims? [John 8:54].

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   Satan-"God of This World": Why is Satan called the "God of this world?" [Matthew 28:18, 2 Corinthians 4:4, John 15:18-19].

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   Resurrection of the Dead: Did the idea of the "resurrection of the dead" come up in the Old Testament or the intertestamental period? [Acts 2:25-31, Acts 13:30-35, Psalm 2:7, Psalm 16:10, Matthew 12:38-42, Luke 24:45, Daniel 12:2, Ezekiel 37:1-14, Isaiah 26:21].

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   "In Christ": Since you have to be "in Christ" to be saved, then how do you get to be "in Christ?" [John 15, Galatians 5:6, Ephesians 2:8-10, Titus 2:14, John 14:15, 1 Corinthians 12:13, 1 John 3:24].

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   Goats vs Sheep & Wheat & Tares: Can you help me understand the symbolism of "the Sheep & the Goats" and the "Wheat & Tares?" [Matthew 25:31-46, Matthew 13:24-30, 1 John 3:8-10, Matthew 13:38].

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   The Book of Job: How long was Job sick? Who wrote the Book of Job? {Job 1-2, Zechariah 3].

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   The Word "World" in Scripture: Does the translation of the word for "world" in the verse where John the Baptist says, "Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world?" allow for the Calvinvist view that reduces salvation to the limited chosen or elect? [John 1:29, 1 John 2:1-2, 1 John 5:19].

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March 29, 2023

   Sacrifice for Sin for Those That Came Before: What happened to all those that came before Jesus shed His blood, regarding the required shedding of blood for sacrifice? [Hebrews 9:22, Hebrew 10:4].
Forgiven, but Facing the Judgment of Works: If Jesus died for the sins of the whole world, why are we going to have to be held accountable for our deeds? How do we have to answer for our deeds? [John 1:29, Hebrews 10:4, Hebrews 9:22, James 3:2].

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   Accepting Jesus into One's Heart, Repeatedly: How do you address someone who keeps trying to accept Jesus into their heart? [Matthew 16:24, Romans 10:9, Matthew 7:21-23, Romans 8:10].

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   Christians School Shooting: Request for prayer for the victims of the Christian School Shooting.
Ron Wyatt's Claims: Could you give me more information about how Ron Wyatt lied (Noah's Ark, Ark of the Covenant, etc.)?

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   The 430 Years of Bongage: Could you clarify the various calculations surrounding the 430 years of bondage?

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   Supernatural Events in Eucharist (Communion): You indicated that nothing supernatural happens during the Eurcharist because miracles are typically observed, but I thought of examples in scripture where there were miracles unobservable. [I Corinthians 14, Luke 22:19-20, Acts 10:15, 1 Corinthians 11:14, Matthew 26:26-28, 1 John 1:7, Isaiah 30:20].

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   God Telling People to Marry-Ending Up Misserable: If two people were sure that God told them to marry each other, is it possible that God would actually tell two people to marry each other, if they end up miserable and divorced? [Job 5:7].

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   Comment on Communion (Eucharist): Aren't we not supposed to eat human blood? [1 John 1:9, Matthew 26:28}.

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March 30, 2023

   The "Sinner's Prayer": What is an alternative to "The Sinner's Prayer" when leading someone to Christ when there is a limited amount of time. [Luke 18:13].
Evangelizing about Messiah: When evangelizing in scripture, was the main emphasis about getting people to understand that Jesus was the Messiah? Rec: A free tract at website under the "Comic" tab. [Acts 2:36, Acts 17:7].

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   Hardened Hearts: Doesn't scripture illustrate to us that we cannot continue in sin without the danger of becoming hardened to the things of God, and therefore are in danger of condemnation? [Hebrews 4:7, Hebrews 12:17, Philippians 3:12, 1 Peter 1:17, Matthew 10:28, 2 Corinthians 5:11, Proverbs 16:6]

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   "Born This Way": If a homosexual says that they were "born that way," do you address that concern, or do you simply focus on the issue of the sin? [Matthew 17:5, Genesis 2:24, Ephesians 5:31, Matthew 16:24].

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   Apostasy: Broken Off Branches & Tares: Do these verses (Matthew 13 and Paul's testimony) indicate that one can fall away and lose their faith? [Matthew 13:22, 1 Corinthians 9:27].

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   "Sheep and the Goats" Parable: Is the parable about the "Sheep and the Goats" not really about salvation or eternal life? [John 17:3, Matthew 25:31-33, Matthew 28:20, Acts 11:26, Galatians 6:7-8, James 2:26].

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   Witches and Witchcraft: Should I continue to hang-out with someone who claims on social media that they are a witch, even though they don't talk about it in front of me? [2 Corinthians 6:14, 1 Corinthians 5:9-11]

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March 31, 2023

   Cost of Discipleship & Lack of Commitment: Why do Christians today lack the drive to become true disciples and more like Christ? [1 John 2:6, Luke 14:26-33, Luke12:33, Matthew 19:22-24, Matthew 27-29, 1 Corinthians 6:20, Acts 2:44-45, Acts 4:32-35, John 6:66, John 6:27].

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   Baptism in the Name of Jesus: What is your take on the disagreement on whether you have to be baptism in the name of Jesus, only, or in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit? [Colossians 2:9, Acts 2:38, Matthew 28:19].

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   Feeling Close to Jesus: Why do we have emotional ups and downs in feeling close or far from Jesus? [Isaiah 50:10].

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   Female Disciple: Is there a feminine form of the word, "disciple?"
Household Will be Saved: Does the verse about the "household will be saved," predict that our whole family will be eventually saved? [Acts 16:31].

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   Sunday vs Saturday for Worship: Why is there a divide among Christians between the Sabbath or Sunday for worship? [Romans 14:5].

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   God Crushing His Son: Can you comment on the claim that God killed or crushed His son? [2 Corinthians 5:19, John 10:18].

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