Questions Funerals for the Unsaved Question details What would you suggest I say at a funeral for my brother who may not have been saved, though I do want to talk about the Lord? [Hebrews 9:27, John 3:15, John 5:24] Play Share Copy 2013-02-19 Call length 5:09 Topics Topics John (Book) Judgment Testimony(ies) Witness (es) Hebrews (Book) Funeral or Memorial References Bible references Hebrews 9.27 John 3.15 John 5.24
Funerals for the Unsaved Question details What would you suggest I say at a funeral for my brother who may not have been saved, though I do want to talk about the Lord? [Hebrews 9:27, John 3:15, John 5:24] Play Share Copy 2013-02-19 Call length 5:09 Topics Topics John (Book) Judgment Testimony(ies) Witness (es) Hebrews (Book) Funeral or Memorial References Bible references Hebrews 9.27 John 3.15 John 5.24