Questions Commentaries Question details How come you didn't like a certain commentary a previous caller mentioned? Play Share Copy 2014-02-26 Call length 5:22 Topics Topics Bible (General & Genres) Bible Study Bible Commentaries (Commentators) Sunday Worship Question details Following what you just said about not being influenced by outside sources other than the BIble itself, where do people get the idea that Sunday Worship is mandated? Play Share Copy 2014-02-26 Call length 5:22 Topics Topics Church (General) Sabbath (or Sabbath-keeping) Sunday (the Lord's Day) Worship
Commentaries Question details How come you didn't like a certain commentary a previous caller mentioned? Play Share Copy 2014-02-26 Call length 5:22 Topics Topics Bible (General & Genres) Bible Study Bible Commentaries (Commentators)
Sunday Worship Question details Following what you just said about not being influenced by outside sources other than the BIble itself, where do people get the idea that Sunday Worship is mandated? Play Share Copy 2014-02-26 Call length 5:22 Topics Topics Church (General) Sabbath (or Sabbath-keeping) Sunday (the Lord's Day) Worship