Questions Churches an Incubator Question details Some of the Churches in America are just incubators for infant Christians but not really making Disciples of Christ. Play Share Copy 2016-09-09 Call length 14:21 Topics Topics Discipleship Church (The Modern or Contemporary) Church (Institutional) Church as an Evangelistic Mission Tool Question details When did the Church become exclusively all about evangelism instead of church discipleship? Is it exclusively an American phenomenon or around the entire world? Play Share Copy 2016-09-09 Call length 14:21 Topics Topics Elders (Bishops, Overseers, Presbuteros, Episcopas) Evangelism (Witnessing) Great Commission Missions (ary) Pastors
Churches an Incubator Question details Some of the Churches in America are just incubators for infant Christians but not really making Disciples of Christ. Play Share Copy 2016-09-09 Call length 14:21 Topics Topics Discipleship Church (The Modern or Contemporary) Church (Institutional)
Church as an Evangelistic Mission Tool Question details When did the Church become exclusively all about evangelism instead of church discipleship? Is it exclusively an American phenomenon or around the entire world? Play Share Copy 2016-09-09 Call length 14:21 Topics Topics Elders (Bishops, Overseers, Presbuteros, Episcopas) Evangelism (Witnessing) Great Commission Missions (ary) Pastors