Questions Jesus' Genealogy Question details Could you explain Jesus' genealogy and how it seems like it would be through Mary? [Matthew 1: 1-20, Luke 3:23, Luke 3:31]. Play Share Copy 2022-06-23 Call length 4:56 Topics Topics David (King, House of) Genealogy (Ancestry, Lineage) Joseph (Husband of Mary) Luke (Book) Mary (Mother of Jesus) Matthew (Book) Jesus' Genealogy Jesus (as a Man) References Bible references Matthew 1 Matthew 1.1 - 20 Luke 3.23 Luke 3.31
Jesus' Genealogy Question details Could you explain Jesus' genealogy and how it seems like it would be through Mary? [Matthew 1: 1-20, Luke 3:23, Luke 3:31]. Play Share Copy 2022-06-23 Call length 4:56 Topics Topics David (King, House of) Genealogy (Ancestry, Lineage) Joseph (Husband of Mary) Luke (Book) Mary (Mother of Jesus) Matthew (Book) Jesus' Genealogy Jesus (as a Man) References Bible references Matthew 1 Matthew 1.1 - 20 Luke 3.23 Luke 3.31