Questions Calvinism Should Not be Allowed in Christianity Question details Why is Calvinistic (Gnostic) theology accepted in Christianity, when other mistaken views, like Jehovah Witnesses, are not? Play Share Copy 2023-01-05 Call length 9:57 Topics Topics Calvinism (Calvin) Heresy (Heretic) Jehovah's Witnesses Theology (Theolgian) Gnostic (Gnosticism) Arianism (Arius) Doctrinal Differences
Calvinism Should Not be Allowed in Christianity Question details Why is Calvinistic (Gnostic) theology accepted in Christianity, when other mistaken views, like Jehovah Witnesses, are not? Play Share Copy 2023-01-05 Call length 9:57 Topics Topics Calvinism (Calvin) Heresy (Heretic) Jehovah's Witnesses Theology (Theolgian) Gnostic (Gnosticism) Arianism (Arius) Doctrinal Differences