Question details How do so many teachers present Daniel as applicable to the future? We have no sacrifices now. [Daniel 12:11, Daniel 9:26, Luke 21:6-7, Luke 21:20-24, Luke 21:32, Acts 1:7-8]. Play Share Copy Topics Acts (Book) Animal Sacrifices Dispensationalism Eschatology (End Times, Last Days, End of World) Ezekiel's Temple (Third Temple) Luke (Book) Sacrifice(s) Temple Daniel (Book) Prediction (Speculation) Bible references Daniel 12.11 Daniel 9.26 Luke 21.6 - 7 Luke 21.20 - 24 Luke 21.32 Acts 1.7 - 8 2024-06-20 Call length 9:01 Full audio file TNP240620H.mp3