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Showing 13,401 to 13,450 of 24,061.
Date Topic Audio
2018-8-06 Revealed by Fire: Is this talking about having regrets & shame if people don't live for God or is it talking about something else? [1 Corinthians 3:13]
2018-8-03 Wedding Attendees: We are having wedding conflicts over who to invite to be in the wedding. [1 Corinthians 5:9-11]
2018-8-03 Armor of God: Do you have the full armor of God on all the time?
2018-8-03 World Peace? Why is there no world peace?
2018-8-03 Lust: What does the word "lust" mean?
2018-8-03 Surrendering to God: What does it mean to surrender to God?
2018-8-03 The Impeccability of Jesus: Could Jesus have sinned? [Hebrews 5:7]
2018-8-03 Unequally yoked w/ Business Partners: The being unequally yoked is mostly talking about marriage, right, but what about business partners? [2 Corinthians 6:14]
2018-8-03 Apostles Written Record: How come there is not more a record written by apostles?
2018-8-03 Jesus & The Early Church practicing Communism: Would Jesus, His disciples & the early church be considered communists?
2018-8-03 End of Days: What can you tell me about the "last days"?
2018-8-03 Inner Healing: Would you have any problem working with people who did "inner healing"?
2018-8-03 Magi: Can you tell me about the biblical Magi?
2018-8-03 Marriage License: Why do I need a piece of paper to get married?
2018-8-02 Unitarianism & the Trinity: A very convoluted discussion about why the caller think Unitarianism is more plausible than the Trinity. [Hebrews 1-2]
2018-8-02 Book of Job: Is the book of Job pseudepigraphal? Is it a real story of a real event?
2018-8-02 Nation of Israel: Is the nation of Israel legitimately a fulfilled prophecy? Was it founded by the will of God?
2018-8-02 144,000: What can you tell me about the 144,000? Are they all jewish? is it literal? Is it in the future?
2018-8-02 Israel's Conversion: Galatians 3:38 Romans 9:6 Galatians 3:
2018-8-02 After the Rapture: After the rapture will there just be moral people? Or will there be immoral ones too?
2018-8-02 2 Judgements: Are there two judgments, one when you die and one when He comes back, a Great White Throne Judgment?
2018-8-02 Two Witnesses in Revelation 11: Who are the 2 witness of Revelation 11? [Revelation 11:3-12]
2018-8-01 Hyper-Grace & Repenting: Hyper-grace people are going to have a rude awakening if we don't take account of our sins as we go along, repenting for them. What do you think?
2018-8-01 Christian Living, Spirituality: What is your opinion about living in the city as opposed to out in the country as far as being able to live a Christian life?
2018-8-01 Death but Rapture: What happens upon death? How does 1 Thessalonians 4:13 work with meeting Him in the air? If we die, do we come back down with Him from Heaven?
2018-8-01 Heaven for Eternity: Are we going to be in Heaven for eternity?
2018-8-01 Seventh Day Adventist & Soul Sleep: Seventh Day Adventists say that we are going to be asleep until the resurrection or the 2nd coming of Christ. going to be in heaven forever?
2018-8-01 Deathbed Conversion: Can an Adolph Hitler type person really be saved in a deathbed conversion if they really repented?
2018-8-01 Transforming your Mind: We need to completely transform our mind from sin and think about God. [Matthew 7:13-14]
2018-8-01 The Dimension of Time: How did time begin & what is experienced in time once someone dies?
2018-8-01 The 2 Witnesses: Who are the 2 witnesses in Revelation 11? [Revelation 11:3-12]
2018-8-01 Gimmicky Churches: I'm trying to find an good alternative church because the churches for today seem to be too gimmicky.
2018-8-01 Unicorns in the Bible: What does the word "unicorn" mean in the Bible?
2018-8-01 Christian Literature on all your information: What was the website you were talking about? Are there any resources, printed material, on all your info? [
2018-7-31 Death: What happens after we die? What happens to our bodies? Our Souls or Spirits?
2018-7-31 Amillennialism: How does amillennialism affect your hope?
2018-7-31 "I Never Knew You": Doesn't what Jesus tells the miracle workers at the Judgment that He NEVER knew them prove that you can't really lose your salvation since He didn't say I knew you at one time, but now I don't? He said He NEVER knew them! [Matthew 7:23]
2018-7-31 Musical Instruments in the Church: Caller believes we are not allowed to use instruments,
2018-7-31 Spouse Saved by Default: Is paul saying that the unbelieving spouse is saved by default? [1 Corinthians 7:12-16]
2018-7-31 Michael Murdock & the Seed: What is Michael Murdock & seed money ministries saying by growing the seed? My mom thinks I should send him some moneys.
2018-7-31 Born Again....& Again: You can't be born again & again & again & again, so you shouldn't really be able to lose your Salvation.
2018-7-31 Acapella Music: Caller thinks it's Church History that the church didn't use musical instruments for the first few centuries, but it was just for singing & making melody in their hearts.
2018-7-31 Losing your Faith: Just repent, start obeying Jesus again, if you find yourself start falling away.
2018-7-31 Father, Forgive Them: "Father, Forgive them, for they know not what they do", does this apply to people today?
2018-7-30 Being Drawn by God: It says you have to be drawn by God? How do I know I'm being drawn?
2018-7-30 Mosaic Law & the Levitical Priesthood: The Levitical Priesthood enforced the Mosaic law, right? Who enforced the Death penalty?
2018-7-30 Calvinism & Free Will: How can Calvinists say that God can't give people Free Will because can't God do anything He wants? Isn't He a Sovereign God?
2018-7-30 Tithing: The story of paying tithe to Melchizedek happened way before the Mosiac Laws, so it's still binding in the New Covenant. [Genesis 14]
2018-7-30 Evolution: What can you say about Evolution & Science relative to Christian traditions and beliefs? Did God use Evolution for creation?
2018-7-30 Satan Bound but Active: Do you actually believe satan is bound right now because he seems pretty active to me?