Spiritual Vs. Physical Sacrifices Question details Could you talk a little about spiritual sacrifices, in contrast to physical ones? [Deuteronomy 12:30, Hebrews 13: 13-15, Philippians 4, Romans 12:1] Play Share Copy 2020-06-23 Call length 7:11 Topics Topics Deuteronomy Romans (Book) Sacrifice(s) Spiritual (ity, ize) Hebrews (Book) Philippians (Book) References Bible references Deuteronomy 12.30 Hebrews 13 Hebrews 13.13 - 15 Philippians 4 Romans 12.1
"The Day Approaching" Question details What does it mean in Hebrews 10, when he says, "when you see the day approaching"? [Hebrews 10:25, 8:13, 13:14]. Play Share Copy 2019-07-30 Call length 6:57 Topics Topics Bible Interpretation Last Day (singular) 70 A.D. Old Covenant References Bible references Hebrews 10.25 Hebrews 8.13 Hebrews 13.14