Am I using this verse in John 17 correctly when criticizing Dispensationalism (Pre-trib rapture) because Jesus prayed that God not take them out of the world but protect them from the evil one? [John 17:15, Revelation 3:10].
Are we kept by God's power ony as long as we choose to stay (with reference to the prodigal son and the scripture about His losing none)? [John 17:12-20, I Peter 1:5, Romans 5:2, Ephesians 2:8-9].
Since scripture indicates that He has not appointed His church unto wrath, so why do you think the church will not be spared the tribulation? [I Corinthians 15, I Thessalonians 4, John 6, John 17:15, Psalm 91:10].
Could you talk about the connection between these two verses in Daniel 12 and Revelation 3? [Daniel 12:1-3, Revelation 3:10, Matthew 24:21, I Thessalonians 4:16, John 5:28, John 17:15]. Recommended Topical Lecture; "When Shall These Things Be?".
What does it mean when scripture says, 'He will save us from the hour of temptation'? Being kept from the wicked one [Revelation 3:10, John 17:15, Luke 17:1} withering seed, quickly fall away [Matthew 13: 20-21, Psalms 140:4].
Do angels still defend us today? Are they keeping us from the wicked one [Daniel 2, John 17:15, Psalms 34:8, 91:11-12?, I John 5:18, ] Cosmic battle, Satan cast down at the cross [ Revelation 12 ], Jesus indicated that He could call on legions of angels to serve as protectors [Matt 26:53]
Are the verses about being kept, or kept from the wicked one, about being protected from trials and testing, as in the Roman world? Is this related to the pre-trib rapture and the tribulation? [John 17:15].