Sword Contradiction Statements by Jesus Question details In one place in the Bible Jesus says that if live by the sword you'll die by the sword, but then later He tells His disciples to get a sword. Why the contradiction? [Matthew 26:52, Luke 22:31-38] Play Share Copy 2016-03-29 Call length 5:37 Topics Topics Bible Interpretation Contradiction(s) (Discrepancies) Bible Contradictions or Discrepancies Sword Guns Weapons References Bible references Matthew 26.52 Luke 22.31 - 38
Cock shall not Crow Question details Jesus told Peter the cock would not crow before Peter denied Him 3 times, so was that a man or a rooster crowing? [luke 22:34] Play Share Copy 2015-03-17 Call length 4:49 Topics Topics Animals (Pets, Dogs) Denying Christ Peter (Apostle) References Bible references Luke 22.34