Is Mark mixing references to both A.D.70 and the End of the World? Can you help me sort this chapter out? Rec: Lectures, "The Olivet Discourse" in topical lectures series "When Shall These Things Be?"[Mark 13, Luke 21, Matthew 24:34-36, Luke 17].
So what are the significant signs and stages of the coming of the Kingdom of God and the Second Coming of Christ? [Matthew 24:32-35, Luke 21:31, Mark 4:26-29, 1 Thessalonians 5:2-11, Matthew 24:42-44].
What are the signs for the return of Christ, if we think a large part of Revelation was already fulfilled in 70 A.D. [Matthew 24:34-37, Matthew 24:44, Acts 1:6, I Thessalonians 5:1-3].
Could you talk about the signs for the second coming of Christ, particularly in the second half of Matthew 24? [Matthew 24:34-44, I Thessalonians 5:1-5].
Jesus said His words will never pass away, but textual critics claim that we are missing some of the words from manuscripts, how do we assess that? [Matthew 24:35]
Caller wants a good explanation of Zechariah 14, & has given several points of the contrast between judgments immediately back then to end time events (telescoping). [Zechariah 13 - 14, Matthew 24:15-51, Isaiah 15-24]
Which Bible translation is more accurate than others and why do you think so? Rec: Young's Literal Translation, King James Versions, ESV, NASV, etc. [Matthew 24:35].