Some think Trump is the antichrist and they base it on scripture. Is there any validity to their concerns? [Revelation 17:10, Daniel 11:20, 1 John 2:22-26].
Do you agree with interpreting the number "6" as referring to the 6th empire, Rome, and it is also extended to the Roman church? [Revelation 17:10, Daniel 7].
Why do you think that Revelation was written before 70 AD and how would it change your view if it were proven written after 70 AD? Rec: Steve's commentary; "Revelation Four Views" [Revelation 11:1-2, Revelation 17:10, Revelation 13:18].
Can you briefly review the evidence for both the contested dates of writing, before or after 70 A.D. (68 or 96 A.D.), for the book of Revelation? External and internal evidence contrasted. [Revelation 1:4,11:1-2, 17:10, 13:18].
It says in the Bible that when you see the clouds approaching that you'll know it's about to rain & that's what the caller thinks, you can see it all culminating together. [Matthew 16:32-33, Revelation 17:10-11]
Is the Harlot Jerusalem & the "Great City" in Revelation 17 talking about Jerusalem & 7 mountains & the beast seems to be talking about Kings. I'm I right on that? [Revelation 17:1-18]