Where Demons Go Question details Where do demons go, if they don't go to "the abyss"? [Revelation 9:1-2, Revelation 20:3, Matthew 12:45, Luke 8:31]. Play Share Copy 2021-09-14 Call length 4:14 Topics Topics Deliverance Demon Possession Demons (Demonic) Exorcism Matthew (Book) Revelation (Book) References Bible references Revelation 9.1 - 2 Revelation 20.3 Matthew 12.45 Luke 8.31
Praying to the Saints Question details Could you help me understand the verses and tradition of praying to the saints? [Revelation 5:8, Revelation 8:1-9:20]. Play Share Copy 2020-11-11 Call length 3:24 Topics Topics Catholicism (Roman Catholic) Prayer (Asking) Revelation (Book) Saints Eastern (or Greek) Orthodox References Bible references Revelation 5.8 Revelation 8.1 - 13 Revelation 9.1 - 20
Revelation: Locust Are Helicopters Question details Are the locust in Revelation 9 really referring to helicopters used in the war in the 90s? [Revelation 9:1-12]. Play Share Copy 2020-02-27 Call length 5:11 Topics Topics Eschatology (End Times, Last Days, End of World) Revelation (Book) Symbolic (Figurative) References Bible references Revelation 9.1 - 12
3rd Woe of the 4 Woes Question details What is the 3rd Woe because Revelation never names it? [Revelation 8:13, 9:1-11, 11:14-18] Play Share Copy 2014-08-11 Call length 4:57 Topics Topics Eschatology (End Times, Last Days, End of World) Revelation (Book) References Bible references Revelation 8.13 Revelation 9.1 - 11 Revelation 11.14 - 18