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Topic: Tithing vs Giving

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Episode Topic Audio
2023-11-27 Tithing: Should we be tithing today, or just give offerings? Rec: Website articles; "Is Tithing for Christians?"
2023-09-26 Church Today and the Tabernacle & Temple Tithe: Could you discuss the parallels between the customs of the church today and the obligations (tithes) that took place in the Tabernacle, Temple, and synagogue previously? [1 Peter 2:5].
2023-09-13 Tithing in the New Covenant: Is not tithing "stealing from God?" Rec: article, "Is Tithing for Christians?"
2023-05-10 Tithing for Christians Today: Are we, as believers today, supposed to be tithing? [Matthew 23:23, Malachi 3:10, 1 Corinthians 16:2].
2023-05-01 Giving Money at Church: Is it acceptable if you are giving your time and effort to the church instead of giving your tithe (money)? [Luke 12:48, Matthew 6:21].
2023-01-31 Finances (Charitable Giving): How do we know how much to send to whom (beyond our tithe)? Rec: Shepherd's Heart, Int'l (Cleveland TN), Christian Response Int'l.
2023-01-03 Tithing for the Christian: What are my obligations for tithing? Recommended; article on "Tithing'. [Galatians 6:6, 1 Corinthians 9:14, Malachi 3:8-12].
2022-12-28 Tithing for Christians: Are we still obligated to tithe as Christians? [2 Corinthians 9:7, Acts 2:44-45, Acts 4:32, Galatians 6:6].
2022-09-30 Tithing vs Giving: Shouldn't we still give to the local church we are attending, even if we do not believe we are under an obligation to tithe? [I John 3:17, James 2:16, Galatians 6:6, I Corinthians 9:14, Acts 4:37, Acts 2:44-46].
2022-05-25 Honor to Steve: Caller just honors Steve. [Proverbs 3:27, Romans 13:7].
Tithing: Do we have an obligation to tithe? Recommendation Article "Tithing for Christians". [Matthew 23:23, Luke 14:34, Luke 21:1-4].
2021-11-16 Tithing: Do I need to tithe, and where is it in scripture? [Matthew 23:23, Luke 14:33, Galatians 6:6].
2021-10-08 Gift of Giving and Tithing: Can you help me understand how the "gift of giving" relates to the way we tithe or give from the heart? [Matthew 6:21, Matthew 23:23, I Timothy 6:17, I Corinthians 9:11, 2 Corinthians 8:2].
2021-09-21 Giving Beyond One's Own Ability: What does it mean to "give beyond one's own ability" as in "faith promises"? [2 Corinthians 8:3].
2021-09-21 Tithing Beyond My Church to Other Ministries: Should I be spreading around my tithe to other ministries beyond my church? Can it be secular groups with good causes?
2021-09-16 Whistling on The Narrow Path: Where does the whistling song come from on your show? The full song is posted at under the tab called resources.
Steve Gregg vs John MacArthur: Caller comments that he no longer listens to John MacArthur and only listens to Steve. Steve Doesn't recommend listening to only one teacher.
Tithing for Christians: Could you go over the biblical view of tithing for Christians? [Luke 14:33].
2021-08-30 Tithing on the Gross or the Net: Do you think it is acceptable to tithe on your net rather than your gross? [2 Corinthians 8:3].
2021-08-30 Tithe, Widow & the Mites: Caller comments on the tithe and the widow and the two mites. [Luke 21:1-4].
2021-03-11 Application of Old Testament to Christians (Tithing): Could you help me understand how to determine what in the Old Testament applies to us and what doesn't, like tithing?
2020-12-29 Giving One's Tithe to Needy Family Members: What do you think about giving to one's own family members that are in need, over giving to the local church? [I Timothy 5, Matthew 15].
2020-12-09 Tithing Under the New Covenant: Is tithing 10% of your money or of everything (our time, treasure and talent), and are we still supposed to be giving a tithe? [Matthew 23:23, Luke 14:33, I Corinthians 6:20, Matthew 25:14-30].
2020-11-23 Tithing vs Giving: Could you talk to me about the difference between tithing and giving?
2020-08-27 Giving to Animal Care Rather Than a Church: Am I wrong to give money to organizations that care for pets rather than to the church? [2 Peter 3:9].
2020-08-25 Giving to a Political Candidate: Do you think that giving to a political candidate is considered legitimate giving as Jesus directed?
2020-08-14 Tithing-an Old Testament Obligation: Isn't tithing an Old Testament requirement, therefore not really relevant to us today? [Hebrews 7, Matthew 23:23].
2020-06-09 Tithing: Can you tithe as you decide rather than 10%, and can you tithe to other ministries, other than your church?
2020-04-17 Tithing Other Than to One's Local Church: Is it acceptable to tithe to other ministries rather than only to one's own local church?
2020-03-06 Tithing when you are Poor: Does not scripture suggest we should test God by tithing even if we don't have much, and He will supply our needs? [Luke 6:38, Matthew 6:33, I Timonthy 5:8].
Tithing when you are Poor: Can you give money to your poor mother, rather than to the church? [I Timothy 5:8].
2020-03-06 Tithing when you are Poor: Does not scripture suggest we should test God by tithing even if we don't have much, and He will supply our needs? [Luke 6:38, Matthew 6:33, I Timonthy 5:8].
Tithing when you are Poor: Can you give money to your poor mother, rather than to the church? [I Timothy 5:8].
2020-02-21 Best Bible for Study: What do you think is the best Bible for study?
Tithing: Do you have any studies about tithing?
2019-09-17 Tithing-Christian Requirement?: Are Christians today required today to give a tithe to the local church? [Acts 4:32, Matthew 23:23].
2019-08-16 Tithing: Do we need to be tithing in order to receive God's blessing, particularly when we hope to support more ministries than just our local church? [Malachi 3].
2019-08-01 Seniors Tithing: Should seniors still have to pay a tithe if they are tithing from the limited retirement funds of Social Security? [2 Corinthians 9:7].
2019-06-07 Financial Stewardship: Retiring, Saving, Living by Faith, Giving, What to do financially?
2019-06-06 Giving Your Extra Funds: After you pay your bills, how do you save and disburse your extra money? [Matthew 6:19f, Matthew 10: 17-27].
2019-04-12 Tithing: When giving and tithing is difficult, should we expect it to be easier? [Malachi 3:10f, Philippians 4:19, Luke 6:38].
2019-03-22 Tithing: What is our obligation in regard to tithing?
2019-03-07 Tithing: What else would the website, The Narrow Path, have about tithing, besides the posted article? Steve recommends "Toward a Radically Christian Counter-Culture." and his verse-by-verse; [Genesis 14, Malachi 3, Luke 12]. What do you think about a pastor who questions one's salvation if they are not tithing, and suggests that tithing is not a ceremonial law, but a moral law?
2019-01-28 Coffers: Are these 2 passages of scripture talking about the same thing where everyone just put all their money in one pot & people took what they needed? [Acts 4:34, Hebrews 10:34-36, 1 John 3:18]
2019-01-09 Tithing & Giving: Isn't our first responsibility to tithing and giving to be in our own homes?
2018-12-05 Eternal Security: Can you lose your salvation?
Giving to the Narrow Path Ministry: Can I give to your ministry instead of my church?
2018-11-12 Pressured to Tithe at My Church: Churches that demand you pay tithe
2018-08-29 Tithe: How much does God want me to tithe (a very specific situation)?
2018-07-12 Tithing: My husband & I have been being convicted to tithe, wondering how to do it, who to give it to?
2018-07-06 Paying Tithe: Abraham paid tithe to Melchizedek, so tithing is still enforced, is it not? [Hebrews 7, Matthew 23:23]
2018-02-21 Tithing: Is tithing a biblical principle?
Life in Other Parts of the Universe: Is there life in other parts of the universe with which God interacts?
2017-11-29 Wealthy Pastors: Pastors who have a lot of money in their accounts, charging for the ministry.
2017-11-15 Twisted View of First Fruits: About tithing, pastor says we need to give our entire first fruits, our entire pay check, to them.
2017-10-10 Steve's Giving: How & where do you give?
2017-09-18 Tithing: What is your view about tithing, especially when they bring up Malachi 3?
2017-07-21 Wealthy People: You were talking about wealthy atheists giving money the other day, & Warren Buffet, "There are many ways to get to heaven, but this is a good way" after he gave a whole bunch of money. How would you rebut that?
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