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Topic: Genealogy (Ancestry, Lineage)

Showing 1 to 50 of 80.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-06-21 David's Mother: Who was King David's mother?
2024-06-19 "No Jew or Gentile" in Christ: How do Dispensationalists respond to the verse about there no longer being Jews and Gentiles in Christ? [Galatians 3:28-29, Galatians 3:7-9, John 8:37-39, Matthew 3:7-10, Romans 9:7-8, Galatians 4:28, Romans 2].
2024-03-12 Anglo-Israelism: Caller shares her thoughts about the migration of the Israelites to Ireland and so on (Anglo-Iraelites). [Romans 2:5-10].
2024-03-08 Jesus' Genealogy: Why do we say that Jesus came from David's line? Was it because he was Joseph's adopted son? [Luke 3:23, Matthew 1:1-17].
2024-01-18 Moabite Lineage of Ruth & David: Would you comment on Ruth, a Moabite, was not allowed in the assembly, but yet she was in the lineage of Jesus (and David)? Isn’t the word “forever” in there somewhere? David [Deuteronomy 23:3, Psalm 40:6, Deuteronomy 23:3, Matthew 12:3-8].
2024-01-11 Gift of Tongues Caller recommends Justin Peter's YouTube lecture "Clouds without Water."
Son of David-Joseph & Jesus' Genealogy: How do we reconcile Jesus still being the "Son of David," if he is not genealogically linked to David through Joseph? [Matthew 1:2-16, Luke 3:23, Luke 3:31-32].
2024-01-10 Ancestral Line Preceding Jesus: Was everyone in the ancestral line preceding the coming of Jesus, faithful and saved? [Hebrews 11].
2024-01-09 Mary's Blood & Genetics: Did Jesus have Mary's blood (and DNA)?
Original Sin & Immaculate Conception: Doesn't the Bible say that we are all born in sin (original sin)?
2023-12-14 Jewish Descendants: If we are all descendants of Moses, then aren't we all Hebrew? Are the Jews going to be the first to bow to Christ?
2023-09-14 Jesus' Ancestor's Saved: Were all of Jesus' ancestors saved? [Ezekiel 18:24].
Death Sentence for Homosexuals: Why don't we put homosexuals to death as they did in the Old Testament? [1 Corinthians 5:12-13].
2023-07-24 Jesus Calling David "Father": Why did Jesus call David "Father?" [Matthew 1:1].
2023-07-17 Endless Genealogies: What does "endless genealogies" mean? [1 Timothy 1:4].
Baptism & Regeneration: Why don't evangelicals see baptism as part of regeneration?
"Sound of Freedom" Movie (Criticism) What do you think about the criticism of the movie, "Sound of Freedom?"
2023-05-02 Jesus' Genealogy: Why are we given both Joseph and Mary's genealogies, and how does the line of Jospeh relate to Jesus'? [Luke 3, Matthew 1, Jeremiah 22:28-30].
2023-03-08 Book of J (Authorship of Moses' Writings): Caller begins to tell Steve about the "Book of J" which questions the authorship of Moses' writings (AKA Documentary Hypothesis).
Jesus & Mary's DNA: Do you think that Jesus had some of the human DNA of Mary?
2023-01-26 Longevity in Genesis: Were the long lifespans in Genesis, unusual and particuarly for certain exceptional men?
Shut Minds: Are some people so focused on science that they have shut their minds to anything of the Holy Spirit?
2022-12-23 Old Testament's Purpose: What is the purpose of all the long lists and geneaologies in the Old Testament?
2022-11-10 Ashkenazi Jews: Comment; The wrong group is being acknowledged as Jews because the Ashkenazi Jews are not really the Jews to whom promises were made. [Luke 9:31, Romans 4:13, Galatians 3:16, Psalm 2:8, Genesis 10:5, Luke 10:42, Galatians 3:28].
2022-08-17 Rebirth & Reincarnation: If one is born again, should our name be changed? Could I be a reincarnation of King Asa from Jesus' genealogy? [John 3:1-21].
2022-07-12 Many Languages at Tower of Babel: Regarding the descendants of Ham, if everyone came from the same family, why were there so many languages at the Tower of Babel? [Genesis 10, Genesis 11].
2022-06-29 Mary's Lineage: Could you talk about the lineage from David to Mary? [Luke 3].
2022-06-23 Jesus' Genealogy: Could you explain Jesus' genealogy and how it seems like it would be through Mary? [Matthew 1: 1-20, Luke 3:23, Luke 3:31].
2022-05-26 Rachel & Leah's Handmaids: Do you know anything about the handmaids of Rachel and Leah, Bilhah and Zilpah, and who their tribes of origin? [Genesis 35]. (Caller's audio is very hard to hear.)
2022-05-06 Critical Race Theory & Systemic Racism: As a black man, I find "Critical Race Theory" offensive and demeaning. Do you feel differently now than you did during the writing of your books on the Kingdom of God (Empire of the Risen Son)?
Later Generations Having to Pay for Earlier Generation's Sins: Do you think that supporters of "Critical Race Theory" could use Old Testament examples of God making later generations pay for sins of a previous one? [Ezekiel 18, Exodus 20, Exodus 34:7, Deuteronomy 5:9, Numbers 14:18].
2022-04-25 Cain & Abel's Wives: Regarding who, according to the Midrash (Hebrew Talmud literature), did Cain and Abel marry their twin sisters? [Genesis 5:3-4].
2022-02-09 Cain & His Wife: Where did Cain get his wife? [Genesis 4-5].
Land of Nod in Genesis: Where is the land of Nod? [Genesis 4-5].
2022-02-02 "Children of God" in Romans: Could you help me sort out Romans 9? Are the "children of the deed" the same as the "children of God"? [Romans 9:7-10, Galatians 3:16, Romans 9:27, Genesis 21:12, Genesis 25:23].
Roman's 9 & Personal Salvation: Is Romans 9 talking about salvation. It seems like verse 6 is not, but later it is. [Romans 9].
2022-01-28 The Perpetual Virgin Mary: Was Mary's other children actually step brothers of Jesus, and likely Joseph's sons, not Mary's? [I Corinthians 7:34, Hebrews 13:4].
2022-01-06 Cain's Descendant's Self-Defense Killing: Would comment on the passage about descendants of Cain's and Lamech's killing of a man in self-defense? [Genesis 4:23f].
Ezekiel's Temple & New Jerusalem: Is the New Jerusalem a real physical place or is it symbolic? [Ezekiel 40-48, Ezekiel 43:11].
2021-10-26 Genealogies in Exodus: Could you help me understand the time that has spanned in the account of the genealogies in this passage and if it would affect the period of The Exodus? [Exodus 6:16-20, Genesis 12].
2021-10-26 The Variety of Skin Colors: How do we get all our skin colors and nationalities?
2021-10-18 Joseph-Biological Father of Jesus: Have you considered the possibility that Joseph was the biological father of Jesus?
Bible Contradictions: What about unbelievers who think that the Bible is full of contradictions?
Trinitarian Verses That Don't Belong in Scripture: Didn't you say that these Trinitarian verses didn't belong in scripture? [I John 5:7].
2021-10-14 Solomon's Children: Could you explain how the children of Solomon all fit into the timeline? [I Chronicles 3:15, 2 Samuel 12:18, 2 Samuel 12:24, I Kings 2:16].
2021-10-11 Singer-Songwriter Don Francisco: Do you know the singer-songwriter Don Francisco and if he is doing anything now?
Lost Tribes of Israel: Do you know anything about the Lost Tribes of Israel (Black Hebrew Israelites)? [Genesis 10, Lamentations 5:10, Song of Solomon 1:6].
Jewish (Israelite) Tribal Identity: When did the Jewish (Israelite) tribes get lost?
2021-09-27 Age of the Earth: Do you know for a fact that the earth is 6,000 years old and where that is in the Bible? [Genesis 5, Genesis 11].
The Two Witnesses: Could you talk about your understanding of the "two witnesses" as the church? [Revelation 11, 2 Corinthians 13:1].
2021-09-03 Discrempencies in Jesus' Genealogies: Can you please help me with these discrempencies of the genealogies of Jesus? [Matthew 1. Luke 3]
2021-07-14 Jesus' Father is Tiberius Caesar: What do you think about the theory that Tiberius Caesar, a Roman, could be the father of Jesus?
Unpardonable Sin or "Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit": Is the "unpardonable sin" something from which one cannot repent? [Matthew 12:31].
2021-06-03 Family Tree: Is there a commentary that has the family ancestral tree from Adam to Joseph specified? [Genesis 5, 11].
2021-01-21 Lineage of Christ Via Birthright: Is there any verse that says that the lineage of Christ would come through a birthright? [Genesis 49:10, 2 Samuel 8:14].
Significance of the Birthright: Is there any more significance to the "birthright" in the Old Testament, other than just taking over the family estate? [Genesis 25:25].
Jacob & Esau Produce the Messiah: Why do we assume that the offspring of Jacob & Esau would produce the Messiah?
2021-01-21 Lineage of Christ Via Birthright: Is there any verse that says that the lineage of Christ would come through a birthright? [Genesis 49:10, 2 Samuel 8:14].
Significance of the Birthright: Is there any more significance to the "birthright" in the Old Testament, other than just taking over the family estate? [Genesis 25:25].
Jacob & Esau Produce the Messiah: Why do we assume that the offspring of Jacob & Esau would produce the Messiah?
2021-01-07 Tracing Blood Lines: Do you have any resources for tracing ancient bloodlines that trace to modern times?
2020-11-19 Cain's Father: Who was Cain's father-as it can't be Adam. [Genesis 5, Genesis 4:1].
2020-10-30 Caller compliments Steve: Caller compliments Steve on his stellar ministry noting him as the best contextual teacher.
Pro-Choice: What do you think of the slogan, "Pro-Choice is Pro-Death".
Age of the Earth & Evolution: Could you talk about your views of the age of the earth and evolution, etc.?
2020-09-08 Confessing Sins of One's Ancestors: In Nehemiah, it appears that God's people confessed the sins of their ancestors, so how would that apply to us today, and concerns like "Black Lives Matters"? [Nehemiah 9:3, Exodus 20].
2020-09-01 Who is Melchizedek?: What was Melchizedek's purpose and background? Was he related to Noah? [Genesis 14, Psalm 110:4, Hebrews 7:1-10, John 8:56].
2020-07-02 Geneaology of Jesus: Could you help me understand the geneaology of Jesus that seems to be traced through Joseph? [Matthew 1:1-17, Luke 3:23-38].
2020-05-28 Caller Attempting to Disprove Christianity: A non-believer presents his postulates about the necessity of proving ones' genealogy from David without such the fallacy of Christianity would be proven. An discussion ensues about what makes him hesitant to follow Jesus. [Matthew 1:1].
Comment on Coronavirus/ COVID-19; Non-believing caller comments on the Coronavirus/ COVID-19 pandemic:
2020-05-21 Kingly Line of Jesus (Jaconiah): Why is Jaconiah (Coniah) included in the genealogy in Matthew, when he wascursed in Jeremiah, which excluded him from being in the kingly line ? [Matthew 1:12, Jeremiah 22:30, Luke 3].
2020-04-29 The Value of Reading the Bible's Genealogies: As a new reader to the Bible, is it really necessary to read the laborious genealogies? [Genesis 37].
2020-04-17 Son of David: What does "Son of David" mean? [Matthew 1:1].
2020-03-26 Moses' Parent's Genealogy: Why doesn't aren't Moses' parents not named the Bible?
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