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Topic: Greek

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-05-17 Stoicism & Epicurians: Who were the Greek Stoic and Epicurean philosophers? [Acts 17:18, Acts 17:21].
2024-05-02 Greek Manuscripts of the Bible: What do you know about the various types of manuscripts used for the Bible?
2024-04-18 The Manuscripts (of the Bible): Could you help me better understand the various manuscripts for the Bible?
2024-04-03 Ask, Seek, Knock & Come, Take, Learn: Should we apply the ongoing nature implied by the tense of the Greek verb found in "asking, seeking, knock" to a later reference on the directive to keep on "coming, taking, learning?" [Matthew 7:7, Matthew 11:28].
2024-03-18 "Righteous" Appropriated (Calvinism): Caller attempts to support his Calvinist views with scripture. [Romans 3:21-22, 1 Thessalonians 3:2, Romans 10:17, Isaiah 6, Matthew 13:15, Isaiah 64:6, Isaiah 29:13, Ezekiel 33:31, Jeremiah 17:9-10, Genesis 6:5].
2024-03-12 Faith "in" or "of" Jesus: What do you think about the different translation of the words "in" and "of" Jesus in Galatians? [Galatians 2:16, Galatians 2:20, Luke 17:5, Mark 9:24].
2024-03-08 Interlinear Online Bible: Caller shares that there is an online Interlinear Bible available through app stores.
"Taking" Away the Sins of the World: Because "taking" is in the present tense, [John 1:29-32, 1 Peter 2:24, Matthew 1:21].
2024-03-08 Discrepancy in Years in Texts: Which number of years is correct in these verses? [1 Kings 6:1, 1 Kings 4:26-28, 2 Chronicles 9:25].
Latin Vulgate: Do you think that the Latin Vulgate is a better manuscript?
2024-02-22 Languages in the New Testament: How do I find out if the book of Mathew was written in Hebrew, rather than Greek, like the rest of the New Testament?
2024-02-08 The Greek Tense, "Diposed to" & Election (Predestination): Caller disagrees with Steve's view of Acts 1 regarding the tense of the Greek word in relationship to being "disposed to" and "ordained" for election (or predestination). [Acts 13:48, 1 Corinthians 16:15, Acts 13:46, 2 Thessalonians 2:13].
2024-02-08 "Disposed to" & Election: Caller comments about the context of Acts 13, and its relationship to "disposed to election."
Finding Fellowship: How do we, as homeschoolers, find fellowship and how flexible should we be on denominational differences like Dispensationalism and Calvinism?
2024-01-22 "In Your Midst": Would you explain why the common translation (and understanding) is often incorrect for "in your midst" when it is said to mean "inside of you"? [Luke 17:21].
2023-12-13 "Baptism" (Word Meaning): Does the word for "baptism" in the Greek actually mean "pickling?"
2023-10-10 Sabbath Week: Why does the Greek scripture refer to the one Sabbath (the first day of the week)? [Matthew 28:1, Acts 26].
2023-09-27 Baptism "For" the Remission of Sins: Regarding baptism, could the word "for" (eis) be interpreted as "because" of "remission of sins?" [Acts 2:38, 1 Peter 3:21].
2023-08-03 Walking "in" the Spirit: Why do you think that walk "by" the Spirit might be better than "in" the Spirit? [Galatians 5:16].
Translators: Do you think that translators sometimes copy one another when the Greek or Hebrew does not designate which preposition was intended?
2023-07-31 David Hocking & Proving the Pre-trib Rapture: Regarding David Hocking and the "Pre-trib Rapture" and vacillating between the Greek and Hebrew translations to support his view, how legitimate is his thinking? Rec: Topical Lecture series; "When Shall These Things Be?," three lectures about the rapture proving and disproving the Pre-trib rapture. [Revelation 3:10, 1 Thessalonians 5:9].
2023-07-03 "Antichrist" vs "The Antichrist:" Could you explain why some of the translations say just "antichrist" and others says "the antichrist?" [1 John 2:18].
"The Last Hour": Does "the last hour" refer to A.D.70? [1 John 2:18].
2023-06-22 Aramaic Bible (Peshitta): Why doesn't the western church use the Aramaic Bible (the Peshitta)?
Communal Early Believers: Why do we not have a communal church like they did in the Early Church? [Luke 14, 33, Acts 2:44, Acts 4:32-35, Matthew 19:21].
2023-06-21 Syntax (Word Order) in Greek & Hebrew Languages: Could you review the syntax (word order) of the Greek & Hebrew languages?
2023-06-01 The word "Eternity" (Olam, Aionios): Could you talk about the biblical words for "Eternal" and its application to hell? [Genesis 17, Leviticus 23, Jonah 2:6].
2023-05-30 Translations from Greek: Why don't the translators work for the language of the Jews, rather than Greek?
2023-05-26 God's Omnipresence: If some will be shut out and away from the presence of the Lord, how then can God be omnipresent? [2 Thessalonians 1:8-9, Acts 3:19, 2 Thessalonians 2:8].
Added Words to Bible Manuscripts: Where can I get a Bible that doesn't add words that are not there in the Greek? Rec: Greek or Hebrew Interlinear.
2023-05-11 Greek for "Everlasting" & "Punishment": Caller challenges Steve's explanation of the Greek meanings of the words, "everlasting" and "punishment?" [Matthew 25:46].
2023-05-02 Pauses & Breaks in Early Manuscripts: Where would one go to see the original breaks in the original Greek manuscripts?
2023-04-06 Greek Mythology & Tartarus: What about the parallels between Greek mythology and the word, "Tartarus" in the New Testament? [2 Peter 2:4].
2022-12-20 Amillennial vs Dispensational: Is Amillennialism, by definition, not Dispensational?
Theologian, Spiros Zodhiates What do you know of the work of Spiros Zodhiates?
Charismatic vs Cessationist (Filling of the Holy Spirit): Can you clarify the definition of "Charismatics" and if it involves a "second work of grace?" Recommended topical lectures; "Charisma and Character." [Acts 8-9, Acts 19, Acts 1:5, Acts 2:4, John 20:22, Ephesians 1:13, Ephesians 5:18].
2022-11-03 The Word "Logos": Could you expand on John's use of the Greek word "logos" and if there are other words that could have been used? [John 1:1, Genesis 1, Psalm 33:6, John 1:4, John 1:9, Hebrews 1:1-3].
2022-10-24 Speaking Gifts: Do you think that all the gifts are "speaking gifts" in some way? [Acts 6, I Corinthians 12].
Greek vs Hebrew Jews: What was the difference between the "Helenistic" (Greek) Jews and the Hebrew (Palestinian) Jews?
2022-05-20 Atheist: God Has More than One Son: Atheist caller; How is it that God has more than one son? [John 3:16, Genesis 6:2, John 1:12, I John 3:2].
Atheist; Nephilm: Atheist: Who were the "Nephilim"? [Genesis 6:4, Numbers 13:33].
Atheist: Ancient Languages Atheist; Should we not be learning ancient Greek and Hebrew and Aramaic?
2022-05-13 Greek Word for "Sexual Immorality": Could you explain the word "pornos", and why it isn't used for prostitution? And what about the word for "adultery-moichaó"? [I Corinthians 5:11, Hosea 2:12].
2022-05-12 Pruning, Correction & Punishment: Regarding the Greek word, "colossi", could you clarify its meaning (pruning, correction, punishment) in Matthew 25? [Matthew 25:46, Matthew 10:29].
2022-05-12 Where Two or Three Are: Doesn't the verse say, "where there are two or more", rather than "two or three"? [Matthew 18:20].
ALterante Names for the Same Person: Why is "Noah", called "Noe", "Judah", called "Judas", and "Jeremiah", called "Jeremy" in scripture? [Matthew 27:9].
2022-02-24 Gene & Melissa Scott: What do you think of Melissa Scott (Gene Scott's wife)?
Greek & Hebrew Scholars: Who would you recommend that teaches from the Greek and Hebrew translations?
The New Covenant's Teachings: Where would you find what needs to be kept in the New Covenant? Recommendation; verse-by-verse lectures.
2021-12-16 The Bishops' Bible: Could you enlighten me about the different word order in John 1, used in The Bishops' Bible? [John 1:1].
2021-12-15 Jehovah Witnesses & the Words; "Lord" & "Jehovah": Jehovah Witnesses claim that the word "Jehovah" in the New Testament was replaced with the word "Lord"?
2021-10-29 History, Authorship & Origins of the Torah: What do you think about the differing opinions of the history, authorship and origins of the Torah?
Masoretic Text or Septuagint: Is the Masoretic Text or Septuagint more reliable?
2021-10-01 Bible Study with Greek and Hebrew: Do you think that we should take some interest in Greek and Hebrew when studying the Bible?
2021-09-17 Greek in Hebrew: Why do preachers so often refer to the Greek rather than the Hebrew?
2021-08-31 Women Submitting & Greek Language: Could you clarify the meaning of the passage about women submitting themselves, particularly in light of the grammar and the Greek? [Ephesians 5:18-22].
2021-03-12 Jesus' Name: What exactly was Jesus' name, in what language, and how was it pronounced in His day (Iesous Iesvs Iesum, Iesos)?
2021-02-12 Paul "Under the Law": How does Paul become "as those under the law" when he is with them, clarifying the meaning of the Greek word being "in" rather than "under"? [I Corinthians 9:19-23, Acts 19].
2020-12-21 Jesus the Beginning of Creation: Could you help me understand the meaning of the Greek word for "beginning" in this verse about Jesus being the "beginning of creation" in Revelation? [Revelation 3:14, John 1:1-3, Colossians 1:15-16].
Biblical Writers Use of Words & Language: Do you look at the way the Biblical authors use certain words in your study?
2020-12-21 Jesus the Beginning of Creation: Could you help me understand the meaning of the Greek word for "beginning" in this verse about Jesus being the "beginning of creation" in Revelation? [Revelation 3:14, John 1:1-3, Colossians 1:15-16].
Biblical Writers Use of Words & Language: Do you look at the way the Biblical authors use certain words in your study?
2020-11-20 Bible That Doesn't Translate all the Greek Words for Hell: Is there a Bible translation that actually uses the proper Greek words, like Tartarus and Gehenna, instead of "hell" for all them?
Image of Fire & Torture in Hell: Whenever we hear the word hell, we all envision torture in a fire, why is that? [Revelation 20:15, Revelation 10, Matthew 25:41]
God Didn't Translate His Word Very Well: Is there a case to be made that God didn't do a very good job of translating His word and getting His message across to us? [Psalm 92:15].
2020-11-19 Promises to Unbelievers: Are the promises to unbelievers the same now as it was in the Old Testament days?
No Eternal Hell, Then No Eternal Life If we don't understand the word for "eternal" in regard to hell, then can we still understand the idea of the after life as being eternal? [Matthew 25:46].
2020-11-11 Support for the Greeks in the New Testament: Since the Philistines were Greeks and constantly attacking Israel, why does the New Testament seem to support the Greeks? [Jeremiah 47:4].
The Greek Language of the New Testament: Why was the New Testament written in Greek instead of Latin? Was that prophesied?
2020-11-11 Support for the Greeks in the New Testament: Since the Philistines were Greeks and constantly attacking Israel, why does the New Testament seem to support the Greeks? [Jeremiah 47:4].
The Greek Language of the New Testament: Why was the New Testament written in Greek instead of Latin? Was that prophesied?
2020-11-11 Greek Rule in Bible Times: Comment about the Greek rule in Biblical days.
Revelation & New Age: Caller comments on the harlot in Revelation its relationship to the New Age Movement. [Revelation 17:6-8].
2020-10-27 All Scripture is Inspired: What does the verse about scripture actually say in the Greek? [2 Timothy 3:16].
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