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Topic: Guilt (Remorse)

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-05-27 Remorse Over Sin: Does one have to feel very badly about their past sins and feel deep remorse to be forgiven?
2024-05-24 Judas' Guilt & Remorse: Since you said that those who deliberately sin are not saved, couldn't Judas' sorrow and suicide be a sign of repentance?
2024-05-14 "Infirmity" Defined: Can you explain the meaning of "infirmity" in Psalm 77? What was Asaph going through? Is this something one is guilty of? [Psalm 77:10].
2024-04-12 David's Grief & Guilt: How does grief apply in Psalm 31? What is David saying? [Isaiah 53:4-6, Psalm 31:9-10, Matthew 8:17, John 9:41].
2024-04-08 Loved & Forgiven but Punished: Would you elaborate on the seeming contradiction between God forgiving the guilty, yet still punishing them? [Exodus 34:6-7].
2024-04-04 The Damnation of Unconfessed (or Unrepentance) Sin: What happens if we die with an unconfessed sin or two (in light of 1 John 1:90? [1 John 1:9, James 3:2, Mark 9:24].
2024-01-24 Confession of Infidelity: Should my friend tell his wife of his infidelity if it is in the past and from some years before?
2023-12-18 Attacked by Negative Thoughts: What should you do when you are attacked by negative thoughts, guilt, and regrets?
2023-10-31 Grief & Guilt: Does the word "grief" in Hebrew also mean "guilt?" And does the word for "sorrows" also mean "sin?" [Isaiah 53:4-6, Isaiah 1:5-6, Isaiah 3:7, 1 Peter 2:23-25]?
2023-10-25 Subservient God: Atheist caller: Is God subservient to anyone? How is it that Jesus, fully God and fully human, could do anything apart from God or have a different will? [1 Corinthians 11:3, Colossians 2:9, John 14:28].
Jesus Feeling Guilt or Remorse: Atheist caller: Do you think that Jesus ever felt guilt or remorse?
2023-09-21 Regrets in Heaven: Will there be regrets in heaven? [Revelation 21:4].
2023-05-29 Taking a Plea Bargain: When you got that call about the guy who did not want to take a plea bargain; what about the verse about quickly agreeing with your adversary? [Matthew 5:25, Matthew 5:40].
2023-04-20 Pleading Guilty in Court of Law: What are the ramifications of pleading guilty if you are not guilty in order to take a plea deal? Is there scripture about this and does it effect one's salvation? [Acts 22:30-26, Joshua 2].
2023-01-20 Book of Jasher: Is it possible that the "Book of Jasher" is inspired?
Confessing to One Another: Is it a requirement for us to confess our sins to one another? [James 5:16, Matthew 5:23].
2022-12-07 The Holy Spirit: Could you talk about the Holy Spirit? Is it the Spirit of Jesus or God, or does it matter? [Romans 8:9].
The Holy Spirit & the Conscience: What is the difference between the Holy Spirit and one's conscience? {Romans 8:16].
2022-10-04 Satan's Making of Hell: Have you ever heard the doctrine that Satan and the other fallen angels actually created hell? [Matthew 25:41, Revelation 20:10].
Demons Clairvoyant: Is Satan and his demons clairvoyant or psychic-or possibly omniscient?
Feeling Condemned: Satan and his demons love to make us feel condemned and guilty, right? [I John 3:20-21].
2022-09-26 Free Will & Sinlessness: Does humankind actually have free-will and the ability not to sin? since Adam & Eve, It seems not to be so.
2022-08-30 Age of Accountability: Would you comment on an experience I had as a child when I knowingly did something wrong.[Isaiah 7:16].
2022-08-10 Thorn in the Flesh: Could it be that the "thorn in the flesh" was his trying to come to terms with his own past sin? [I Corinthians 12, I Timothy 1:15, I Corinthians 10:12].
2022-03-04 Jesus' Legal Proceedings & Evidence of His Resurrection: Considering the Jews who remarked that Pilate should not let Jesus go at His trial, how does that parallel to the idea that we must find evidence to substantiate Jesus' resurrection? [John 19:12, I Corinthians 15:6].
2022-01-31 Forgiveness for Abortion: Because I funded two abortions in the past, I struggle with guilt. Will I be held accountable for my choice? [I John 1:9-11, Acts 13:39]
2021-08-26 Equal Punishment for all Unsaved: Regarding two unsaved men who lived very different lives, is their punishment going to be the same? Recommended topical lecture; "Three Views of Hell" or book by Steve on Hell. [Revelation 20:15, Luke 12:27-28, Ezekiel 18:19-20, Matthew 10:15].
2021-07-27 Bad Dreams: Caller shares her way of fighting off bad dreams by depending on God's word.
2021-06-30 Suffering for Past Sins: Could I be suffering for a past sin that took place before I became a believer?
2021-05-14 The Human Conscience: What is the conscience? Is it a moral code ingrained in us from God? [Hebrews 5:14].
Common Sense & Literal Interpretation: Does it not seem like common sense to take things literally, unless something can't be taken literally, as with the millennium? [Revelation 20, Psalm 90:4, Psalm 50:10, Deuteronomy 7:9, 2 Peter 3:8].
2021-05-12 Humans Created to be Unable to Sin Could God have created us unable to sin, and yet still given free-will?
2021-03-17 Not Doing Enough for God: As a relatively new believer, I am struggling with self-condemnation regarding how much I am doing as a Christian. What do you advise? [John 3:17, I John 3:21].
2021-03-12 Guilty or Not Guilty Can you help me understand the idea that we are often said to be guilty of sin, and yet we have been justified as believers, therefore not really guilty?
2021-02-26 Does God Love Me Enough: Caller having suffered terrible abuse in marriages, that resulted divorces, asks, Does God love me enough, and I am forgiven? [I John 1:7].
Unforgiving Children and Other Christians: How do you deal with unforgiving Christians, and even your own children?
2021-01-22 Original Sin, Mary & Jesus' Sinlessness: If the doctrine of "original sin" is true, how could Jesus have been born sinless because Mary would've also tainted with sin? [Psalm 51:5, Psalm 27:10, Romans 5:12].
Babies Born Guilty: Are babies born guilty of sin? [Ezekiel 18:10].
2020-11-16 Struggling with Sin: Since I am struggling with sin, I am wondering how God feels about our failures? [I John 2:1, I John 1:9, James 3:2, Matthew 26:41].
2020-10-02 Suffering Guilt, Temptation, and Failure to Follow Christ in Reality: Could you help me understand the concept of "dying to myself & Christ living in me" when I don't really do or obey as I should. [Galatians 2:20].
2020-08-31 Confession of Sins & a Pure Heart: Could you talk about our confession of sins in order to keep a pure heart? [James 5:16, I John 1:9].
Pure Heart for Communion: What about having a pure heart in order to take communion, because we sin so often? [I Corinthians 10:31, I John 2:1].
Masturbation: What about masturbation? [I Thessalonians 4:3, I John 2:16, John 15:13, Matthew 26:41, Psalm 103:1-14].
2020-08-14 Scripture Fulfilled in Christ: Do you have any lectures or documents available on your site about the Old Testament prophecies that were fulfilled in Christ?
Guilt in Scripture: What does scripture teach about guilt? [Romans 1:28, I John 1:7-9].
2020-06-29 Anxiety & Guilt: Could you help me out with my anxiety and guilt, following quite an accusatory sermon? [I John 2:4, Proverbs 28:1].
2020-06-26 Guilt and Past Sin: Caller comments for the sake of those struggling with guilt over past sin.
Animals Vegetarian Initially: Do you think that Genesis indicates that initially animals did not eat one another? [Genesis 1:30].
2020-06-22 Telephone Lines at The Narrow Path: How many lines do you have coming in?
Wisdom About Giving to Charities: I am bothered by how much I am giving out of my social security check. Can you give me words of wisdom in this regard?
2020-06-10 Claiming Lower Price on Car: Do you think it would be wrong to claim a sales price lower in a private sale of a car in order to pay less taxes to the state?
2020-04-09 Feeling Guilty Though Repentant: What do you say to a believer who has repented, but struggles with guilt about their past sins?
2020-04-07 Desertion & Guilt, Remarriage: Could you help me sort through my guilt that may have added to my faithless ex-wife? [Romans 8:1].
2020-02-17 Suicide and Guilt: I am considering suicide because of guilt. I am not sure what to do? [I John 1:9, Romans 8, I John 3].
2020-02-17 Guilt Over Our Past: Both my girlfriend and I suffer some guilt over our past relationships, can you advise and share some resources to help us? [I John 1:9].
2020-02-05 Condemnation of the Heart: Should my heart be condemning me? Is there a difference between being convicted and being condemned [I John 2:1, 1:9, 3:20f, Hebrew 9:13-14].
2019-05-15 Original Sin & Depravity: Are we all sinners because of Adam's sin, or do we just die because of our own sin? [Romans 5:12, Psa 51:5].
2019-03-06 Original Sin: Is a child born with the sin of Adam already upon him (Doctrine of Original Sin)?
2018-12-28 Guilt & Remorse: A friend thinks he ruined his life by the choices he had made & now has remorse & guilt but doesn't know what to do about it.
2018-07-18 Baby considered a Sinner: Why are we considered sinners as soon as we are born, even before we have a chance to sin?
Bible Study Tools: Do you have any recommendations for tools to study the Bible, like a good Interlinear Bible that you use? A lexicon?
2018-07-10 Adam & Eve's Naked Conscience: Why is this verse here, Adam & Eve being ashamed of their nakedness as a result of the Fall?
2018-06-22 Mind after the Fall & Mind After the Resurrection: What happened to Adam & Eve w/ their mind after the Fall, & what kind of mind will we have at the resurrection?
2018-06-15 Proof of Pre-existence: Does this supposedly talk about our pre-existence because the disciples thought he supposedly could've sinned himself to cause his blindness? [John 9]
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