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Topic: Celebrate (Celebrations)

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-05-29 Happy Birthday: Amalia calls to say "happy birthday" to Steve.
2024-03-13 Attending a Gay Wedding: Should Christians attend a gay wedding?
2023-10-02 Holiday Celebrations: Should Christians participate in Holiday celebrations, since they are associated with Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, etc.?
2023-03-21 Birthday Celebrations: What do you think about celebrating birthdays? Is it pagan?
2023-03-14 Lent (Easter): Would you educate me on the traditions of Lent? [Romans 14:5-6].
2022-12-19 Celebrating Christmas: Would you talk about Christians celebrating Christmas? [Colossians 2:16-17, Hebrews 8:13, Galatians 4:10, Galatians 5:4].
Christians Need Not Become Jewish: At the "Jerusalem Council" [Acts15, 1 Corinthians 9:21, Luke 9:35, Mark 9:7].
2022-12-15 Lying about Santa Claus at Christmas: Doesn't Proverbs suggest that we should not be lying about Santa Claus at Christmas? [Proverbs 6].
2022-12-14 Christmas-Jesus' Birth & the Tree: Was Jesus actually born on Christmas? What what about the Christmas tree? [Luke 3:23, Jeremiah 10:3-4].
The Wise Men & Astrology: What about the "wise men" and their use of the stars, or astrology, to find Jesus? [Micah 5:2].
2022-10-25 Halloween: How do I explain to a young child the way people decorate for Halloween with scary things like skeletons?
2022-10-24 Black History Month: Should institutional churches be celebrating "Black History Month" or is this getting caught up with the "wokism" (woke-ism) of the day?
2022-10-24 Black History Month: Caller disagrees with Steve about "Black History Month"- and thinks that everyone should be free to celebrate their race and culture.
2022-04-08 Homosexual New Baby Celebration: Is it acceptable for a Christian to go over to celebrate a new baby in a Lesbian relationship? [Luke 10:25-37].
2022-04-08 Lesbian Wedding: Father of a lesbian daughter calls to disagree about attending a homosexual wedding.
2021-12-21 Christmas-and Other Pagan Holidays: Why do Christians celebrate pagan holidays? [2 Corinthians 3:17, Romans 14:5].
2021-12-13 Jehovah Witnesses Restrictions: Could you comment on the Jehovah Witness beliefs about not celebrating holidays, having blood transfusions, and flying a American flag? [Romans 14:5, Acts 15:29].
2021-11-10 Christian Calendar: When did the Christian calendar begin (as opposed to Muslim calendar), and what are the ramifications of it being incorrect?
2021-09-10 Halloween: I am torn about my conviction to not celebrate Halloween, even though our church has a big event for it. What do you think? [Romans 14:5].
2020-12-22 Holidays: Is it a sin to celebrate holidays?
Casting Out Demons: Is it true that you have to cast out demons if you are a pastor?
2020-12-15 Celebrate Christian Holidays & Celebrate Pentecost: Why don't we celebrate Pentecost?
2020-12-11 Celebrating Hanukkah: Should Christians be celebrating the same holidays as Jesus did, like Hanukkah? [John 10:22].
2020-12-07 Pagan Christmas and Christmas Trees: Is Christmas pagan and scripture referring to Christmas trees in Jeremiah? [Jeremiah 10:1-5, Isaiah 44:15-17, Isaiah 46:6].
2020-11-06 Christmas: Caller questions the veracity of those worried about the date of Christmas as Christ's birthday. [I Samuel 15:22].
2020-10-30 Democrats Support Abortiom: Did you say that all Democrats support abortion?
Holiday Celebrations: Did you say that you don't support celebrating holidays?
2019-12-04 Christmas Celebration Caller comments on when to celebrate Christmas and suggests that celebrating tends to reflect doubt. [Romans 14:5].
2019-10-16 Halloween & Stumbling Others: If someone is stumbled by my attending a Harvest Festival in lieu of a Halloween event, is it an example of one being weaker in the faith? [Romans 14].
2019-07-18 Celebrating Christmas, Easter & Halloween: Do you celebrate Christmas & Easter & Halloween?
2019-01-10 Feast of Tabernacles Today: Where does that idea come from that we have to keep the feast of tabernacles or we are going to be severely cursed by God?
2018-12-26 Christmas: Should Christians celebrate Christmas?
2018-12-21 Christmas: (Weird Statements) How did the first Christmas come into being, & what do you suppose it was like?
2018-10-31 Celebrating Halloween: Christians celebrating Halloween, we absolutely shouldn't do it!
2018-06-18 Church Classes at a Different RCC: My Girlfriend is trying to become a Catholic like I am, but she's taking the classes at a different church than she plans on being baptized at. Is that okay?
God Demands Justice: How do I explain that God does justice, but still loves people, both in the Old Testament & the New Testament?
2018-03-26 Pagan Holidays: God was getting really upset w/ a king for doing this idolatry stuff yet claiming to be following God, so how is that different than us celebrating pagan days such as Christmas & Easter?
2018-02-23 Celebrating Easter and Christmas: Is it true that you feel Easter and Christmas is just another day and not special?
2018-02-22 Lent: Can you explain Lent?
2017-12-22 Christmas: Christians celebrating Christmas & glorifying Santa instead of Christ.
2017-12-21 Narrow Path on the Air: How long has Steve been on the air? what is the audience numbers like?
Christmas over Easter: Why do we celebrate Christmas more than Easter?
2017-12-19 Celebrating Halloween & other Pagan Holidays: What about Christians taking pagan holidays & turning them toward Christ, holidays such as Halloween & Christmas?
Good Teachers: Did you say we don't need Teachers?
Birth Control: A discussion about Birth Control ensues.
2017-11-06 Not Celebrating the Holidays: I don't think we should celebrate Holidays because of pagan roots & it comprises the faith, so I don't celebrate them.
The Christmas Tree: Jeremiah seems to be talking about the Christmas tree & idol worship, don't you think? [Jeremiah 10:2-5]
2017-11-01 Celebrating Christmas: Should Christians be celebrating Christmas? [Jeremiah 10:2-5]
Missing Books of the Bible: Are there books not in the Bible that should be?
2017-10-19 Celebrating Halloween: I'm doing alternatives for Halloween.
2017-09-12 Halloween: What is your view of Halloween?
2017-05-15 Celebrating Mother's Day: Is celebrating Mother's day in church a little bit insensitive since there are some women who can't have children?
2017-03-31 Sabbath, Other Holy Days & Torah Observance: Jesus broke the Sabbath? He was only breaking the "pharisaic" laws, according to the caller & other discussion about the Torah. (Long, long discussion.)
2017-03-30 A Torah Debate: A debate about torah observance for the last half hour of the show.
2017-02-23 Lent: Where did Lent come from?
2016-12-13 Celebrating Christmas & Easter: We shouldn't just celebrate those 2 days, we should do it all the year long!
2016-11-21 Celebrating Holidays: Why is it that we celebrate Christmas & Easter since Jesus wouldn't?
2016-08-02 Easter, a Pagan Institution adopted by Christianity: Caller is wondering how Easter became a Christian thing when it only has pagan origins. [Acts 12:4]
2015-12-09 encouragement about guilt over a murder-suicide: I just wanted to call & encourage the man who had a guilty conscience about a murder-suicide his father committed.
Celebrating Christmas: comments about a previous caller about not celebrating Christmas.
2015-12-08 Hebrews Roots & Christians: Just because someone calls themselves a Christian does not mean they are a Christian.
Christmas & Easter: How come you never say celebrating Christmas & Easter is a false religion? [Jeremiah 10:1-5]
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